Papers by Salahattin Incecik

International Journal of Climatology
The performance of the climate simulations by the regional climate model COSMO‐CLM forced by MPI‐... more The performance of the climate simulations by the regional climate model COSMO‐CLM forced by MPI‐ESM‐LR, as well as projected future temperature and precipitation conditions over northwestern Türkiye at the convection‐permitting resolution, are shown in this study. In terms of mean, maximum and minimum temperatures and daily total precipitation, the model response was examined. Comparisons with observations were made on an annual and seasonal basis. The convection‐permitting model (0.0275°) provides a satisfactory representation of annual and seasonal mean temperatures according to bias, MAE and RMSE. Better results were found for precipitation with respect to RE, MAE and RMSE. Finally, we used the RCP8.5 emission scenario to investigate future climate changes in terms of average temperature and precipitation variations for northwestern Türkiye, including Istanbul, over two projection periods (2041–2060 and 2071–2090) compared to the reference period (1991–2005). The model predicts ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you... more All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
Retrospective Collection, 1997

Dilovasi, Gebze bolgesi hava kirliligi kaynaklari, arazi yapisi ve meteorolojik sartlari bakimind... more Dilovasi, Gebze bolgesi hava kirliligi kaynaklari, arazi yapisi ve meteorolojik sartlari bakimindan Turkiye’nin hava kirliligi potansiyelinin en yuksek seviyede bulundugu yerlerin basinda gelmektedir. Bu bolgede endustriyel tesisler, D-100 ve E-80 karayollarindaki yogun trafik ve konutlar bolgenin topografyasi ve meteorolojik sartlarin etkisi sonucunda yuksek hava kirliligi seviyelerinin olusmasina yol acmaktadir. TUBITAK tarafindan desteklenen bu COST projesinde oncelikle Dilovasi bolgesindeki hava kirliligi problemlerine cozum getirebilmek icin kirletici kaynaklardan yayilan emisyonlarin olusturdugu PM10, PM2.5, SO2, CO, O3 ve NOx derisimlerinin 2014-2019 donemi icerisindeki yersel ve zamansal degisimleri incelenecek, bu seviyelerin meteorolojik sartlar ile olan baglantilari arastirilacaktir. Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) modeli ile bolgede yil boyunca ruzgar vektorleri ile ruzgar alanlari belirlenecek, topografyanin akislar uzerindeki etkileri simulasyonlarla arastirilacakti...
PM10 pollution episodes associated with emissions and meteorological situations in Istanbul is in... more PM10 pollution episodes associated with emissions and meteorological situations in Istanbul is investigated. The air quality stations in ten urban areas in both Asian and European sides including industrialized Kagithane creek valley which is at the northeast part of the old city are used in the study. In both Asian and European sides, EU's daily average PM10 air quality standards were exceeded approximately throughout the year (The current period of PM10 measurements in industrialized creek region is eight months). Besides, in order to account for possible long range transport of particles in Istanbul, the association of the PM10 levels with backwards trajectories was examined.

Urban heat island (UHI) is defined as the temperature difference between the urbanized areas and ... more Urban heat island (UHI) is defined as the temperature difference between the urbanized areas and their surroundings due to local surface energy balance since urban materials and build up structures modify the heating and cooling rates of the ambient air. Istanbul is the largest city of Turkey with the population over 14 million inhabitants and the urbanization is drastically expanded since 1965 due to the population increase from 2 million to 14 million. In this study we investigate impacts of urban expansion on meteorological variables in relation to the UHI effect in Istanbul. To estimate the strength of UHI, temperature differences between urban and suburban stations are calculated by using temperature observations from 6 stations for 1960-2013 years, and 34 stations for 2007–2012. The results show that, the UHI intensity is stronger during summer season and Kartal experiences intensified UHI effect more than the others. The daytime(nighttime) UHI intensity defined with respect t...
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XVI, 2004
Numerical modeling for dispersion of air pollution over a complex topography is achieved through ... more Numerical modeling for dispersion of air pollution over a complex topography is achieved through usage of non-orthogonal grid structure. This stems mainly from the fact that a non-orthogonal system (for example, terrain-following height coordinate system) instead of an orthogonal one is more suitable for development of a computer code.
Air pollution modeling and its application XVI/edited by Carlos Borrego and Selahattin Incecik. p... more Air pollution modeling and its application XVI/edited by Carlos Borrego and Selahattin Incecik. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and Index.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009
The present study is concerned with the total ozone variation in Ankara, Turkey (39°57′ N; 32°53′... more The present study is concerned with the total ozone variation in Ankara, Turkey (39°57′ N; 32°53′ E) and developing a total ozone prediction model by Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and single-site aerological data (1984–2006). The daily averages of the total column ozone over Ankara show a seasonal variation, with larger values in spring/winter and lower in autumn/summer and a
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Apr 1, 2012

This is the first comprehensive study to examine how urbanization affects the microclimate of Ist... more This is the first comprehensive study to examine how urbanization affects the microclimate of Istanbul using the urban climate model MUKLIMO_3 with a 200 m horizontal resolution. In this study, the parameters in the land use table were estimated for Istanbul by combining different land use data sets and creating a high-resolution land use distribution. A specified heat wave episode was simulated via MUKLIMO_3 by using defined land use, meteorological sounding, and surface measurements. The findings suggest that MUKLIMO_3 can reasonably capture the 24-h daily temperature variation in both rural and urban locations, but it has a negative bias compared to station observations. We also employ eight mitigation scenarios by changing the albedo of roofs and implementing green-roofs and walls. All scenarios reduced air temperatures to varying degrees in urbanized areas along the northern Marmara coastline on both sides of Istanbul during daylight hours. The white and hybrid scenarios resulted in a temperature drop of up to 2 K at 12:00 UTC, with the most significant cooling effect observed in hybrid 4. Increasing the albedo of roofs from 0.5 to 0.7 resulted in the spatial expansion of cooled areas towards the north of the city along the Bosphorus. However, green roof scenarios are not found to be as effective as high-albedo scenarios.

International Journal of Climatology, 2023
The performance of the climate simulations by the regional climate model COSMO-CLM forced by MPI-... more The performance of the climate simulations by the regional climate model COSMO-CLM forced by MPI-ESM-LR, as well as projected future temperature and precipitation conditions over northwestern Türkiye at the convection-permitting resolution, are shown in this study. In terms of mean, maximum and minimum temperatures and daily total precipitation, the model response was examined. Comparisons with observations were made on an annual and seasonal basis. The convection-permitting model (0.0275) provides a satisfactory representation of annual and seasonal mean temperatures according to bias, MAE and RMSE. Better results were found for precipitation with respect to RE, MAE and RMSE. Finally, we used the RCP8.5 emission scenario to investigate future climate changes in terms of average temperature and precipitation variations for northwestern Türkiye, including Istanbul, over two projection periods

The performance of the climate simulations by the regional climate model COSMO-CLM forced by MPI-... more The performance of the climate simulations by the regional climate model COSMO-CLM forced by MPI-ESM-LR, as well as projected future temperature and precipitation conditions over northwestern Türkiye at the convection-permitting resolution, are shown in this study. In terms of mean, maximum and minimum temperatures and daily total precipitation, the model response was examined. Comparisons with observations were made on an annual and seasonal basis. The convection-permitting model (0.0275) provides a satisfactory representation of annual and seasonal mean temperatures according to bias, MAE and RMSE. Better results were found for precipitation with respect to RE, MAE and RMSE. Finally, we used the RCP8.5 emission scenario to investigate future climate changes in terms of average temperature and precipitation variations for northwestern Türkiye, including Istanbul, over two projection periods
Papers by Salahattin Incecik