Papers by sani suhardiman
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan Teknologi Informasi, Apr 19, 2024
International journal of interactive mobile technologies, Oct 9, 2023
Web-based Mobile Learning can enhance the learning experience in various educational contexts. Ho... more Web-based Mobile Learning can enhance the learning experience in various educational contexts. However, in operating system courses, practical challenges arise when implementing a web-based mobile learning platform, which impacts the effectiveness and accessibility of learning materials for students. To overcome these challenges, this research and development (R&D) aims to improve the practicality of web-based mobile learning in operating system courses. The research adopts a systematic 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) model to identify and explore strategies to optimize the practicality of the platform. Data collected from lecturers and students showed a high average value of practicality, 88.33% and 88.35%, respectively. This research contributes to improving the practical aspects of web-based mobile learning, thereby enhancing students' learning experience and outcomes in the context of operating system courses.
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH), 2020
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2022
Spektrum Industri
This study discussed musculoskeletal risk analysis related to ergonomics, occupational safety, an... more This study discussed musculoskeletal risk analysis related to ergonomics, occupational safety, and health in agriculture in the Karawang district. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are occupational diseases that cause pain in the joints. The working position of rice farmers, especially during planting rice seeds and harvesting rice, is not suitable for ergonomics. This study aims to identify the MSDs experienced by farmers in Karang Tanjung village, Karawang district. The study used an analytical method using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) and RULA questionnaires to assess work posture. A sample of 30 workers was chosen for an observational cross-sectional study. The results showed that the ergonomic risk level entered level 4 in the high category. The most dominant MSDs felt by rice farmers in Karang Tanjung village were the waist (98%) and the neck (95%). This research was expected to serve as a model for future musculoskeletal risk reduction research.
TOEFL is a standardised test that measures your English skills, and how well you can use English ... more TOEFL is a standardised test that measures your English skills, and how well you can use English inan academic setting. Therefore, TOEFL scores are often used in the university admission process.. Thepurpose of this research are to find out TOEFL test score using Genius software able to increase TOEFLscore and to find out wheter Genius software is effective in increasing the TOEFL Score. This researchused qualitative descriptive in conducting the research, a case study used to describe the effectivity andto reach TOEFL score based on the standard Analysis of the improvement of TOEFL Value by usingdata selection between the pretest and post test scores (Gain). Seeing the significance in the increase inTOEFL scores that occur before and after learning using Genius TOEFL using N-Gain data From theresults of the comparison test the average initial and final ability of the TOEFL students, wherethe average pretest score is 360.56 and the post-test score is 8422.69. the data for the pretes...
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yangterdapat dalam kurikulum perguruan ... more Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yangterdapat dalam kurikulum perguruan tinggi Universitas Buana PerjuanganKarawang yang diselesaikan oleh setiap mahasiswa yang ingin mencapai gelarsarjana disamping itu untuk mewujudkan Tri Dharma Perguruan tinggi. KKNyang dilaksanakan di Desa Sumurlaban Kecamatan Tirtajaya KabupatenKarawang merupakan daerah dekat dengan pesisir laut Sedari mayoritasmasyarakatnya adalah petani, peternak jangkrik yang semakin menurunkarena adanya hama yang belum diketahui asalnya, peternak lele musiman,Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW), dan ada juga yang membudidaya jamur merangyang semakin hari jumlahnya semakin berkurang serta permasalahan lainnyayang diakibatkan oleh adanya COVID-19. Sesuai himbauan pemerintah agartidak mengadakan acara yang berpotensi menimbulkan kerumunan makasebagai civitas akademika yang menjalankan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggimaka Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) tahun 2020 dilakukan secara online ataudaring. Berdasarkan data yang kam...
Spektrum Industri, 2021
Article history : XYZ is a company engaged in the paper industry, which is located in West Java. ... more Article history : XYZ is a company engaged in the paper industry, which is located in West Java. Since established in 1976, this company has produced photocopy paper in the form of reams. This company has advantages in terms of paper quality so that its products dominate the international market and the domestic market. With a very tight level of market competition, companies must continue to work optimally to continuously improve employee performance and company productivity. The purpose of this study is to plan an incentive-based employee wage system, which is suitable and in accordance with company conditions. Incentive wages are important as one of the main components to increase and maintain motivation, performance and work integrity. This research was conducted in the Finishing Department of the copy manual wrapping work unit. The method used are the Piecework method, the Halsey method, and the Rowan method. The result of this research is a comparison of the amount of wages between the wage system used by the company and the three methods of incentive pay as a company alternative. From the comparison of the three incentive wage design methods, the authors recommend the Halsey method as the best method that is able to provide benefits for both the company and for workers which we call dual mutualism. The Halsey method still guarantees a basic wage and a decent incentive wage for workers as a motivation to work faster and better.
Industry Xplore, 2018
Abstrak Strategi dalam menentukan jenis kegiatan usaha baru yang di harapkan oleh Desa Tanjungpak... more Abstrak Strategi dalam menentukan jenis kegiatan usaha baru yang di harapkan oleh Desa Tanjungpakis adalah jenis kegiatan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM), industri kecil ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Desa serta meningkatkan lapangan kerja dalam mengurangi angka pengangguran. Penggunaan metode dalam menentukan prioritas kegiatan pengembangan usaha baru, dengan menggunakan metode analisis menghasilakan kekuatan (Strength), kelemahan (Weaknesses), peluang (Opportunities), ancaman (Threats) SWOT dan Metode Matrik Perbanding Eksponesial (MPE). Dari hasil analisis kondisi Desa berdasarkan potensi internal dan eksteranl yang dilakukan dengan metode SWOT, diperoleh skor total dari pengolahan data kuesioner Strength (4,08) dan Weaknesses (-2,78), sedangkan untuk total skor Opportunities (3,78) dan Threats (-2,84). Total skor hasil kuesioner kemudian dimasukan kedalam matrik SWOT kuadran, hasil skor sumbu y (0,65) dan x (0,06) menunjukan peluang – ancaman yang ada dalam me...
International Journal of Theory and Application in Elementary and Secondary School Education, 2020
This research is motivated by the low interest of students, especially in reading interests. The ... more This research is motivated by the low interest of students, especially in reading interests. The learning media uses big book media. This study aims to determine the use of big book media on the reading interest of elementary school students in grade II in Pulokalapa II Elementary School because when observing in Pulocalapa II Elementary School, not all students have a high interest in reading and a lack of interesting learning media. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were all grade II students of Pulocalapa II Elementary School, totaling 27 students consisting of 15 female students and 12 male students. Data collection methods used were observation, questionnaire/questionnaire, interview, and documentation. Research shows that the use of big book media is said to be successfully applied in the lower classes to foster interest in reading. From the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the use of big book media can...
Papers by sani suhardiman