Papers by Saeed Shirzadian
This study presents role of mosses in biodeterioration of Zayand-e-Rood bridges as well as their ... more This study presents role of mosses in biodeterioration of Zayand-e-Rood bridges as well as their elimination / control methods. Mosses provide a suitable habitat for small organisms and a base for proliferation and invasion of higher plants that accelerate deterioration due to penetration of their roots. Environmental factors in biodeterioration (pH, water, relative humidity and temperature) were determined and chemical analyses of moss specimens were carried out.
Alvand Mt. (Hamedan province, W Iran) is one of the highest mountains in Iran. The present resear... more Alvand Mt. (Hamedan province, W Iran) is one of the highest mountains in Iran. The present research paper is a survey on the moss flora of the area. Based on this study, totally, 22 mosses species are being reported from the area, out of which 14 of them are new for the province, while, ...

Solanum kieseritzkii, an endemic species of Iran and the Caucasus, has been recently introduced i... more Solanum kieseritzkii, an endemic species of Iran and the Caucasus, has been recently introduced in botanical sources as unresolved species and sometimes has been regarded a synonymous of S. dulcamara. In this research, along with field and herbarium studies, a morphological and molecular comparison is made between these two species; each of them is designated as a distinct species. Solanum kieseritzkii is a creeping rhizomatous plant 10–30 cm high, has only 1–3 flowers per inflorescence, and is found only in the dark forests of Hyrcanian province, while S. dulcamara is a plant of open habitats including residential areas, climbing the tress up to 300 cm high, and has inflorescences with 6–40 flowers. The results of the present study were highly supported by comparison of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of different samples of both S. kieseritzkii and S. dulcamara and also comparing with other accessions from Genbank. Separation of two species is also confirmed by presen...
Turkish Journal of Botany, 2007
Four moss species, namely, Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. (Tetraphidaceae), Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid.... more Four moss species, namely, Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. (Tetraphidaceae), Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid. (Orthotrichaceae), Haplohymenium triste (Ces.) Kindb. (Anomodontaceae), and Rhynchostegiella litorea (De Not.) Limpr. (Brachytheciaceae) are recorded from Iran. The specimens were collected from Kheiroodkenar Forest, Mazandaran Province (north of Iran).

Mosses (a section of bryophytes), are considered as an important group of non-flowering plants wh... more Mosses (a section of bryophytes), are considered as an important group of non-flowering plants which a modern computer-assisted database system is not yet prepared for their determination and description key in Iran. Following a software package recently designed under a research project for assessment of moss diversity of Iran by the authors, the present paper is prepared to: I) introducing competency/convertible featuring of this package in the form of an electronic atlas for a variety of moss specimens identified for “IRAN” herbarium, and II) mapping based on geographical coordinates capable of extracting different documented reports analysis for other related taxonomical fields. For structural analysis algorithms to develop a comprehensive model named as “the Iranian moss flora explorer” using VB.NET Database. Based on the reliable and an up-to-date scientific resource, all the moss specimens of “IRAN” herbarium along with their diagnostic features and many kinds of habitats wer...
The aim of the present project was to collect and identify the Pteridophytes of northern and west... more The aim of the present project was to collect and identify the Pteridophytes of northern and western parts of Iran located in 11 provinces. For this purpose, more than 50 days excursions for gathering of the specimens were done covering Golestan, Mazandaran, Gilan, Tehran, Ardebil, E. & ...
Anatolian Bryology
Karayosunlari, anti-kanser, anti-mikrobiyal ve antifungal ozelliklere sahip ikincil metabolizma k... more Karayosunlari, anti-kanser, anti-mikrobiyal ve antifungal ozelliklere sahip ikincil metabolizma kaynaklari iceren bir grup vaskuler olmayan bitkidir. Bu calismanin amaci, Iran'dan toplanan karayosunlarinin farkli ekstraktlarin (etanolik, metanolik ve asetonik ekstreler) antifungal potansiyelini, fitopatojenik mantarlar Fusarium solani'ye (IRAN 11C), Hastaliga yol acan ve bugdayin kok curumesine karsi degerlendirmekti. iki katli seri seyreltme yontemi. Kullanilan ekstre konsantrasyonlari yuzdesi: 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125 % idi. Sonuclar, ekstraktlarin konsantrasyonunu arttirarak antifungal aktivitelerin de arttigini ve test mantarlarinin radyal buyumesinin azaldigini gosterdi. Ozellikle etanolik ekstraktlar, en yuksek ve en dusuk konsantrasyonlarda test mantarlarinin buyumesinde onemli bir inhibisyon ile en iyi antifungal aktiviteler gosterdi.
Nova Biologica Reperta
Two species of mosses, namely, Grimmia dissimulata and Schistidium pruinosum, belonging to the fa... more Two species of mosses, namely, Grimmia dissimulata and Schistidium pruinosum, belonging to the family Grimmiaceae collected from Khorassan Razavi province (NE Iran) are found new for the Iranian bryoflora. Based on the recent literature, 16 species of Grimmia and 13 species of Schistidium have been reported from Iran so far. Diagnostic characters, geographical distribution and illustrations are provided herewith.

In order to evaluate the antifungal activities of bryophytes, 23 taxa (including 21 mosses and tw... more In order to evaluate the antifungal activities of bryophytes, 23 taxa (including 21 mosses and two leafy liverworts) were collected, washed, dry-powdered and then extracted in different solvents including water, methanol, ethanol, acetone and petroleum ether. These extracts were mixed with Czapek-Dox (CzA) medium at the ratio of 1:10, and seven different pathogenic fungal species, namely, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium dahliae and Pythium sp. were then grown on these mixtures. Controls were kept free of the plant extracts. Among the collected and studied bryophytes, the broadest spectrum of antifungal activity were shown by the ethanolic extracts of six moss species, namely, Philonotis marchica, Grimmia pulvinata, Plagiomnium rugicum, Haplocladium sp., Bryum pallens and Drepanocladus aduncus followed by two liverworts called Pellia epiphylla and Dumortiera hirsuta. It was also concluded that, ethanol was...
Based on investigations of mosses in Iran, a new species, namely, Funaria microstoma Bruch ex Sch... more Based on investigations of mosses in Iran, a new species, namely, Funaria microstoma Bruch ex Schimp. is found in Ardebil province (NW Iran) which is a new report for the bryoflora of the country. The species belongs to the family Funariaceae under the order Funariales. This world widely distributed family consists of 13 genera and nearly 300 species being found in arctic, temperate and tropical regions. Diagnostic characters, geographical distribution and illustrations are provided herewith.
Five moss species namely, Bryum creberrimum Tayl. (Bryaceae) and Grimmia montana Bruch & Schimp. ... more Five moss species namely, Bryum creberrimum Tayl. (Bryaceae) and Grimmia montana Bruch & Schimp. (Grimmiaceae), Rhynchostegium confertum (Dicks.) Schimp. (Brachytheciaceae), Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) Mohr (Cryphaeaceae) and Hygrohypnum eugyrium (Schimp.) Broth. (Amblystegiaceae) are recorded from Northern part of Iran. Some of these species show extended distribution. Their descriptions are provided along with the illustrations.
Phytotaxa, 2015
Bryum campylopodioides Müll. hal., previously known only from the type locality in China, is here... more Bryum campylopodioides Müll. hal., previously known only from the type locality in China, is here reported new to Southwest asia, based on a specimen from West azerbaijan Province (NW Iran). The species is illustrated and its taxonomic placement discussed.

In the present study, a modelling approach based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) analys... more In the present study, a modelling approach based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) analysis is presented with the aim of identifying the influence of environmental parameters on three genera, namely, Tortula, Grimmia and Bryum as representatives of Iranian bryoflora. By using ArcGIS Desktop, we produced a model for environmental variables include altitude, precipitation, temperature and humidity. To test the model, we surveyed the effect of selected geographical and environmental variables including altitude, latitude, annual mean precipitation, maximum, minimum, and mean temperatures and humidity on distribution pathern of these three genera. Within 108 localities, 52 samples of Bryum (48%), 33 samples of Grimmia (30%) and 24 samples of Tortula (22%) were recorded. The digital models that we achieved revealed interesting results. Altitude map shows strong preference within three genera for mountainous regions. Almost all species limited to the regions received proper amount of average rainfall. Temperature digital map shows a negative relationship between temperature and bryophytes distribution. Modelling the four environmental parameters of Iran provides the means for a quantitative analysis of the distribution and abundance of vegetation types in every selected area, thus also allowing quantification and prediction of environmental effects on vegetation distribution. It stimulates the use of GIS in botanical investigations by putting a collection of free, relevant, high quality formatted data into the hands of botanical researchers.
This study presents role of mosses in biodeterioration of Zayand-e-Rood bridges as well as their ... more This study presents role of mosses in biodeterioration of Zayand-e-Rood bridges as well as their elimination / control methods. Mosses provide a suitable habitat for small organisms and a base for proliferation and invasion of higher plants that accelerate deterioration due to penetration of their roots. Environmental factors in biodeterioration (pH, water, relative humidity and temperature) were determined and chemical analyses of moss specimens were carried out.
Journal of Bryology, 2011

Pakistan Journal of …, 2004
The current research was carried out to study effects of biological soil crusts (lichens and moss... more The current research was carried out to study effects of biological soil crusts (lichens and mosses) on some soil attributes. The study was carried out in rangelands of Alagol region, in north of Golestan province, Northern Iran. Survey area is located near Iran-Turkmenistan border. In this research, soil samples were taken from two crusted and adjacent uncrusted areas, at one site along 4 transects. Environmental factors, soil texture and vascular plants vegetation of two areas were similar, but due to livestock repeated trampling and wind and water erosion over the last years, there were not lichens and mosses in non-crusted points. Soil sampling was done along each of two transverse 300m transects. Laboratory analyses were done on soil samples from the upper soil layer (0-5 cm). Soil properties included organic C, K, Na, N, and P. Using t-test, above mentioned properties were compared in crusted and uncrusted soils. Results showed that P, N, and organic C were significantly different at depth 0-5 cm.
Papers by Saeed Shirzadian