Twenty-four roselle plants were grown on BRIS soil in a greenhouse to evaluate the effects of par... more Twenty-four roselle plants were grown on BRIS soil in a greenhouse to evaluate the effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD) technique on the growth, water relation and its quality. PRD is one of the deficit irrigation methods applied in order to face global water scarcity by alternating left and right roots to be irrigated within certain period of time. Four treatments were compared viz. i) Control (100% full irrigation, CI), ii) 20% PRD (80% irrigation), iii) 40% PRD (60% irrigation) and iv) 60% PRD (40% irrigation) with three replications. No significant differences were recorded for volumetric soil water content (θ) of the roselle plants under different PRD treatments throughout 84 days experimental period. Plants subjected to 60% PRD showed a significant reduction in stem water potential (Ψstem) as compared to control plants on Day 56. While all plants subjected to PRD experienced mild water stress, they suffered no serious damaging effects in terms of calyx fresh weight, calyx ...
Spent caustic or used caustic soda is generated from the scrubbing process in the petroleum refin... more Spent caustic or used caustic soda is generated from the scrubbing process in the petroleum refinery industry. Treatment is needed for spent caustic because it typically has high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and oil-grease (OG) concentration that exceeded the limit of Department of Environment (DOE) regulations. In this study, the spent caustic were tested for its COD concentration by using a spectrophotometer and its OG concentration by using Standard 5520B, liquid-liquid, partition-gravimetric method. Then, the spent caustic was treated by using coagulation and flocculation method with aluminium sulphate as primary coagulant and activated carbon and soda ash as a coagulant aid. The optimum concentration of primary coagulant and coagulant aids was determined from Jar Test. The treated spent caustic was tested for its COD and OG concentration to determine the percentage of reduction of COD and OG concentration. It is found out that the COD concentration for untreated sent caustic is...
Dalam pelaksaaan ibadah salat yang menjadi kewajiban utama bagi umat Islam perlu diketahui bahwa ... more Dalam pelaksaaan ibadah salat yang menjadi kewajiban utama bagi umat Islam perlu diketahui bahwa dalam penentuan waktu salat lima waktu ( maktubah) , tidak semua akhir waktu salat sebagai awal waktu salat berikutnya hal ini disebabkan karena di antara waktu salat maktubah terdapat pula waktu yang diharamkan untuk melaksanakan salat yang apabila melakukan salat di waktu tersebut yang di dapat bukan pahala melaikan dosa. Sehingga perlu adanya upaya pengenalan kepada masyarakat Muslim terkait dengan waktu-waktu haram salat melalui dengan istrumen penentuan waktu haram salat dalam bidang keilmuan Ilmu Falak yang menggunakan beberapa data dan alat yaitu di antaranya dengan calculator scientific, baik itu dari data lintang, lintang tempat, deklinasi, dan juga dari data ephimeris 2020 dari Kementrian Agama daerah yang akan di hitung atau ingin di ketahui waktu haram salatnya. Namun yang menjadi permasalahan kemudian adalah keilmuan ini hanya berkembang di beberapa individu atau beberapa k...
The untreated heavy metal ions that were discharged as effluent waste had caused serious impact o... more The untreated heavy metal ions that were discharged as effluent waste had caused serious impact on the environment and human health. The adsorption process is an alternative way to remove heavy metal ions. The polymer-based adsorbent was chosen as material to remove heavy metal ions due to its economic cost, can be prepared with convenient method and excellent capability to make high adsorption towards metal ions. In this study, the synthesis and modification of amidoxime (AO) modified poly(acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) (poly(ANco- AA)) was carried out. Next, the effect of adsorption parameters, equilibrium and kinetic studies of cadmium ion (Cd2+) and lead ion (Pb2+) were investigated. The optimisation of adsorption parameter was analysed using Response surface methodology (RSM). The poly(AN-co-AA) was synthesised via redox polymerisation and was further chemically modified with hydroxylamine hydrochloride to produce AO modified poly(AN-co-AA) as adsorbent. Then, single batch syst...
Short crested wave represents the wave in the real sea condition. In this study, the inertia coef... more Short crested wave represents the wave in the real sea condition. In this study, the inertia coefficient of a vertical cylinder subjected to short crested waves was determined experimentally in a wave tank in Offshore Laboratory of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. The experiment was conducted by considering four different wave parameters pertaining to major offshore sites in Malaysian with two different diameters i.e. 16 mm and 48 mm of cylinders to simulate the tubular members of an offshore platform.
Land surface or topography can helps us to identify proper and safe location for construction sit... more Land surface or topography can helps us to identify proper and safe location for construction site that might affect the cost, time and besides creating the safety related problems. The more safe location of constructions site, the less waste of money and time they can make. Basically, architects or engineers used their basis of their knowledge and experience in making 2D contour maps for analysing the location of buildings.
This study aimed to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style adopted by... more This study aimed to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style adopted by women leaders and employees? commitment towards work in two organizations. Data was collected using a questionnaire proposed by Bass and Avalio, (1997) a Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, MLQ Form X for transformational leadership style, whereby for questionnaire on commitment by Mayer and Allen, (1993). These questionnaire were answered by only 146 workers under the leadership of women in Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru and Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru Tengah Descriptive statistical techniques such as frequency, percentage and mean, were used and also inferential statistics such as Pearson correlations, T-tests and Regression were used to analyze the data obtained by using Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS). The results showed that the level of employees? commitment to work that featured women as a leader practicing transformational leadership style are moderate. Even so ...
In order to achieve the high-quality public infrastructure, the local authority needs to be coord... more In order to achieve the high-quality public infrastructure, the local authority needs to be coordinated with efficient and reliable services in their public facilities management. The aimed of research is to study the public’s perception on the design for bus stop in Malaysia and focused on the provision of safe, comfortable, and convenient of bus stop design in Malaysia. Besides that, the concentration will be given on the issue of bus stop comfort and design. In this research, the case studies of bus stop were carried out in Klang Valley. These case studies have various types of bus stops and will be studied on their own building materials and design. The data collection based on two main sources that were primary and secondary data were collected in order to fulfil the research requirement. The objective of this research is to study the existing of standard design guidelines regarding to the bus stops design. In addition, the objective is also to identify the level of satisfactio...
Labuanium politum is an obligate arboreal crab that belonged to Family Sesarmidae and can be foun... more Labuanium politum is an obligate arboreal crab that belonged to Family Sesarmidae and can be found at nipah palm mangrove in Kampung Tanjong Assam, Spaoh, Sarawak. It is known as `Geramak apong' by local people. It lives and hides inside the base fronds of the nipah tree. On 7-9 November 2015,68 samples for diet composition and comparison of the stomach fullness of these crabs at disturbed and undisturbed nipah palm area were obtained using special hooks `pengait'. Later, the second samplings were done on 23`d March 2016 for the observation of the feeding behavior of this crab where three samples were obtained. Results showed that this crabs highly preferred debris (100%) and plant materials (80%) as their primary consumption on disturbed nipah palm area compared to undisturbed area where only 57.5% and 70% of debris and plant materials, respectively. For the overall of the stomach fullness of crabs, higher stomach fullness were observed during night time (41.7%) compared to...
Perbualan merupakan peristiwa bahasa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat sama ada secara semula jadi at... more Perbualan merupakan peristiwa bahasa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat sama ada secara semula jadi atau dirancang. Antara unsur yang mempengaruhi sesuatu peristiwa bahasa itu ialah suasana, latar belakang penutur, sistem panggilan, intonasi dan konteks makna yang melatari perbualan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan perbualan watak dalam filem Anak Bapak pada tahun 1968, objektif kajian ini akan membincangkan struktur perbualan yang berlaku dalam filem Anak Bapak. Secara kebiasaannya penonton beranggapan perbualan yang berlaku dalam filem Anak Bapak berdasarkan kepada skrip yang telah disediakan. Walau bagaimanapun, kebolehan dan keupayaan barisan pelakon dalam filem tersebut dalam mengujarkan dialog secara spontan sehingga sesuatu perbualan itu tampak semula jadi juga tidak dapat dinafikan. Hal ini kerana, perbualan merupakan suatu peristiwa bahasa yang semula jadi di mana terakam sosiobudaya masyarakat penuturnya. Analisis dibuat berdasarkan pendekatan struktur perbualan yang dikemukakan ol...
Social media is not an optional extra in the tourism industry and tourism companies, the tourism ... more Social media is not an optional extra in the tourism industry and tourism companies, the tourism companies must participate in other social media sites in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive business environment. The influence of social media is a market ing term that indicates the individual's ability to dominate the thinking of others in the social online community. The aim of this research is to look over the social media influence youth destination choice to visit Pulau Langkawi, Kedah. The expansion of social media within tourism has provided further motivation towards destination information search and image evaluation. The objective of this research is mainly to identify if social media has made any influence in youth destination choice to visit Pulau Langkawi, Kedah. Pulau Langkawi has been gazetted by the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNECSO) and has a great opportunity in the tourism industry which has yet to be fully exploited. Res...
Pelophryne api (Bufonidae), formerly only discovered at Mount Api, Mulu was recently found at the... more Pelophryne api (Bufonidae), formerly only discovered at Mount Api, Mulu was recently found at the limestone of Bau, Kuching. Morphological observations of the two individuals of P. api discovered matched the original diagnosis description of the holotype species by Dring (1983). The habitats of the recently discovered individuals are closely similar to that of the holotype species as well, remarkably the leaves of low plants at limestone area. The recent collections of P. api leads to suggestion that this species may occur at other limestone areas in Borneo and further field survey at the Bornean limestone areas are needed.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education, 2020
Having a company, it comes with the opportunities to prosper or the risk of falling. Any company ... more Having a company, it comes with the opportunities to prosper or the risk of falling. Any company needs to go through this moment for it to keep on growing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the rise and fall of Alibaba throughout its success. The study used mostly known factors from other research results on Alibaba Company and analyze those factors effect on ups and downs of Alibaba. Some of the factors including Jack Ma's relation with investors and customers, business model, integrated ecosystem, and such. This study improves the understanding of circumstances that a company will have to go through which can be utilized by top management to strategize their plan.
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2018
The satisfaction brings implication to lives. There is one-third to one-half of people spend thei... more The satisfaction brings implication to lives. There is one-third to one-half of people spend their life on work. On the assumption that people are happy with their job and have the passion for it, their lives then become much enjoyable. This research aimed to evaluate the comprehensive job satisfaction level of Asia Brands Berhad, thus reveal the factors that commit to job satisfaction in the organization. The outcome of the research is mainly to aid the organization to enhance job satisfaction and motivation of employees efficiently. The objectives of this study were to determine whether benefits, work environment and rewards are related to the employee's satisfaction. Employees from Asia Brands Berhad were randomly selected as research participants. Total 180 questionnaires administered, 150 were completed and returned and 136 were found useful. Finding from this study, it can be seen that the factor that influence employees job satisfaction in Asia Brands Berhad such as benefit/compensation, work environment and supervisor support are having positive relationship.
eOrganic is the organic agriculture community of practice (CoP) and resource area for eXtension. ... more eOrganic is the organic agriculture community of practice (CoP) and resource area for eXtension. eOrganic’s primary community of interest (CoI) is organic farmers and the agricultural professionals who support them. The 250 members of the eOrganic CoP include farmers, researchers, certifiers, and extension/other agricultural professionals. eOrganic’s mission is to build a diverse national CoP and use web technologies to synthesize existing information, emerging science, and practical knowledge into information resources and training materials for its CoI. eOrganic strategies to achieve that mission include collaborative publication, stakeholder engagement, community development, project management, evaluation, and fundraising. eOrganic’s public site currently offers 240 articles, 250 videos, 80 webinars and broadcasts, and 100 frequently asked questions (FAQs). eOrganic CoP members have answered more than 1000 “Ask an Expert” questions. eOrganic authors collaboratively develop artic...
2016 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2016
The gateway plays the essential role in wireless sensor networks, which is critical component in ... more The gateway plays the essential role in wireless sensor networks, which is critical component in terms of sending and receiving data. The abnormal of gateway will have a great influence on data transmission and reduce the stability and reliability of network. The research described in the paper origins from equipment monitoring system based on the wireless sensor network system, which is deployed at Cold Rolling and Continuous Annealing line (CRCAL) in steel enterprises. The communication data of gateway state were analyzed with statistic method in cluster using the diagnosis node. Combining with the theory of multivariate statistical process control (MSPC), we propose a method of gateway anomaly detection based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Finally, the method is proved to be reliable and effective based on the actual data from field monitoring network system.
Provided by UMP Institutional Repository ABSTRAK S'aat mi, kaedah pengenalan konvensional 'sepert... more Provided by UMP Institutional Repository ABSTRAK S'aat mi, kaedah pengenalan konvensional 'seperti SlIM, pasport, kad ATM 'dan PIN kod tidak memenuhi tuntutan mi keperluan masa kini. Biometrik pada umumnya, 'dan pengesahan sidik jar automatik padà khususnya, menyediakan solusi efisien untuk masalah pengenalan moden mi. Sidik j ari telah digunakan selama berabad-abad sebagai suatu-cara untuk mengenalpasti orang-orang. Sidik jan individu 'adalah tinik 'dan tetap tidak berubah selama masa hidup.Teknik pencocokan sidikjari dapat dibahagikan ke 'dalam 'dua kategori, berdasarkan hal-hal kecil-dan korelasi berasaskan. Detail teknik berasaskan mata pertama menemukan hal-hal kecil dan kemudian peta penempatan relatifmerek'a pada jar. Namun, ada beberapa kesulitan ketika menggunakan pendekatan mi. Sulit untuk mengekstrak mata butiran tepat ketika sidik i ari berkualiti rendah. Selain k'aedah mi tidak mengira pci-a global ridge dan kerut. Korelasi kaedah berasaskan mampu mengatasi beberapa kesukaran dari hal-hal kecil berasaskan pendek-atan. Namun, mempunyai beberapa kelemahan sendini. Korelasi tekuik berasaskan memerlukan lokasi yang tepat titik registrasi dan dipengaruhi oleh penterjemahan imej-dan putaran. Pra-pemprosesan 'dan pengolahan pasca turun sidik jar jari akan dipaparkan melalui GUI (Graphical User Interface) dalam tahap akhir.
Malaysia is the main starfruit exporter for Hong Kong, Europe and Singapore market. Hence, starfr... more Malaysia is the main starfruit exporter for Hong Kong, Europe and Singapore market. Hence, starfruit contributes financially to Malaysian economics. But due to the presence of its enemies, Bactrocera carambolae, this species have created havoc in horticulture industries which lead to financial loss. This study focuses more on life history of B. carambolae that are need to be determine before any management control takes place. Generally, life cycle of fruit fly indicated six development stages: mating, oviposition, egg, larvae, pupae and adults while the larval have three development stages (1st, 2nd and 3rd instar). Techniques used in life cycle study involve: fruit fly sampling, fruit fly rearing, egg collection, inoculation, hatchability percentage, disinfestation, pupa collection and the emergence of adults. Eggs of B. carambolae took about 2 days to develop into larva. Larval stage took 6 days to complete and develop into pupa. Then, teneral adults were emerge (26 days) from pupa and will undergo 2-3 weeks of pre-oviposition period before they were fully matured. Regarding experiment 2, investigations were carried out to identify susceptibility of different maturity stage of starfruit to adult females of B. carambolae. B. carambolae species did not infest Index 1 of starfruit while Index 2 was slightly attacked. Fruits from Index 3, Index 4 and Index 5 showed significantly higher infestations than starfruit of Index 2. Among ripe starfruits, Index 5 was more attractive to B. carambolae than fruits that from Index 6 and Index 7. As starfruits ripens, it become more susceptible to B. carambolae attacked.
Twenty-four roselle plants were grown on BRIS soil in a greenhouse to evaluate the effects of par... more Twenty-four roselle plants were grown on BRIS soil in a greenhouse to evaluate the effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD) technique on the growth, water relation and its quality. PRD is one of the deficit irrigation methods applied in order to face global water scarcity by alternating left and right roots to be irrigated within certain period of time. Four treatments were compared viz. i) Control (100% full irrigation, CI), ii) 20% PRD (80% irrigation), iii) 40% PRD (60% irrigation) and iv) 60% PRD (40% irrigation) with three replications. No significant differences were recorded for volumetric soil water content (θ) of the roselle plants under different PRD treatments throughout 84 days experimental period. Plants subjected to 60% PRD showed a significant reduction in stem water potential (Ψstem) as compared to control plants on Day 56. While all plants subjected to PRD experienced mild water stress, they suffered no serious damaging effects in terms of calyx fresh weight, calyx ...
Spent caustic or used caustic soda is generated from the scrubbing process in the petroleum refin... more Spent caustic or used caustic soda is generated from the scrubbing process in the petroleum refinery industry. Treatment is needed for spent caustic because it typically has high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and oil-grease (OG) concentration that exceeded the limit of Department of Environment (DOE) regulations. In this study, the spent caustic were tested for its COD concentration by using a spectrophotometer and its OG concentration by using Standard 5520B, liquid-liquid, partition-gravimetric method. Then, the spent caustic was treated by using coagulation and flocculation method with aluminium sulphate as primary coagulant and activated carbon and soda ash as a coagulant aid. The optimum concentration of primary coagulant and coagulant aids was determined from Jar Test. The treated spent caustic was tested for its COD and OG concentration to determine the percentage of reduction of COD and OG concentration. It is found out that the COD concentration for untreated sent caustic is...
Dalam pelaksaaan ibadah salat yang menjadi kewajiban utama bagi umat Islam perlu diketahui bahwa ... more Dalam pelaksaaan ibadah salat yang menjadi kewajiban utama bagi umat Islam perlu diketahui bahwa dalam penentuan waktu salat lima waktu ( maktubah) , tidak semua akhir waktu salat sebagai awal waktu salat berikutnya hal ini disebabkan karena di antara waktu salat maktubah terdapat pula waktu yang diharamkan untuk melaksanakan salat yang apabila melakukan salat di waktu tersebut yang di dapat bukan pahala melaikan dosa. Sehingga perlu adanya upaya pengenalan kepada masyarakat Muslim terkait dengan waktu-waktu haram salat melalui dengan istrumen penentuan waktu haram salat dalam bidang keilmuan Ilmu Falak yang menggunakan beberapa data dan alat yaitu di antaranya dengan calculator scientific, baik itu dari data lintang, lintang tempat, deklinasi, dan juga dari data ephimeris 2020 dari Kementrian Agama daerah yang akan di hitung atau ingin di ketahui waktu haram salatnya. Namun yang menjadi permasalahan kemudian adalah keilmuan ini hanya berkembang di beberapa individu atau beberapa k...
The untreated heavy metal ions that were discharged as effluent waste had caused serious impact o... more The untreated heavy metal ions that were discharged as effluent waste had caused serious impact on the environment and human health. The adsorption process is an alternative way to remove heavy metal ions. The polymer-based adsorbent was chosen as material to remove heavy metal ions due to its economic cost, can be prepared with convenient method and excellent capability to make high adsorption towards metal ions. In this study, the synthesis and modification of amidoxime (AO) modified poly(acrylonitrile-co-acrylic acid) (poly(ANco- AA)) was carried out. Next, the effect of adsorption parameters, equilibrium and kinetic studies of cadmium ion (Cd2+) and lead ion (Pb2+) were investigated. The optimisation of adsorption parameter was analysed using Response surface methodology (RSM). The poly(AN-co-AA) was synthesised via redox polymerisation and was further chemically modified with hydroxylamine hydrochloride to produce AO modified poly(AN-co-AA) as adsorbent. Then, single batch syst...
Short crested wave represents the wave in the real sea condition. In this study, the inertia coef... more Short crested wave represents the wave in the real sea condition. In this study, the inertia coefficient of a vertical cylinder subjected to short crested waves was determined experimentally in a wave tank in Offshore Laboratory of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. The experiment was conducted by considering four different wave parameters pertaining to major offshore sites in Malaysian with two different diameters i.e. 16 mm and 48 mm of cylinders to simulate the tubular members of an offshore platform.
Land surface or topography can helps us to identify proper and safe location for construction sit... more Land surface or topography can helps us to identify proper and safe location for construction site that might affect the cost, time and besides creating the safety related problems. The more safe location of constructions site, the less waste of money and time they can make. Basically, architects or engineers used their basis of their knowledge and experience in making 2D contour maps for analysing the location of buildings.
This study aimed to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style adopted by... more This study aimed to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style adopted by women leaders and employees? commitment towards work in two organizations. Data was collected using a questionnaire proposed by Bass and Avalio, (1997) a Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, MLQ Form X for transformational leadership style, whereby for questionnaire on commitment by Mayer and Allen, (1993). These questionnaire were answered by only 146 workers under the leadership of women in Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru and Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru Tengah Descriptive statistical techniques such as frequency, percentage and mean, were used and also inferential statistics such as Pearson correlations, T-tests and Regression were used to analyze the data obtained by using Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS). The results showed that the level of employees? commitment to work that featured women as a leader practicing transformational leadership style are moderate. Even so ...
In order to achieve the high-quality public infrastructure, the local authority needs to be coord... more In order to achieve the high-quality public infrastructure, the local authority needs to be coordinated with efficient and reliable services in their public facilities management. The aimed of research is to study the public’s perception on the design for bus stop in Malaysia and focused on the provision of safe, comfortable, and convenient of bus stop design in Malaysia. Besides that, the concentration will be given on the issue of bus stop comfort and design. In this research, the case studies of bus stop were carried out in Klang Valley. These case studies have various types of bus stops and will be studied on their own building materials and design. The data collection based on two main sources that were primary and secondary data were collected in order to fulfil the research requirement. The objective of this research is to study the existing of standard design guidelines regarding to the bus stops design. In addition, the objective is also to identify the level of satisfactio...
Labuanium politum is an obligate arboreal crab that belonged to Family Sesarmidae and can be foun... more Labuanium politum is an obligate arboreal crab that belonged to Family Sesarmidae and can be found at nipah palm mangrove in Kampung Tanjong Assam, Spaoh, Sarawak. It is known as `Geramak apong' by local people. It lives and hides inside the base fronds of the nipah tree. On 7-9 November 2015,68 samples for diet composition and comparison of the stomach fullness of these crabs at disturbed and undisturbed nipah palm area were obtained using special hooks `pengait'. Later, the second samplings were done on 23`d March 2016 for the observation of the feeding behavior of this crab where three samples were obtained. Results showed that this crabs highly preferred debris (100%) and plant materials (80%) as their primary consumption on disturbed nipah palm area compared to undisturbed area where only 57.5% and 70% of debris and plant materials, respectively. For the overall of the stomach fullness of crabs, higher stomach fullness were observed during night time (41.7%) compared to...
Perbualan merupakan peristiwa bahasa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat sama ada secara semula jadi at... more Perbualan merupakan peristiwa bahasa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat sama ada secara semula jadi atau dirancang. Antara unsur yang mempengaruhi sesuatu peristiwa bahasa itu ialah suasana, latar belakang penutur, sistem panggilan, intonasi dan konteks makna yang melatari perbualan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan perbualan watak dalam filem Anak Bapak pada tahun 1968, objektif kajian ini akan membincangkan struktur perbualan yang berlaku dalam filem Anak Bapak. Secara kebiasaannya penonton beranggapan perbualan yang berlaku dalam filem Anak Bapak berdasarkan kepada skrip yang telah disediakan. Walau bagaimanapun, kebolehan dan keupayaan barisan pelakon dalam filem tersebut dalam mengujarkan dialog secara spontan sehingga sesuatu perbualan itu tampak semula jadi juga tidak dapat dinafikan. Hal ini kerana, perbualan merupakan suatu peristiwa bahasa yang semula jadi di mana terakam sosiobudaya masyarakat penuturnya. Analisis dibuat berdasarkan pendekatan struktur perbualan yang dikemukakan ol...
Social media is not an optional extra in the tourism industry and tourism companies, the tourism ... more Social media is not an optional extra in the tourism industry and tourism companies, the tourism companies must participate in other social media sites in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive business environment. The influence of social media is a market ing term that indicates the individual's ability to dominate the thinking of others in the social online community. The aim of this research is to look over the social media influence youth destination choice to visit Pulau Langkawi, Kedah. The expansion of social media within tourism has provided further motivation towards destination information search and image evaluation. The objective of this research is mainly to identify if social media has made any influence in youth destination choice to visit Pulau Langkawi, Kedah. Pulau Langkawi has been gazetted by the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNECSO) and has a great opportunity in the tourism industry which has yet to be fully exploited. Res...
Pelophryne api (Bufonidae), formerly only discovered at Mount Api, Mulu was recently found at the... more Pelophryne api (Bufonidae), formerly only discovered at Mount Api, Mulu was recently found at the limestone of Bau, Kuching. Morphological observations of the two individuals of P. api discovered matched the original diagnosis description of the holotype species by Dring (1983). The habitats of the recently discovered individuals are closely similar to that of the holotype species as well, remarkably the leaves of low plants at limestone area. The recent collections of P. api leads to suggestion that this species may occur at other limestone areas in Borneo and further field survey at the Bornean limestone areas are needed.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education, 2020
Having a company, it comes with the opportunities to prosper or the risk of falling. Any company ... more Having a company, it comes with the opportunities to prosper or the risk of falling. Any company needs to go through this moment for it to keep on growing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the rise and fall of Alibaba throughout its success. The study used mostly known factors from other research results on Alibaba Company and analyze those factors effect on ups and downs of Alibaba. Some of the factors including Jack Ma's relation with investors and customers, business model, integrated ecosystem, and such. This study improves the understanding of circumstances that a company will have to go through which can be utilized by top management to strategize their plan.
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2018
The satisfaction brings implication to lives. There is one-third to one-half of people spend thei... more The satisfaction brings implication to lives. There is one-third to one-half of people spend their life on work. On the assumption that people are happy with their job and have the passion for it, their lives then become much enjoyable. This research aimed to evaluate the comprehensive job satisfaction level of Asia Brands Berhad, thus reveal the factors that commit to job satisfaction in the organization. The outcome of the research is mainly to aid the organization to enhance job satisfaction and motivation of employees efficiently. The objectives of this study were to determine whether benefits, work environment and rewards are related to the employee's satisfaction. Employees from Asia Brands Berhad were randomly selected as research participants. Total 180 questionnaires administered, 150 were completed and returned and 136 were found useful. Finding from this study, it can be seen that the factor that influence employees job satisfaction in Asia Brands Berhad such as benefit/compensation, work environment and supervisor support are having positive relationship.
eOrganic is the organic agriculture community of practice (CoP) and resource area for eXtension. ... more eOrganic is the organic agriculture community of practice (CoP) and resource area for eXtension. eOrganic’s primary community of interest (CoI) is organic farmers and the agricultural professionals who support them. The 250 members of the eOrganic CoP include farmers, researchers, certifiers, and extension/other agricultural professionals. eOrganic’s mission is to build a diverse national CoP and use web technologies to synthesize existing information, emerging science, and practical knowledge into information resources and training materials for its CoI. eOrganic strategies to achieve that mission include collaborative publication, stakeholder engagement, community development, project management, evaluation, and fundraising. eOrganic’s public site currently offers 240 articles, 250 videos, 80 webinars and broadcasts, and 100 frequently asked questions (FAQs). eOrganic CoP members have answered more than 1000 “Ask an Expert” questions. eOrganic authors collaboratively develop artic...
2016 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2016
The gateway plays the essential role in wireless sensor networks, which is critical component in ... more The gateway plays the essential role in wireless sensor networks, which is critical component in terms of sending and receiving data. The abnormal of gateway will have a great influence on data transmission and reduce the stability and reliability of network. The research described in the paper origins from equipment monitoring system based on the wireless sensor network system, which is deployed at Cold Rolling and Continuous Annealing line (CRCAL) in steel enterprises. The communication data of gateway state were analyzed with statistic method in cluster using the diagnosis node. Combining with the theory of multivariate statistical process control (MSPC), we propose a method of gateway anomaly detection based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Finally, the method is proved to be reliable and effective based on the actual data from field monitoring network system.
Provided by UMP Institutional Repository ABSTRAK S'aat mi, kaedah pengenalan konvensional 'sepert... more Provided by UMP Institutional Repository ABSTRAK S'aat mi, kaedah pengenalan konvensional 'seperti SlIM, pasport, kad ATM 'dan PIN kod tidak memenuhi tuntutan mi keperluan masa kini. Biometrik pada umumnya, 'dan pengesahan sidik jar automatik padà khususnya, menyediakan solusi efisien untuk masalah pengenalan moden mi. Sidik j ari telah digunakan selama berabad-abad sebagai suatu-cara untuk mengenalpasti orang-orang. Sidik jan individu 'adalah tinik 'dan tetap tidak berubah selama masa hidup.Teknik pencocokan sidikjari dapat dibahagikan ke 'dalam 'dua kategori, berdasarkan hal-hal kecil-dan korelasi berasaskan. Detail teknik berasaskan mata pertama menemukan hal-hal kecil dan kemudian peta penempatan relatifmerek'a pada jar. Namun, ada beberapa kesulitan ketika menggunakan pendekatan mi. Sulit untuk mengekstrak mata butiran tepat ketika sidik i ari berkualiti rendah. Selain k'aedah mi tidak mengira pci-a global ridge dan kerut. Korelasi kaedah berasaskan mampu mengatasi beberapa kesukaran dari hal-hal kecil berasaskan pendek-atan. Namun, mempunyai beberapa kelemahan sendini. Korelasi tekuik berasaskan memerlukan lokasi yang tepat titik registrasi dan dipengaruhi oleh penterjemahan imej-dan putaran. Pra-pemprosesan 'dan pengolahan pasca turun sidik jar jari akan dipaparkan melalui GUI (Graphical User Interface) dalam tahap akhir.
Malaysia is the main starfruit exporter for Hong Kong, Europe and Singapore market. Hence, starfr... more Malaysia is the main starfruit exporter for Hong Kong, Europe and Singapore market. Hence, starfruit contributes financially to Malaysian economics. But due to the presence of its enemies, Bactrocera carambolae, this species have created havoc in horticulture industries which lead to financial loss. This study focuses more on life history of B. carambolae that are need to be determine before any management control takes place. Generally, life cycle of fruit fly indicated six development stages: mating, oviposition, egg, larvae, pupae and adults while the larval have three development stages (1st, 2nd and 3rd instar). Techniques used in life cycle study involve: fruit fly sampling, fruit fly rearing, egg collection, inoculation, hatchability percentage, disinfestation, pupa collection and the emergence of adults. Eggs of B. carambolae took about 2 days to develop into larva. Larval stage took 6 days to complete and develop into pupa. Then, teneral adults were emerge (26 days) from pupa and will undergo 2-3 weeks of pre-oviposition period before they were fully matured. Regarding experiment 2, investigations were carried out to identify susceptibility of different maturity stage of starfruit to adult females of B. carambolae. B. carambolae species did not infest Index 1 of starfruit while Index 2 was slightly attacked. Fruits from Index 3, Index 4 and Index 5 showed significantly higher infestations than starfruit of Index 2. Among ripe starfruits, Index 5 was more attractive to B. carambolae than fruits that from Index 6 and Index 7. As starfruits ripens, it become more susceptible to B. carambolae attacked.
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