The main purpose of this research is to determine the impact of personality characteristics on di... more The main purpose of this research is to determine the impact of personality characteristics on dimensions of emotional labor. Personality scale is used in research which is developed by Benet-Martinez and John in 1998 and done the structure and validity study of the scale by Sümer et al (2005). The scale comprises 44 statements. The emotional labor is a scale consisting of 13 statements. The scale is developed by Diefendorff et al in 1990 and done the structure and validity study of the scale by Basım and Beğenirbaş (2012). The research population is engaged in Kütahya form of Special Education and Rehabilitation Center 152 employees. Through a questionnaire method from the main mass is obtained 119 reliable data. SPSS software was utilized to analyze the data. The analyzes of results have been detected that characteristics have affected in-depth and intimate behaviour which is dimension of emotional labor whereas superficial behaviour dimension haven't been affected by it.
Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, icsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin .rgutsel baglilik ve boyutlari uzeri... more Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, icsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin .rgutsel baglilik ve boyutlari uzerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Arastirmaya dahil edilen degiskenlerden ilki olan icsel pazarlama ikincisi ise orgutsel bagliliktir. Arastirmada kullanilan icsel pazarlama olcegi Money ve Foremani’ in 1996 yilinda gelistirdikleri, Kocaman ve arkadaslari (2013) tarafindan yapi ve gecerlilik calismasi yapilan 15 ifadeli olcektir. orgutsel baglilik olcegi ise; Allen ve Meyer ‘in 1990 yilinda gelistirdikleri, Ustuner’ in (2009) yapi gecerlilik calismasini yaptigi 18 ifadeden olusan olcektir. Arastirmanin evrenini Kutahya Ili Merkez ilcede faaliyette bulunan 26 farkli subenin 327 calisani olusturmaktadir. Tamsayim yontemiyle elde edilen ana kutleden anket yoluyla 219 saglam veriye ulasilmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS programindan faydalanilarak, hipotezleri test etmek amaciyla korelasyon, coklu regresyon analizleri yapilmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda; icsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin gen...
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal
Organizational support has become an increasingly important issue for organizations to become mor... more Organizational support has become an increasingly important issue for organizations to become more productive and reaching targets. Members of the organization provide a significant contribution to the extent they feel they are supported by their organizations. However, an organization member who thinks that organizational support has been provided is one step ahead of their work. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) covers a number of factors based on voluntary but non-compulsory behaviors and attitudes of the organization's members. Whether the organizational support that employees perceive affects organizational citizenship behavior or not is subject worth to study. This study on the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior with its dimensions and perceived organizational support was revealed by a survey among glass factory employees operating in Ankara. In the study conducted, it was concluded that there is a positive relationship between organizational ...
To cite this document Giderler, C., Z. Yeni, (2017). A qualıtatıve research on the determınatıon ... more To cite this document Giderler, C., Z. Yeni, (2017). A qualıtatıve research on the determınatıon of the relatıonshıp between perceıved organızatıonal support and busıness stress of women workıing ın male-domınated ocuppatıons. PressAcademia Procedia (PAP), V.3, p.548-553.
The main purpose of this research is to determine the impact of personality characteristics on di... more The main purpose of this research is to determine the impact of personality characteristics on dimensions of emotional labor. Personality scale is used in research which is developed by Benet-Martinez and John in 1998 and done the structure and validity study of the scale by Sümer et al (2005). The scale comprises 44 statements. The emotional labor is a scale consisting of 13 statements. The scale is developed by Diefendorff et al in 1990 and done the structure and validity study of the scale by Basım and Beğenirbaş (2012). The research population is engaged in Kütahya form of Special Education and Rehabilitation Center 152 employees. Through a questionnaire method from the main mass is obtained 119 reliable data. SPSS software was utilized to analyze the data. The analyzes of results have been detected that characteristics have affected in-depth and intimate behaviour which is dimension of emotional labor whereas superficial behaviour dimension haven't been affected by it.
Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, icsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin .rgutsel baglilik ve boyutlari uzeri... more Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, icsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin .rgutsel baglilik ve boyutlari uzerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Arastirmaya dahil edilen degiskenlerden ilki olan icsel pazarlama ikincisi ise orgutsel bagliliktir. Arastirmada kullanilan icsel pazarlama olcegi Money ve Foremani’ in 1996 yilinda gelistirdikleri, Kocaman ve arkadaslari (2013) tarafindan yapi ve gecerlilik calismasi yapilan 15 ifadeli olcektir. orgutsel baglilik olcegi ise; Allen ve Meyer ‘in 1990 yilinda gelistirdikleri, Ustuner’ in (2009) yapi gecerlilik calismasini yaptigi 18 ifadeden olusan olcektir. Arastirmanin evrenini Kutahya Ili Merkez ilcede faaliyette bulunan 26 farkli subenin 327 calisani olusturmaktadir. Tamsayim yontemiyle elde edilen ana kutleden anket yoluyla 219 saglam veriye ulasilmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS programindan faydalanilarak, hipotezleri test etmek amaciyla korelasyon, coklu regresyon analizleri yapilmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda; icsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin gen...
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal
Organizational support has become an increasingly important issue for organizations to become mor... more Organizational support has become an increasingly important issue for organizations to become more productive and reaching targets. Members of the organization provide a significant contribution to the extent they feel they are supported by their organizations. However, an organization member who thinks that organizational support has been provided is one step ahead of their work. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) covers a number of factors based on voluntary but non-compulsory behaviors and attitudes of the organization's members. Whether the organizational support that employees perceive affects organizational citizenship behavior or not is subject worth to study. This study on the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior with its dimensions and perceived organizational support was revealed by a survey among glass factory employees operating in Ankara. In the study conducted, it was concluded that there is a positive relationship between organizational ...
To cite this document Giderler, C., Z. Yeni, (2017). A qualıtatıve research on the determınatıon ... more To cite this document Giderler, C., Z. Yeni, (2017). A qualıtatıve research on the determınatıon of the relatıonshıp between perceıved organızatıonal support and busıness stress of women workıing ın male-domınated ocuppatıons. PressAcademia Procedia (PAP), V.3, p.548-553.
Papers by zehra yeni