Papers by selma sevenhuijsen

Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 2002
BACKGROUND: The Dutch cabinet considers changing the law in order to provide for the opportunity ... more BACKGROUND: The Dutch cabinet considers changing the law in order to provide for the opportunity to make Ulysses arrangements (Ulysses contracts) in psychiatry. A Ulysses arrangement would entail a client's deliberate and freely given consent that, in case of a future crisis situation, involuntary commitment or treatment may be opted for on a less strict basis than current law allows for. The moral justification for involuntary commitment or treatment would reside in the autonomous choice made previously by the client. AIM To explore what an ethics of care perspective can contribute to the debate on Ulysses arrangements. METHOD: Qualitative analysis of interviews with persons directly involved in the issue of Ulysses arrangements. RESULTS: An ethics of care perspective clarifies how Ulysses arrangements might 'work' in the relationships between the persons involved. Furthermore, it introduces moral concepts such as responsibility and mutuality into the debate on Ulysses ...

It might be common knowledge by now that ‘the’ family is in many ways a powerful myth. It is not ... more It might be common knowledge by now that ‘the’ family is in many ways a powerful myth. It is not only a sociological myth, since there are many different kinds of family form and family practice, which shift over time and according to cultural context. It is also a political myth, since ‘the family’ is to a considerable extent constructed by state policies (family law, social policies) and by the idea systems of political institutions (political parties, advisory bodies, institutions of the welfare state). It matters how political theories conceptualise family, kinship and care and, at the heart of this complicated nexus, gender. As a contemporary illustration of the process by which a concept of ‘the family’ is implicated in political strategies, I will consider the contributions made by the British sociologist Anthony Giddens, especially in his book The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy (1998). Giddens presents his ideas as a middle road between neo-liberalism and ‘old-st...

Femininity as a Source of Political Wisdom. American Political Philosophers on Motherhood. Jean B... more Femininity as a Source of Political Wisdom. American Political Philosophers on Motherhood. Jean Bethke Elshtain -- the three major contributors to this discussion -- are presented, focusing on the following questions: (1) What content do these authors ascribe to feminine morality and political identity? (2) What is the place of motherhood in their arguments? and (3) How much does their thinking typify the conservative view of women in politics? Mothers' thinking as an intellectual system, policy source, and component of ethical policy are discussed, and three hypotheses are identified as underlying the arguments: (A) women have specific ways of constructing and resolving moral dilemmas, and one can objectively identify the feminine style of thinking; (B) the positive ethical values of femininity are based on motherhood; and (C) the traits of motherhood and caring can be effectively utilized in public life to resolve moral dilemmas. 51 References. Z. Dubiel
Citizenship and the Ethics of Care, 2003
Tijdschrift Voor Genderstudies, Nov 16, 2011
De vrijgevochten foetus. Gender en individualisme in het bio-ethisch debat over persoonsstatus va... more De vrijgevochten foetus. Gender en individualisme in het bio-ethisch debat over persoonsstatus van het menselijk embryo
The Women's Review of Books, 1985
Social & Legal Studies, 1992
Journal of Medical Ethics, 2008
This article concerns the issue of how an ethic of care perspective may contribute to both normat... more This article concerns the issue of how an ethic of care perspective may contribute to both normative theory and mental health care policy discussions on so called Ulysses arrangements, a special type of advance directives in psychiatry. The debate on Ulysses arrangements has predominantly been waged in terms of autonomy conceived of as the right to non-intervention. On the basis of our empirical investigations into the experiences of persons directly involved with Ulysses arrangements, we argue that a care ethics perspective may broaden and deepen the debate on Ulysses arrangements, by introducing additional concepts, such as vulnerability, responsibility and mutuality, and by refining familiar concepts, such as autonomy.

Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1990
1. Power and the Politics of Custody Carol Smart 2. The Politics of Custody and Gender: Child Adv... more 1. Power and the Politics of Custody Carol Smart 2. The Politics of Custody and Gender: Child Advocacy and the Transformation of Custody Decision Making in the USA Martha Fineman 3. Rights for Fathers and the State: Recent Developments in Custody Politics in the Netherlands Nora Holtrust, Selma Sevenhuijsen and Annick Verbracken 4. The Interest of the Child' and the Regulation of the Post-Divorce Family Irene Thery 5. From Gender Specificity to Gender' Neutrality? Ideologies in Canadian Child Custody Law Susan Boyd 6. Best Interests and Justice Kirsten Sandberg 7. Equal Rights versus Fathers Rights: The Child Custody Debate in Australia Regina Graycar 8. The Custody of Children in the Republic of Ireland Delma McDevitt 9. Custody Law, Childcare and Parenthood in Thatcher's Britain Julia Brophy 10. What else is new? Reproductive Technologies and Custody Politics Juliette Zipper.

Journal of European Social Policy, 2004
There is still a wide gap between the participation of men and women in the police force. In this... more There is still a wide gap between the participation of men and women in the police force. In this article, we discuss existing barriers to gender policies aimed at improving the situation of women in the police force in four European countries, namely, Sweden, Spain (more specifically, Catalonia), Austria, and the Netherlands. Interviews as well as an expert meeting have been held to gain insight into the barriers to gender equality. As it turns out, gender mainstreaming policies form an important key to the process of raising women’s position in the police force. Although organizational structures have to change before cultural issues can be addressed, the most important existing barrier to gender equality proves to be the culture within the organization: in all four countries we studied, the police force is still male-dominated. With respect to gender equality in the police force, Sweden shows itself to be a front runner, followed by the Netherlands, Austria, and latecomer Catalonia.
Hypatia, 1991
Inaugural lecture as Professor of Women's Studies in the Social Science Faculty at the Univer... more Inaugural lecture as Professor of Women's Studies in the Social Science Faculty at the University of Utrecht.
South African Journal of Higher Education, 2018
Attention is an important aspect of care in both public and private realms, including the higher ... more Attention is an important aspect of care in both public and private realms, including the higher education context. Attention is a normative concept, which is embedded in caring practices. Attentiveness or attention the first element of interconnected phases of care and pertains to "caring about", or perceiving the need for care, which initiates the caring process. This article introduces the notion of "active attention" and "attentive activities" as an ideal image of attention enabling the practice of good care.
Choice Reviews Online, 1992
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Feminist Theory, 2003
In this article the relevance of the feminist ethic of care for current Dutch social policies is ... more In this article the relevance of the feminist ethic of care for current Dutch social policies is elaborated. It starts from the observation that Dutch society is witnessing two intertwined processes: the relocation of politics and the relocation of care. Together these processes result in the need for new normative frameworks for social policy. Care has to become part of the practices of active citizenship, which should be based on notions of relationality and interdependence. Basic moral concepts of the ethic of care, like attentiveness, responsibility, competence, responsiveness, trust and asymmetrical reciprocity are introduced. In the final part, the ethic of care is applied to two topical issues: policies on combining paid labour and care and generation-sensitive policies. Finally some norms are proposed to guide social policymaking.
Page 1. KEY ISSUES OF SOCIALIST-FEMINISM: An International Perspective from Activist Dutchwomen E... more Page 1. KEY ISSUES OF SOCIALIST-FEMINISM: An International Perspective from Activist Dutchwomen Edited by Anja Mculenbelt, Joyce Outshoorn, Sclma Scvenhuijsen & Petra dc Vrics Page 2. Page 3. A creative tension Th± s One 3BHG-B7Q-SDHN Page 4. Page 5. ...
Papers by selma sevenhuijsen