Papers by Jad Ramadhan Setiady

Laporan penelitian mata kuliah TTKI, 2018
Penelitian yang berjudul Pandangan Publik Mengenai Seni Grotesko ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keresa... more Penelitian yang berjudul Pandangan Publik Mengenai Seni Grotesko ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keresahan di masyarakat dimana masih sedikit orang yang paham dan mengerti arti dari seni gortesko sehingga penulis termotivasi untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Peneitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih jelas mengenai wujud,bentuk dan rupa dari seni gortesko. Masalah utama penelitian ini adalah kurangnya pemahaman dan pengetahuan akan seni grotesko. Data diperoleh dari kajian literatur dan survey kuesioner di lapangan.Data tentang opini dan pendapat masnyarakat umum terhadap seni grotesko tersebut kemudian dianalisis/dibandingkan/diklasifikasikan. Dari hasil analisis penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat belum memahami seni grotesko
Kata kunci : Seni, Grotesko, publik, menjijikan, aneh
The research is entitled Public View of Art Grotesque is motivated by worry in a society where there are still few people who know and understand the meaning of grotesque art that the writer is motivated to do this research. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the form, shape, and appearance of grotesque art. The main problem of this research is the lack of understanding and knowledge of grotesque art. The data obtained from the literature study and questionnaire survey. The data about ideas and opinions of the common society of grotesque art were analyzed/compared/classified. From the results of this research, analysis can be concluded that the majority of people do not understand the art of grotesque
Keywords: Art, Grotesque, public, unpleasant, weird

Makalah Studium Generale Semester II - 2019-2020, 2020
Makalah yang berjudul ”Hubungan dan Dorongan Psikologis yang Mempengaruhi Rasionalitas Berpikir D... more Makalah yang berjudul ”Hubungan dan Dorongan Psikologis yang Mempengaruhi Rasionalitas Berpikir Dalam Konteks Perilaku Oportunistik Koruptor” ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keresahan di masyarakat dimana masih sedikit orang yang paham dan mengerti dampak dari korupsi sehingga penulis termotivasi untuk menulis makalah ini. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih jelas mengenai hubungan antara psikologis dengan proses berpikir dalam pengambilan keputusan. Data diperoleh dari kajian literatur dan situs resmi lembaga anti rasuah (KPK). Data tentang tersebut kemudian dianalisis. Dari hasil analisis tersebut ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tindakan korupsi tidak dapat dipisahkan antara proses berpikir rasional dan pengaruh psikologis yang terjadi. Dimana diantaranya; sifat oportunistik, bias kognitif, serta narasi rasionalisasi yang membuat korupsi dapat diterima, menjadi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan.
Kata kunci: Korupsi, Psikologis, Abstrak
The paper entitled "Relationships and Psychological Encouragement that Influences the Rationality of Thinking in the Context of the Opportunistic Behavior of Corruptors" is motivated by anxiety in a society where only a few people understand and understand the impact of corruption so that the writer is motivated to write this paper. This paper aims to provide a clearer understanding of the relationship between psychological and thought processes in decision making. Data were obtained from a literature review and the official website of the anti-rasuah institute (KPK). The data is then analyzed. The results of this analysis, can be concluded that acts of corruption cannot be separated between rational thought processes and psychological effects that occur. Where include; opportunistic traits, cognitive biases, and narratives of rationalization that make corruption acceptable, are factors that influence decision making.
Keywords: Corruption, Psychological, Abstract
Hasil evaluasi tugas mata kuliah praktika seni rupa
Makalah pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam mengenai pentingnya menghormati kedua orang tua
Mak... more Makalah pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam mengenai pentingnya menghormati kedua orang tua
Makalah ini saya buat ketika masih SMA
Makalah materi seputar wilayah NKRI
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Teaching Documents by Jad Ramadhan Setiady
Makalah pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam mengenai pentingnya menghormati kedua orang tua
Mak... more Makalah pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam mengenai pentingnya menghormati kedua orang tua
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Papers by Jad Ramadhan Setiady
Kata kunci : Seni, Grotesko, publik, menjijikan, aneh
The research is entitled Public View of Art Grotesque is motivated by worry in a society where there are still few people who know and understand the meaning of grotesque art that the writer is motivated to do this research. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the form, shape, and appearance of grotesque art. The main problem of this research is the lack of understanding and knowledge of grotesque art. The data obtained from the literature study and questionnaire survey. The data about ideas and opinions of the common society of grotesque art were analyzed/compared/classified. From the results of this research, analysis can be concluded that the majority of people do not understand the art of grotesque
Keywords: Art, Grotesque, public, unpleasant, weird
Kata kunci: Korupsi, Psikologis, Abstrak
The paper entitled "Relationships and Psychological Encouragement that Influences the Rationality of Thinking in the Context of the Opportunistic Behavior of Corruptors" is motivated by anxiety in a society where only a few people understand and understand the impact of corruption so that the writer is motivated to write this paper. This paper aims to provide a clearer understanding of the relationship between psychological and thought processes in decision making. Data were obtained from a literature review and the official website of the anti-rasuah institute (KPK). The data is then analyzed. The results of this analysis, can be concluded that acts of corruption cannot be separated between rational thought processes and psychological effects that occur. Where include; opportunistic traits, cognitive biases, and narratives of rationalization that make corruption acceptable, are factors that influence decision making.
Keywords: Corruption, Psychological, Abstract
Makalah ini saya buat ketika masih SMA
Teaching Documents by Jad Ramadhan Setiady
Makalah ini saya buat ketika saya masih SMA.
Kata kunci : Seni, Grotesko, publik, menjijikan, aneh
The research is entitled Public View of Art Grotesque is motivated by worry in a society where there are still few people who know and understand the meaning of grotesque art that the writer is motivated to do this research. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the form, shape, and appearance of grotesque art. The main problem of this research is the lack of understanding and knowledge of grotesque art. The data obtained from the literature study and questionnaire survey. The data about ideas and opinions of the common society of grotesque art were analyzed/compared/classified. From the results of this research, analysis can be concluded that the majority of people do not understand the art of grotesque
Keywords: Art, Grotesque, public, unpleasant, weird
Kata kunci: Korupsi, Psikologis, Abstrak
The paper entitled "Relationships and Psychological Encouragement that Influences the Rationality of Thinking in the Context of the Opportunistic Behavior of Corruptors" is motivated by anxiety in a society where only a few people understand and understand the impact of corruption so that the writer is motivated to write this paper. This paper aims to provide a clearer understanding of the relationship between psychological and thought processes in decision making. Data were obtained from a literature review and the official website of the anti-rasuah institute (KPK). The data is then analyzed. The results of this analysis, can be concluded that acts of corruption cannot be separated between rational thought processes and psychological effects that occur. Where include; opportunistic traits, cognitive biases, and narratives of rationalization that make corruption acceptable, are factors that influence decision making.
Keywords: Corruption, Psychological, Abstract
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Makalah ini saya buat ketika saya masih SMA.