Testi in italiano
Lo studente dovrà essere in grado di applicare le conoscenze acquisite
per la risoluzione di problemi anche mediamente elaborati, e di
comprenderne l'uso nei corsi applicativi.
Autonomia di giudizio:
Lo studente dovrà essere in grado di valutare la coerenza e correttezza
dei risultati fornitigli o da lui ottenuti.
Capacità comunicative:
Lo studente dovrà essere in grado di comunicare in modo chiaro e
preciso anche al di fuori di un contesto di calcolo.
Prerequisiti Conoscenze preliminari: algebra elementare; trigonometria; geometria
analitica; potenze razionali; esponenziali e logaritmi; funzioni elementari.
Modalità d'esame:
Prova scritta (divisa in due parti) seguita da prova orale.
Altre informazioni E' fortemente consigliata la presenza alle lezioni in aula.
Codice Descrizione
4 Istruzione di qualità
Testi in inglese
Language Teaching Italian
Making judgements:
The student should be able to evaluate coherence and correctness of the
results obtained by himself or offered him.
Communication skills:
The student should be able to communicate in a clear and precise way,
also in a context broader than mere calculus.
Entry Requirements Prerequisites: elementary algebra; trigonometry; analytic geometry;
powers and rational numbers; exponentials and logarithms; elementary
Examination methods:
Detailed Description Written and oral text at the end of the class.
of Assessment Knowledges and ability in understanding are verified the first one by the
management of the oral examination and the second one by the
Method decoding of the text of the problems.
Skills are checked by means of the resolution of the proposed problems.
Judgement independence is verified if the student is able to select the
credible answers and descard the impossible ones.
Communication skill is checked by evaluating the way and correctedness
of expression, both in written and oral way, of the mathematical
Extended Program Elementary algebraic properties of the real numbers (standard
types of equations and inequations); logic and set theory.
Numerical sets: natural numbers and induction principle;
combinatoric calculus; rational numbers; real numbers and supremum
of a set; complex numbers and n-roots.
Real functions: maximum and supremum; monotonicity; odd and even
functions; powers; irrational functions; absolute value;
trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions; graphs of the
elementary functions and geometric transformations of the same.
Sequences: topology; limits and related theorems; monotonic
sequences; Bolzano-Weierstrass and Cauchy theorems; basic
examples; the Neper number “e”; recursive sequences; complex
Properties of continuous functions (including mean value,
existence of a maximum, Lipschitz continuity); limits of functions
and of sequences of real numbers; infinitesimals.
Properties of differentiable functions (including Rolle, Lagrange,
Hopital theorems); Taylor expansion (with Peano and Lagrange
remainder); graphing a function.
Indefinite and definite integral: definition and computation
(straightforward, by parts, by change of variables); integral mean
and fundamental theorems; Torricelli theorem; generalised
integrals: definition and comparison principles.
Numerical series: definition, convergence criteria, Leibniz and
integral criteria.
Due to the small number of hours, only some of the main statements are
rigorously proved.
Codice Descrizione
4 Quality education