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P rd e Leag e o" Legend #$ % P$anning& P r'ose& To cond c( a researc) a%o ( *)a( 'eo'$e ()ink a%o ( a game ca$$ Leag e o" Legend and i(s re$a(ed comm ni(+. Me()od& , *i$$ make (*o s r-e+s ()a( go (o inside ()e P rd eLoL c$ % and ()e genera$ P rd e .ni-ersi(+ comm ni(+. A$so , *i$$ in(er-ie* some c$ % mem%ers "or ()e de(ai$ o" ()eir c$ % 'ar(ici'a(ion and /oin one o" ()e mee(ing (o o%ser-e. T)e c)arac(eris(ic o" P rd eLoL& Goa$& T)e goa$ o" ()is disco rse comm ni(+ is (o ga()er a$$ ()e $eag e o" $egend '$a+er in P rd e .ni-ersi(+ and make "riends)i' %e(*een eac) o()er. ,n(ercomm nica(ion& T)is comm ni(+ )as a 0ace%ook 'age "or a$$ ()e mem%ers (o /oin in and s)are ()eir idea. Par(ici'a(ion& T)is comm ni(+ )a-e mee(ings in *eek$+ %ases. ,n mee(ing mem%ers can '$a+ (oge()er and kno*ing eac) o()er. D ring eac) semes(er1 ()e+ *i$$ )o$d a (o rnamen( *i() 'ri2e "or ()e mem%ers o" ()is c$ %. Genres& 3n$ine com'a(i%$e game. Peo'$e '$a+ agains( eac) o()er (o de-e$o' ()eir ski$$ in ()e game. Le4is& L3L!!!$eag e o" $egend gg *'!!!!!Good Game 1We$$ P$a+. E4'er(ise& ,n!game1 ()ose '$a+er *)o reac) a ski$$ $e-e$ ca$$ Diamond. 3 (!game1 P rd e .ni-ersi(+1 *)ic) ()e ni-ersi(+ *)o s ''or( ()is comm ni(+5 6io(1 ()e game o*ner.