Kondisi gedung asrama atlit sport centre Rumbai saat ini terdapat kerusakan kerusakan arsitektur,... more Kondisi gedung asrama atlit sport centre Rumbai saat ini terdapat kerusakan kerusakan arsitektur, mekanikal, elektrikal dan plumbing karena kurangnya perawatan pada bangunan gedung. Pemeliharaan dan perawatan bangunan gedung secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan sudah menjadi syarat yang harus dipenuhi, sehingga bisa mencapai persyaratan bangunan gedung yaitu pada permen 24/PRT/M/2008, khususnya bangunan gedung yang fungsinya sebagai salah satu penunjang yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi atlit yaitu fasilitas penginapan seperti asrama atlit sport centre Rumbai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mempersentase kerusakannya dan mengestimasi biaya kerusakannya serta biaya pemeliharaan pertahun dan memprediksi anggaran 10 tahun mendatang, dengan metode estimasi harga yaitu mengunakan harga satuan rata rata per-m2 bangunan bertingkat yang akurat untuk bangunan gedung. Hasil perhitungan ini didapatkan estimasi harga perkiraan kasar (approximate estimate) sebesar Rp. 866.433.671,00,- untuk ker...
The development of the construction industry in Indonesia is quite rapid, where almost all constr... more The development of the construction industry in Indonesia is quite rapid, where almost all construction buildings use concrete as the main material. For certain areas or even at certain times where the natural conditions are not good (flood), it will be difficult to get sand. In this case, other alternatives are needed, not only from nature, for example from a stone crusher factory. In the Riau area there is a stone crusher factory, namely PT. Riau Mas Bersaudara where one of the products is crushed sand. The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio of the compressive strength of concrete resulting from the use of natural sand and crushed sand. In this study using the experimental method, namely the method by conducting experiments in the laboratory to get the results. The design concrete quality is K225 or equivalent to 18,675 MPa. Compressive strength testing based on SNI 1974:2011, the results of the study obtained that the average compressive strength at the age of 7 day...
Journal of Infrastructure and Civil Engineering, 2021
One of the obstacles in laboratory testing is the availability of testing capacity. So that the s... more One of the obstacles in laboratory testing is the availability of testing capacity. So that the similitude method was developed which aims to replicate the state of the prototype by scaling the variables so that they can be tested in the laboratory. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the results of numerical tests and experimental tests on the response of the open frame portal structure and the braced portal structure to the perpindahan parameters and the driftt ratio of the steel portal structure in earthquake buildings. The method used in this research is the experimental test method. From the analysis results, the largest perpindahan difference between the numerical test and the experimental test of the open frame portal structure is on the 4th floor, with a difference of 21,8 mm, while the largest perpindahan difference in the braced structure is on the 6th floor with a difference of 14,54 mm. The highest perpindahan difference is between numerical...
Visualization of the camber position, which has a negative value on the steel frame arch bridge c... more Visualization of the camber position, which has a negative value on the steel frame arch bridge causes user inconvenience and can even lead to a collapse hazard. Siak III Bridge is a national steel frame arch bridge as access between Pekanbaru City and other cities in Sumatra. Based on visual observations, the camber position has a negative value. Monitoring in the form of direct measurement of the bridge center coordinates using a total station tool to show that the camber decreases from the proper condition of the bridge coordinates. Purpose of this study to evaluating the performance bridge structure due to the combination load during the service life of the structure. Therefore, the methodology carried out was to analyze the performance of the bridge based on the model adopted from the 3D bridge and focused on bridge deflection. The analysis is carried out to estimate the deflection ratio of the bridge due to the load and to obtain critical conditions of the bridge structure. Th...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
This paper investigates the breakdown voltage of Carbon ionised affected by butane and air gas im... more This paper investigates the breakdown voltage of Carbon ionised affected by butane and air gas impurities at slightly atmospheric pressure. The ionization process is conducted by electrical discharge using graphite electrode with the gap in millimeter scale to generate plasma by the direct current voltage less than 3.5kV. The experimental results show the breakdown voltage and current of plasma. Carbon plasma density and temperature are calculated from the current and voltage. These results show the ionization of air at slightly low pressure having a maximum voltage of 570V. The breakdown voltage and current are respectively 530-570V and 0.27 to 0.45mA. At high pressure it has a maximum voltage of 1160 V, the voltage and the current breakdown are respectively 900-1100V and 0.46 to 0.6 mA. When gas impurities are injected at slightly low pressure, it has maximum voltage of 772V, the breakdown voltage is 536-775V and the current is 0.03 to 0.45mA, whereas at high pressure it has a maximum voltage of 1044V, the breakdown voltage is 675-105 V and the current is 0.03 to 0.69mA. The results are interesting phenomena and can also be applied to develop a level of purity of Carbon Nano Tube formation at the cathode end of the effects of the density and temperature of the plasma generated.
The behavior of the arch bridge structure has its own peculiarities in distributing loading. The ... more The behavior of the arch bridge structure has its own peculiarities in distributing loading. The curved shape of the structure allows the structure's own weight to be transferred to the foundation as the normal compressive force without bending. the load is transferred through the semicircular structure to the abutments on either side. The curved (semicircular) design will naturally shift the load received by the floor of the bridge vehicle towards the abutment which keeps both sides of the bridge from moving sideways. Earthquake is a dominant horizontal cyclic loading of a structure. The performance of bridge structures due to the effects of earthquake loading is an important aspect that needs to be taken into account in designing and evaluating the bridge structure. The method used in this study is time history analysis. This article aims to evaluate the performance of arch bridge structures due to earthquake loads by using time-history analysis method. The results of the stru...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
An accurate bridge condition evaluation system is the main factor of a bridge maintenance managem... more An accurate bridge condition evaluation system is the main factor of a bridge maintenance management. The Government of Indonesia has a bridge evaluation guide based on Australian rules namely the Bridge Management System. In this method, a visual field check is performed to determine the value of the bridge condition and then analyzed by using the bridge management information system program (sim-ibms) through a technical screening process. By using this method, it can be determined several actions are needed to be reported that the bridge is safe or damaged. But this method has been used for 25 years by Indonesia. Nowadays, research and methods are developed to evaluate the condition of bridges, such as the Fracture Critical Member (FCM) method. This method can directly measure displacement through computer programs based on the traffic volume. The evaluation conducted in two ways such are numerical methods with computer programs and visual bridge surveys. Numerical analysis is pe...
Perencanaan struktur jembatan baja pelengkung harus memperhatikan kemampuan respon strukturnya ya... more Perencanaan struktur jembatan baja pelengkung harus memperhatikan kemampuan respon strukturnya yang rentan terhadap deteriorasi akibat fatik, ancaman gempa bumi kuat atau angin topan, khususnya diwilayah sumatera yang mempunyai resiko gempa yang tinggi. Penelitian ini fokus memprediksi struktur jembatan pelengkung baja dengan analisis repons spectra dengan bantuan software analisis struktur gempa berdasarkan SNI 1726-2012 m. Percepatan gempa yang diambil berasal dari beberapa kota seperti Kota Aceh, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, dan Pekanbaru yang memliki karakteristik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan respon struktur jembatan terbesar terjadi di Padang dengan nilai perpindahan sebesar 0,016267 m dan percepatan sebesar 0,0235 m. Sementara itu, respons struktur terkecil terjadi di kota tanjung pinang dengan nilai perpindahan sebesar 0,01552 m dan nilai percepatan sebesar 0,0208 m. Diharapkan dengan diketahuinya hasil prediksi kesehatan struktur jembatan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi/masukan bagi pemerintah dan pihak yang terkait dalam usaha memperbaiki jembatan dengan tepat, sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya keruntuhan struktur jembatan.
Kegagalan struktur rangka atap bangunan dengan material baja ringan atau baja canai dingin dapat ... more Kegagalan struktur rangka atap bangunan dengan material baja ringan atau baja canai dingin dapat terjadi oleh beberapa sebab, misalnya faktor perencanaan dan pelaksanaan. Pada tahun 2016 terjadi kegagalan struktur rangka atap pada suatu gedung di Pekanbaru yang mengakibatkan hampir keseluruhan rangka atap bangunan rubuh. Kegagalan yang terjadi pada sambungan dan tekuk di beberapa batang yang terjadi pada beberapa joint atau sambungan antara ringbalk beton dan rangka batang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pemodelan rangka atap baja canai dingin menggunakan SAP 2000 untuk mengetahui gaya dalam struktur. selanjutnya dilakukan desain sambungan menurut SNI 7971:2013 tentang baja canai. Sambungan yang akan dianalisis merupakan sambungan rangka baja ringan dengan menggunakan self-drilling screw yang didesain menurut ketentuan SNI 7971:2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi kegagalan sambungan yang dipengaruhi oleh mode bearing, karena kapasitas geser desain yang diperoleh lebih...
Penilaian kondisi jembatan merupakan usaha pemeliharaan jembatan untuk mempertahankan usia jembat... more Penilaian kondisi jembatan merupakan usaha pemeliharaan jembatan untuk mempertahankan usia jembatan dan mencegah terjadinya kerusakan struktur jembatan yang berkelanjutan. Provinsi Riau memiliki 148 jembatan yang termasuk ke dalam data jembatan yang mendapatkan pemeliharaan oleh pemerintah. Diantara jembatan tersebut terdiri atas jembatan rangka baja dan jembatan beton bertulang yang telah berumur lebih dari 20 tahun. Jumlah kendaraan yang semakin meningkat tentu saja akan meningkatkan resiko penurunan kekuatan jembatan dan umur jembatan. Faktor banyaknya struktur jembatan yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian pemeliharan dan tingkat resiko kerusakan jembatan yang berbeda-beda mengakibatkan perluanya pemeringkatan pemeliharaan jembatan. Pemeringkatan ini dapat dilakukan dengan menilai masing-masing kondisi jembaatan dalam suatu sistem yang disebut Bridge Management System. Oleh karena itu penelitian dilakukan dengan mengkaji beberapa jembatan di Riau dengan resiko tinggi menggunakan met...
Kondisi gedung asrama atlit sport centre Rumbai saat ini terdapat kerusakan kerusakan arsitektur,... more Kondisi gedung asrama atlit sport centre Rumbai saat ini terdapat kerusakan kerusakan arsitektur, mekanikal, elektrikal dan plumbing karena kurangnya perawatan pada bangunan gedung. Pemeliharaan dan perawatan bangunan gedung secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan sudah menjadi syarat yang harus dipenuhi, sehingga bisa mencapai persyaratan bangunan gedung yaitu pada permen 24/PRT/M/2008, khususnya bangunan gedung yang fungsinya sebagai salah satu penunjang yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi atlit yaitu fasilitas penginapan seperti asrama atlit sport centre Rumbai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mempersentase kerusakannya dan mengestimasi biaya kerusakannya serta biaya pemeliharaan pertahun dan memprediksi anggaran 10 tahun mendatang, dengan metode estimasi harga yaitu mengunakan harga satuan rata rata per-m2 bangunan bertingkat yang akurat untuk bangunan gedung. Hasil perhitungan ini didapatkan estimasi harga perkiraan kasar (approximate estimate) sebesar Rp. 866.433.671,00,- untuk ker...
The development of the construction industry in Indonesia is quite rapid, where almost all constr... more The development of the construction industry in Indonesia is quite rapid, where almost all construction buildings use concrete as the main material. For certain areas or even at certain times where the natural conditions are not good (flood), it will be difficult to get sand. In this case, other alternatives are needed, not only from nature, for example from a stone crusher factory. In the Riau area there is a stone crusher factory, namely PT. Riau Mas Bersaudara where one of the products is crushed sand. The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio of the compressive strength of concrete resulting from the use of natural sand and crushed sand. In this study using the experimental method, namely the method by conducting experiments in the laboratory to get the results. The design concrete quality is K225 or equivalent to 18,675 MPa. Compressive strength testing based on SNI 1974:2011, the results of the study obtained that the average compressive strength at the age of 7 day...
Journal of Infrastructure and Civil Engineering, 2021
One of the obstacles in laboratory testing is the availability of testing capacity. So that the s... more One of the obstacles in laboratory testing is the availability of testing capacity. So that the similitude method was developed which aims to replicate the state of the prototype by scaling the variables so that they can be tested in the laboratory. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the results of numerical tests and experimental tests on the response of the open frame portal structure and the braced portal structure to the perpindahan parameters and the driftt ratio of the steel portal structure in earthquake buildings. The method used in this research is the experimental test method. From the analysis results, the largest perpindahan difference between the numerical test and the experimental test of the open frame portal structure is on the 4th floor, with a difference of 21,8 mm, while the largest perpindahan difference in the braced structure is on the 6th floor with a difference of 14,54 mm. The highest perpindahan difference is between numerical...
Visualization of the camber position, which has a negative value on the steel frame arch bridge c... more Visualization of the camber position, which has a negative value on the steel frame arch bridge causes user inconvenience and can even lead to a collapse hazard. Siak III Bridge is a national steel frame arch bridge as access between Pekanbaru City and other cities in Sumatra. Based on visual observations, the camber position has a negative value. Monitoring in the form of direct measurement of the bridge center coordinates using a total station tool to show that the camber decreases from the proper condition of the bridge coordinates. Purpose of this study to evaluating the performance bridge structure due to the combination load during the service life of the structure. Therefore, the methodology carried out was to analyze the performance of the bridge based on the model adopted from the 3D bridge and focused on bridge deflection. The analysis is carried out to estimate the deflection ratio of the bridge due to the load and to obtain critical conditions of the bridge structure. Th...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
This paper investigates the breakdown voltage of Carbon ionised affected by butane and air gas im... more This paper investigates the breakdown voltage of Carbon ionised affected by butane and air gas impurities at slightly atmospheric pressure. The ionization process is conducted by electrical discharge using graphite electrode with the gap in millimeter scale to generate plasma by the direct current voltage less than 3.5kV. The experimental results show the breakdown voltage and current of plasma. Carbon plasma density and temperature are calculated from the current and voltage. These results show the ionization of air at slightly low pressure having a maximum voltage of 570V. The breakdown voltage and current are respectively 530-570V and 0.27 to 0.45mA. At high pressure it has a maximum voltage of 1160 V, the voltage and the current breakdown are respectively 900-1100V and 0.46 to 0.6 mA. When gas impurities are injected at slightly low pressure, it has maximum voltage of 772V, the breakdown voltage is 536-775V and the current is 0.03 to 0.45mA, whereas at high pressure it has a maximum voltage of 1044V, the breakdown voltage is 675-105 V and the current is 0.03 to 0.69mA. The results are interesting phenomena and can also be applied to develop a level of purity of Carbon Nano Tube formation at the cathode end of the effects of the density and temperature of the plasma generated.
The behavior of the arch bridge structure has its own peculiarities in distributing loading. The ... more The behavior of the arch bridge structure has its own peculiarities in distributing loading. The curved shape of the structure allows the structure's own weight to be transferred to the foundation as the normal compressive force without bending. the load is transferred through the semicircular structure to the abutments on either side. The curved (semicircular) design will naturally shift the load received by the floor of the bridge vehicle towards the abutment which keeps both sides of the bridge from moving sideways. Earthquake is a dominant horizontal cyclic loading of a structure. The performance of bridge structures due to the effects of earthquake loading is an important aspect that needs to be taken into account in designing and evaluating the bridge structure. The method used in this study is time history analysis. This article aims to evaluate the performance of arch bridge structures due to earthquake loads by using time-history analysis method. The results of the stru...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
An accurate bridge condition evaluation system is the main factor of a bridge maintenance managem... more An accurate bridge condition evaluation system is the main factor of a bridge maintenance management. The Government of Indonesia has a bridge evaluation guide based on Australian rules namely the Bridge Management System. In this method, a visual field check is performed to determine the value of the bridge condition and then analyzed by using the bridge management information system program (sim-ibms) through a technical screening process. By using this method, it can be determined several actions are needed to be reported that the bridge is safe or damaged. But this method has been used for 25 years by Indonesia. Nowadays, research and methods are developed to evaluate the condition of bridges, such as the Fracture Critical Member (FCM) method. This method can directly measure displacement through computer programs based on the traffic volume. The evaluation conducted in two ways such are numerical methods with computer programs and visual bridge surveys. Numerical analysis is pe...
Perencanaan struktur jembatan baja pelengkung harus memperhatikan kemampuan respon strukturnya ya... more Perencanaan struktur jembatan baja pelengkung harus memperhatikan kemampuan respon strukturnya yang rentan terhadap deteriorasi akibat fatik, ancaman gempa bumi kuat atau angin topan, khususnya diwilayah sumatera yang mempunyai resiko gempa yang tinggi. Penelitian ini fokus memprediksi struktur jembatan pelengkung baja dengan analisis repons spectra dengan bantuan software analisis struktur gempa berdasarkan SNI 1726-2012 m. Percepatan gempa yang diambil berasal dari beberapa kota seperti Kota Aceh, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, dan Pekanbaru yang memliki karakteristik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan respon struktur jembatan terbesar terjadi di Padang dengan nilai perpindahan sebesar 0,016267 m dan percepatan sebesar 0,0235 m. Sementara itu, respons struktur terkecil terjadi di kota tanjung pinang dengan nilai perpindahan sebesar 0,01552 m dan nilai percepatan sebesar 0,0208 m. Diharapkan dengan diketahuinya hasil prediksi kesehatan struktur jembatan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi/masukan bagi pemerintah dan pihak yang terkait dalam usaha memperbaiki jembatan dengan tepat, sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya keruntuhan struktur jembatan.
Kegagalan struktur rangka atap bangunan dengan material baja ringan atau baja canai dingin dapat ... more Kegagalan struktur rangka atap bangunan dengan material baja ringan atau baja canai dingin dapat terjadi oleh beberapa sebab, misalnya faktor perencanaan dan pelaksanaan. Pada tahun 2016 terjadi kegagalan struktur rangka atap pada suatu gedung di Pekanbaru yang mengakibatkan hampir keseluruhan rangka atap bangunan rubuh. Kegagalan yang terjadi pada sambungan dan tekuk di beberapa batang yang terjadi pada beberapa joint atau sambungan antara ringbalk beton dan rangka batang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pemodelan rangka atap baja canai dingin menggunakan SAP 2000 untuk mengetahui gaya dalam struktur. selanjutnya dilakukan desain sambungan menurut SNI 7971:2013 tentang baja canai. Sambungan yang akan dianalisis merupakan sambungan rangka baja ringan dengan menggunakan self-drilling screw yang didesain menurut ketentuan SNI 7971:2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi kegagalan sambungan yang dipengaruhi oleh mode bearing, karena kapasitas geser desain yang diperoleh lebih...
Penilaian kondisi jembatan merupakan usaha pemeliharaan jembatan untuk mempertahankan usia jembat... more Penilaian kondisi jembatan merupakan usaha pemeliharaan jembatan untuk mempertahankan usia jembatan dan mencegah terjadinya kerusakan struktur jembatan yang berkelanjutan. Provinsi Riau memiliki 148 jembatan yang termasuk ke dalam data jembatan yang mendapatkan pemeliharaan oleh pemerintah. Diantara jembatan tersebut terdiri atas jembatan rangka baja dan jembatan beton bertulang yang telah berumur lebih dari 20 tahun. Jumlah kendaraan yang semakin meningkat tentu saja akan meningkatkan resiko penurunan kekuatan jembatan dan umur jembatan. Faktor banyaknya struktur jembatan yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian pemeliharan dan tingkat resiko kerusakan jembatan yang berbeda-beda mengakibatkan perluanya pemeringkatan pemeliharaan jembatan. Pemeringkatan ini dapat dilakukan dengan menilai masing-masing kondisi jembaatan dalam suatu sistem yang disebut Bridge Management System. Oleh karena itu penelitian dilakukan dengan mengkaji beberapa jembatan di Riau dengan resiko tinggi menggunakan met...
Papers by widya apriani