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The Mesia Lamp For this lamp I wanted to play a bit with the Mediterranean style giving it my personal twist. The glass shape sits simply on top of the ceramic base without the need of any joint piece. This design resonates a lot with my childhood maybe because I can picture it close to the fireplace in my grandparents Masia. #lamps #design #furnituredesign #mediterranianstyle #homedecor #industrialdesign #ceramiclamp #render #keyshot
Soixante Dix | un parasol à la plage | creation of shadow and light | let’s play 🌞 Soixante Dix lamps Sea rush on metal frame Woven by hand by a women artisan group 🌾 Through its unique size, it can be used as a table lamp and floor lamp (and anything in between) - Soixante Dix lamp | sea rush on metal frame - Qayrawan small pot with handle | low stripe, also comes in natural and dark brown - Qayrawan large pot | checkers, also comes in natural, dark brown and low stripe By @t.i.n.j.a...
Akane-Papyruslampe - Faro Barcelona
Akane ist eine Sammlung von Designerlampen, die aus einem Papyrusdiffusor hergestellt werden. Inspiriert von der orientalischen Kultur, verleiht ihm die Materialwahl eine exotische Seite und einen minimalistischen Stil, der sich ideal für moderne oder böhmisch-schicke Innenräume eignet.
John Richard Alabaster Wall Sconce with a Nod to Mondrian