The 13th annual Surfalorus Film Festival takes place September 18-20, 2023 on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This three-day celebration showcases the year’s best surf films and takes place during the ESA Eastern Surfing Championship. Surfalorus shares great surf movies from award winning veterans to first-time filmmakers in a supportive and laid-back atmosphere.
The festival’s primary venue, Jennette’s Pier, looks over one of the best breaks on the East Coast. Each evening begins with some tasty beverages, a few snacks, and some live music from notable East Coast bands. Surfalorus is presented by North Carolina Aquariums and is a partnership between Cucalorus and Dare Arts.
TheAnnual Surfalorus Film Festival is a wave rider’s dream, featuring deep dives into surf history, celebrations of female surfers, films by today’s best surf filmmakers, and foreign language contributions from wherever there’s swell across the planet.
Throughout the festival, we’ll be screening interviews and Q&As with various filmmakers, surfers, and surf culture figures. So check out this amazing collection of surf oriented films.
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