Papers by Salvador Remírez Vallejo
Revista Del Centro De Estudios Merindad De Tudela, 2010
Puede verse a modo de ejemplo, MARTÍNEZ, M., Documentos relativos a los oficios artesanales en la... more Puede verse a modo de ejemplo, MARTÍNEZ, M., Documentos relativos a los oficios artesanales en la Baja Edad Media, Murcia, 2000, p. 116 y ss. 86. «…La ropa de cama téngala cada uno con moderada dispensa del maestre, por lo que creemos que llega con que dispongan de un jergón, una sábana y un cobertor; pero el que careciese de alguna de estas cosas, tenga un cobertor y en todo tiempo le sea lícito usar una colcha de lienzo…».
Príncipe de Viana, 2019
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the lay connection with the Order of the Temple of a grou... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the lay connection with the Order of the Temple of a group of women belonging to the high nobility of Pamplona during the 12th century. Although the modality of Templar integration is represented by the group of the associate sisters (consorores), the nomenclature with which they are called their first associates, some of their members manifest devotional practices and different charitable behaviors, making the choice of burial a differential feature between them. Within this female collective stand out two significant antagonistic cases, one whose interaction resulted in conflict with the order, while another must culminate in monastic retreat.
Príncipe de Viana, 2017
The present work aims to provide a historical and genealogical reconstruction of the Navarrese li... more The present work aims to provide a historical and genealogical reconstruction of the Navarrese lineage of the Murietas in the 12th century, a group of nobles little known to medieval research. Prosopographic analysis of the members of the lineage has revealed relevant information of a socio-political and religious nature. In the political and military sphere, fidelity to the Pamplonese monarchy through the performance of certain landholder duties is worthy of note. In religious and spiritual aspects, their predilection for the Templars is evident, joining the militia as brothers and lay brothers and in several cases requesting burial on Templar property.
Emblemata. Revista Aragonesa de Emblemática (ERAE), 2017
Since the middle of the 12th century and coinciding with the beginning of the difficult reign of ... more Since the middle of the 12th century and coinciding with the beginning of the difficult reign of monarch Sancho VI of Navarre (1150), the domains of Cintruénigo were ruled by a prominent knight from the Pamplonese nobility, who appeared repeatedly in records from medieval documentation as Pedro of Cintruénigo. This toponymic emblem was also exhibited by other descendants of the lineage as a proper element of identity and belonging to the family clan. However, several contemporary personages without family ties who also used this same cognomen or toponymic surname, have generated problems of homonymy and confusion within historiography when attempting to correctly identify this group of individuals. The prosopographical analysis of all of them emphasises that the use of this locative name was not exclusive of this lineage, which exerted the seigniorial power in the village until its donation to the Order of the Temple (1173), as other knights also adopted it as a geographical indicator of origin and not as a family lineage surname. In this article, we will analyse the use given to the documentation on the toponymic cognomen of Cintruénigo during the second half of this century, in order to differentiate the dominant group in the village from other individuals who, although linked by close feudo-vasallian and neighbourhood ties, had a lower socioeconomic status.
Berceo, nº 172, Logroño, 2017, pp. 255-278, 2017
This work examines a set of castles, enclaves or population centers located in the valleys of Alh... more This work examines a set of castles, enclaves or population centers located in the valleys of Alhama-Linares and Cidacos that have a historical link with the Order of the Temple throughout the twelfth Century because they inhabit knights linked to the Militia or for receiving this institution various donations. Frontier castles, warlords and Knights Templar appear intimately interconnected, showing a scenario where the influence and the ideological and spiritual expansion of the Temple can be seen through the border valleys. Following the natural course of these river channels from its source to its mouth in the Ebro, includes various populations attached of Soria, La Rioja and as well as Navarre. All of them are harbor a set of strategic fortresses, whose defense was entrusted to a line of warriors, who through the transfer of their weapons and horses to the Temple showed the sacralization of military activity that they exerted in these castles.
Revista Príncipe de Viana, núm. 260, Pamplona, 2014, pp. 435-470, Dec 2014
This article analyses the historical figure of the Navarrese knight Martin Lopez of Estella, a me... more This article analyses the historical figure of the Navarrese knight Martin Lopez of Estella, a member of the Azagra lineage who had so far gone unnoticed by historians. At the beginning of his long life, the important holdings of Aibar and Estella were under his domain, inherited from his father don Lope Garcés of Azagra. This coincided with two events of great significance for the Kingdom of Navarre, as were the death of the“Battler” and the ascent to the throne of García Ramírez. His, and his brothers Rodrigo and Gonzalo’s, lay association with the Order of the Temple not only reveal the important links established between the Azagras and the Knights Templar, but also anticipate the subsequent entry of Martin Lopez as a professed member of the Temple in the commandery of Novillas. The post of commander of the Templar commandery of Aberin, represents the culmination of his long career as a conventual brother in the service of the Temple.
Keywords: Navarre lineage, Azagra’s Familie, Order of the Temple, Templar brotherhood, Templar preceptor.
Berceo, núm. 166, Logroño, 2014, pp. 179-241, Oct 2014
This article is intended to provide an updated and comprehensive analysis of the presence of th... more This article is intended to provide an updated and comprehensive analysis of the presence of the Order of the Temple in the medieval village of Inestrillas, in the middle course of the Alhama river, presently in the municipality of Aguilar del río Alhama in La Rioja. Research devoted to analyze the presence of the Temple in the Kingdom of Castile has documented the donations that the Templars were given in this village. Nevertheless, this issue was addressed in a superficial way and in isolation, without framing it in its real socio-political and ideological context. Providing such a context would connect with the various forms of lay association that some members of 12th century Castilian nobility established with the Order of the Temple in one of the most booming moments of the crusader ideology. An example is set by Miguel Muñoz de Hinojosa and Sancha de Inestrillas, lords of medieval Fenestrellas, amongst other manors, whose domains will be inherited by the descendants of lineage. The Templar links of the Lords of Inestrillas will be analyzed. Such links have gone unnoticed in the historiographical tradition due to the prominence achieved by other contemporaneous monastic orders such as the Cistercians, professed by their son San Martín de Hinojosa. We conclude this study with their death and with the burial site they chose for their eternal rest.
Keywords: Inestrillas/Aguilar del río Alhama (La Rioja), nobility lineage, Miguel Muñoz of Hinojosa, Sancha of Inestrillas, Order of the Temple, Templar Brethren, Muslim farmer, Land-holding.
Trabajos de Arqueología Navarra, nº 23, pp. 275-542., 2011
Revista del Centro de Estudios Merindad de Tudela, nº 18, Tudela, 2010, pp. 141-174.
Revista del Centro de Estudios Merindad de Tudela, nº 17, Tudela, 2009, pp. 97-128.
Trabajos de arqueología Navarra, 2007
Trabajos de arqueología Navarra, 2006
La ermita de San Sebastián (Figura 1) se localiza dentro del término municipal de Cintruénigo sob... more La ermita de San Sebastián (Figura 1) se localiza dentro del término municipal de Cintruénigo sobre un borde de terraza en la margen derecha del río Alhama. En torno a su vertiente occidental aparece rodeada por las estribaciones montañosas del Sistema Ibérico, con peñas próximas de mediana altitud (Navillas, Peña Roya, Alto de la Muga) sobre las que emergen las sierras del Moncayo y Yerga. Al este y norte queda abierta a la amplia cuenca sedimentaria del Ebro, caracterizada en esta zona por el típico sistema de terrazas aluviales de escasa pendiente atravesadas por barrancos. El relieve es prácticamente llano, destacando los pequeños cerros testigos y mesas estructurales (Chicuelo, Moluengo, Montes de Cierzo).
Colección de Estudios de Cintruénigo nº 5, Ayuntamiento de Cintruénigo, Sep 2009
Instrumenta, nº 32, Barcelona, 2009, pp. 371-401.
Books by Salvador Remírez Vallejo
Gobierno de Navarra/Nafarroako Gobernua, 2016
En este libro se analiza la integración inicial del linaje de los Cintruénigo en la cofradía del ... more En este libro se analiza la integración inicial del linaje de los Cintruénigo en la cofradía del Temple a mediados del siglo XII, ligada a una importante actividad benefactora que consolidó el patrimonio de la principal encomienda en la frontera del Ebro como fue Novillas. La culminación en los vínculos mantenidos con la Milicia se produjo en julio de 1173, cuando don Pedro de Cintruénigo otorgó su dominio señorial a los templarios. Su muerte (†1177) y la fallida adquisición del señorío por milites navarros, propició la llegada de los freires a este enclave fronterizo del Alhama, cuyo patrimonio fue administrado desde Novillas hasta que, en 1186, Cintruénigo se constituyó en una encomienda templaria autónoma. Pedro Cognato y Raimundo de Laguarres fueron los comendadores al frente de este señorío templario. A modo de desenlace, se analiza la supresión de la encomienda motivada por la compra del señorío de Cintruénigo por el caballero Rodrigo de Argaiz en 1194. En un capítulo final, precediendo a las conclusiones, se estudian los testimonios sigilográficos y heráldicos, cuyas cruces paté simbolizan la vinculación y la pertenencia de la villa al Temple. Cintruénigo constituye un unicum dentro del ámbito hispano del siglo XII en el proceso de interacción de una villa con los templarios.
Papers by Salvador Remírez Vallejo
Keywords: Navarre lineage, Azagra’s Familie, Order of the Temple, Templar brotherhood, Templar preceptor.
Keywords: Inestrillas/Aguilar del río Alhama (La Rioja), nobility lineage, Miguel Muñoz of Hinojosa, Sancha of Inestrillas, Order of the Temple, Templar Brethren, Muslim farmer, Land-holding.
Books by Salvador Remírez Vallejo
Keywords: Navarre lineage, Azagra’s Familie, Order of the Temple, Templar brotherhood, Templar preceptor.
Keywords: Inestrillas/Aguilar del río Alhama (La Rioja), nobility lineage, Miguel Muñoz of Hinojosa, Sancha of Inestrillas, Order of the Temple, Templar Brethren, Muslim farmer, Land-holding.