Journal of exercise therapy and rehabilitation, Jul 23, 2016
Amaç: Ayakkabı kullanım alışkanlığı ile ayakta deformite gelişimi ve ayakkabı kullanımı ile denge... more Amaç: Ayakkabı kullanım alışkanlığı ile ayakta deformite gelişimi ve ayakkabı kullanımı ile denge ve fonksiyonel aktivite performansı arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemekti. Yöntem: Çalışmamıza yaş ortalaması 22.2±1.7 yıl olan 70 sağlıklı birey dahil edildi. Ayakkabı uygunluğunu değerlendirmek için Ayakkabı Uygunluğu Değerlendirme Formu (AUDF) kullanıldı. Ayak deformitelerini, statik dengeyi, dinamik dengeyi, sıçrama mesafesini, yürüme hızını ve plantar fleksörlerin aktivitesini belirlemek için sırasıyla Toplam Ayak Deformite Skorlaması, Flamingo Denge Testi, Star Excursion Balance Test, dikey sıçrama testi, 10 metre yürüme testi ve topuk yükseltme testi yapıldı. Tüm fonksiyonel testler ayakkabılı ve ayakkabısız olarak uygulandı ve ayakkabının fonksiyona olan etkisi araştırıldı. Bulgular: AUDF parametlerinden ayakkabı taban materyali ve topuk yüksekliği ile ayaktaki deformiteler arasında ilişki olduğu saptandı. Bireylerin performans testlerinde ayakkabılı ve ayakkabısız olarak karşılaştırılması sonucunda dinamik denge, sıçrama yüksekliği, yürüme hızı ve plantar fleksörlerin aktivitesi farklı bulunurken (p<0.05), statik dengenin ayakkabı kullanımından etkilenmediği gözlendi (p>0.05). Tartışma: Ayakkabı alışkanlığı ile deformite gelişimi ve fonksiyonel performans arasında tespit edilen farklı düzeydeki ilişkiler, bireylerin kendilerine uygun ayakkabılar seçmesinin önemine ve bazı fonksiyonel performans aktivitelerinde ayakkabı giyilmesi olumlu etki yaratırken bazı aktivitelerde de kısıtlılık yarattığına dikkat çekilmiştir.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of integrated and consecutive cog... more Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of integrated and consecutive cognitive dual-task balance training in older adults on balance, fear of falling, and gait performance. Methods. Fifty-eight participants (age >65 years) were randomly assigned to an integrated dual-task training group (IDTT) (n = 29) and consecutive dual-task training group (CDTT) (n = 29). Balance exercises and cognitive tasks were performed simultaneously by the IDTT group and consecutively by the CDTT group for 8 weeks. Balance was assessed using the Berg Balance Scale as a primary outcome measure and the Timed "Up & Go" Test (TUG) (standard-cognitive), fear of falling was assessed using the Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale, and gait speed was assessed using the 10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) (under single-task and dual-task conditions). All tests were performed before and after the training. Results. There was no difference in group-time interaction in the Berg Balance Scale, TUG-standard, 10MWT-single task, and 10MWT-dual task tests. Group-time interaction was different in the TUG-cognitive and Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale scores. Also, the effect of time was significantly different in all scales except for the 10MWT-single task in both groups. Conclusion. At the end of the 8-week training period, the impact of integrated and consecutive dual-task balance training on balance and gait performance in older adults was not statistically significantly different. This study suggests that consecutive dual-task balance training can be used as an alternative method to increase balance performance and gait speed in older adults who cannot perform integrated dual-task activities. Impact. There were no significant differences between the effects of the 2 dual-task training methods on balance and gait speed, suggesting that the consecutive dual-task balance training method can be used to improve the balance and gait of older adults. CDTT can be performed safely and considered as an alternative method for use in many rehabilitation training programs with older adults who cannot perform simultaneous activities.
This study was carried out with an eye to compare the effects of land-based and water-based exerc... more This study was carried out with an eye to compare the effects of land-based and water-based exercises on functional capacity and quality of life in geriatric age groups. 31 individuals in the geriatric age group participated in the study. Participants were divided into two groups, based on their request, as the pool exercise group consisting of 15 persons (group 1) and the land exercise group consisting of 16 persons (group 2). In the first week of the study, a participant from group 2 left the group by saying that he would not be able to do the exercises. A 6-week exercise program consisting of 3 days per week was determined for both groups. Functional assessment tests were performed and a quality of life questionnaire was conducted to all individuals before and after the exercise program. Subsequent to the assessments following applications were performed for the geriatric age group: WHOQOL-OLD quality of life questionnaire, functional reach test (FRT), standing on one foot with e...
Amac: Ayakkabi kullanim aliskanligi ile ayakta deformite gelisimi ve ayakkabi kullanimi ile denge... more Amac: Ayakkabi kullanim aliskanligi ile ayakta deformite gelisimi ve ayakkabi kullanimi ile denge ve fonksiyonel aktivite performansi arasindaki iliskileri belirlemekti. Yontem: Calismamiza yas ortalamasi 22.2±1.7 yil olan 70 saglikli birey dahil edildi. Ayakkabi uygunlugunu degerlendirmek icin Ayakkabi Uygunlugu Degerlendirme Formu (AUDF) kullanildi. Ayak deformitelerini, statik dengeyi, dinamik dengeyi, sicrama mesafesini, yurume hizini ve plantar fleksorlerin aktivitesini belirlemek icin sirasiyla Toplam Ayak Deformite Skorlamasi, Flamingo Denge Testi, Star Excursion Balance Test, dikey sicrama testi, 10 metre yurume testi ve topuk yukseltme testi yapildi. Tum fonksiyonel testler ayakkabili ve ayakkabisiz olarak uygulandi ve ayakkabinin fonksiyona olan etkisi arastirildi. Bulgular: AUDF parametlerinden ayakkabi taban materyali ve topuk yuksekligi ile ayaktaki deformiteler arasinda iliski oldugu saptandi. Bireylerin performans testlerinde ayakkabili ve ayakkabisiz olarak karsilast...
Journal of exercise therapy and rehabilitation, Jul 23, 2016
Amaç: Ayakkabı kullanım alışkanlığı ile ayakta deformite gelişimi ve ayakkabı kullanımı ile denge... more Amaç: Ayakkabı kullanım alışkanlığı ile ayakta deformite gelişimi ve ayakkabı kullanımı ile denge ve fonksiyonel aktivite performansı arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemekti. Yöntem: Çalışmamıza yaş ortalaması 22.2±1.7 yıl olan 70 sağlıklı birey dahil edildi. Ayakkabı uygunluğunu değerlendirmek için Ayakkabı Uygunluğu Değerlendirme Formu (AUDF) kullanıldı. Ayak deformitelerini, statik dengeyi, dinamik dengeyi, sıçrama mesafesini, yürüme hızını ve plantar fleksörlerin aktivitesini belirlemek için sırasıyla Toplam Ayak Deformite Skorlaması, Flamingo Denge Testi, Star Excursion Balance Test, dikey sıçrama testi, 10 metre yürüme testi ve topuk yükseltme testi yapıldı. Tüm fonksiyonel testler ayakkabılı ve ayakkabısız olarak uygulandı ve ayakkabının fonksiyona olan etkisi araştırıldı. Bulgular: AUDF parametlerinden ayakkabı taban materyali ve topuk yüksekliği ile ayaktaki deformiteler arasında ilişki olduğu saptandı. Bireylerin performans testlerinde ayakkabılı ve ayakkabısız olarak karşılaştırılması sonucunda dinamik denge, sıçrama yüksekliği, yürüme hızı ve plantar fleksörlerin aktivitesi farklı bulunurken (p<0.05), statik dengenin ayakkabı kullanımından etkilenmediği gözlendi (p>0.05). Tartışma: Ayakkabı alışkanlığı ile deformite gelişimi ve fonksiyonel performans arasında tespit edilen farklı düzeydeki ilişkiler, bireylerin kendilerine uygun ayakkabılar seçmesinin önemine ve bazı fonksiyonel performans aktivitelerinde ayakkabı giyilmesi olumlu etki yaratırken bazı aktivitelerde de kısıtlılık yarattığına dikkat çekilmiştir.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of integrated and consecutive cog... more Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of integrated and consecutive cognitive dual-task balance training in older adults on balance, fear of falling, and gait performance. Methods. Fifty-eight participants (age >65 years) were randomly assigned to an integrated dual-task training group (IDTT) (n = 29) and consecutive dual-task training group (CDTT) (n = 29). Balance exercises and cognitive tasks were performed simultaneously by the IDTT group and consecutively by the CDTT group for 8 weeks. Balance was assessed using the Berg Balance Scale as a primary outcome measure and the Timed "Up & Go" Test (TUG) (standard-cognitive), fear of falling was assessed using the Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale, and gait speed was assessed using the 10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) (under single-task and dual-task conditions). All tests were performed before and after the training. Results. There was no difference in group-time interaction in the Berg Balance Scale, TUG-standard, 10MWT-single task, and 10MWT-dual task tests. Group-time interaction was different in the TUG-cognitive and Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale scores. Also, the effect of time was significantly different in all scales except for the 10MWT-single task in both groups. Conclusion. At the end of the 8-week training period, the impact of integrated and consecutive dual-task balance training on balance and gait performance in older adults was not statistically significantly different. This study suggests that consecutive dual-task balance training can be used as an alternative method to increase balance performance and gait speed in older adults who cannot perform integrated dual-task activities. Impact. There were no significant differences between the effects of the 2 dual-task training methods on balance and gait speed, suggesting that the consecutive dual-task balance training method can be used to improve the balance and gait of older adults. CDTT can be performed safely and considered as an alternative method for use in many rehabilitation training programs with older adults who cannot perform simultaneous activities.
This study was carried out with an eye to compare the effects of land-based and water-based exerc... more This study was carried out with an eye to compare the effects of land-based and water-based exercises on functional capacity and quality of life in geriatric age groups. 31 individuals in the geriatric age group participated in the study. Participants were divided into two groups, based on their request, as the pool exercise group consisting of 15 persons (group 1) and the land exercise group consisting of 16 persons (group 2). In the first week of the study, a participant from group 2 left the group by saying that he would not be able to do the exercises. A 6-week exercise program consisting of 3 days per week was determined for both groups. Functional assessment tests were performed and a quality of life questionnaire was conducted to all individuals before and after the exercise program. Subsequent to the assessments following applications were performed for the geriatric age group: WHOQOL-OLD quality of life questionnaire, functional reach test (FRT), standing on one foot with e...
Amac: Ayakkabi kullanim aliskanligi ile ayakta deformite gelisimi ve ayakkabi kullanimi ile denge... more Amac: Ayakkabi kullanim aliskanligi ile ayakta deformite gelisimi ve ayakkabi kullanimi ile denge ve fonksiyonel aktivite performansi arasindaki iliskileri belirlemekti. Yontem: Calismamiza yas ortalamasi 22.2±1.7 yil olan 70 saglikli birey dahil edildi. Ayakkabi uygunlugunu degerlendirmek icin Ayakkabi Uygunlugu Degerlendirme Formu (AUDF) kullanildi. Ayak deformitelerini, statik dengeyi, dinamik dengeyi, sicrama mesafesini, yurume hizini ve plantar fleksorlerin aktivitesini belirlemek icin sirasiyla Toplam Ayak Deformite Skorlamasi, Flamingo Denge Testi, Star Excursion Balance Test, dikey sicrama testi, 10 metre yurume testi ve topuk yukseltme testi yapildi. Tum fonksiyonel testler ayakkabili ve ayakkabisiz olarak uygulandi ve ayakkabinin fonksiyona olan etkisi arastirildi. Bulgular: AUDF parametlerinden ayakkabi taban materyali ve topuk yuksekligi ile ayaktaki deformiteler arasinda iliski oldugu saptandi. Bireylerin performans testlerinde ayakkabili ve ayakkabisiz olarak karsilast...
Papers by volkan yüzlü