The residents and happenings in Peace Valley, Missouri

Peace Valley is a tiny town in Southern Missouri. Many of it's residents, sunsets and flowers are captured by one gentleman's camera and those images (and poetry ) are shared with the world of Pinterest on this board The gentleman behind the camera is Frank L. Martin follow Frank on Facebook
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A LAST FEW MOUTHFULS of insulation for the burrow. I wonder how many millennia it took for chipmunks to learn more leaves can be transported if they are "folded and packed". This one was tidier than most. She finished her housekeeping a couple of weeks ago. Now her chores are down to gathering and storing what nuts and seeds weren't washed away over the weekend. (11/2/15 Peace Valley, Missouri)
SIXTY-FOUR and sunshine. What more could humans and birds ask for on December 21 in the Ozarks? Basking in midafternoon in the yard were, from left, a junco (also called a snowbird), an American goldfinch, and a male downy woodpecker. You can tell it is a male by a smallish red patch on the back of its head, visible here as a red line viewed from the side. (12/21/2015 Peace Valley, Missouri)
OK BIRDERS, what is this woodpecker and has it been painting or is that blood? What would it strike that has red blood? I have never seen a bird like this, red spatter or not. Mostly dark gray back with a light gray underside. Light markings on wings. Tail feathers are heavily barred. Color and markings are a bit off here. It is medium-sized. The photo was taken early morning and the bird was at a distance. I manipulated. (12/21/15 Peace Valley, Missouri)
A CONFEDERATION OF CLOUDS attacked the north a few minutes before the sky took on hues of battlefield orange and blood red near sundown Sunday. The onslaught continued after dark. Best seen enlarged. (10/25/2015 Peace Valley, Missouri)
RAINBOW IN THE POND (8/22/2015 Peace Valley, Missouri)
SOME KIND of skipper, I think. The only remarkable things about this little fellow, if it is a fellow, are its eyes. When festive colors and markings were passed out this variety slept through the ceremony. (8/20/2015 Peace Valley, Missouri)
THE FOG AND THE DEW make droplets good for photographers. This one hangs from what I think must be some kind of wild barley. If it is, it is considered a weed by many. (8/15/2015 Peace Valley, Missouri)
I WAS THROWING OUT stale corn chips for critters in the backyard yesterday when I remembered this photo. It was taken in 2012. Same stale; different chips. I don't think the bird ate the chip while I watched or I would have a photo of that. (June 16, 2012 Peace Valley, Missouri)
Frank Martin
CAUGHT PLUNDERING the last seeds of a last sunflower is an American goldfinch. Our sunflowers are volunteers from last year's bird feeding. The tallest one grew in a joint in the concrete patio. When I look at it , I hear, "There is a rose in Spanish Harlem." (7/31/2015 Peace Valley, Missouri)
Frank Martin
DOWN THE THROAT of a daylily (?) are its sex organs. The six brown seed-like things are anthers. They contain pollen. You may be able to see some gold on them. In the lower middle, the knob with the pink center is the stigma. It is at the end of a shaft that carries pollen to the ovary. If any of this is wrong, I confess my birds and bees knowledge is better than my plant understanding. Best seen enlarged. (6/16/15 Peace Valley, Missouri)
Frank Martin
A BUNDLE OF STAMENS in the center of a hollyhock flower. A member of the mallow family, hollyhocks were originally called marsh mallows. Hollyhocks are called old fashioned flowers we are supposed to remember from our grandmother's yard. I think about that every time old-fashioned me walks past mine. Remember to enlarge. (6/16/15 Peace Valley, Missouri)
Frank Martin
Frank L. Martin, Jr., someplace in Indochina, probably in 1941 or '42, as an Associated Press war correspondent. Why he is wearing jodhpurs and riding boots is beyond me unless he wanted to look cool 70 some years laters on Facebook.