Papers by Dr.Sheikh Muhammad Adnan

Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum, 2024
This legal study critically analyzes the complexities of navigating exceptions to extradition, pa... more This legal study critically analyzes the complexities of navigating exceptions to extradition, particularly concerning Terrorism and political offenses. It also distinguishes between comprehensive and sectoral conventions as well as universal and regional treaties, explaining the various approaches and their implications. It is a complex landscape of legal responses to international Terrorism. The efficacy of global conventions in addressing this very important issue is questionable. Each country has criteria for ascertaining what constitutes Terrorism and political offenses that can affect extradition. There is very little difference in the character of Terrorism and political offenses. Given the increasing global anxiety surrounding Terrorism and political offenses, this provides a significant perspective on the ongoing discourse on extradition in international law. This study uses a comprehensive qualitative methodology. It carefully examines legal texts, case law, and scholarly literature alongside a comparative analysis of extradition treaties and state practice. It used theories of democracy and Terrorism itself (which, in a global sense, must be fought) to distinguish and strike a balance between Terrorism and political offenses. Ultimately, this study has identified effective solutions to combat international Terrorism while addressing the differences between conventions. It also found a growing relationship between democratization and the global fight against Terrorism, with arguments for not categorizing acts of Terrorism as political offenses, especially in democracies. In addition, this study enhanced the understanding of the legal framework for countering international Terrorism and provided insight into the challenges and opportunities presented by various conventions. These findings have significant implications for refining extradition law, encouraging a balance that respects human rights, guarantees justice, prevents the abuse of the extradition process for political purposes, and contributes to the evolution of a fair and just international legal framework.
Pakistan Islamicus, 2024
Civil law, common law, and religious law are the three types of legal systems. Each country build... more Civil law, common law, and religious law are the three types of legal systems. Each country builds its version of each design, including various other elements. Civil law, common law, statutory law, religious law, and combinations of these are the four major systems built on modern legal systems (Pelletier Jr et al., 1966).

International Journal of Religion, 2024
This study analyzes the legal challenges and opportunities presented using emerging technologies ... more This study analyzes the legal challenges and opportunities presented using emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain for environmental protection and sustainability. The study draws on literature review, case studies, and interviews with legal experts and stakeholders. The study also employs panel data analysis to assess the impact of AI and blockchain technology on environmental sustainability. The findings indicate that AI and blockchain have potential to enhance environmental protection and sustainability, but they also raise legal challenges related to data protection, liability, and governance. The study offers valuable insights to inform legal and policy frameworks and provides multiple regression analysis results to show the relationship between various independent variables and the dependent variable of environmental sustainability. The study's findings contribute to the understanding of the legal implications of AI and blockchain for environmental sustainability and offer insights for policymakers and stakeholders to effectively harness the potential of these technologies for environmental protection and sustainability.

Advance Legal Research Foundation, 2024
This research studies the effect of Amicus Curiae submissions on rulings in investment arbitratio... more This research studies the effect of Amicus Curiae submissions on rulings in investment arbitrations by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID investment arbitration). This research uses empirical test on ICSID cases to explore how Amicus Curiae, the non-disputing parties, affects the final judgment of arbitration on both substantive and procedural aspects. Based on the theoretical guidance of influential people on the affected side and market supply and demand, this analysis probes the content, experience and current situation of related amicus curiae submissions. Outcome shows that Amicus can have persuasive effect on tribunal, but dependes on how much they are close to tribunal views, the social and specialized background of the Amicus Curiae and the kind of submissions. In this way it also illustrates the complexity of sustainability in investment arbitration... the study derives the absence of transparency, objectivity and neutrality inherent in the framework of regulation and recommends that ICSID principles be remodelled for a more liberal and sustainable mode in regulation to bring greater openness, fairness and probity in process of arbitration so as to ensure impartiality. The findings illustrate the urgent need for articulating a regulation that is designed to control Amicus Curiae participation and, equally vividly, reflect how court discretion holds the key to balancing an over the long-term effects of these interventions. This study sheds light on the nuanced idea of sustainability in investment arbitration while furthering our knowledge of the procedural and substantive factors affecting ICSID rulings.
The child should be fully prepared to live as an individual in society, embodying the principles ... more The child should be fully prepared to live as an individual in society, embodying the principles of peace, dignity, resilience, freedom, justice, and unity." (From the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) "Throughout history, children's rights have been neglected and underutilized. Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) defines a child as an individual under the age of eighteen, unless majority is acquired earlier under the law applicable to the child."(Streuli, Michel, et al. 2011) Children's rights are referred to as "rights that pertain to safeguarding the individual child and

Journal of Law & Social Studies (JLSS), 2022
In this essay, we speak about stoning in Islam and Judaism. Stoning, which is one of the penaltie... more In this essay, we speak about stoning in Islam and Judaism. Stoning, which is one of the penalties, arose as a penalty for adultery, which is prohibited Sharia. Even though stoning was used in Judaism, sodomy and idolatry, as well as the methods used to carry out this penalty, were very different between Judaism and Islam. People might think that this punishment is worse in Islam because of the size of the stones and how they are used. Islam doesn't talk about stoning in the Quran, even though it's talked about in the Hadiths (sayings and stories about the Prophet Mohammad's behaviour by his close followers). Even if the person is accused of something bad, the punishment of stoning is against international human rights agreements. This is no matter what the reason or charge is, because the punishment of stoning is against these agreements. Stoning is still used as a form of punishment in the Muslim world, even though there are only a few examples of Jewish people being stoned in history. As a group, we can look at the different evidence, procedures, and obstacles to the stoning are execution.

Global Legal Studies Review, 2022
In a country like Pakistan, data is seldom celebrated. A takeoff point can be a brief explanation... more In a country like Pakistan, data is seldom celebrated. A takeoff point can be a brief explanation of the Criminal Justice System (CJS), which this layout will endeavor to give ineffectual way. The CJS in Pakistan contains five sections for instance, the police, legitimate chief, confinement offices, arraignment, probation & parole. The degree of the survey was limited to the four regions, be explicit Punjab, Sindh, KPK& Balochistan. Basically, the presentation of CJS isn't at its ideal level in Pakistan as well as mending gauges like improvement & redesign of real establishments as well as cutoff the working of existing police, analysts, judges, specialists, jail staff is required close by revolve around updating the current characteristics of specialists, judges, examiners, remedial offices to additionally foster the usefulness level as well as reasonability of organization movement by the CJS generally.

PCL Student Journal of Law, 2021
Almost over seven decades, peoples of the previous Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir are waitin... more Almost over seven decades, peoples of the previous Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir are waiting for their right of selfdetermination, guaranteed by the United Nations. There are more than twenty-five UN resolutions, requiring the arrangement of the contest; India is hesitant to concede Kashmiris as their privilege of self-determination. By precluding the execution from securing UN goals and involving the state through the organization of more than 900,000 soldiers, India is disregarding International law and UN goals. Over the last quarter-century, Indian security soldiers sent in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) have submitted huge human rights infringement. The contest about the State of Jammu and Kashmir is an issue of the right of selfdetermination for Kashmiri individuals. The paper in this way places into a discussion, the legitimate viewpoint of the Kashmir contest in the light of guarantees given by International law, arrangements of human rights, bilateral agreements, and conventions.

Global Regional Review (GRR), 2022
This article delineates the dismissal of the plaint under Rule 11 Order VII, Civil Code Procedure... more This article delineates the dismissal of the plaint under Rule 11 Order VII, Civil Code Procedure (1908) as applied by the Superior Courts of Pakistan. The different general standards, for example, the inclination of the rightness of plaint. The valuation of the suits for court charge and locale, the obligation of the Court staff qua valuation, and prudence of the court to expand fixed time combined with various auxiliary viewpoints have likewise been examined. The most significant and summoned ground for dismissal of plaint-'banned by law' has been explained with representations zeroing in on the undertone of law and recognizing dismissal of the plaint and excusal of the suit. From there on, the outcomes of the dismissal of plaint and cures there against have additionally been brought getting looked at. The furthest point of this article closes the entire conversation.

Journal of Educational Management & Social Sciences (JEMSS), 2021
Cybercrimes and the role of law enforcement agencies are important. In print and electronic media... more Cybercrimes and the role of law enforcement agencies are important. In print and electronic media, we are intimated that real offenders are being acquitted from the courts and FIA (law enforcement institutions) not playing a vital role along with criticism on the criminal justice system in Pakistan. The paper highlights the flaws which are hindrances in the conviction of real offenders. This study is beneficial to point out the causes of lacking confidence of the public at large and that of gaining its confidence in the system of Pakistan regarding awarding sentences to criminals. The role the FIA investigation agency in the criminal justice system is not a fairy tale, but one needs utmost struggle to obtain the desired results to provide justice in the society to achieve the herculean task of peace. The search of further efforts are needed to obtain the desired results as the significance of the study.

Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2022
The type of research into the controversy over women's ancestral property explores practice in Pa... more The type of research into the controversy over women's ancestral property explores practice in Pakistan's existing authorized and traditional situation. It examines the experiences of men, women, and attorneys in Pothohar Pakistan, either rural or urban. A qualitative research method was used. The statement's core premise is that there is no simple solution to the denial of women's completion of the transaction. The data show that a variety of techniques exist in the domestic and public spheres to keep inheritance property in the hands of male family members. The consequences extra specify that the state has made several modifications to the heritage by-laws in Pakistan but women have been unable to reap advantage from these legal modifications. Upshots are analyzed via a feminist lens, with the key point being that heritage is diplomatic, that it is created through feminization of labor and women power relations, who produce and maintain dissimilarity, and that it begins in the household by socialization process. Femininity ideology creates barriers to women obtaining their own inherited proportion. My evaluation also indicates that the current ignore males' apportioned role as earners I the influence of the household they wield together in the native and municipal sectors, totally comfortable alters the state certainly does make in the laws, Male's tasks as breadwinners in the household and the strength they utilize both in both the private and governmental domains are snubbed by the country. In an end, no regardless of what reforms the government makes to the laws, they will just not assist women till modifications are made in the home. Women's inheritance rights have been violated through changes in the personal concept has come, as per participants.

Human trafficking has been politicized over the years. In this research work earnest endeavor has... more Human trafficking has been politicized over the years. In this research work earnest endeavor has been made to pinpoint why human trafficking continues in the municipal and international scenario? How this curse can be extinguished at the municipal and international levels. The increase in the quantum of human trafficking in the world emphasizes that existing laws are not a perfect match for this Pandora box and it needs a pragmatic approach at the world level to solve the issue. To arrest the problem in the true sense we have to properly implement the mitigation measures and enhance coordination at the municipalities and the international level. Proper legislation of strict anti-trafficking laws should not be only guaranteed but their implementation in real service. The first step for anti-human trafficking is to know what are the true indicators of human trafficking and its forms. Therefore, the coherent endeavor of law enforcement agencies can counter it in a real sense. This study is designed to dig out the efforts put forward by the law enforcement agencies, governments, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations and to adjudge that whether without the international efforts the curse of human trafficking can be controlled in the world or otherwise.
Child abuse and disregard are worldwide issues and can be as physical, sexual, enthusiastic or si... more Child abuse and disregard are worldwide issues and can be as physical, sexual, enthusiastic or simply disregard in accommodating the youngster's needs. These components can leave the handle with genuine, durable mental harm. In the present case report, a 12-yearold stranded kid was physically manhandled by a nearby relative who caused genuine real and passionate injury to the kid. After palatably dealing with the injury and passionate impacts to the patient, notwithstanding the guiding administrations gave to the guardian, the patient made an enduring recuperation. He was additionally eluded to a kid bolster bunch for social help, and set him up together with his kin for situation in a kids' home in perspective of the unfriendly condition in which they were living.

Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2022
How truly do labour strategies create in nations after international labour protests are confirme... more How truly do labour strategies create in nations after international labour protests are confirmed? Past examinations recommend that in spite of high approval rates, the insurance of labour privileges isn't upgraded. Utilizing board information on both by law and accepted labour situations for 132 nations from l981s-2θ11s, this interrogation is tended to exactly. The Internationals Labour Organisation (I.L.O) went through a significant primary change in l998s from a perplexing arrangement of convention(s) to a more dynamic advancement of centre labour standards. This paper examinations the impacts of the new methodology and investigates country contrasts in more detail. I find that the authoritative change has generally speaking not better labour guidelines, but rather that I.L.O convention(s) can have beneficial outcomes on the move nations. The restricted and somewhat antagonistic effect of convention(s) on labour freedoms could scrutinize the future job of the I.L.O, yet additionally focuses to an overall shortcoming of worldwide common liberties deals.
Zakariya Journal of Social Sciences (ZJSS), 2022
Punishment is the suggestion to propose effect upon the person doing wrong for his sin. It is pro... more Punishment is the suggestion to propose effect upon the person doing wrong for his sin. It is projected as it is decisively scheduled, and it is a liability as it has a sense of anguish. The primary purpose of this writing is to see and study the different theories of punishment through an eagle-eye view. Before intruding into the further details at first stance, I shall ink here the three ideas of punishment which are a deterrent theory of punishment, retributive theory of punishment and reformative theory of punishment; and after I shall see these theories one by one to evaluate them critically because each of them has its peculiar importance, benefits, and drawbacks.
Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2022
This study explored the needs and importance of legal research for the better reformation of a so... more This study explored the needs and importance of legal research for the better reformation of a society to ensure the achievement of desired errands besides its implication in the society of Pakistan for enhanced/additional legislation. This study communicated the utilisation/implication of key factors for the successful completion of descriptive research and made a comparison of legal research in underdeveloped countries with research methodology and other countries. The notion that the backdrop to a study or any issue statement is sufficient to the concept supporting studies at is needed to link a
purpose would be extremely valuable for future scholars.
Papers by Dr.Sheikh Muhammad Adnan
purpose would be extremely valuable for future scholars.
purpose would be extremely valuable for future scholars.