Papers by yoga parawangsa
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, Jun 29, 2022
Pantai barat daya Bali merupakan bagian dari kawasan perairan Selat Bali. Informasi terkait iktio... more Pantai barat daya Bali merupakan bagian dari kawasan perairan Selat Bali. Informasi terkait iktiofauna di pantai barat daya Bali belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap keberagamana ikan di perairan pantai barat daya Bali. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2017 hingga Mei 2018 di tiga stasiun pengambilan sampel meliputi perairan Pengambengan dan Pekutatan (Kabupaten Jembrana), serta perairan Yeh Leh (Kabupaten Tabanan). Ikan ditangkap dengan menggunakan jaring insang dan pukat cincin. Penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi 43 jenis ikan yang mewakili 24 famili. Jenis ikan yang paling banyak tertangkap adalah tamban (Sardinella gibbosa) (36%), layang (Decapterus macrosoma) (20%), lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) (16%), dan tongkol (Auxis rochei) (7%).
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Highlight Research Morphoregression and reproduction aspect of bonylip barb was analyzed Fork len... more Highlight Research Morphoregression and reproduction aspect of bonylip barb was analyzed Fork length more accurately to estimate the body weight Lm50 of bonylip barb in Tamblingan Lake was 116 mmTL Growth pattern is isometric Good reproduction aspect Bonylip barb (Osteochilus vitattus Valenciennes, 1842) is one of many native fish inhabiting Tamblingan Lake. The information about this species in Tamblingan Lake is rare which requires fulfilment in information gaps for the management of bonylip barb. The aims of this research were to find out the length-length relationship, length-weight relationship, length at first maturity, sex ratio, gonadal maturity stage, gonadosomatic index (GSI), fecundity, as well as spawning period and location in Tamblingan Lake. The fish sample was captured with experimental gillnet that was set in the afternoon and hauled in the next morning. Length and weight of every sample were taken. All samples were dissected to observe the sex and gonad. Fork len...
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada
The biological aspects of the spotted barb, Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes, 1842) in Tamblingan... more The biological aspects of the spotted barb, Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes, 1842) in Tamblingan Lake were not published yet. This study aims to determine the biological aspects of spotted barb in Tamblingan Lake. Fish samples were captured using gill nets with various mesh sizes at five fixed stations monthly from January to December 2019. A total of 357 individuals of the spotted barb was collected, with the total length of the specimens ranging from 3.9 to 15.6 cm, and total weight varied between 0.93 and 60.30 g. The length-weight relationship for males and females were expressed as W = 0.0375L2.83 and W = 0.0272L3.02, respectively. The growth pattern for males and females was allometric negative and isometric, subsequently. The male-female sex ratio was 1.10:1, and the condition factor for males and females were 0.75-1.42 and 0.40-1.49, respectively. We observed male fish with gonad maturity stage I to IV. In contrast, female fish have gonad maturity stage II to V. The highest...
Ikan nyalian buluh (Rasbora argyrotaenia) merupakan spesies ikan yang menyebar di catur danu Bali... more Ikan nyalian buluh (Rasbora argyrotaenia) merupakan spesies ikan yang menyebar di catur danu Bali. Penelitian karakter biologi spesies ikan ini di catur danu Bali masih terbatas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari Agustus 2017 sampai Juli 2018 dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh hubungan karakter panjang, hubungan panjang-bobot dan dugaan kondisi ikan nyalian buluh di catur danu Bali. Sampling dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling yang dilakukan secara bergantian setiap bulannya. Hasil menunjukkan hubungan karakter panjang ikan nyalian buluh di catur danu Bali memiliki korelasi kuat untuk tiap tipe pengukuran (R>0,96). Persamaan hubungan panjang-panjang ikan nyalian buluh di Danu Tamblingan, PC = 1,1217PB - 0,9947; PT = 1,1759PB + 3,657; PT = 1,0525PC + 4,5435, di Danu Buyan, PC = 1,091PB + 1,7375; PT = 1,1785PB + 3,029; PT = 1,0742PC + 1,5009, di Danu Beratan, PC = 1,091PB + 2,7818; PT = 1,178PB + 4,8692; PT = 1,0751PC + 2,2718 dan di Danu Batur, PC = 1,105PB + 1,7529; PT = 1,2051PB ...
E3S Web of Conferences, 2022
This study aims to analyze the species diversity, distribution and status of fish found in the co... more This study aims to analyze the species diversity, distribution and status of fish found in the coastal waters of Banten Bay. Samplings were carried out 7 times at three locations namely Cengkok coastal waters (on February-March 2019), Bojonegara coastal waters (January-February, August-September 2020), and Kemayungan-Linduk coastal waters (February-April 2021) of the Banten Bay, using gill nets, trammel net, cast net, hand-line, beach seine, and mini trawl. Results of this study showed that the fish caught in the Banten Bay coastal waters consisted of 111 species, distributed at the three areas, namely Cengkok (32 species), Bojonegara (58 species), and Kemayungan-Linduk coastal waters (51 species). The diversity, eveness, and dominance indices were 2.185 - 3.763, 0.630 - 0.781, and 0.072 - 0.233 respectively, indicating the medium-high species diversity. These fish were spreading in marine water, fresh water, estuary, freshwater and estuary, marine and estuary, and marine, estuary a...
Ikan ekor pedang (Xiphophorus hellerii) merupakan jenis ikan asing yang mendiami catur danau Bali... more Ikan ekor pedang (Xiphophorus hellerii) merupakan jenis ikan asing yang mendiami catur danau Bali (Danau Tamblingan, Danau Buyan, Danau Bratan dan Danau Batur). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan nisbah kelamin, pola pertumbuhan dan kondisi ikan ekor pedang di catur danau Bali. Nisbah kelamin ikan ekor pedang di keempat danau berada dalam keadaan tidak seimbang. Proporsi ikan jantan di Danau Tamblingan, Danau Beratan dan Danau Batur lebih banyak daripada ikan betina dan kondisi sebaliknya ditemukan di Danau Buyan. Pola pertumbuhan ikan jantan di catur danau Bali adalah alometrik negatif dan ikan betina menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan alometrik negatif di Danau Tamblingan dan Danau Beratan dan pola pertumbuhan isometrik di Danau Buyan dan Danau Batur. Spesies ikan ini berada dalam kondisi baik di catur danau Bali dengan nilai faktor kondisi berkisar antara 0,47–1,54 dengan rerata 0,92 untuk ikan jantan dan 0,43–2,94 dengan rerata 1,12 untuk ikan betina.
Turtles are one of the reptile animals that can migrate long distances along the Indian Ocean, Pa... more Turtles are one of the reptile animals that can migrate long distances along the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. The purpose of turtle migration is to mate, find spawning locations and to find food. Sea turtles have an important role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem. However, the high utilization of sea turtles by humans causes the turtle population to decline. One of the conservation sites that help the government program is in Serangan, Denpasar Bali, namely the TCEC ( Turtle Conservation and Education Center ), where there are several types of turtles such as the lekang turtle, hawksbill and green turtle. Data collection techniques in this study used observation methods including beach monitoring, relocation of turtle eggs to semi-natural hatchery hatching, hatchling and turtle nesting as well as measurement of turtle length and width carapase curve (CCL/CCW), sand temperature, nest depth, nest diameter, nest distance and nest calculation of the ...
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 2021
Tamblingan Lake is a volcanic lake located in the caldera of Mount Lesung a rain-fed lake in a c... more Tamblingan Lake is a volcanic lake located in the caldera of Mount Lesung a rain-fed lake in a confined endorheic basin and there is no inflow or outflow. Nyalian is a type of fish from the Cyprinidae family that is quite common compared to other fish in its class in Tamblingan Lake. Information on the growth and distribution of these fish parameters in Tamblingan Lake does not exist. This study aims to analyze and explain the growth patterns of Barbodes binotatus, especially the length-weight relationship, condition factor, and their distribution in the waters of Tamblingan Lake. The research was conducted in Tamblingan Lake from January to June 2019 using a modify gill nets with the mesh size 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0 in centimeter. The sampling done in five locations. The length-weight relationship analysis used the power regression. The fish sample found was 204 individuals during the study with a range of total length was 5.2 – 15.0 cm. The equation of length-weight rel...
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 2020
Eco-biological information of green swordtail in Tamblingan Lake is unknown. This research aimed ... more Eco-biological information of green swordtail in Tamblingan Lake is unknown. This research aimed to reveal sex ratio, gonadosomatic index, viviparity, spawning time and location of green swordtail in Tamblingan Lake. Fish was collected by gill nets with a mesh size of 0.5 and 1.0 cm in five sampling stations from January to June 2019. Total length and body weight of all fish samples were measured then dissected to observe the level of gonad maturity and viviparity in female fish. A total of 373 green swordtail with total length ranged and body weight ranged from 30.4-69.2 mm and 0.7935 – 7.6612 g, respectively. The results showed that males outnumberd of females in all sampling periods. Gonadosomatic index of male and female ranged from 0.159-1.239 and 0.204-13.592, respectively. The mature individuals were captured in all sampling stations and observation times. This species has a good reproductive potential with viviparity ranges between 6-54 juveniles.
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018
Enam dari tujuh spesies penyu laut ditemukan di Indonesia dan tiga diantaranya melakukan proses p... more Enam dari tujuh spesies penyu laut ditemukan di Indonesia dan tiga diantaranya melakukan proses peneluran di beberapa pantai di Bali, salah satunya adalah Penyu Lekang (Lepidochelys olivacea) yang masuk kedalam kategori terancam punah oleh IUCN. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh perbedaan karaktertistik pasir pantai terhadap persentase penetasan telur Penyu Lekang pada media sarang semi alami. Keberhasilan penetasan pada sampel telur dilihat melalui variabel suhu pasir, suhu udara, kelembaban pasir, kelembaban udara, besar ukuran pasir, dan warna pasir. Persentase tertinggi dari keberhasilan penetasan sampel telur terjadi pada media penetasan pasir Pantai Pulau Serangan sebesar 97% dengan masa inkubasi 49 hari dan rentang suhu pasir berkisar antara 27,50o C, sampai 30,40o C. Sedangkan media pasir Pantai Saba dan Pantai Perancak memiliki persentase keberhasilan penetasan 87% dan 67% dengan masa inkubasi 46 hari. Perbedaan masa inkubasi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh vari...
BAWAL Widya Riset Perikanan Tangkap, 2019
Ikan ekor pedang bukan merupakan ikan asli Indonesia. Ikan ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan di... more Ikan ekor pedang bukan merupakan ikan asli Indonesia. Ikan ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan dilaporkan menyebabkan kerugian di beberapa perairan yang dihuninya. Ikan ekor pedang merupakan ikan kedua yang paling banyak tertangkap di Danau Buyan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakter morfometrik dan meristik, hubungan panjang bobot dan hubungan panjang total-panjang baku pada dua varian ikan ekor pedang di Danau Buyan yang memiliki warna tubuh yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai April 2018. Ikan yang diamati berjumlah 160 ekor. Pengamatan meliputi pengukuran 12 karakter morfometrik tradisional, 14 karakter truss morphometric, penghitungan empat karakter meristik, dan penimbangan bobot. Panjang total ikan ekor pedang jantan dan betina pada varian I adalah 43,94 - 79,47 mm dan 43,81 - 115,80 mm dengan nilai b= 2,90 dan b= 2,98. Kemudian, panjang total ikan ekor pedang pada varian II adalah 45,76 - 83,91 mm untuk ikan jantan dan 41,43 - 88,49 mm u...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Buyan and Tamblingan lakes were often mentioned as twin lake because of its adjacent location. Th... more Buyan and Tamblingan lakes were often mentioned as twin lake because of its adjacent location. These two lakes were separated by approximately one-kilometer forest. Studies which recorded the fish species in those lakes were very limited so that a study was needed regarding that conditions as the initial step of management. This study aims to reveal and analyze the ratio of native and alien fish species which were found in Buyan and Tamblingan lakes, Bali. The fish sampling was held three times in different months at Buyan and Tamblingan lakes during 2017-2018, using a purposive sampling method. There were six locations sampling fish on each lake. It used experimental gill net with mesh size 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.5; 4.0 inches and trap. Three of the nine species that found in Buyan and Tamblingan lakes were native fish species. The ratio of native and non-indigenous fish caught in Buyan lake was bigger than from Tamblingan lake. Based on the length size of the most captured fish, the native fish of Osteochilus vittatus in Buyan lake was longer than Tamblingan, while the non-indigenous one, Poecillia reticulata had the same length size on the two lakes.
SEAS (Sustainable Environment Agricultural Science)
Rasbora sp. is one of native fish species that inhabit in Tamblingan Lake. Several publication th... more Rasbora sp. is one of native fish species that inhabit in Tamblingan Lake. Several publication that discussed about this species in other ecosystem was published, but very rare information in Tamblingan Lake. The aims of this research ware determine the length-length relationships, growth pattern and condition Rasbora sp. in Tamblingan Lake. Fish sampling conducted from January to December 2019 in Tamblingan Lake. The sampling method was purposive sampling which did alternately every month on five sampling station that representing the condition of Tamblingan Lake. The result shown, all character of length has strong correlation with body weight of fish, but the total length (TL) was the most accurate measure to estimating the body weight of Rasbora sp. The growth pattern of Rasbora sp. was isometric and the condition of this fish in good condition.
Papers by yoga parawangsa