Volume 1: Epidemics, Bioweapons and Policy History Hb: 0-415-94278-0 Early Epidemics: The Politic... more Volume 1: Epidemics, Bioweapons and Policy History Hb: 0-415-94278-0 Early Epidemics: The Political and Medical Response Fee, Elizabeth and Brown, Theodore. M. Preemptive Biopreparedness: Can We Learn Anything from History? American Journal of Public Health 91 (2001). Schoch-Spona, Monica. Implications of Pandemic Influenza for Bioterrorism Response. Clinical Infectious Diseases 31 (2000). Biological Warfare from World War One to the Cold War Bernstein, Barton J. The Birth of the U. S. Biological-Warfare Program. Scientific American 256 (1987). Neinast, William J. United States' Use of Biological Warfare. Military Law Review 24 (1964). National Security Decision Memoranda, 1969 and 1970 Baxter, Richard R. Legal Aspects of the Geneva Protocol of 1925. American Journal of International Law 74 (October 1970). Bunn, George. Banning Poison Gas and Germ Warfare: Should the United States Agree? Wisconsin Law Review 1969 (1969). 1972 Biological Weapons Convention United States Response to the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention Biological Warfare as a New National Threat Excerpts from Hearings before the Committee on Government Affairs, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, United States Senate, Global Spread of Chemical and Biological Weapons, 101st Congress, First Session, February, 1989. Woodall, Jack. Stalking the Next Epidemic: ProMED Tracks Emerging Diseases. Public Health Reports 78 (January 1997). Graham, Bradley. U. S. Gearing Up Against Germ War Threat Special Military Units Focus on Response to Unconventional Attacks. Washington Post, December 14, 1997. Pile, James. C., Malone, John D., Eitzen, Edward M., Friedlander, Arthur M. Anthrax as a Potential Biological Warfare Agent. Archives of Internal Medicine 158 (1998). Pringle, Peter. Bioterrorism. The Nation 267 (November 9, 1998). Wise, R. Bioterrorism: Thinking the Unthinkable. The Lancet 351 (May 9, 1998). Domestic Anti-Bioterrorism Law and Policy The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. O'Loughlin, Melisa A. Terrorism: The Problem and the Solution-The Comprehensive Terrorism Prevention Act of 1995. Journal of Legislation/Notre Dame University Law School 22 (1996). Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 Ferguson, James R. Biological Weapons and US Law. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association 278 (August 6, 1997). Kellman, Barry. Biological Terrorism: Legal Measures for Preventing Catastrophe. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 24 (Spring 2001). Public Health Threat and Emergency Act of 2000 Linkie, M. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency: A Note on the United States
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi, menganalisis dan menjelaskan data pada petan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi, menganalisis dan menjelaskan data pada petani yang melakukan sistem pertanian ladang berpindah di Jorong IV kenagarian Languang kecamatan Rao Utara kabupaten Pasaman dilihat dari pengelolaan, pendapatan, status kepemilikan tanah dan motivasi. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Informan penelitian adalah seluruh masyarakat yang melakukan ladang berpindah di jorong IV Simamonen Mudik kenagarian Languang kecamatan Rao Utara kabupaten Pasaman. Informan ini diambil dengan teknik snowball sampling yaitu masyarakat yang melakukan ladang berpindah. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi kemudian dilakukan teknik triangulasi. Hasil Penelitian ditemukan bahwa: 1) pengelolaan ladang yang belum maksimal dilakukan karena hanya dilakukan dengan pembersihan ladang dengan alat yang sederhana sedangkan untuk pemupukan ladang atau sejenis obat hama lainnya tidak dilakukan karena biaya yang...
Inflammation is a self-protection response to begin the healing process. One of the anti-inflamma... more Inflammation is a self-protection response to begin the healing process. One of the anti-inflammatory targets worth developing is lipoxygenase inhibitors, which have been studied for several diseases, including severe airways disease. The aim of this study was to predict the affinity of 23 compounds that contained in Hemigraphis alternata leaves against 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). The compounds of Hemigraphis alternata leaves were screened for its affinity againts 5-LOX using docking software, DOCK 6.9, with zileuton as the comparator. Based on the grid score, most of the 23 of Hemigraphis alternata leaves compounds showed a higher affinity towards 5-LOX compare to zileuton. The highest affinity was shown by n-hexadecanoid acid. The study showed that Hemigraphis alternata leaves contains potential active components that could be developed as 5-LOX-inhibitor.
Background: Indonesia as a developing country experiencing epidemiologic transition in which comm... more Background: Indonesia as a developing country experiencing epidemiologic transition in which communicable diseases are still main concern in Indonesia, while non-communicable diseases (degenerative) is starting to increase and to be major cause of death. Degenerative diseases are caused by many risk factors including lifestyle, eating habits, smoking, physical inactivity, genetics and other causes. Basic Health Research in 2007 showed the prevalence of the disease in Indonesia among other degenerative joint disease (30.3%), hypertension (29.8%), stroke (0.8%), heart (7.2%), diabetes mellitus (1,1%), and cancer (0.4%). Methods: This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The study design used was a cross sectional study. The samples in this study were 99 housewives in Ogan Ilir. Sampling technique in this study is a cluster random sampling to select four villages as clusters. The analyses conducted in this study are univariate analysis and correlation tests. Re...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan Perusahaan Air minum Daerah... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan Perusahaan Air minum Daerah (PDAM) Tirta Senentang Kabupaten Sintang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode survei, yaitu penelitian yang diambil suatu sampel dari suatu populasi dan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data yang pokok. populasi dalam peneliitian ini adalah sebanyak 100 responden yang menjadi konsumen pada PDAM Tirta Senentang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tangggapan responden terhadap kualitas pelayanan PDAM Tirta Senentang menunjukkan resonden tanggapan tidak baik (-), di mana nilai gap <1. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor ServQual dimensi kehandalan (reliability) sebesar -0.47, dimensi daya tanggap (responsiveness) sebesar -0.55, dimensi jaminan (assurance) sebesar -0.46, dimensi empati (emphaty) sebesar -0.46 dan dimensi bukti fisik (tangible) sebesar -0.45. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan oleh PDAM ...
Smoking behavior among adolescents is increasing. This condition is partly influenced by the ince... more Smoking behavior among adolescents is increasing. This condition is partly influenced by the incessant advertisements for cigarettes that offer expectations that are the opposite of their impact. This study aims to determine the effect of audiovisual media-based education in the context of changing adolescent attitudes towards cigarette advertisements. The study design used was a Quasi Experiment with a Pretest-Posttest with Control Group. The research subjects were college adolescents (students) with a total of 25 people in the intervention group and 25 in the control group. Data were analyzed using dependent t test and independent t test. In the intervention group, there was a significant difference between attitudes towards cigarette advertisements before and after being given audiovisual media related to cigarette advertising in the experimental group (p = 0.010), on the other hand there was no change in attitude in the control group (p = 0.760) . However, there was no significa...
The cause of diarrhea in infants and children is different from adults. In children, it is usuall... more The cause of diarrhea in infants and children is different from adults. In children, it is usually caused by a virus, whereas in adults it is caused by bacteria. Diarrhea in adults can be triggered by several factors, for example due to wrong eating, impaired digestion of food, the influence of drugs and due to psychiatric conditions whereas in infants can be infected if, swallowing these germs when passing through the birth canal is affected by germs or when touched by a hand germic. Children are also easily infected by germs because they often put their dirty hands and toys into their mouths. This research is a quantitative study in which the dependent variable data collection is done once at a time. The population in this study were all mothers of children under five in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019. The sample in this study were all toddler mothers in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019 by 18...
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement), 2019
Health problems are so complex today. It encourages the people to look for effective treatment al... more Health problems are so complex today. It encourages the people to look for effective treatment alternatives and also efficient in terms of cost. Self medication is being an alternative that has been taken by the the people. Irrational self medication management could lead to disadvantages such as medication errors due to misdiagnosis, inappropriate drugs use due to bias of information from drug advertisements and unwanted drug reactions. Education and Socialization of Gema Cermat was conducted by UHAMKA pharmacist lecturers on December 24th, 2017 in cooperation with PCPM Setu and pharmacists PC IAI Bekasi district as an effort in order to improve the concern, awareness, understanding and skill of people in using drugs properly and correctly. The methods used are CBIA, giving the brochure of Gema Cermat, the pocket books of drugs use and drugs classification, pre-test, post-test and materials about Gema Cermat through oral presentation by a pharmacist. The results of education and s...
Background: Maternal mortality are one of many health problems in the world especially in Indones... more Background: Maternal mortality are one of many health problems in the world especially in Indonesia. In indonesia, one of maternal death the highest factors is abortus. abortus is conception excretion or the pregnancy termination before the fetus could survive outside the womb (viable) without considering the causal with weight <500 gram or gestation age <20 weeks. In the Dr.
Volume 1: Epidemics, Bioweapons and Policy History Hb: 0-415-94278-0 Early Epidemics: The Politic... more Volume 1: Epidemics, Bioweapons and Policy History Hb: 0-415-94278-0 Early Epidemics: The Political and Medical Response Fee, Elizabeth and Brown, Theodore. M. Preemptive Biopreparedness: Can We Learn Anything from History? American Journal of Public Health 91 (2001). Schoch-Spona, Monica. Implications of Pandemic Influenza for Bioterrorism Response. Clinical Infectious Diseases 31 (2000). Biological Warfare from World War One to the Cold War Bernstein, Barton J. The Birth of the U. S. Biological-Warfare Program. Scientific American 256 (1987). Neinast, William J. United States' Use of Biological Warfare. Military Law Review 24 (1964). National Security Decision Memoranda, 1969 and 1970 Baxter, Richard R. Legal Aspects of the Geneva Protocol of 1925. American Journal of International Law 74 (October 1970). Bunn, George. Banning Poison Gas and Germ Warfare: Should the United States Agree? Wisconsin Law Review 1969 (1969). 1972 Biological Weapons Convention United States Response to the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention Biological Warfare as a New National Threat Excerpts from Hearings before the Committee on Government Affairs, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, United States Senate, Global Spread of Chemical and Biological Weapons, 101st Congress, First Session, February, 1989. Woodall, Jack. Stalking the Next Epidemic: ProMED Tracks Emerging Diseases. Public Health Reports 78 (January 1997). Graham, Bradley. U. S. Gearing Up Against Germ War Threat Special Military Units Focus on Response to Unconventional Attacks. Washington Post, December 14, 1997. Pile, James. C., Malone, John D., Eitzen, Edward M., Friedlander, Arthur M. Anthrax as a Potential Biological Warfare Agent. Archives of Internal Medicine 158 (1998). Pringle, Peter. Bioterrorism. The Nation 267 (November 9, 1998). Wise, R. Bioterrorism: Thinking the Unthinkable. The Lancet 351 (May 9, 1998). Domestic Anti-Bioterrorism Law and Policy The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. O'Loughlin, Melisa A. Terrorism: The Problem and the Solution-The Comprehensive Terrorism Prevention Act of 1995. Journal of Legislation/Notre Dame University Law School 22 (1996). Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 Ferguson, James R. Biological Weapons and US Law. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association 278 (August 6, 1997). Kellman, Barry. Biological Terrorism: Legal Measures for Preventing Catastrophe. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 24 (Spring 2001). Public Health Threat and Emergency Act of 2000 Linkie, M. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency: A Note on the United States
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi, menganalisis dan menjelaskan data pada petan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi, menganalisis dan menjelaskan data pada petani yang melakukan sistem pertanian ladang berpindah di Jorong IV kenagarian Languang kecamatan Rao Utara kabupaten Pasaman dilihat dari pengelolaan, pendapatan, status kepemilikan tanah dan motivasi. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Informan penelitian adalah seluruh masyarakat yang melakukan ladang berpindah di jorong IV Simamonen Mudik kenagarian Languang kecamatan Rao Utara kabupaten Pasaman. Informan ini diambil dengan teknik snowball sampling yaitu masyarakat yang melakukan ladang berpindah. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi kemudian dilakukan teknik triangulasi. Hasil Penelitian ditemukan bahwa: 1) pengelolaan ladang yang belum maksimal dilakukan karena hanya dilakukan dengan pembersihan ladang dengan alat yang sederhana sedangkan untuk pemupukan ladang atau sejenis obat hama lainnya tidak dilakukan karena biaya yang...
Inflammation is a self-protection response to begin the healing process. One of the anti-inflamma... more Inflammation is a self-protection response to begin the healing process. One of the anti-inflammatory targets worth developing is lipoxygenase inhibitors, which have been studied for several diseases, including severe airways disease. The aim of this study was to predict the affinity of 23 compounds that contained in Hemigraphis alternata leaves against 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). The compounds of Hemigraphis alternata leaves were screened for its affinity againts 5-LOX using docking software, DOCK 6.9, with zileuton as the comparator. Based on the grid score, most of the 23 of Hemigraphis alternata leaves compounds showed a higher affinity towards 5-LOX compare to zileuton. The highest affinity was shown by n-hexadecanoid acid. The study showed that Hemigraphis alternata leaves contains potential active components that could be developed as 5-LOX-inhibitor.
Background: Indonesia as a developing country experiencing epidemiologic transition in which comm... more Background: Indonesia as a developing country experiencing epidemiologic transition in which communicable diseases are still main concern in Indonesia, while non-communicable diseases (degenerative) is starting to increase and to be major cause of death. Degenerative diseases are caused by many risk factors including lifestyle, eating habits, smoking, physical inactivity, genetics and other causes. Basic Health Research in 2007 showed the prevalence of the disease in Indonesia among other degenerative joint disease (30.3%), hypertension (29.8%), stroke (0.8%), heart (7.2%), diabetes mellitus (1,1%), and cancer (0.4%). Methods: This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The study design used was a cross sectional study. The samples in this study were 99 housewives in Ogan Ilir. Sampling technique in this study is a cluster random sampling to select four villages as clusters. The analyses conducted in this study are univariate analysis and correlation tests. Re...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan Perusahaan Air minum Daerah... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan Perusahaan Air minum Daerah (PDAM) Tirta Senentang Kabupaten Sintang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode survei, yaitu penelitian yang diambil suatu sampel dari suatu populasi dan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data yang pokok. populasi dalam peneliitian ini adalah sebanyak 100 responden yang menjadi konsumen pada PDAM Tirta Senentang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tangggapan responden terhadap kualitas pelayanan PDAM Tirta Senentang menunjukkan resonden tanggapan tidak baik (-), di mana nilai gap <1. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor ServQual dimensi kehandalan (reliability) sebesar -0.47, dimensi daya tanggap (responsiveness) sebesar -0.55, dimensi jaminan (assurance) sebesar -0.46, dimensi empati (emphaty) sebesar -0.46 dan dimensi bukti fisik (tangible) sebesar -0.45. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan oleh PDAM ...
Smoking behavior among adolescents is increasing. This condition is partly influenced by the ince... more Smoking behavior among adolescents is increasing. This condition is partly influenced by the incessant advertisements for cigarettes that offer expectations that are the opposite of their impact. This study aims to determine the effect of audiovisual media-based education in the context of changing adolescent attitudes towards cigarette advertisements. The study design used was a Quasi Experiment with a Pretest-Posttest with Control Group. The research subjects were college adolescents (students) with a total of 25 people in the intervention group and 25 in the control group. Data were analyzed using dependent t test and independent t test. In the intervention group, there was a significant difference between attitudes towards cigarette advertisements before and after being given audiovisual media related to cigarette advertising in the experimental group (p = 0.010), on the other hand there was no change in attitude in the control group (p = 0.760) . However, there was no significa...
The cause of diarrhea in infants and children is different from adults. In children, it is usuall... more The cause of diarrhea in infants and children is different from adults. In children, it is usually caused by a virus, whereas in adults it is caused by bacteria. Diarrhea in adults can be triggered by several factors, for example due to wrong eating, impaired digestion of food, the influence of drugs and due to psychiatric conditions whereas in infants can be infected if, swallowing these germs when passing through the birth canal is affected by germs or when touched by a hand germic. Children are also easily infected by germs because they often put their dirty hands and toys into their mouths. This research is a quantitative study in which the dependent variable data collection is done once at a time. The population in this study were all mothers of children under five in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019. The sample in this study were all toddler mothers in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019 by 18...
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement), 2019
Health problems are so complex today. It encourages the people to look for effective treatment al... more Health problems are so complex today. It encourages the people to look for effective treatment alternatives and also efficient in terms of cost. Self medication is being an alternative that has been taken by the the people. Irrational self medication management could lead to disadvantages such as medication errors due to misdiagnosis, inappropriate drugs use due to bias of information from drug advertisements and unwanted drug reactions. Education and Socialization of Gema Cermat was conducted by UHAMKA pharmacist lecturers on December 24th, 2017 in cooperation with PCPM Setu and pharmacists PC IAI Bekasi district as an effort in order to improve the concern, awareness, understanding and skill of people in using drugs properly and correctly. The methods used are CBIA, giving the brochure of Gema Cermat, the pocket books of drugs use and drugs classification, pre-test, post-test and materials about Gema Cermat through oral presentation by a pharmacist. The results of education and s...
Background: Maternal mortality are one of many health problems in the world especially in Indones... more Background: Maternal mortality are one of many health problems in the world especially in Indonesia. In indonesia, one of maternal death the highest factors is abortus. abortus is conception excretion or the pregnancy termination before the fetus could survive outside the womb (viable) without considering the causal with weight <500 gram or gestation age <20 weeks. In the Dr.
Papers by yeni yeni