
26 Pins
Here is the rendered Craftsman style coffered ceiling built entirely from profiles found in our in-stock collection. On this layout you'll see that the main and cross beam details are identical. The wall beam will be a little more built-up to replicate traditional layouts found in Craftsman style homes. We'll show you that detail in a moment.
Firenze Revestimentos - Projeto lindo sendo finalizado na zona oeste de São Paulo, da querida arquiteta @maryoliveira , no projeto foram utilizados o rodapé @santa.luzia e o porcelanato @ceramicaportinari Loft WH no tamanho 90x90 cm... ficou lindo parabéns 👏🏼👏🏼 | Facebook
Projeto lindo sendo finalizado na zona oeste de São Paulo, da querida arquiteta @maryoliveira , no projeto foram utilizados o rodapé @santa.luzia e o porcelanato @ceramicaportinari Loft WH no tamanho 90x90 cm... ficou lindo parabéns
How We Made Our DIY Wood Beams
How To: DIY Wood Beams - 1x8 (wall border, bottom of beams and ceiling brad) and 1x6 (sides of beams) and scraps (straps for both ends of beams and where wood meets in ceiling) -- stain, screws, nail gun, toggle bolts
Hängende Wohnzimmerlampe ✨ Idee von Pinterest. Fichtenbrett gekauft, lackiert und drei LED-Spots eingebaut. Abgehängt von der Decke mit Metallketten. Alles vom Baumarkt. Toller Look und tolles Licht!! Arbeitszeit: 8 Stunden Material: Fichtennbrett, 3 LED Spots, Kette, Haken, Lack & Schleifpapier, Schrauben Preis: zw. 80.- bis 100.- VP: ?