Papers by Mohammad R. Kamali
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Nov 22, 2011
فصلنامه علمی علوم زمین, Feb 19, 2013
In this study, in order to evaluate the geochemical characterization of Kangan Formation in well ... more In this study, in order to evaluate the geochemical characterization of Kangan Formation in well A in the South Pars Gas Field, geochemical analysis (including preliminary and complementary analysis such as Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, extraction of organic matter (EOM), bitumen fractionation, gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) were carried out on core samples. Geochemical results reveal that these samples have kerogen type II and III, indicating a marine organic matter with a little terrestrial input. The organic matter 1 ناريا تفن يلم تكرش تفن تعنص هاگشهوژپ 2 لامش نارهت دحاو يملاسا دازآ هاگشناد ،تفن يسانش نيمز دشرا يسانشراك هتخومآ شنا Archive of SID

Reservoir characterization plays a critical role in appraising the economic success of reservoir ... more Reservoir characterization plays a critical role in appraising the economic success of reservoir management and development methods. This study identifies the different rock types that comprise reservoirs, marginal reservoirs and non-reservoirs. Porosity and permeability are the key parameters for identifying the rock types and reservoir characterization. The qualification of these parameters is usually measured directly from cores using conventional core analysis methods, and indirectly using geophysical well logs, well tests, and artificial neural network methods. However, for determination of rock types and reservoir evaluation, in addition to quantity of porosity and permeability we need to determine pore geometry and pore aperture size which are related to grain size, sorting and packing as well as to factors such as the mineralogy and diagenetic history of the reservoir. This paper presents the results of a combination of conventional core analysis, capillary pressure curve ch...

Structural analysis of the High Zagros Zone and southwestern rim of the SanandajSirjan Zone in th... more Structural analysis of the High Zagros Zone and southwestern rim of the SanandajSirjan Zone in the Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtyari area resulted in recognition of a thrust system comprises the Ben, Hafshejan, Farsan, Kuhrang and Bazoft thrust sheets from NE to SW. In this study, quartz and calcite microstructures as well as fluid inclusions have been utilized to inspect deformation conditions of the thrust sheets. Microstructural study of quartz grains from the Ben and Hafshejan thrust sheets and their basal thrust zone show evidence of ductile deformation that demonstrate the deformation temperature from 250o to 350oC for the sheets. Geothermometry study of the sheets using calcite mechanical twins also reveals temperature of 250oC for the sheets. Fluid inclusions study on quartz veins from these thrust sheets display homogenization temperature up to 220oC for primary inclusions. This geothermometry survey demonstrates that physical conditions of deformation do not change significantly bu...

سازند ایلام (سانتونین- کامپانین) یکی از مخازن مهم گروه بنگستان در حوضه نفتی زاگرس است. این سازند ... more سازند ایلام (سانتونین- کامپانین) یکی از مخازن مهم گروه بنگستان در حوضه نفتی زاگرس است. این سازند در میدان سیری الوند در خلیج فارس با ستبرای 130 متر از سنگهای آهکی تشکیل شده است. در این پژوهش ریزرخسارهها، محیط رسوبی، فرایندهای دیاژنزی و چینهنگاری سکانسی سازند ایلام در میدان نفتی سیری الوند مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. با بررسیمقاطع نازک 8 ریزرخساره در 4 مجموعه رخسارهای شناسایی شد که در یک محیط رسوبی رمپ کربناتی هموکلینال برجای گذاشته شدهاند. بر اساس مطالعات سنگنگاری، مهمترین فرایندهای دیاژنزی که در این سازند مشاهده شد عبارتند از: آشفتگی زیستی، سیمانی شدن، انحلال، دولومیتی شدن، استیلولیتی شدن، پیریتی شدن و تشکیل شکستگیها. مهمترین سیمانهای مشاهده شده در این سازند شامل سیمان تیغهای، سیمان همبعد ریزبلور، سیمان دروزی، سیمان بلوکی درشت بلور و سیمان سین تکسیال هستند. بررسیهای چینهنگاری سکانسی منجر به شناسایی 4 سکانس رسوبی رده سوم برای سازند ایلام شد که همگی به مرز سکانسی نوع اول ختم میشوند. در نهایت رخسارهها و شدت فرایندهای دیاژنزی در هر سکانس مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.

Proceedings, 2011
The Early Triassic Kangan Formation, which is equivalent to the Upper Khuff Formation, is the mai... more The Early Triassic Kangan Formation, which is equivalent to the Upper Khuff Formation, is the main reservoir for natural gas in southwest Iran and the northern Gulf. Investigations of this formation in offshore "Field A" indicate that it is composed of 14 facies deposited in tidal flat, lagoon and oolitic barrier settings in the inner part of a carbonate ramp or platform. Vertical variations of microfacies and gamma-ray, log profiles show that the formation consists of three depositional sequences (KG1 to KG3), each consisting of transgressive and highstand systems tracts and each bounded above by a Type-2 unconformity. Carbon-and oxygen-isotope profiles from a well-dated carbonate section were compared to sedimentological data and the results from a sequence-stratigraphic study. The profiles showed negative and positive peaks coinciding with sequence boundaries and maximum flooding surfaces, respectively.

Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2011
Abstract The Shoushan Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in the Western Desert, Egypt, bu... more Abstract The Shoushan Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in the Western Desert, Egypt, but the origin of the hydrocarbons is not fully understood. In this study, organic matter content, type and maturity of the Jurassic source rocks exposed in the Shoushan Basin have been evaluated and integrated with the results of basin modeling to improve our understanding of burial history and timing of hydrocarbon generation. The Jurassic source rock succession comprises the Ras Qattara and Khatatba Formations, which are composed mainly of shales and sandstones with coal seams. The TOC contents are high and reached a maximum up to 50%. The TOC values of the Ras Qattara Formation range from 2 to 54 wt.%, while Khatatba Formation has TOC values in the range 1–47 wt.%. The Ras Qattara and Khatatba Formations have HI values ranging from 90 to 261 mgHC/gTOC, suggesting Types II-III and III kerogen. Vitrinite reflectance values range between 0.79 and 1.12 VRr %. Rock−Eval T max values in the range 438–458 °C indicate a thermal maturity level sufficient for hydrocarbon generation. Thermal and burial history models indicate that the Jurassic source rocks entered the mature to late mature stage for hydrocarbon generation in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary. Hydrocarbon generation began in the Late Cretaceous and maximum rates of oil with significant gas have been generated during the early Tertiary (Paleogene). The peak gas generation occurred during the late Tertiary (Neogene).
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Mar 1, 2016

Statistical studies on Palynology contents of Late Cretaceous to Paleocene age Gurpi Formation in... more Statistical studies on Palynology contents of Late Cretaceous to Paleocene age Gurpi Formation in a surface section in Zagros Basin,SW Iran indicate changes in abundance, species diversity, ratio of Spiniferites to Cyclonephelium (S/C), palynological marine index(PMI) values and organic facies. These palynological variations clearly reflect fluctuations in relative sea-level and depositionalenvironment and can be used for recognition and differentiation of systems tracts and key horizons such as flooding surfaces andsequence boundaries. Dramatic increase in PMI, dinoflagellate species diversity and S/C ratio associated with sedimentary faciesparameters indicate a marine transgressive systems tract while, a reduced species diversity, lower S/C ratio and PMI value along withincrease in abundance of phytoclasts and degraded land-plant materials are characteristics of marine regression. The variation trends ofthe palynological parameters when consecutive indicate a complete cycle of rel...

در این مطالعه به منظور ارزیابی ویژگیهای ژئوشیمیایی سازندهای پابده و گورپی در چاه NH-01 در میدان ... more در این مطالعه به منظور ارزیابی ویژگیهای ژئوشیمیایی سازندهای پابده و گورپی در چاه NH-01 در میدان نفتی نصرت تجزیههای ژئوشیمیایی انجام شد. این تجزیهها به ترتیب اولویت شامل راک ایول، استخراج بیتومن، جداسازی برشهای هیدروکربنی و کروماتوگرافی گازی (GC) بودند که روی نمونههای تهیه شده از خردههای حفاری (Cutting) صورت گرفت. نتایج ژئوشیمیایی نشاندهنده این هستند که نوع کروژن نمونهها ترکیبی از انواع II-III است که تمایل بیشتر به کروژن نوع II (توانایی تولید نفت بیشتر) دارد و بیانگر وجود مواد آلی با منشأ دریایی و همراه با کمی مواد آلی با منشأ خشکی در سازندهاست. ماده آلی این نمونهها در محیطی با شرایط احیایی- نیمه احیایی نهشته شدهاند. در مجموع نمونههای سازند پابده پتانسیل هیدروکربنی ضعیف تا خوب دارند و وارد پنجره نفتزایی شدهاند و از دید شاخص پتانسیل سنگ منشأ یک سنگ منشأ مناسب به شمار میروند در حالی که سازند گورپی با وجود بلوغ مناسب بر خلاف سازند پابده از دید پتانسیل، جزو سنگهای منشأ ضعیف به شمار میرود نتایج حاصل از تجزیه جداسازی برشهای هیدروکربنی نشان میدهد که در بیشتر نمونهها مقد...

International. Journal of Mining & Geo-Engineering, 2014
In the this research, the hydrocarbon generation potential of the Gadvan Formation as a probable ... more In the this research, the hydrocarbon generation potential of the Gadvan Formation as a probable source rock was investigated in the central part of the Persian Gulf at the borders of Iran. Type and maturity level of kerogen were investigated in six wells using the results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis and compared with results yielded by the modelling software program known as Pars Basin Modeler (PBM). The cross-plot of hydrogen index (HI) versus maximum temperature suggests that the Gadvan Formation reached early to mid-maturity stages in the studied area, which means that it could act as a gas prone source rock. Furthermore, the burial and thermal history of the Gadvan Formation was determined in one well. Two methods, Easy %Ro and time-temperature index (TTI) were used for the reconstruction of thermal modelling and studying the thermal maturity level in all of the drilled wells reaching the Gadvan Formation. The results of the TTI and Easy %Ro methods were in good agreement and both o...

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2019
Formation damage is a great concern in reservoir management and can potentially occur due to expo... more Formation damage is a great concern in reservoir management and can potentially occur due to exposure of formation to alkaline fluids. Exceeding pH over a critical pH may result in an in situ release of fine particles and therefore can cause pore plugging. In this study, a series of core-flooding experiments was carried out to determine the critical pH of alkaline fluids flooding through core samples of Fahliyan carbonate formation. Alkaline fluids with different pH were injected into the core samples and the alkaline sensitivity of the carbonate formation was measured in both qualitative and quantitative forms. The applied approach provides an accurate determination of the degree of formation damage at a base pH (pH = 7) following successive changes in the fluid alkalinity. In addition, the pH values corresponding to different degrees of formation damage, determined qualitatively in other works, are calculated precisely in this paper. The flooded cores showed different response when exposed to fluids with different alkalinity while the degree of induced formation damage varied from 'negligible' to 'severe' which were, in some cases, noticeable and often irreversible. A polynomial relationship between the fluid alkalinity and the corresponding degree of formation damage was proposed for core no.3, which is compared with the conventional methods (Renpu method) underestimating the degree of formation damage (D k) compared to the modified approach introduced in this paper.
Open Journal of Geology, 2017
Asmari Formation is deposited in the Zagros Foreland basin during Oligo-Miocene time. In the pres... more Asmari Formation is deposited in the Zagros Foreland basin during Oligo-Miocene time. In the presented research, Sheykh Makan (north of Kabir-Kuh Anticline) section located at Lurestan Basin is studied to achieve an understanding of facies changes, paleoenvironment and also sequence stratigraphic framework (relative sea level changes) of the Asmari Formation. Results of this study revealed that 15 microfacies grouped to four facies belts named as tidal flat, lagoon, barrier and open marine are the main constituents. A homoclinal ramp is determined as the depositional setting of the Asmari Formation. In Sheykh Makan Section, studied interval contains three third-order sequences aging oligmiocene. It overlies gradually shaly Pabdeh Formation and is overlain by evaporitic Gachsaran Formatin.

سیستم نشریات دانشگاه اصفهان, Nov 15, 2010
The Surmeh Formation with the age of Jurassic composed of shallow-water limestones and dolomites.... more The Surmeh Formation with the age of Jurassic composed of shallow-water limestones and dolomites. The study area is located in the southwest of Iran in the Kohkiluyeh Province. Fluid inclusion analysis can be a good approach for studying trend diagenesis of cements in carbonate rocks. Petrographic observation of the Surmeh Formation reveals the presence of 10 different cements related to various diagenetic environments. This study attempts to determine the temperature of cement precipitation, the salinity of the fluid from which the cement precipitated and the diagenetic environments. Frequency histograms of Th (temperature of homogenization) and bivariate plot of Th and Tm ice (temperature of final ice melting) show distinct areas for each cement. Also, the petrographic observation and fluid inclusion data (Th and Tm ice) reveal that timing of precipitation of 5 types of coarse-crystalline cements in this successtion , began from meteoric diagenesis and continue to deep burial diagenesis. All of fluid inclusions exhibit two-phases (liquid-vapour phase), which the liquid ratios is more than vapour ratios. In addition, trace element and isotopic geochemistry of carbonates from different environments can be used as a powerful tool for determination of paleoenvironmental and original mineralogy of carbonates rocks. Major and minor elements and carbon and oxygen isotopes values were used to determine the original carbonate mineralogy of Surmeh Formation. In this research, petrographic evidence, elemental, oxygen and carbon isotopes values indicate that aragonite was the original carbonate mineralogy in this formation. Bivariate plot of Sr/Ca values versus Mn, also illustrate that Surmeh carbonates were affected by non-marine diagenesis in a closed to semi-closed system.

Petroleum Science, 2015
The Cretaceous Kazhdumi and Gurpi formations, Ahmadi Member of the Sarvak Formation, and Paleogen... more The Cretaceous Kazhdumi and Gurpi formations, Ahmadi Member of the Sarvak Formation, and Paleogene Pabdeh Formation are important source rock candidates of the Middle Cretaceous-Early Miocene petroleum system in the Persian Gulf. This study characterizes generation potential, type of organic matter, and thermal maturity of 262 cutting samples (marls and argillaceous limestones) from these rock units taken from 16 fields in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf. In addition, the burial and thermal histories of these source rocks were analyzed by one-dimensional basin modeling. Based on the total organic carbon and genetic potential values, fair hydrocarbon generation potential is suggested for the studied samples. Based on T max and vitrinite reflectance values, the studied samples are thermally immature to mature for hydrocarbon generation. The generated models indicate that studied source rocks are immature in central wells. The Gurpi and Pabdeh formations are immature and the Ahmadi Member and Kazhdumi Formation are early mature in the western wells. The Pabdeh Formation is within the main oil window and other source rocks are at the late oil window in the eastern wells. The hydrocarbon expulsion from the source rocks began after deposition of related caprocks which ensures entrapment and preservation of migrated hydrocarbon.
Third Arabian Plate Geology Workshop, 2011

GeoArabia, 2006
ABSTRACTTo better constrain the spatial and stratigraphic distribution of the depositional facies... more ABSTRACTTo better constrain the spatial and stratigraphic distribution of the depositional facies, a synthesis of outcrop and subsurface data for the depositional system of the Upper Dalan Member and Kangan Formation in the Zagros to the offshore Fars area was carried out. The areas that were studied in detail are the Kuh-e Surmeh and Kuh-e Dena sections of the Zagros Mountains, Iran, and their equivalent in the offshore Fars subsurface. The observations and interpretations based on these sections were then integrated with the regional subsurface descriptions, interpretations and models, and related to the Upper Khuff system across the region.The synthesis of the core descriptions and the Zagros outcrop facies data, together with integration of published data resulted in the definition and characterisation of 16 principal facies associations that were used to interpret the depositional environment. Qualitative comparisons of Upper Khuff sections and subsurface cores across the Zagro...

Journal of Petroleum Geology
A laterally continuous, 3m thick oolitic grainstone has been studied in cores from two wells from... more A laterally continuous, 3m thick oolitic grainstone has been studied in cores from two wells from the South Pars field (offshore Iran). This high porosity but low permeability interval occurs at the top of the gas-bearing succession in the Permian Upper Dalan Member, and is equivalent to the informally-defined K4 unit of the Khuff Formation. This interval can easily be traced between the wells and overlies high-energy marine deposits. It is composed of oomouldic, fine-grained azooic grainstones with cm-thick coarser-grained layers. Horizontal to oblique lamination or steep foresets were observed together with pinstripe lamination. Petrographic observations indicate a clean oomouldic grainstone with very thin chitonic rims associated with pedogenetic imprints as first-generation cements. Later cements include early vadose meniscus and pendant cements in coarser-grained layers and pseudophreatic cements in the finer-grained material with a tighter pore network, prior to ooid dissoluti...

Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering-international English Edition, Sep 1, 2013
This investigation presents the effect of various parameters on foam stability and its rheologica... more This investigation presents the effect of various parameters on foam stability and its rheological properties. The underlying idea of this experiment is generating of drilling foam with uniform bubbles. The main problem of foam using is controlling its stability during field application. The most important parameters which cause Instability in foam are gravity drainage, gas diffusion and bubble coalescence. Among these parameters gravity drainage has the highest effect on foam instability in field application. For measuring of drainage effect it is necessary to produce foam with uniform bubbles. This Experiment was performed with a specific foaming system which constructed in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) just for this point. This foam system consisted of an apparatus which injected nitrogen gas through a porous plate into the foam solution.In each test one parameter was variable and the effect of this variation was measured on foam properties. The main parameters which investigated in this experiment were temperature, foamer concentration, pH effect, stabilizers, and contaminants. Obtained results from testing of each parameter can be used simultaneously to improve the foam stability in elevated temperature. In this way by changing of physical and chemical properties of foam, it becomes more stable in real condition of wellbore.
Papers by Mohammad R. Kamali