Papers by suskim riantani
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
The interaction of supply chain management with other disciplines such as knowledge management is... more The interaction of supply chain management with other disciplines such as knowledge management is gaining increasing attention as their synergic relation is becoming an important competitive tool. Therefore, the current study is carried out to examine the relationship, between supply chain integration, knowledge management and competitive advantage. We have used the smart PLS as statistical tool to achieve the research objectives the data by mean of an adapted survey instrument in the form of questionnaire is collected from the operation and finance managers of Indonesian manufacturing firms. The results of the current study are providing support to the hypothesized results. The direct and indirect relations appears positive and significant The current study which in author knowledge is among few pioneering studies on this issue, will be helpful for financial experts, operation managers, academicians, researchers and other policy makers in formulating policies.
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR), 2020
Sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah telah berhasil menjelma menjadi sumber penggerak ekonomi baru ... more Sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah telah berhasil menjelma menjadi sumber penggerak ekonomi baru di Indonesia. Maka tidak berlebihan apabila kita menyebut bahwa ekonomi di Indonesia tumbuh pesat melalui sektor UMKM. Peran UMKM terhadap perekonomian Indonesia, dalam hal penyerapan tenaga kerja memang tidak perlu lagi diragukan. Namun, dalam sektor perpajakan, UMKM masih belum mencerminkan kontribusi yang dominan. Diperlukan pengetahuan serta keterampilan di dalam menyusun laporan perpajakan, terutama memaksimalkan stimulus dari pemerintah lewat terbitnya aturan pajak melalui PMK 44/PMK/2020 dan perubahannya PMK 86/PMK/2020. Pemerintah memberikan kompensasi stimulus perpajakan berupa PPh pasal 4 Ditanggung pemerintah serta PPh pasal 21 karyawan yang mempunyai gaji dibawah 16jt/bulan yang ditanggung pemerintah, Tujuan agar para pelaku UMKM dapat menyusun laporan pajak serta laporan realisasi pajak berupa PPh Final tarif 0,5% dari omzet serta PPh Pasal 21 pajak karyawan yang ditanggung...
This study aims to analyze the differences in financial performance between conventional banks an... more This study aims to analyze the differences in financial performance between conventional banks and Islamic banks. Financial performance is measured through capital, asset quality, earnings, and liquidity. The unit of analysis was carried out on conventional banks and Islamic banks during the research period of 2014-2018. This research uses descriptive and comparative methods. The sampling method used was two-stage cluster sampling and purposive sampling. Observations were made on three conventional banks and three Islamic banks. The method of analysis used a mean difference test with the t test statistic at a significance level of 5%. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the capital of conventional banks and Islamic banks, conventional banks had better capital performance than Islamic banks. There is a significant difference between the asset quality of conventional banks and Islamic banks. Conventional banks have better asset quality performance than Islami...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
this examination is expected to investigate the effect of SC networks and SC flexibility in impro... more this examination is expected to investigate the effect of SC networks and SC flexibility in improving the Indonesian SMEs performance. SC integration has filled in as a mediator among the relationship between SC networks and SC flexibility with SMEs performance. This is a quantitative report. 146 workers were taken as an example estimate from SME's segments. Arbitrary examining procedure was utilized to gather the information. 5 point Likert scale was utilized to get the reaction. PLS-SEM The discoveries of this examination uncovered the positive noteworthy connections exist between SC networks, SC flexibility alongside the directing job of SC integration on Indonesian SMEs performance, which further affirms the proposed research reasonable structure for SMEs business performance.
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2020
This research essentially aims to examine the extent to which macroeconomic variables (including ... more This research essentially aims to examine the extent to which macroeconomic variables (including inflation, exchange rate, and interest rate) have a significant influence on stock price index and the level of significance for that influence. The researchers focused more on consumer goods industry companies that are listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) within 2015 until 2019, with consideration for the stock price of consumer goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) as claimed to be the most defensive stock. This study finds that inflation, exchange rate, and interest rate, as composite variables, have a significant influence on stock price index. A partial test revealed that inflation, and exchange rate have negative significant influence on stock price index, while interest rate is found to be nonsignificant.
BISMA: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen, 2020
This study aims to predict the possibility of Financial distress in the textile and garment indus... more This study aims to predict the possibility of Financial distress in the textile and garment industry using the Altman Z-score prediction model and analyze the impact of Financial distress on the company's stock performance as measured by stock returns. This research used descriptive analysis and verification methods. Applying a purposive sampling method, the research sample consisted of 15 issuers from the textile and garment industry during the observation period of 2012-2016. This research used panel data regression to analyze research data. The results showed that one company did not experience financial problems, one company had potential financial problems, and the 13 other companies experienced Financial distress. The results of model testing showed that Altman Z-score can be used to predict Financial distress conditions in the textile and garment industry for the 2012-2016 period. The results of hypothesis testing showed that only one ratio of the Altman Z-score model has...
Jurnal Manajemen, 2017
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is one of model that can be used to quantify the risk for investor... more Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is one of model that can be used to quantify the risk for investors in order to produce capital gain.There are two empirical models are used in implement the APT: the factor loading model (FLM) and the macro variable model (MVM). Model used in this research was MVM as used by Chen, Roll dan Ross (1986), and Chen, Hsieh dan Jordan (1997). The purpose of this study is to capture the application of APT in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) using macroeconomic variables (inflation, exchange rate, and interest rate) as the determinants of Syariah stock return and found macro economics variables having powerful effect to the Syariah stock return. To achieve the objectives of this study, a total of 11 listed syariah firms of Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in Indonesia Stock Exchange were selected by using purposive sampling method from the period of 2009 to 2014. Multiple linear regression has been conducted to capture the application of APT in analized determinants of...
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variable-variabel makroekonomi dan indeks gl... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variable-variabel makroekonomi dan indeks global terhadap return saham. Variabel makroekonomi diukur melalui kurs rupiah per dollar AS, suku bunga SBI, inflasi, sedangkan indeks global diukur melalui indeks Hang Seng dan indeks Dow Jones. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dan verifikatif. Alat analisis menggunakan regresi multiple. Unit penelitian adalah perusahaan-perusahaan yang termasuk dalam industri otomotif yang terdaftar di BEI selama periode 2007-2011. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan 18 perusahaan sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabelvariabel makroekonomi dan indeks global yang meliputi kurs rupiah per dollar AS, suku bunga SBI, inflasi, indeks Hang Seng dan indeks Dow Jones berpengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham. Kurs rupiah per dollar AS memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap return saham dan menunjukkan arah hubungan negatif. Tingkat suku bunga SBI memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap return saham dan menunjukkan arah hubungan negatif. Tingkat inflasi tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap return saham dan menunjukkan arah hubungan positif. Indeks Hang Seng memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap return saham dan menunjukkan arah hubungan positif. Indeks Dow Jones memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap return saham dan menunjukkan arah hubungan negatif.
I would like to begin by thanking my thesis advisor Bob Seymour for allowing and encouraging me t... more I would like to begin by thanking my thesis advisor Bob Seymour for allowing and encouraging me to study a topic of my choosing. His knowledge, guidance and encouragement have helped me improve as a scientist. 1 also appreciate the guidance of my graduate advisory committee Jeremy Wilson and Bob Wagner for their involvement and help during my Masters program. Also thanks to Alan White for additional statistical advice. A very special thanks to the project collaborator, Spencer Meyer for running the field crew, providing helpful feedback and discussion since the inception of our projects.
Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 2015
This study aims to analyze and recognize the effect of financial performance measured through com... more This study aims to analyze and recognize the effect of financial performance measured through company size, financial leverage and profitability to Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD). The research was done in Tobacco Company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during period of 2007-2011. Descriptive analysis and verification method was used as the research method. The purposive sampling method was used to obtain the sample and there are three cigarette companies as the sample. Multiple linear regression and correlation analysis using t test and F test were applied as a technique of analysis. The test of the classical assumption such as the normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation applied before the multiple linear regression. The result shows that the company size had positive and significant effect to the CSR disclosure, financial leverage does not show significant effect to the CSR disclosure, profitability does not have significant effect to the CSR disclosure during the investigation.
_The financial evaluation of the telecommunication industry is very important information not onl... more _The financial evaluation of the telecommunication industry is very important information not only in assessing financial performance but also as an input for successful strategic business planning either for the management of the company or for its share holders. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the financial performance using three measures which are the growth of Earning per Share (EPS), growth of Cash Flow Operation (CFO) and the growth of Economic Value Added (EVA) and their impact to the stock return. This research applied descriptive and statistic method. Statistical analysis applied the Multiple Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis. The test of the classical assumption such as the normality, autocorrelation, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity applied before the linear regression. The purposive sampling method is used to obtain the sample and there are three telecommunication companies as our sample which are PT Telkom Tbk, PT Indosat Tbk, and PT. XL Axiata Tbk. The result showed that the growth of EPS, CFO and EVA tend to fluctuate during the research period of 2006-2010. The three variables effect significant and simultaneously to the stock return. But partially (a) EPS do not showed significant effect to the stock return, (b) CFO showed significant effect to the stock return (c) and EVA also showed significant effect to the stock return.
Papers by suskim riantani