Papers by abdurrahman tekin

Insanliga karsi suclarin islenmesi neredeyse insanlik tarihi kadar eskiye dayansa da, bu kategori... more Insanliga karsi suclarin islenmesi neredeyse insanlik tarihi kadar eskiye dayansa da, bu kategoriye giren eylemlerin uluslararasi suclar arasina dahil edilmesi Nurnberg Statusu’ne kadar mumkun olmamistir. Insanlik, bilhassa Birinci ve Ikinci Dunya Savaslari boyunca kan donduran vahsetlere, insan haklari ve insancil hukuk ihlallerine sahitlik etmistir. “Butun savaslari bitirecek olan savas” olarak gorulen Birinci Dunya Savasi’ndan kisa bir sure sonra daha buyuk olcekli bir savasin meydana gelmesi bu iyimser kaninin gerceklikle bagdasir bir yaninin olmadiginin en goze carpan gostergelerinden biri olarak karsimizda dursa da, uluslararasi toplum “Bir Daha Asla” sloganiyla, suc isleyenlerin yargilanmasi amaciyla harekete gecmistir. Bu calismada, insanliga karsi suclarin tanimlandigi ilk uluslararasi metinler, bu suc kategorisine giren eylemleri gerceklestirenlerin yargilanmasi maksadiyla mahkemeler kurulmasina zemin hazirlayan Nurnberg, Tokyo, Eski Yugoslavya, Ruanda ve Roma Statuleri il...

It was not until the end of the 18th century that fundamental human rights and freedoms, one of ... more It was not until the end of the 18th century that fundamental human rights and freedoms, one of the most remarkable indicators and elements of democracy, have attained constitutional guarantees. The steps have been taken to provide human rights with protection at the 20th century in the international arena have been reflected at the national level and human rights have attained Constitutional Status in many countries. This study addressing the process of being guaranteed of fundamental human rights and freedoms in constitutional systems will focus on the instruments and mechanicms devoted to the effective protection of human rights. In this regard, the indispensability of the principle of Separation of Powers in terms of the protection of human rights, the impacts of the forms of constitutions and of government types on the protection of human rights, and the models of Continental and American Constitutional Review will be discussed.

Selcuk Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi, Sep 20, 2021
Political parties are in continual pursuit of updating the election procedures with a view to kee... more Political parties are in continual pursuit of updating the election procedures with a view to keeping functional or effective the politics of their country. Sometimes the underlying reason behind such updates might be the concern of not losing the power. On the other hand, these updates can occasionally stem from a necessity and become imperative. Frequently experienced political instabilities and deadlocks can lead to a reform in electoral systems which is injustice in representation. One of the electoral systems which make concessions to justice in representation for the sake of stability in government is the majority bonus system. This electoral system can be defined, as most concisely as possible, as the system in which a party rewarded with the highest number of votes from the electorate is rewarded once more with prize seats by the electoral system. This study has tried to facilitate better recognition of this electoral system through examining its practical outcomes in the light of the analyses conducted based on the data obtained from the countries where this electoral system is in effect.

The constitutional movement commenced by the adoption of the Charter of
Alliance has continued un... more The constitutional movement commenced by the adoption of the Charter of
Alliance has continued until today despite the interruptions occurred at certain
times. Not only have state organisations regulated under these constitutions, but also
human rights and freedoms have been regulated and guaranteed. It can be observed
that human rights and freedoms, which were just listed by names in the previous
constitutions, are regulated in depth under the last two constitutions.
The absence of a proper academic study analysing the evolution of human rights
under Turkish constitutions underlies the production of this article. In this regard, the
200-year-evolution and position of human rights and freedoms in Turkish Constitutional
System will be dealt with and critically evaluated. Also the current situation reached
by the introduction of the institution of ‘Constitutional Complaint’ will be examined
in depth by making comparisons to the countries such as Germany, Spain, Austria,
Switzerland, Hungary where the institution has successfully been applied for a long
time. Finally, some remarkable decisions, which have a broad repercussion in world
press, made by the Constitutional Court of Turkey will be addressed.

People of the Arab World, who had to lead their lives under authoritarian governments for remarka... more People of the Arab World, who had to lead their lives under authoritarian governments for remarkably long years until the Arab Spring, failed to obtain any concrete response to their democratic demands and quests. The civil commotions commencing in the year 2010 spread over the whole Arab territories and led to overthrowing of the leaders in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, which hallmarked the signals of a new approaching era. The given democratisation movements have proved to be unsuccessful owing to the facts that the people of the Arab World lacked experience in the regime of democracy, and that the countries with particular goals on the said territory were irritated by the Islamic awakening, and that the new authorities taking over the governments might make use of the natural resources and strategic regions against the interests of the western states and that Israel's security in the region might be jeopardised. As a result of protracted endeavours in Tunisia, such a constitution that bears nothing less than those of western liberal democracies has been drafted and adopted through public reconciliation, and afterwards, political and constitutional reforms have been carried out decisively. As for Egypt, the constitution drafted in 2012 was a significant stride towards democratisation and acquisition of rights and freedom, which nevertheless was suspended by the coup in 2013. Even though many improvements brought about by the Constitution of 2012 have been preserved in the Constitution of 2014 which embodies the martial democracy, the way of its adoption was not inclusive of whole public and the Parliament is deprived of effective opposition, because of which the constitutional developments remain solely on the paper.
Adli kontrol, Ceza Muhakemesi
Kanunu’nun 109. maddesinde de belirtildiği
üzere, tutuklamaya alter... more Adli kontrol, Ceza Muhakemesi
Kanunu’nun 109. maddesinde de belirtildiği
üzere, tutuklamaya alternatif bir tedbir
olarak düzenlenmiştir. Her ne kadar eski
ceza muhakemesi hukuku sistemimizde bir
takım adli kontrol tedbirleri öngörülmüş
olsa da ilk defa 10 yıl önce kanunda geniş
bir şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Son zamanlarda
birçok ülke kanunlarında tutuklama yerine
alternatif önlemlere başvurulması teşvik
edilmiş ve birçok uluslararası sözleşmede bu
hususa genişçe yer verilmiştir. Nihayetinde
bu gelişmelere kayıtsız kalınmayarak bu
kuruma yeni CMK’da yer verilmiştir.
Adli kontrol tedbirlerinin ülkemizde
uygulanışının yeterli olup olmadığını
anlamanın en iyi yolu mukayeseli olarak
incelemeden geçtiği için bir takım
ülkelerle kıyaslamalar ışığında, bu kurum

Although a great deal of importance has been attached to victims and witnesses, particularly vuln... more Although a great deal of importance has been attached to victims and witnesses, particularly vulnerable ones, in the criminal justice system recently, these people have not attained the desired position yet. A blood feud was the only way to obtain justice in the past. After understanding the harm arising from blood feuds, the disputes between people had been started to be brought to courts. Thus, it can be said that victims and witnesses have started to be satisfied, instead of being sacrificed, with the development of the criminal justice system. As a significant component of criminal law, the victim plays a key role in trial process. Therefore, to protect and support vulnerable victims and witnesses, a set of legal regulations has been introduced and special measures have been provided for them all over the world, especially in Europe in the last two decades. Nevertheless, the adequateness of these regulations has been discussed. This essay will discuss the adequateness and effectiveness of special measures available for vulnerable victims in criminal proceedings in the United Kingdom in the light of some research findings. ÖZET Ceza yargılamasında bilhassa korunmasız olan suç mağdurlarına ve tanıklara verilen önem son zamanlarda yapılan reformlarla artmış olsa da, istenen konuma erişildiğini söylemek güçtür. Önceleri, adalet kan davası güdülerek sağlanmaya çalışılırdı. Ancak, kan davasının topluma ve adalet anlayışına zarar verdiğinin anlaşılmasıyla birlikte insanlar aralarındaki uyuşmazlıklara mahkeme önünde çözüm aramaya başladılar. Böylece, ceza adaleti sisteminin gelişimi ile birlikte mağdur ve tanıklar tatmin edilmeye başlandılar. Ceza hukukunun en önemli unsurlarından biri, ceza yargılamasında da anahtar bir görev üstlenen 'mağdurdur'. Bundan dolayı, son çeyrek asırda başta Avrupa ülkeleri olmak üzere dünyanın bir çok ülkesinde suçtan zarar görmüş ve korunmasız olan tanık ve mağdurların korunması ve desteklenmesi için bir çok hukuki düzenlemeler yapılmıştır. Ancak yapılan bu reformlar ve yeniliklerin yeterliliği de yıllardan bu yana tartışılagelmiştir. Bu makalede, 'korunmasız tanık ve mağdurlar' olarak adlandırılan kişiler için Birleşik Krallık Ceza Yargılama Sisteminde uygulanan özel koruma tedbirlerinin yeterliliği ve etkinliği, yapılan akademik çalışmalar ve araştırmalar ışığında değerlendirilecektir.

The constitutional movement commenced by the adoption of the Charter of Alliance has continued un... more The constitutional movement commenced by the adoption of the Charter of Alliance has continued until today despite the interruptions occurred at certain times. Not only have state organisations regulated under these constitutions, but also human rights and freedoms have been regulated and guaranteed. It can be observed that human rights and freedoms, which were just listed by names in the previous constitutions, are regulated in depth under the last two constitutions. The absence of a proper academic study analysing the evolution of human rights under Turkish constitutions underlies the production of this article. In this regard, the 200-year-evolution and position of human rights and freedoms in Turkish Constitutional System will be dealt with and critically evaluated. Also the current situation reached by the introduction of the institution of 'Constitutional Complaint' will be examined in depth by making comparisons to the countries such as Germany, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary where the institution has successfully been applied for a long time. Finally, some remarkable decisions, which have a broad repercussion in world press, made by the Constitutional Court of Turkey will be addressed. ÖZET Senedi İttifak'ın kabulüyle başlayan anayasacılık hareketleri belli dönemlerde yaşanan kesintilere rağmen günümüze kadar sürmüştür. Kabul edilen anayasal belgeler ve anayasalarla sadece devlet teşkilatı düzenlenmemiş, aynı zamanda diğer dünya devletlerinde olduğu gibi, insan hak ve hürriyetleri de bu belgelerde koruma altına alınmıştır. Ancak başlarda yalnızca anayasalarda listelenmekle yetinilen hak ve hürriyetlerin, artık günümüzde teferruatlı bir şekilde düzenlendiği görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı literatürde, insan hak ve hürriyetlerinin Türk Anayasa ve anayasal belgelerindeki evrim sürecini analiz eden derli toplu bir çalışmanın eksikliğini gidermeye katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu bağlamda, temel hak ve hürriyetlerin sistemimiz içerisindeki 200 yıllık evrim süreci derinlemesine ele alınmaya çalışılacak ve Anayasal

Upon the human rights violations occurred in the 20 th century, a lot of work has been done at th... more Upon the human rights violations occurred in the 20 th century, a lot of work has been done at the international level in order to provide an international protection to children in the context of protecting human rights. Minimum standards have been adopted by international organisations and institutions, particularly by the United Nations, concerning the prosecution and trial of the children in conflict with law. The idea that children need to be protected and not to be treated, prosecuted and tried as adults has been developed and states have been encouraged to regulate their youth justice systems in accordance with international principles and rules. Although the United Kingdom has been one of the first states adopting a separate juvenile justice system for children who have committed offences, later on, it has fallen behind the international standards; and therefore, has been criticised by both national and international authorities. The lowness of the age of criminal responsibility; the inconvenient conditions of prisons and detention centres for children to be rehabilitated; and the high rate of sentenced children, who commit suicide, suffer from assault and self-harm in secure estates give the impression that the United Kingdom's Youth Justice System is punitive and reveals the fact that the United Kingdom has a lot to do. ÖZET 20. yüzyılda yaşanan sayısız insan hakları ihlalleri neticesinde, insan haklarının korunması bağlamında çocuk haklarının da korunması amacıyla uluslararası düzeyde çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Başta Birleşmiş Milletler olmak üzere birçok uluslararası kurum bu konu üzerine eğilmiş ve çocuklar tarafından işlenen suçların kovuşturulması ve çocuk suçluların yargılanmasına ilişkin minimum standartlar belirlenmiştir. Çocukların, suçlu dahi olsalar, korunmaları gerektiği ve yetişkinler gibi muamele görmemeleri, yargılanmamaları ve cezalandırılmamaları fikri gelişmiş ve bu hususlarda tüm ülkelerin
Papers by abdurrahman tekin
Alliance has continued until today despite the interruptions occurred at certain
times. Not only have state organisations regulated under these constitutions, but also
human rights and freedoms have been regulated and guaranteed. It can be observed
that human rights and freedoms, which were just listed by names in the previous
constitutions, are regulated in depth under the last two constitutions.
The absence of a proper academic study analysing the evolution of human rights
under Turkish constitutions underlies the production of this article. In this regard, the
200-year-evolution and position of human rights and freedoms in Turkish Constitutional
System will be dealt with and critically evaluated. Also the current situation reached
by the introduction of the institution of ‘Constitutional Complaint’ will be examined
in depth by making comparisons to the countries such as Germany, Spain, Austria,
Switzerland, Hungary where the institution has successfully been applied for a long
time. Finally, some remarkable decisions, which have a broad repercussion in world
press, made by the Constitutional Court of Turkey will be addressed.
Kanunu’nun 109. maddesinde de belirtildiği
üzere, tutuklamaya alternatif bir tedbir
olarak düzenlenmiştir. Her ne kadar eski
ceza muhakemesi hukuku sistemimizde bir
takım adli kontrol tedbirleri öngörülmüş
olsa da ilk defa 10 yıl önce kanunda geniş
bir şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Son zamanlarda
birçok ülke kanunlarında tutuklama yerine
alternatif önlemlere başvurulması teşvik
edilmiş ve birçok uluslararası sözleşmede bu
hususa genişçe yer verilmiştir. Nihayetinde
bu gelişmelere kayıtsız kalınmayarak bu
kuruma yeni CMK’da yer verilmiştir.
Adli kontrol tedbirlerinin ülkemizde
uygulanışının yeterli olup olmadığını
anlamanın en iyi yolu mukayeseli olarak
incelemeden geçtiği için bir takım
ülkelerle kıyaslamalar ışığında, bu kurum
Alliance has continued until today despite the interruptions occurred at certain
times. Not only have state organisations regulated under these constitutions, but also
human rights and freedoms have been regulated and guaranteed. It can be observed
that human rights and freedoms, which were just listed by names in the previous
constitutions, are regulated in depth under the last two constitutions.
The absence of a proper academic study analysing the evolution of human rights
under Turkish constitutions underlies the production of this article. In this regard, the
200-year-evolution and position of human rights and freedoms in Turkish Constitutional
System will be dealt with and critically evaluated. Also the current situation reached
by the introduction of the institution of ‘Constitutional Complaint’ will be examined
in depth by making comparisons to the countries such as Germany, Spain, Austria,
Switzerland, Hungary where the institution has successfully been applied for a long
time. Finally, some remarkable decisions, which have a broad repercussion in world
press, made by the Constitutional Court of Turkey will be addressed.
Kanunu’nun 109. maddesinde de belirtildiği
üzere, tutuklamaya alternatif bir tedbir
olarak düzenlenmiştir. Her ne kadar eski
ceza muhakemesi hukuku sistemimizde bir
takım adli kontrol tedbirleri öngörülmüş
olsa da ilk defa 10 yıl önce kanunda geniş
bir şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Son zamanlarda
birçok ülke kanunlarında tutuklama yerine
alternatif önlemlere başvurulması teşvik
edilmiş ve birçok uluslararası sözleşmede bu
hususa genişçe yer verilmiştir. Nihayetinde
bu gelişmelere kayıtsız kalınmayarak bu
kuruma yeni CMK’da yer verilmiştir.
Adli kontrol tedbirlerinin ülkemizde
uygulanışının yeterli olup olmadığını
anlamanın en iyi yolu mukayeseli olarak
incelemeden geçtiği için bir takım
ülkelerle kıyaslamalar ışığında, bu kurum