Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Health insurance ownership is one of the efforts to reduce poverty to achieve social welfare. Hea... more Health insurance ownership is one of the efforts to reduce poverty to achieve social welfare. Health insurance also becomes a social safety net in a labor market towards old-age benefits. Health security is one of the social protection that aims to support people in facing various stressors regarding health conditions. The Indonesia Government has created an effort to increase the coverage of health insurance membership by starting a Universal Health Coverage policy in 2004 through the National Health Insurance (JKN) program. However, this program faces many challenges, especially for the independent member participation in informal sector workers. Most informal sector workers could not afford the premium regularly, which causes their membership not to use it if they need it-this research focuses on informal sector workers. This paper aims to identify the factors influencing membership participation in the independent scheme (non-subsidy) in the JKN program. Data of this paper is based on research that combination of mix-match methods. The quantitative approach through surveys was conducted using purposive sampling. Meanwhile, qualitative data collection was carried out through interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. The results show 18.90 percent of respondents participated in the JKN program as independent scheme members. Several reasons cause the stagnant membership participation, such as economic factors related to the premium for all household members, feeling unnecessary to have health insurance, trust in the JKN program, and disappointment with health services used. Moreover, it is essential to ensure the informal sector workers can afford and access the JKN program as health security due to their vulnerabilities. Health security has become a requirement that is related to increasing the social welfare of citizens.
Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali... more Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali Komunitas, Memutus Rantai Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan. Sesuai dengan judulnya, tema utama yang diangkat oleh penulis mengenai upaya masyarakat membangun suatu komunitas sebagai wadah untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat, khususnya perempuan dengan latar belakang kesetaraan gender. Penulis menentukan salah satu komunitas berbasis isu gender yang terdapat di Kelurahan Cokrodiningratan, Kecamatan Jetis Kota Yogyakarta yang bernama Huma (Huria Maisya) sebagai objek penelitian.
... oleh aparat kelurahan sudah terlihat peduli dengan keberadaan sektor informal. ... bahwa migr... more ... oleh aparat kelurahan sudah terlihat peduli dengan keberadaan sektor informal. ... bahwa migran yang datang memberikan kontribusi cukup besar terhadap pertumbuhan ... Terlihat dari semakin menjamurnya pekerja di sektor informal, diantaranya usaha kaki lima yang ...
Bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, dan longsor yang banyak terjadi... more Bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, dan longsor yang banyak terjadi di Indonesia, khususnya di tiga daerah penelitian Kepulauan Yapen Papua; Kota Tomohon Sulawesi Utara; dan Kota Padang Sumatera Barat, telah mengakibatkan jatuhnya korban jiwa manusia, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda, dan dampak psikologis berkepanjangan. Kondisi ini selain semakin menyadarkan masyarakat tentang bencana, juga muncul peran pemimpin lokal dalam upaya pengurangan risiko bencana. Perannya terlihat saat mendampingi penyintas, pemerintah, dan relawan dalam berbagai aktivitas pengurangan risiko bencana. Tuturan dan teladannya lebih didengar dan diikuti masyarakat daripada pemimpin nasional beserta aparat pemilik otoritas penanggulangan bencana. Persoalannya, bagaimana cara mensinergikan peran kepemimpinan lokal dengan kepemimpinan nasional dalam upaya pengurangan resiko bencana secara efektif? Penelitian etnografi ini setidaknya menemukan karakter kewilayahan yang memiliki tingkat kerawanan bencana cukup tinggi, dan bukan hanya jenis bencana bersifat mayor dan mainstream saja. Penelitian juga menemukan potensi awal berbagai mekanisme sosial, baik berupa tradisi ataupun kepemimpinan lokal yang dapat berperan dalam upaya pengurangan resiko bencana dan pasca bencana. Temuan ini penting sebagai pemetaan sumber daya masyarakat dalam ikut mendorong pengurangan resiko bencana, sebagaimana diamanatkan Undang-Undang No. 24/2007 dan Kerangka Aksi Hyogo 2004.
Indonesia is confronting an intensifying threat of ecological disaster due to excessive natural r... more Indonesia is confronting an intensifying threat of ecological disaster due to excessive natural resource exploitation and environmental damage. Existing tools to evaluate local government performance are unable to critically assess many key aspects of natural resource and environmental management. The results of these formal performance assessments do not reflect the reality in local communities. We argue that this gap is caused by more than just inaccurate reporting; the gap between reality and assessment results is because official assessment approaches sideline the consideration of state-society relations and socio-political dimensions. The assessments reduce natural resource management and environmental protection in Indonesia to techno-managerial terms that reflect a post-politicizing of the environment, as outlined in Erik Swyngedouw's critical social science literature. In this chapter, we look specifically at the content and application of these local government environmental performance assessment tools. While they may appear to cover key points of environmental good governance, their technocratic mode character is disguising politico-business linkages and oligarchical interests that damage the environment. Environmental crisis, social conflict, and democratic regression are consequently on the increase in Indonesia.
Policy on reproductive health is one of the essential determinant to address the goals of populat... more Policy on reproductive health is one of the essential determinant to address the goals of population and health development in Indonesia. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR), teenage marriage, and Total Fertility Rate (TFR) are among the indicators that show the important role of reproductive health policy. This article discusses the progress of reproductive health policy implementation in Indonesia and its implication to early marriage, TFR, and MMR. Data used in this paper are mainly derived through desk studies from previous research conducted by the Research Center for Population Indonesian Institute of Sciences. The studies consist of reproductive health policy and regional autonomy (2000-2005), BKKBNs decentralization (2005), HIV/AIDS in border areas (2006-2009), and the implementation of integrated reproductive health services in primary health care (2007). Desk reviews are also used to analyze current studies from LIPI that are related to these issues.LIPIs [AD1]studies showed th...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Climate change affects the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases related to the increasing of Den... more Climate change affects the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases related to the increasing of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases, especially in the urban area. Semarang City is one of the urban areas in Indonesia that have experienced climate change. It is indicated by an increase in temperature and unpredicted rainfall pattern over the last few years, which is associated with high cases of DHF in Semarang City since 2005. This paper aims to explore the vulnerability of Semarang City to DHF due to climate change. This study was performed using qualitative research method approaches. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with the local government and Semarang City residents. We conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles and gray literature analyzing the relation between climate change and DHF. A thematic network analysis was used to analyze and interpret the resulting data to describe Semarang City’s vulnerability to D...
Women farmers’ vulnerability due to low access to resources, reduced soil fertility, and the inab... more Women farmers’ vulnerability due to low access to resources, reduced soil fertility, and the inability of farmers to obtain added value in the market causes poverty upwards among women farmers. Empowerment is an essential concern to improve their quality of life. This study aims to analyse the process of empowering women in organic farming models and the Participatory Guarantee System for organic standards. The study was conducted by taking the case of women farmers community in Claket Village, Mojokerto Regency, East Java Province. The qualitative research approach with data collection techniques through interviews with 16 informants. The results showed that the farmer empowerment was carried out in two processes. Firstly, by changing conventional agricultural cultivation behavior into organic cultivation. Secondly, by establishing a Participatory Guarantee System for organic that can increase the autonomy of women farmers both in terms of cultivation and involvement in the agricul...
Littering behavior studies are essential amid high waste conditions in Indonesia. This study aims... more Littering behavior studies are essential amid high waste conditions in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze student littering behavior changes through a reinforcement program in Junior High School in Depok, West Java. Using an explorative-qualitative approach and collecting data through in-depth interviews with key informants, the study found that students' littering behavior can be categorized as active and passive. Active littering behavior is based on students' lack of concern for the environment due to insufficient knowledge of the impact of waste. Then passive littering behavior is caused by habits that delay littering even though they are aware of the waste dangers. Continuous reinforcement at school in positive and negative reinforcement through the "Green School Program" can reduce student littering behavior, both actively and passively.
In 2045, population projection shows that one of five Indonesians is elderly. They are considered... more In 2045, population projection shows that one of five Indonesians is elderly. They are considered as a vulnerable group in terms of physical, economic, social-environmental and psychological challenges. Family plays a vital role in supporting an older person to overcome these challenges. Indonesia government has also developed a program to support the elderly population and their family through the initiation of Bina Keluarga Lansia (BKL) program. However, the implementation of this program is facing many obstacles at various levels. This paper aims to analyze the challenges that occur in the implementation of the BKL program, especially in urban areas. This paper based on the results of research conducted in Medan, Surabaya, and Mataram. Data and information gained through interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), observation, and literature review. The study found that the major problem of BKL is the lack of participation of the elderly group and their families due to various fact...
Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali... more Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali Komunitas, Memutus Rantai Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan. Sesuai dengan judulnya, tema utama yang diangkat oleh penulis mengenai upaya masyarakat membangun suatu komunitas sebagai wadah untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat, khususnya perempuan dengan latar belakang kesetaraan gender. Penulis menentukan salah satu komunitas berbasis isu gender yang terdapat di Kelurahan Cokrodiningratan, Kecamatan Jetis Kota Yogyakarta yang bernama Huma (Huria Maisya) sebagai objek penelitian. Pertama kali melihat buku ini, bayangan yang muncul adalah isi buku akan penuh dengan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan usaha memutus rantai kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai kesetaraan gender. Setelah membaca isi buku ini, penulis memilih untuk lebih menitikberatkan tulisannya pada mengikat tali komunitas, yaitu Huma, bukan pada kekerasan yang terjadi pada perempuan yang ...
• A survey of nine provinces in Indonesia shows that among the cases of hoax and misinformation, ... more • A survey of nine provinces in Indonesia shows that among the cases of hoax and misinformation, public awareness was highest for three issues-the presence of millions of Chinese labourers in Indonesia, resurgence of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), and criminalization of the ulama by the government.
Previous studies indicate that the complexity of malaria transmission in certain areas is influen... more Previous studies indicate that the complexity of malaria transmission in certain areas is influenced by the indirect impact of climate change as well as non-climate factors, such as population mobility, behaviour and their access to health services. This paper aims to discuss the knowledge, understanding and health behaviour of rural community related to malaria and climate change. Information presented in this paper is mainly based on field research conducted in Kebumen District in 2010, and supported by a desk review of secondary data, related documents and previous studies. The study shows that several areas (village or sub-district) in Kebumen are vulnerable to malaria. Trend of malaria tends to increase during the last three years (2008-2010), meanwhile malaria outbreaks occur almost every year in different places. Even though local people are aware of the weather and temperature changes in their areas, they have not linked it with climate change phenomenon. People’s knowledge ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
In 2020 the coastal community in Demak-Indonesia faced two alarming events of their lives, the CO... more In 2020 the coastal community in Demak-Indonesia faced two alarming events of their lives, the COVID-19 Pandemic and tidal flooding (Rob) events with a frequency and duration longer than usual. It is well-accepted worldwide that tidal flooding is one of the consequences of climate change caused by sea level rises. This paper will focus on the impact of a double whammy; climate change and COVID-19 Pandemic are in the coastal community. To analyze and describe the research question, we use the media analysis method of 21 Indonesian news articles from March to September 2020. Data from the media analysis using Discourse Network Analyzer (DNA) and open interview to describe the latest coastal community's condition, including the socioeconomic impact and response to the double whammy. The results show that this year's tidal floods are the worst, seen from the duration, and the altitude is getting bigger than previous years. The tidal floods coupled with the economic impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which made them economically locked down. Strengthening the resilience of the fisherman community in Demak is essential. It needs government policy support that considers ocean sustainability to improve their welfare and enhance preparedness in facing a double whammy in the future.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Health insurance ownership is one of the efforts to reduce poverty to achieve social welfare. Hea... more Health insurance ownership is one of the efforts to reduce poverty to achieve social welfare. Health insurance also becomes a social safety net in a labor market towards old-age benefits. Health security is one of the social protection that aims to support people in facing various stressors regarding health conditions. The Indonesia Government has created an effort to increase the coverage of health insurance membership by starting a Universal Health Coverage policy in 2004 through the National Health Insurance (JKN) program. However, this program faces many challenges, especially for the independent member participation in informal sector workers. Most informal sector workers could not afford the premium regularly, which causes their membership not to use it if they need it-this research focuses on informal sector workers. This paper aims to identify the factors influencing membership participation in the independent scheme (non-subsidy) in the JKN program. Data of this paper is based on research that combination of mix-match methods. The quantitative approach through surveys was conducted using purposive sampling. Meanwhile, qualitative data collection was carried out through interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. The results show 18.90 percent of respondents participated in the JKN program as independent scheme members. Several reasons cause the stagnant membership participation, such as economic factors related to the premium for all household members, feeling unnecessary to have health insurance, trust in the JKN program, and disappointment with health services used. Moreover, it is essential to ensure the informal sector workers can afford and access the JKN program as health security due to their vulnerabilities. Health security has become a requirement that is related to increasing the social welfare of citizens.
Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali... more Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali Komunitas, Memutus Rantai Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan. Sesuai dengan judulnya, tema utama yang diangkat oleh penulis mengenai upaya masyarakat membangun suatu komunitas sebagai wadah untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat, khususnya perempuan dengan latar belakang kesetaraan gender. Penulis menentukan salah satu komunitas berbasis isu gender yang terdapat di Kelurahan Cokrodiningratan, Kecamatan Jetis Kota Yogyakarta yang bernama Huma (Huria Maisya) sebagai objek penelitian.
... oleh aparat kelurahan sudah terlihat peduli dengan keberadaan sektor informal. ... bahwa migr... more ... oleh aparat kelurahan sudah terlihat peduli dengan keberadaan sektor informal. ... bahwa migran yang datang memberikan kontribusi cukup besar terhadap pertumbuhan ... Terlihat dari semakin menjamurnya pekerja di sektor informal, diantaranya usaha kaki lima yang ...
Bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, dan longsor yang banyak terjadi... more Bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, dan longsor yang banyak terjadi di Indonesia, khususnya di tiga daerah penelitian Kepulauan Yapen Papua; Kota Tomohon Sulawesi Utara; dan Kota Padang Sumatera Barat, telah mengakibatkan jatuhnya korban jiwa manusia, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda, dan dampak psikologis berkepanjangan. Kondisi ini selain semakin menyadarkan masyarakat tentang bencana, juga muncul peran pemimpin lokal dalam upaya pengurangan risiko bencana. Perannya terlihat saat mendampingi penyintas, pemerintah, dan relawan dalam berbagai aktivitas pengurangan risiko bencana. Tuturan dan teladannya lebih didengar dan diikuti masyarakat daripada pemimpin nasional beserta aparat pemilik otoritas penanggulangan bencana. Persoalannya, bagaimana cara mensinergikan peran kepemimpinan lokal dengan kepemimpinan nasional dalam upaya pengurangan resiko bencana secara efektif? Penelitian etnografi ini setidaknya menemukan karakter kewilayahan yang memiliki tingkat kerawanan bencana cukup tinggi, dan bukan hanya jenis bencana bersifat mayor dan mainstream saja. Penelitian juga menemukan potensi awal berbagai mekanisme sosial, baik berupa tradisi ataupun kepemimpinan lokal yang dapat berperan dalam upaya pengurangan resiko bencana dan pasca bencana. Temuan ini penting sebagai pemetaan sumber daya masyarakat dalam ikut mendorong pengurangan resiko bencana, sebagaimana diamanatkan Undang-Undang No. 24/2007 dan Kerangka Aksi Hyogo 2004.
Indonesia is confronting an intensifying threat of ecological disaster due to excessive natural r... more Indonesia is confronting an intensifying threat of ecological disaster due to excessive natural resource exploitation and environmental damage. Existing tools to evaluate local government performance are unable to critically assess many key aspects of natural resource and environmental management. The results of these formal performance assessments do not reflect the reality in local communities. We argue that this gap is caused by more than just inaccurate reporting; the gap between reality and assessment results is because official assessment approaches sideline the consideration of state-society relations and socio-political dimensions. The assessments reduce natural resource management and environmental protection in Indonesia to techno-managerial terms that reflect a post-politicizing of the environment, as outlined in Erik Swyngedouw's critical social science literature. In this chapter, we look specifically at the content and application of these local government environmental performance assessment tools. While they may appear to cover key points of environmental good governance, their technocratic mode character is disguising politico-business linkages and oligarchical interests that damage the environment. Environmental crisis, social conflict, and democratic regression are consequently on the increase in Indonesia.
Policy on reproductive health is one of the essential determinant to address the goals of populat... more Policy on reproductive health is one of the essential determinant to address the goals of population and health development in Indonesia. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR), teenage marriage, and Total Fertility Rate (TFR) are among the indicators that show the important role of reproductive health policy. This article discusses the progress of reproductive health policy implementation in Indonesia and its implication to early marriage, TFR, and MMR. Data used in this paper are mainly derived through desk studies from previous research conducted by the Research Center for Population Indonesian Institute of Sciences. The studies consist of reproductive health policy and regional autonomy (2000-2005), BKKBNs decentralization (2005), HIV/AIDS in border areas (2006-2009), and the implementation of integrated reproductive health services in primary health care (2007). Desk reviews are also used to analyze current studies from LIPI that are related to these issues.LIPIs [AD1]studies showed th...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Climate change affects the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases related to the increasing of Den... more Climate change affects the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases related to the increasing of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases, especially in the urban area. Semarang City is one of the urban areas in Indonesia that have experienced climate change. It is indicated by an increase in temperature and unpredicted rainfall pattern over the last few years, which is associated with high cases of DHF in Semarang City since 2005. This paper aims to explore the vulnerability of Semarang City to DHF due to climate change. This study was performed using qualitative research method approaches. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with the local government and Semarang City residents. We conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed articles and gray literature analyzing the relation between climate change and DHF. A thematic network analysis was used to analyze and interpret the resulting data to describe Semarang City’s vulnerability to D...
Women farmers’ vulnerability due to low access to resources, reduced soil fertility, and the inab... more Women farmers’ vulnerability due to low access to resources, reduced soil fertility, and the inability of farmers to obtain added value in the market causes poverty upwards among women farmers. Empowerment is an essential concern to improve their quality of life. This study aims to analyse the process of empowering women in organic farming models and the Participatory Guarantee System for organic standards. The study was conducted by taking the case of women farmers community in Claket Village, Mojokerto Regency, East Java Province. The qualitative research approach with data collection techniques through interviews with 16 informants. The results showed that the farmer empowerment was carried out in two processes. Firstly, by changing conventional agricultural cultivation behavior into organic cultivation. Secondly, by establishing a Participatory Guarantee System for organic that can increase the autonomy of women farmers both in terms of cultivation and involvement in the agricul...
Littering behavior studies are essential amid high waste conditions in Indonesia. This study aims... more Littering behavior studies are essential amid high waste conditions in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze student littering behavior changes through a reinforcement program in Junior High School in Depok, West Java. Using an explorative-qualitative approach and collecting data through in-depth interviews with key informants, the study found that students' littering behavior can be categorized as active and passive. Active littering behavior is based on students' lack of concern for the environment due to insufficient knowledge of the impact of waste. Then passive littering behavior is caused by habits that delay littering even though they are aware of the waste dangers. Continuous reinforcement at school in positive and negative reinforcement through the "Green School Program" can reduce student littering behavior, both actively and passively.
In 2045, population projection shows that one of five Indonesians is elderly. They are considered... more In 2045, population projection shows that one of five Indonesians is elderly. They are considered as a vulnerable group in terms of physical, economic, social-environmental and psychological challenges. Family plays a vital role in supporting an older person to overcome these challenges. Indonesia government has also developed a program to support the elderly population and their family through the initiation of Bina Keluarga Lansia (BKL) program. However, the implementation of this program is facing many obstacles at various levels. This paper aims to analyze the challenges that occur in the implementation of the BKL program, especially in urban areas. This paper based on the results of research conducted in Medan, Surabaya, and Mataram. Data and information gained through interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), observation, and literature review. The study found that the major problem of BKL is the lack of participation of the elderly group and their families due to various fact...
Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali... more Pada awalnya, buku ini merupakan sebuah laporan basil penelitian, yang diberi judul Mengikat Tali Komunitas, Memutus Rantai Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan. Sesuai dengan judulnya, tema utama yang diangkat oleh penulis mengenai upaya masyarakat membangun suatu komunitas sebagai wadah untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat, khususnya perempuan dengan latar belakang kesetaraan gender. Penulis menentukan salah satu komunitas berbasis isu gender yang terdapat di Kelurahan Cokrodiningratan, Kecamatan Jetis Kota Yogyakarta yang bernama Huma (Huria Maisya) sebagai objek penelitian. Pertama kali melihat buku ini, bayangan yang muncul adalah isi buku akan penuh dengan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan usaha memutus rantai kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai kesetaraan gender. Setelah membaca isi buku ini, penulis memilih untuk lebih menitikberatkan tulisannya pada mengikat tali komunitas, yaitu Huma, bukan pada kekerasan yang terjadi pada perempuan yang ...
• A survey of nine provinces in Indonesia shows that among the cases of hoax and misinformation, ... more • A survey of nine provinces in Indonesia shows that among the cases of hoax and misinformation, public awareness was highest for three issues-the presence of millions of Chinese labourers in Indonesia, resurgence of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), and criminalization of the ulama by the government.
Previous studies indicate that the complexity of malaria transmission in certain areas is influen... more Previous studies indicate that the complexity of malaria transmission in certain areas is influenced by the indirect impact of climate change as well as non-climate factors, such as population mobility, behaviour and their access to health services. This paper aims to discuss the knowledge, understanding and health behaviour of rural community related to malaria and climate change. Information presented in this paper is mainly based on field research conducted in Kebumen District in 2010, and supported by a desk review of secondary data, related documents and previous studies. The study shows that several areas (village or sub-district) in Kebumen are vulnerable to malaria. Trend of malaria tends to increase during the last three years (2008-2010), meanwhile malaria outbreaks occur almost every year in different places. Even though local people are aware of the weather and temperature changes in their areas, they have not linked it with climate change phenomenon. People’s knowledge ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
In 2020 the coastal community in Demak-Indonesia faced two alarming events of their lives, the CO... more In 2020 the coastal community in Demak-Indonesia faced two alarming events of their lives, the COVID-19 Pandemic and tidal flooding (Rob) events with a frequency and duration longer than usual. It is well-accepted worldwide that tidal flooding is one of the consequences of climate change caused by sea level rises. This paper will focus on the impact of a double whammy; climate change and COVID-19 Pandemic are in the coastal community. To analyze and describe the research question, we use the media analysis method of 21 Indonesian news articles from March to September 2020. Data from the media analysis using Discourse Network Analyzer (DNA) and open interview to describe the latest coastal community's condition, including the socioeconomic impact and response to the double whammy. The results show that this year's tidal floods are the worst, seen from the duration, and the altitude is getting bigger than previous years. The tidal floods coupled with the economic impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which made them economically locked down. Strengthening the resilience of the fisherman community in Demak is essential. It needs government policy support that considers ocean sustainability to improve their welfare and enhance preparedness in facing a double whammy in the future.
Papers by sari seftiani