El uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas en los cultivos genera un impacto ambiental negativo que afe... more El uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas en los cultivos genera un impacto ambiental negativo que afecta a los organismos vivos, al suelo y al recurso hídrico. Por lo tanto, es necesario evaluar la residualidad de este tipo de sustancias en fuentes de agua que sirven como abastecimiento para la comunidad, los animales y las labores agrícolas. Con base en esto, se plantea una metodología electroquímica sencilla, económica y asequible para la cuantificación de paraquat y glifosato en las fuentes hídricas aledañas a los cultivos de papa de tres veredas del municipio de Ventaquemada (Boyacá). El estudio fue realizado usando como electrolito de soporte la solución buffer Britton-Robinson, un electrodo de trabajo de carbón vítreo, Ag/AgCl como electrodo de referencia y platino como electrodo auxiliar. Se validaron los métodos de voltametría de onda cuadrada (VOC) para ambos compuestos, los cuales presentaron un potencial de -650 y -545 mV, respectivamente. La linealidad de los métodos presen...
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Palabras... more Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Palabras claves: Mucuna, antinutrientes, composición química, perfil de aminoácidos, L-Dopa.
POPINS Multilingual Thesaurus meet the needs of its potential users. The comments and suggestions... more POPINS Multilingual Thesaurus meet the needs of its potential users. The comments and suggestions in this paper concerning the version of the thesaurus to be discussed in New York on 2-4 May, 1978, at the Third Meeting of the POPINS Thesaurus Working Group, are directed toward this end. Heedless to say, other Regions and/or language groups will have their own needs which may or may not be similar to the Latin American ones, and formulas will have to be devised to enable each Region or language group to obtain the maximum advantage from the thesaurus in its language. II. THE POPINS THESAURUS IN LATIN AMERICA A. Characteristics of Latin American Users We shall begin by defining the characteristics of potential users of the thesaurus in Latin America and the information systems to which they have access. These characteristics, in turn, will help to establish some requirements that appear to be basic,or at least highly desireable, in the Spanish version of the POPINS Thesaurus. The large majority of the Latin American institutions utilizing population documentation have relatively limited resources, particularly for the storage and retrieval of information. These centers, which may be called "poorly-endowed" institutions, have one or more of the following characteristics: 1. If available, people working in information units are usually poorly trained with little knowledge of indexing or retrieval techniques; many may never have used a thesaurus. For various reasons, they may not always be highly motivated to do "conscientious" indexing or retrieval. 2J DOCPAL, the Latin American Population Documentation System, is attempting to collect, index and abstract the published and unpublished documents on population written in or about Latin America since 1970. The system, begun in 1976, with a grant from IDRC, has now indexed around 5000 documents. The index terms and other information on each document are stored and retrieved using the ISIS information system. 2! The Latin American "Region" is taken by DOCPAL to include all the Latin American and Caribbean countries which are members of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL). .2,. The.existing collection are poorly .indexed, perhaps with a mixture of different systems. of. indexing. 3. The retrieval systems that exist are manual rather than computerized. 4.. Librarians and documentalists usually can ready only in their own language (i.e., Spanish in 18 of the 20 Latin American countries). .5. The searches for information frequently must be done by the final user, that is, the researcher, administrator, etc., because they do not have access to adequate library ;services; as resources are scarce, this situation is likely to continue. It is common to find that these final users, who are not always well trained in their own substantive • fields, have little knowledge on how to search for information; furthermore, they often read well only in their own language. * X/ Known by its short title in Spanish, DOCPAL Resúmenes. * 0 'fable 9. Pccscntacion posible del Indice Alfabético (M.'OC) ("ota: Ko eg incluy.-n tojos lo.i dcucrii'Corca). Sugg<iiicJ plusiUdiiCii oí tU Aff/wbi'.ticiii Iii.icx (KWC) (llcie.: lift dcicxifuoxi oAc ¿IU-HV
Objetivos y definiciones basicas de DOCPAL, esquema de las tecnicas y reglas de procesamiento y d... more Objetivos y definiciones basicas de DOCPAL, esquema de las tecnicas y reglas de procesamiento y descripcion de principales productos en la medida en que se consideran relevantes para lograr una compatibilidad con otros sistemas de documentacion en poblacion. Cualquier intento en este sentido debe considerar los objetivos de los sistemas, las necesidades de los usuarios y los productos y servicios otorgados en tanto podran verse afectados por la compatibilizacion. Los aspectos a ser compatibilizados y el calendario para lograrlo deben tener en cuenta los sistemas actuales de procesamiento y de salida a objeto de visualizar los costos involucrados y evitar introducir limitaciones adicionales en los sistemas.
Previo una breve discusion de la definicion y caracteristicas de los tesauros en general, el mini... more Previo una breve discusion de la definicion y caracteristicas de los tesauros en general, el mini-manual describe la estructura y forma de utilizar el Tesauro Multilingue POPINS, instrumento base para la indizacion de los documentos que ingresan a la base de datos del DOCPAL.
Unanderra in the early part of the last century was known as Charcoal Creek. Both Unanderra and F... more Unanderra in the early part of the last century was known as Charcoal Creek. Both Unanderra and Figtree were settled in about 1815 as was the rest of the Five Islands district. It has been said and quoted by historians that the name of Charcoal originated from an aboriginal stockman named Charcoal Will who was employed by Throsby Smith, Wollongong's first settler. and whose hut was on the junction of the two creeks in the locality. Despite the changing of the name of the locality from Charcoal to Unanderra the name of the creek still exists.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2011
Physicochemical characteristics and functional properties of vitabosa (mucuna deeringiana) and so... more Physicochemical characteristics and functional properties of vitabosa (mucuna deeringiana) and soybean (glycine max) Características físico-químicas e propriedades funcionais de vitabosa(Mucuna deeringiana) e soja (Glycine max
Las opiniones expresadas en este documento, que no ha sido sometido a revisión editorial, son de ... more Las opiniones expresadas en este documento, que no ha sido sometido a revisión editorial, son de exclusiva responsabilidad de las autoras y pueden no coincidir con las de la Organización.
El uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas en los cultivos genera un impacto ambiental negativo que afe... more El uso indiscriminado de plaguicidas en los cultivos genera un impacto ambiental negativo que afecta a los organismos vivos, al suelo y al recurso hídrico. Por lo tanto, es necesario evaluar la residualidad de este tipo de sustancias en fuentes de agua que sirven como abastecimiento para la comunidad, los animales y las labores agrícolas. Con base en esto, se plantea una metodología electroquímica sencilla, económica y asequible para la cuantificación de paraquat y glifosato en las fuentes hídricas aledañas a los cultivos de papa de tres veredas del municipio de Ventaquemada (Boyacá). El estudio fue realizado usando como electrolito de soporte la solución buffer Britton-Robinson, un electrodo de trabajo de carbón vítreo, Ag/AgCl como electrodo de referencia y platino como electrodo auxiliar. Se validaron los métodos de voltametría de onda cuadrada (VOC) para ambos compuestos, los cuales presentaron un potencial de -650 y -545 mV, respectivamente. La linealidad de los métodos presen...
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Palabras... more Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Palabras claves: Mucuna, antinutrientes, composición química, perfil de aminoácidos, L-Dopa.
POPINS Multilingual Thesaurus meet the needs of its potential users. The comments and suggestions... more POPINS Multilingual Thesaurus meet the needs of its potential users. The comments and suggestions in this paper concerning the version of the thesaurus to be discussed in New York on 2-4 May, 1978, at the Third Meeting of the POPINS Thesaurus Working Group, are directed toward this end. Heedless to say, other Regions and/or language groups will have their own needs which may or may not be similar to the Latin American ones, and formulas will have to be devised to enable each Region or language group to obtain the maximum advantage from the thesaurus in its language. II. THE POPINS THESAURUS IN LATIN AMERICA A. Characteristics of Latin American Users We shall begin by defining the characteristics of potential users of the thesaurus in Latin America and the information systems to which they have access. These characteristics, in turn, will help to establish some requirements that appear to be basic,or at least highly desireable, in the Spanish version of the POPINS Thesaurus. The large majority of the Latin American institutions utilizing population documentation have relatively limited resources, particularly for the storage and retrieval of information. These centers, which may be called "poorly-endowed" institutions, have one or more of the following characteristics: 1. If available, people working in information units are usually poorly trained with little knowledge of indexing or retrieval techniques; many may never have used a thesaurus. For various reasons, they may not always be highly motivated to do "conscientious" indexing or retrieval. 2J DOCPAL, the Latin American Population Documentation System, is attempting to collect, index and abstract the published and unpublished documents on population written in or about Latin America since 1970. The system, begun in 1976, with a grant from IDRC, has now indexed around 5000 documents. The index terms and other information on each document are stored and retrieved using the ISIS information system. 2! The Latin American "Region" is taken by DOCPAL to include all the Latin American and Caribbean countries which are members of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL). .2,. The.existing collection are poorly .indexed, perhaps with a mixture of different systems. of. indexing. 3. The retrieval systems that exist are manual rather than computerized. 4.. Librarians and documentalists usually can ready only in their own language (i.e., Spanish in 18 of the 20 Latin American countries). .5. The searches for information frequently must be done by the final user, that is, the researcher, administrator, etc., because they do not have access to adequate library ;services; as resources are scarce, this situation is likely to continue. It is common to find that these final users, who are not always well trained in their own substantive • fields, have little knowledge on how to search for information; furthermore, they often read well only in their own language. * X/ Known by its short title in Spanish, DOCPAL Resúmenes. * 0 'fable 9. Pccscntacion posible del Indice Alfabético (M.'OC) ("ota: Ko eg incluy.-n tojos lo.i dcucrii'Corca). Sugg<iiicJ plusiUdiiCii oí tU Aff/wbi'.ticiii Iii.icx (KWC) (llcie.: lift dcicxifuoxi oAc ¿IU-HV
Objetivos y definiciones basicas de DOCPAL, esquema de las tecnicas y reglas de procesamiento y d... more Objetivos y definiciones basicas de DOCPAL, esquema de las tecnicas y reglas de procesamiento y descripcion de principales productos en la medida en que se consideran relevantes para lograr una compatibilidad con otros sistemas de documentacion en poblacion. Cualquier intento en este sentido debe considerar los objetivos de los sistemas, las necesidades de los usuarios y los productos y servicios otorgados en tanto podran verse afectados por la compatibilizacion. Los aspectos a ser compatibilizados y el calendario para lograrlo deben tener en cuenta los sistemas actuales de procesamiento y de salida a objeto de visualizar los costos involucrados y evitar introducir limitaciones adicionales en los sistemas.
Previo una breve discusion de la definicion y caracteristicas de los tesauros en general, el mini... more Previo una breve discusion de la definicion y caracteristicas de los tesauros en general, el mini-manual describe la estructura y forma de utilizar el Tesauro Multilingue POPINS, instrumento base para la indizacion de los documentos que ingresan a la base de datos del DOCPAL.
Unanderra in the early part of the last century was known as Charcoal Creek. Both Unanderra and F... more Unanderra in the early part of the last century was known as Charcoal Creek. Both Unanderra and Figtree were settled in about 1815 as was the rest of the Five Islands district. It has been said and quoted by historians that the name of Charcoal originated from an aboriginal stockman named Charcoal Will who was employed by Throsby Smith, Wollongong's first settler. and whose hut was on the junction of the two creeks in the locality. Despite the changing of the name of the locality from Charcoal to Unanderra the name of the creek still exists.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2011
Physicochemical characteristics and functional properties of vitabosa (mucuna deeringiana) and so... more Physicochemical characteristics and functional properties of vitabosa (mucuna deeringiana) and soybean (glycine max) Características físico-químicas e propriedades funcionais de vitabosa(Mucuna deeringiana) e soja (Glycine max
Las opiniones expresadas en este documento, que no ha sido sometido a revisión editorial, son de ... more Las opiniones expresadas en este documento, que no ha sido sometido a revisión editorial, son de exclusiva responsabilidad de las autoras y pueden no coincidir con las de la Organización.
Papers by sandra Acuña