Pemerintah kota Semarang bekerja sama dengan berbagai universitas untuk menyelenggarakan program ... more Pemerintah kota Semarang bekerja sama dengan berbagai universitas untuk menyelenggarakan program percepatan vaksinasi COVID-19 bagi masyarakat Kota Semarang, sebagai upaya menghentikan penyebaran virus COVID-19 yang sedang meningkat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses perencanaan dan implementasi program sentra vaksin Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA). Metode artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan studi kasus yakni pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dari perencanaan hingga pelaksanaan vaksinasi COVID-19 dalam program "sentra vaksin UNISSULA". Program ini dilaksanakan di gedung auditorium UNISSULA bagian civitas akademika UNISSULA, pengabdi Yayasan Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung (YBWSA) dan masyarakat sekitar UNISSULA pada 5 Juli sampai dengan 10 September 2022 jam 08.00 sampai jam 12.00 WIB. Hasil kegiatan menujukkan bahwa program sentra vaksin berhasil memberikan vaksinasi COVID-19 dosis 1 dan 2 sejumlah 22,061 dengan rincian: vaksin 1 sebanyak 11.512 dosis, vaksin 2 sebanyak 10.549 dosis. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat tersebut bertujuan membantu peningkatan capaian angka vaksinasi COVID-19 di kota Semarang sebagai upaya memutus rantai penyebaran penyakit COVID-19.
The obstetric emergency referral system is intended to handle pregnancy emergencies quickly, prec... more The obstetric emergency referral system is intended to handle pregnancy emergencies quickly, precisely, efficiently, and effectively by the capabilities and authorities of health care facilities. This condition is reflected by sending referrals following the established risk factor diagnosis. This study aims to determine the differences in maternal risk factors based on the type of referral sender's health facility. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018-2019, taking 113 cases of referral deliveries at the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital in Semarang. Referral senders are divided into three groups consisting of 1) private practice midwives, 2) primary health care, primary health clinics, general practitioner, type D hospitals, and 3) type C hospitals. Pregnancy risk factors are divided into three categories such as low, high, and very high-risk pregnancies. Very high-risk pregnancy was the most dominant finding in each referral sending health facility. Private practice midwives's very high-risk pregnancy rate is 62.5%; from the primary health centers, type D hospitals, clinics, and general practitioner is 57.9%, and 92.9% came from type C hospitals. Based on the Fisher exact test, there is no difference in maternal risk factors based on the sender's referral (p-value of 0.187). Reviewing and harmonizing tiered regulations with regional health regulations is necesarry to implement them effectively and efficiently.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: COVID-19 pandemic became a global health problem due to the high number of cases and ... more BACKGROUND: COVID-19 pandemic became a global health problem due to the high number of cases and no specific treatment. Furthermore, the diagnosis was difficult due to limited publication data and diagnostic tests. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the demographics, clinical features, laboratory results, radiological results, and factors related to the severity of COVID-19 at a referral hospital. METHODS: A descriptive analytic study of confirmed COVID-19 patients was conducted during March–October 2020. Data were collected from the medical records to determine the patient demographics, clinical symptoms, comorbidities, laboratory, chest X-ray, and first illness severity at 24 h of treatment. RESULTS: There were 79 (59%) male and 55 (41%) female patients during the study. The clinical symptoms were fever 103 (77%), cough 100 (75%), shortness of breath 88 (66%), comorbidities of diabetes mellitus 18 (13%), hypertension 24 (18%), and heart disease 20 (15%). The patient’s la...
Rujukan pelayanan kesehatan merupakan faktor yang dapat menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI). Namu... more Rujukan pelayanan kesehatan merupakan faktor yang dapat menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI). Namun, banyaknya fasilitas kesehatan yang memiliki angka rujukan yang tinggi, menunjukkan bahwa sistem rujukan belum berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh implementasi rujukan berjenjang terhadap faktor risiko ibu bersalin di Poli Obgyn Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang. Penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross-sectional dilakukan pada 754 ibu bersalin yang dirawat di Poli Obgyn Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang (RSISA). Penelitian ini menggunakan data rekam medis dan Kartu Skor Poedji Rochjati. Data penelitian diuji menggunakan Uji Non parametrik Mann-Whitney. Terdapat 596 ibu bersalin sebelum dan 158 ibu bersalin setelah implementasi rujukan berjenjang dengan rerata skor Poedji Rochjati masing-masing adalah 12,61 dan 12,24. Terdapat perbedaan skor faktor risiko ibu bersalin sebelum dan sesudah implementasi rujukan berjenjang ...
Hemodialysis patients are at risk of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). On... more Hemodialysis patients are at risk of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). On the other hand. End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) plays a role as a predictor factor of severe Covid-19 infection. There is no data about factors that affect Covid-19 vaccine acceptance among hemodialysis patients in Indonesia. This study’s goal is to determine the factors related to Covid-19 vaccine acceptance among hemodialysis patients. A Cross-sectional study occurred in September 2021 in the hemodialysis unit at Roemani Muhammadiyah Hospital Semarang. Inclusion criteria include ESKD patients who underwent hemodialysis ≥3 months, hemodialysis frequency twice a week, communicable, and agree to join in this study. While patients with incomplete data. and being treated in the Covid-19 isolation ward are excluded from this study. Collected data analyzed using chi-square using Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) 18.0 version. From 87 respondents, 36 (41.4%) respondents have been ...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the... more Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the country, prompting medical schools to adopt online learning systems. This study aims to determine impact on medical education and the medical student's attitude, practice, mental health after 1 year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected public health services... more BACKGROUND: The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected public health services, including routine immunization services. If this condition continues, the national immunization coverage will decrease, thereby potentially increasing the risk of immunization preventable diseases. AIM: This study aims to determine the coverage of complete basic immunization services in Semarang before (December 2019) and during the pandemic (May 2020) and the factors that affect the coverage of complete basic immunization services. METHODS: This study describes complete basic immunization based on data taken in June-August 2021 at three health centers in Semarang. The data used were the number of visits and the type of immunization obtained from the medical records of the Health Center Management Information System. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the person in charge of the immunization program at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas) to determine the influence fa...
ABSTRAK Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang... more ABSTRAK Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunakan merupakan faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya infeksi Gonore. Perilaku penggunaan kondom yang ti-dak benar dapat memudahkan akses penularan infeksi Gonore terutama pada orang yang sering berhubungan seksual dan berisiko tinggi terhadap Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) seperti Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS. Terdapat 70 WPS yang telah diwawancarai dengan 18 pertanyaan tentang perilaku penggunaan kondom dan diikuti dengan pemeriksaan swab vagina untuk mendiagnosis adanya Neisseria gonorrhoeae menggunakan pengecatan Gram. Dari WPS tersebut, 45 sampel didiagnosis positif Gonore, sedangkan 25 sampel lainnya negatif. Dari analisis data, hanya 5 sampel yang memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang benar oleh karena teratur dalam menggunakan kondom, menggunakan kondom dengan...
Condom use behavior includes regularity, method of use, and the type of condom being used which a... more Condom use behavior includes regularity, method of use, and the type of condom being used which are factors that can influence the occurrence of gonorrhea infection. Improper condom use behavior can increase the chance of gonorrhea infection transmission, especially in individuals who have frequent sexual intercourse and have a high risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as Female Commercial Sex Workers (FCSW). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between condom use behavior and occurrence of gonorrhea in FCSW. A total of 70 FCSW were interviewed by asking them 18 questions about condom use behavior,followed by vaginal swab examination to diagnose the presence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae using Gram staining. Among the FCSW who participated in this study,45 individuals were diagnosed with gonorrhea, while 25 others were negative. Based on the data analysis, only 5 individuals practiced correct condom use behavior characterized by the regul...
Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunak... more Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunakan merupakan faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya infeksi Gonore. Perilaku penggunaan kondom yang tidak benar dapat memudahkan akses penularan infeksi Gonore terutama pada orang yang sering berhubungan seksual dan berisiko tinggi terhadap Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) seperti Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS. Terdapat 70 WPS yang telah diwawancarai dengan 18 pertanyaan tentang perilaku penggunaan kondom dan diikuti dengan pemeriksaan swab vagina untuk mendiagnosis adanya Neisseria gonorrhoeae menggunakan pengecatan Gram. Dari WPS tersebut, 45 sampel didiagnosis positif Gonore, sedangkan 25 sampel lainnya negatif. Dari analisis data, hanya 5 sampel yang memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang benar oleh karena teratur dalam menggunakan kondom, menggunakan kondom dengan cara yan...
The maternal mortality rate in Central Java is ranked 4th in Indonesia. Implementation of quality... more The maternal mortality rate in Central Java is ranked 4th in Indonesia. Implementation of quality Antenatal Care (ANC) can reduce maternal mortality (MMR) through early detection in pregnancy. ANC services can be carried out both at BEmNOC (Basic Emergency Obstetric Care) and n on - BEmNOC primary health care services (PHC). All PHC are given the same authority in terms of early detection and services for pregnant women. This study aims to determine the relationship of the health centers status and the implementation of integrated antenatal care in the Semarang municipality. This was a cross sectional design carried out on 140 samples taken by consecutive sampling divided into primary health care services BEmNOC and non-BEmNOC 70 samples each. The implementation of integrated ANC was measured using 50 checklists consisting of 13, 12 and 25 checklist of first, second and third trimester sequentially and divided in two value namely do and not do. The relationship between the health ce...
ABSTRAK Balanced scorecard merupakan contemporary management tool yang dapat pula digunakan sebag... more ABSTRAK Balanced scorecard merupakan contemporary management tool yang dapat pula digunakan sebagai rerangka penyusunan rencana strategis dan sebagai alat untuk memperbaiki aliran informasi dan komunikasi antara top eksekutif dengan manajemen menengah dalam perusahaan. Sejak tahun 2005 RSI Sultan Agung telah melaksanakan perencanaan strategi dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard , Data dari penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan pada pelaksanaan rencana strategis tersebut didapatkan kesulitan dalam internalisasi, dan sosialisasi visi dalam rumah sakit sehingga menjadi visi bersama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manajemen strategis di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang dengan pendekatan Balance Scorecard. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bersifat eksploratif. Obyek yang diteliti meliputi visi, value , misi, tujuan, sasaran strategis, strategic map , dan keselarasan antara masing – masing variabel. Selanjutnya dibuat alternatif rumusan visi, value , misi, tujuan dan ...
Background: The complex health issues require comprehensive health practice involving various pro... more Background: The complex health issues require comprehensive health practice involving various professions. Inter-professional education employing various learning activities method has been proposed to improve the quality of collaboration and attitude toward other profession. This study aimed to explore students’ participation and social interaction within community based IPE, and finding out the result of community health problems that had been addressed by the group. Method: A total of 78 final pre-clinical year students from medical, nursing, and midwifery were randomly divided into 15 interprofessional groups. Interprofessional education program employing surveys and discussion to solve community health problems was conducted. The information and result of community health problems that had been managed by the groups were collected from the groups’ report. Students’ discussion sessions were video-recorded and the conversations were verbatim transcribed. Content analysis was appl...
Background: Exposure to Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays on the skin causesmany problems, including pigme... more Background: Exposure to Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays on the skin causesmany problems, including pigmentation and aging effect. Hence, protection against it is needed. Purpose: The study aimedto determine the effect of corncob extract cream on the number of melanin pigments in guinea pig skins exposed to UVB rays. Methods: Anexperimental post-test-only control group study was conducted on the 25 guinea pigs. The guinea pigs were divided randomly into five groups: group I without cream, group II cream base, group III hydroquinone cream, group IV 30% corncob extract cream, and group V 40% corncob extract cream. The cream was given daily for 20 minutes before UVB exposure and 4 hours after UVB exposure. The total dose of UVB exposure was 780 mJ / cm2 for 28 days. The amount of melanin pigment was calculated using the CX21 image J. Result: The number of melanin pigment in groups I, II, III, IV, and V were 22.8±0.4 cells, 18±0.3 cells, 6.3±3.1 cells, 13.8±0.2 cells, and 9.4±0.5 cells, respect...
Background Heart diseases are increasingly identified as an important indirect cause of maternal ... more Background Heart diseases are increasingly identified as an important indirect cause of maternal mortality in several cities in Indonesia. The management of pregnancy with heart diseases requires a multidisciplinary approach, and interprofessional collaboration practice (IPCP) is critical to improving the quality of patient care. To enable the effective implementation of IPCP, integrated care pathways (ICPs) are needed to define the roles and responsibilities of the health professionals involved. This study aims to examine the obstacles and enabling factors of IPCP, to develop and use ICPs in the implementation of IPCP in health care services for pregnant women with heart diseases. Methods A participatory action study consisting of four stages (diagnostic, planning, implementation, and evaluation) will take approximately 2 years after consensus of ICPs are made. The primary data collection process will employ consensus, observations, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews ...
Pemerintah kota Semarang bekerja sama dengan berbagai universitas untuk menyelenggarakan program ... more Pemerintah kota Semarang bekerja sama dengan berbagai universitas untuk menyelenggarakan program percepatan vaksinasi COVID-19 bagi masyarakat Kota Semarang, sebagai upaya menghentikan penyebaran virus COVID-19 yang sedang meningkat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses perencanaan dan implementasi program sentra vaksin Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA). Metode artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan studi kasus yakni pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dari perencanaan hingga pelaksanaan vaksinasi COVID-19 dalam program "sentra vaksin UNISSULA". Program ini dilaksanakan di gedung auditorium UNISSULA bagian civitas akademika UNISSULA, pengabdi Yayasan Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung (YBWSA) dan masyarakat sekitar UNISSULA pada 5 Juli sampai dengan 10 September 2022 jam 08.00 sampai jam 12.00 WIB. Hasil kegiatan menujukkan bahwa program sentra vaksin berhasil memberikan vaksinasi COVID-19 dosis 1 dan 2 sejumlah 22,061 dengan rincian: vaksin 1 sebanyak 11.512 dosis, vaksin 2 sebanyak 10.549 dosis. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat tersebut bertujuan membantu peningkatan capaian angka vaksinasi COVID-19 di kota Semarang sebagai upaya memutus rantai penyebaran penyakit COVID-19.
The obstetric emergency referral system is intended to handle pregnancy emergencies quickly, prec... more The obstetric emergency referral system is intended to handle pregnancy emergencies quickly, precisely, efficiently, and effectively by the capabilities and authorities of health care facilities. This condition is reflected by sending referrals following the established risk factor diagnosis. This study aims to determine the differences in maternal risk factors based on the type of referral sender's health facility. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018-2019, taking 113 cases of referral deliveries at the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital in Semarang. Referral senders are divided into three groups consisting of 1) private practice midwives, 2) primary health care, primary health clinics, general practitioner, type D hospitals, and 3) type C hospitals. Pregnancy risk factors are divided into three categories such as low, high, and very high-risk pregnancies. Very high-risk pregnancy was the most dominant finding in each referral sending health facility. Private practice midwives's very high-risk pregnancy rate is 62.5%; from the primary health centers, type D hospitals, clinics, and general practitioner is 57.9%, and 92.9% came from type C hospitals. Based on the Fisher exact test, there is no difference in maternal risk factors based on the sender's referral (p-value of 0.187). Reviewing and harmonizing tiered regulations with regional health regulations is necesarry to implement them effectively and efficiently.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: COVID-19 pandemic became a global health problem due to the high number of cases and ... more BACKGROUND: COVID-19 pandemic became a global health problem due to the high number of cases and no specific treatment. Furthermore, the diagnosis was difficult due to limited publication data and diagnostic tests. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the demographics, clinical features, laboratory results, radiological results, and factors related to the severity of COVID-19 at a referral hospital. METHODS: A descriptive analytic study of confirmed COVID-19 patients was conducted during March–October 2020. Data were collected from the medical records to determine the patient demographics, clinical symptoms, comorbidities, laboratory, chest X-ray, and first illness severity at 24 h of treatment. RESULTS: There were 79 (59%) male and 55 (41%) female patients during the study. The clinical symptoms were fever 103 (77%), cough 100 (75%), shortness of breath 88 (66%), comorbidities of diabetes mellitus 18 (13%), hypertension 24 (18%), and heart disease 20 (15%). The patient’s la...
Rujukan pelayanan kesehatan merupakan faktor yang dapat menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI). Namu... more Rujukan pelayanan kesehatan merupakan faktor yang dapat menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI). Namun, banyaknya fasilitas kesehatan yang memiliki angka rujukan yang tinggi, menunjukkan bahwa sistem rujukan belum berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh implementasi rujukan berjenjang terhadap faktor risiko ibu bersalin di Poli Obgyn Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang. Penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross-sectional dilakukan pada 754 ibu bersalin yang dirawat di Poli Obgyn Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang (RSISA). Penelitian ini menggunakan data rekam medis dan Kartu Skor Poedji Rochjati. Data penelitian diuji menggunakan Uji Non parametrik Mann-Whitney. Terdapat 596 ibu bersalin sebelum dan 158 ibu bersalin setelah implementasi rujukan berjenjang dengan rerata skor Poedji Rochjati masing-masing adalah 12,61 dan 12,24. Terdapat perbedaan skor faktor risiko ibu bersalin sebelum dan sesudah implementasi rujukan berjenjang ...
Hemodialysis patients are at risk of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). On... more Hemodialysis patients are at risk of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). On the other hand. End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) plays a role as a predictor factor of severe Covid-19 infection. There is no data about factors that affect Covid-19 vaccine acceptance among hemodialysis patients in Indonesia. This study’s goal is to determine the factors related to Covid-19 vaccine acceptance among hemodialysis patients. A Cross-sectional study occurred in September 2021 in the hemodialysis unit at Roemani Muhammadiyah Hospital Semarang. Inclusion criteria include ESKD patients who underwent hemodialysis ≥3 months, hemodialysis frequency twice a week, communicable, and agree to join in this study. While patients with incomplete data. and being treated in the Covid-19 isolation ward are excluded from this study. Collected data analyzed using chi-square using Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) 18.0 version. From 87 respondents, 36 (41.4%) respondents have been ...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the... more Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in educational institutions across the country, prompting medical schools to adopt online learning systems. This study aims to determine impact on medical education and the medical student's attitude, practice, mental health after 1 year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected public health services... more BACKGROUND: The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected public health services, including routine immunization services. If this condition continues, the national immunization coverage will decrease, thereby potentially increasing the risk of immunization preventable diseases. AIM: This study aims to determine the coverage of complete basic immunization services in Semarang before (December 2019) and during the pandemic (May 2020) and the factors that affect the coverage of complete basic immunization services. METHODS: This study describes complete basic immunization based on data taken in June-August 2021 at three health centers in Semarang. The data used were the number of visits and the type of immunization obtained from the medical records of the Health Center Management Information System. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the person in charge of the immunization program at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas) to determine the influence fa...
ABSTRAK Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang... more ABSTRAK Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunakan merupakan faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya infeksi Gonore. Perilaku penggunaan kondom yang ti-dak benar dapat memudahkan akses penularan infeksi Gonore terutama pada orang yang sering berhubungan seksual dan berisiko tinggi terhadap Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) seperti Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS. Terdapat 70 WPS yang telah diwawancarai dengan 18 pertanyaan tentang perilaku penggunaan kondom dan diikuti dengan pemeriksaan swab vagina untuk mendiagnosis adanya Neisseria gonorrhoeae menggunakan pengecatan Gram. Dari WPS tersebut, 45 sampel didiagnosis positif Gonore, sedangkan 25 sampel lainnya negatif. Dari analisis data, hanya 5 sampel yang memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang benar oleh karena teratur dalam menggunakan kondom, menggunakan kondom dengan...
Condom use behavior includes regularity, method of use, and the type of condom being used which a... more Condom use behavior includes regularity, method of use, and the type of condom being used which are factors that can influence the occurrence of gonorrhea infection. Improper condom use behavior can increase the chance of gonorrhea infection transmission, especially in individuals who have frequent sexual intercourse and have a high risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as Female Commercial Sex Workers (FCSW). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between condom use behavior and occurrence of gonorrhea in FCSW. A total of 70 FCSW were interviewed by asking them 18 questions about condom use behavior,followed by vaginal swab examination to diagnose the presence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae using Gram staining. Among the FCSW who participated in this study,45 individuals were diagnosed with gonorrhea, while 25 others were negative. Based on the data analysis, only 5 individuals practiced correct condom use behavior characterized by the regul...
Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunak... more Perilaku penggunaan kondom meliputi keteraturan, cara penggunaan, serta jenis kondom yang digunakan merupakan faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya infeksi Gonore. Perilaku penggunaan kondom yang tidak benar dapat memudahkan akses penularan infeksi Gonore terutama pada orang yang sering berhubungan seksual dan berisiko tinggi terhadap Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) seperti Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku penggunaan kondom dengan kejadian Gonore pada WPS. Terdapat 70 WPS yang telah diwawancarai dengan 18 pertanyaan tentang perilaku penggunaan kondom dan diikuti dengan pemeriksaan swab vagina untuk mendiagnosis adanya Neisseria gonorrhoeae menggunakan pengecatan Gram. Dari WPS tersebut, 45 sampel didiagnosis positif Gonore, sedangkan 25 sampel lainnya negatif. Dari analisis data, hanya 5 sampel yang memiliki perilaku penggunaan kondom yang benar oleh karena teratur dalam menggunakan kondom, menggunakan kondom dengan cara yan...
The maternal mortality rate in Central Java is ranked 4th in Indonesia. Implementation of quality... more The maternal mortality rate in Central Java is ranked 4th in Indonesia. Implementation of quality Antenatal Care (ANC) can reduce maternal mortality (MMR) through early detection in pregnancy. ANC services can be carried out both at BEmNOC (Basic Emergency Obstetric Care) and n on - BEmNOC primary health care services (PHC). All PHC are given the same authority in terms of early detection and services for pregnant women. This study aims to determine the relationship of the health centers status and the implementation of integrated antenatal care in the Semarang municipality. This was a cross sectional design carried out on 140 samples taken by consecutive sampling divided into primary health care services BEmNOC and non-BEmNOC 70 samples each. The implementation of integrated ANC was measured using 50 checklists consisting of 13, 12 and 25 checklist of first, second and third trimester sequentially and divided in two value namely do and not do. The relationship between the health ce...
ABSTRAK Balanced scorecard merupakan contemporary management tool yang dapat pula digunakan sebag... more ABSTRAK Balanced scorecard merupakan contemporary management tool yang dapat pula digunakan sebagai rerangka penyusunan rencana strategis dan sebagai alat untuk memperbaiki aliran informasi dan komunikasi antara top eksekutif dengan manajemen menengah dalam perusahaan. Sejak tahun 2005 RSI Sultan Agung telah melaksanakan perencanaan strategi dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard , Data dari penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan pada pelaksanaan rencana strategis tersebut didapatkan kesulitan dalam internalisasi, dan sosialisasi visi dalam rumah sakit sehingga menjadi visi bersama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manajemen strategis di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang dengan pendekatan Balance Scorecard. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bersifat eksploratif. Obyek yang diteliti meliputi visi, value , misi, tujuan, sasaran strategis, strategic map , dan keselarasan antara masing – masing variabel. Selanjutnya dibuat alternatif rumusan visi, value , misi, tujuan dan ...
Background: The complex health issues require comprehensive health practice involving various pro... more Background: The complex health issues require comprehensive health practice involving various professions. Inter-professional education employing various learning activities method has been proposed to improve the quality of collaboration and attitude toward other profession. This study aimed to explore students’ participation and social interaction within community based IPE, and finding out the result of community health problems that had been addressed by the group. Method: A total of 78 final pre-clinical year students from medical, nursing, and midwifery were randomly divided into 15 interprofessional groups. Interprofessional education program employing surveys and discussion to solve community health problems was conducted. The information and result of community health problems that had been managed by the groups were collected from the groups’ report. Students’ discussion sessions were video-recorded and the conversations were verbatim transcribed. Content analysis was appl...
Background: Exposure to Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays on the skin causesmany problems, including pigme... more Background: Exposure to Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays on the skin causesmany problems, including pigmentation and aging effect. Hence, protection against it is needed. Purpose: The study aimedto determine the effect of corncob extract cream on the number of melanin pigments in guinea pig skins exposed to UVB rays. Methods: Anexperimental post-test-only control group study was conducted on the 25 guinea pigs. The guinea pigs were divided randomly into five groups: group I without cream, group II cream base, group III hydroquinone cream, group IV 30% corncob extract cream, and group V 40% corncob extract cream. The cream was given daily for 20 minutes before UVB exposure and 4 hours after UVB exposure. The total dose of UVB exposure was 780 mJ / cm2 for 28 days. The amount of melanin pigment was calculated using the CX21 image J. Result: The number of melanin pigment in groups I, II, III, IV, and V were 22.8±0.4 cells, 18±0.3 cells, 6.3±3.1 cells, 13.8±0.2 cells, and 9.4±0.5 cells, respect...
Background Heart diseases are increasingly identified as an important indirect cause of maternal ... more Background Heart diseases are increasingly identified as an important indirect cause of maternal mortality in several cities in Indonesia. The management of pregnancy with heart diseases requires a multidisciplinary approach, and interprofessional collaboration practice (IPCP) is critical to improving the quality of patient care. To enable the effective implementation of IPCP, integrated care pathways (ICPs) are needed to define the roles and responsibilities of the health professionals involved. This study aims to examine the obstacles and enabling factors of IPCP, to develop and use ICPs in the implementation of IPCP in health care services for pregnant women with heart diseases. Methods A participatory action study consisting of four stages (diagnostic, planning, implementation, and evaluation) will take approximately 2 years after consensus of ICPs are made. The primary data collection process will employ consensus, observations, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews ...
Papers by yuli yanti