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There is @ county addressing ordi- ‘nanoe that was established in 2000 Addiess aumbets must be displayed| ‘on both sides of the mailbox and shionld not be obsticted by other objects Addiesses are based on a measure ‘ment and grid system, ‘The Calhoun County Road Commis ston (CCRC) establishes addresses, You cannot receive a building pennit swithont an addres. Addresses ate not given to vacant property ‘The north and west sides of the toad aie odd address numbers aad the south and east sides of the road age even address numbers. =" Calhoun County Road Commission 13300 15 Mile Road ‘Marshall, MI 49068 Commissioners ChesterE, Travis, Chairman Charles B. Monaweck Scottd. Brown \ddressing Myths ‘Address mumbers are randomly made. ‘Addresses are available on a call in basis You can make up your own address. You can choose your address umber If you do not like your address ‘number, it ean be changed ‘Your address is not important so it need not be displayed. An address can never be changed. ‘The US. Postal Service can change your address or road ‘name, ‘Alias names for roads can be used in place of the authorized road Address Application Process ‘+ Applietion packets te available at the CORE (Office and they cat be malled to you. Yea can also find aldess applications aul othe peanit application® on ont Website at ww calhonnere ne Complete an aditess application, Be sare to completly’ Bl ont the Fellowing saemation, > Applicant andl contac information, >> Property owner and contact information > Location of propery > Property tas ientfcation mumber > Copy of pe est fom te Cahoon CCommy Health Departient af applicable) > Incude a ste plan sketch of de tetas ‘ome propesty and measurements fom property lines > Subs the application fee “The field work ie completed by CCRC to establish an adbeess mer “Tho addres cerficso is amned by CCRC snd aed © the property omer CCRC then notifies Local township US, Postal Sarsce 9M Dispatch County ‘Conmaner's Energy The addess is entered into. the CCRC tahoe, Address Changes Auldvess chemges ean be made at ny fae by dhe CCRC for the following > Nnumber ont of sequence > Odor even ade under on ‘he wrong sie > Ron name change > Inpropernmberrge > Auiess duplication > Orosher special exemmstnces Aer noistion. residents have 30 ays to change ther aces, ‘These my be a monetuy pensity st residents do not comply with the address change ‘An appeal. by the sesident, may be nade egarding ances change estons? Please contact, Cathox County Road Commission 209-781-9841 o oll ive at 500-781-5512 sys callonnere et

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