Papers by sandeep vishwakarma

2017 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communication & Automation (ICACCA) (Fall), 2017
The request of cutting edge optical fiber correspondence frameworks is high information rate like... more The request of cutting edge optical fiber correspondence frameworks is high information rate like 20 GB/s, 40 GB/s up to 100 GB/s per channel. That is extremely testing to send more channels into one single fiber channel separating needs to diminished from 250GHz to 50GHz or much littler. The consequence of that straight and nonlinear corrupting impact will be serious in such high information rate optical frameworks. The examination of a few diverse adjustment designs and produce unearthly proficient regulation configuration in rapid information rate lightwave frameworks are investigated. NRZ, RZ, Duobinary, Manchester, and Manchester Duobinary are under the proposed examine. As a matter of first importance, framework exhibitions of NRZ, RZ, Duobinary and Manchester more than a few existing transmission strands are thought about at various information rate, length and laser control and got the prevailing corrupting impact is subject to information rate; length, and laser control. Manchester Duobinary is observed to be the most spectral productive among the examined adjustment groups. Furthermore, last, examine about in what manner can enhance the Quality factor of Manchester Duobinary when information rate increment for future research.
Current Science, Jul 10, 2014
Communication and Computing Systems, 2016

In the next generation of optical fiber communication systems, very high datarate like 20 GB/s, 4... more In the next generation of optical fiber communication systems, very high datarate like 20 GB/s, 40 GB/s up to 100 GB/s per channel is very attractive. In addit ion, to send more channels into one single fiber, channel spacing has to decreased from 2 50GHz to 50GHz or even smaller. The result of that linear and nonlinear degrading effect will be severe in such high-datarate optical systems. In this paper, we will detail and compare several different modulation formats and generate spectral efficient modulat ion format in high speed data rate lightwave systems. These five modulation formats are under research: NRZ, RZ, Duobinary, Manchester, and Manchester Duobinary. First of all, system performances of NRZ, RZ, Duobinary and Manchester over several existing transmission fibers are compared at different data rate, length and laser power. We found that the dominant degrading effect is dependent on data rate; length, and laser power. Then we will discuss about Manchester Duobinary. Afte...

Journal of Cell and Molecular Research, 2014
Increasing incidence of central nervous system (CNS) disorders has become a major challenge for b... more Increasing incidence of central nervous system (CNS) disorders has become a major challenge for both basic and clinical scientific society to develop novel therapeutic models for treatment. The knowledge of stem cells has added a new dimension in the research towards finding more appropriate targets responsible for the disease fate determination. As stem cell research is progressing day by day in routine research laboratories there is great hope to find suitable therapeutic targets for complete cure of the CNS disorders. Discovery of ABC transporters in animal tissues has emerged as new spot for several disease prognosis and therapeutic target. ABC transporters are membrane proteins expressed in various organs like liver, kidney, blood-brain barrier, blood-testis barrier etc. It is involved in various important cellular processes such as absorption, distribution and excretion of drugs, xenobiotics and endogenous compounds showing their role in tissue defense and organ regeneration. ...

These days, the language is making hindrances in the advantages of Information Technology revolut... more These days, the language is making hindrances in the advantages of Information Technology revolution in India. So, there is the need of the adequate measures to perform natural language processing (NLP) through computer processing so that computer based system can be interacted by users through natural language like Hindi. This paper presents a new Word Sense Disambiguation method associated with mining association rules. This method can mine the association rules between the sense of the ambiguous word and its context using its various senses present in the Hindi WordNet. The sense of the ambiguous word assigned by choosing the sense which the most association rules refer. In this paper, we are concerned with association rule mining for word sense disambiguation for Hindi language and finding the correct sense for given Hindi word. We explore the multiple meanings of Hindi word with the help of Hindi Word net prepared by IIT Bombay. The experiment result shows that the method has h...

2018 3rd International Conference On Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU), 2018
Alongside the quick development in the populace thickness in urban areas,the requests for more of... more Alongside the quick development in the populace thickness in urban areas,the requests for more offices and assets is developing step by step. To address the issues of city improvement, the use of Web of Things (IoT) gadgets and the savvy frameworks is the brisk and profitable source. The interconnection and correspondence of thousands of IoT gadgets with each other over the web brings about producing tremendous measure of information, called as Large Information. The reconciliation of IoT benefits alongside Enormous Information preparing in a systematized route for the advancement of keen city is a critical activity. To beat this problem, we proposed a framework for brilliant city improvement in light of IoT utilizing the investigation of Huge Information.Sensors sending is utilized including keen home sensors, vehicular systems administration, climate and in addition water sensors, shrewd stopping sensor, and observation objects, and so on. The gathered information from all brilliant framework is prepared at constant to accomplish shrewd urban areas utilizing Hadoop with Start, VoltDB, Tempest or S4. We utilize existing datasets by different specialists including supportability, keen homes with savvy machines, shrewd stopping alongside the utilization of advanced cells, climate investigation, and speed control of vehicle for examination and testing. All the datasets are replayed to test the ongoing proficiency of the framework. At long last, we assessed the framework by proficiency in term of throughput and time for preparing. The aftereffect of investigation demonstrates that the framework we have proposed is adaptable and proficient.

Gene, Jan 30, 2018
The present study has been aimed to identify molecular dynamics of pancreatic transcription facto... more The present study has been aimed to identify molecular dynamics of pancreatic transcription factors (pTFs) during events of directed trans-differentiation of human hepatic progenitor cells (hHPCs) into insulin producing cells (InPCs) within bioengineered humanized neoorgan. The study demonstrates applicability of acellularized whole splenic scaffold (ASOS) to generate insulin producing humanized transplantable neoorgan through activation of pancreatic transcription factors. An efficient acellularization process was developed for xenogeneic rat spleen using change in different gradients of reagents perfusion through splenic artery for varying time points. The acellularized xenogeneic spleen scaffold was characterized thoroughly for preservation of extra-cellular matrix and retention of organ specific vasculature and mechanical properties. Further scaffolds were sterilized and repopulated with hHPCs which were triggered using a stage wise induction with growth factors and hyperglycemi...

Cellular immunology, Jan 21, 2018
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a persistent inflammatory illness, which is clinically categorised as ... more Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a persistent inflammatory illness, which is clinically categorised as Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), affecting millions of people worldwide. The precise cause behind the pathology of the disease remains unknown. However, the involvement of multiple factors including genetic predisposition, immunological deregulations, microbiota imbalance, and environmental triggers has been suggested. Amongst all these factors, the over-active immunological response reported in UC patients seems to be a promising target for therapy. Moreover, identification of gene signatures associated with disease onset and progression would help in better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the disease pathogenesis. Here, we have conducted meta-analysis of gene expression profiles of UC patient microarray datasets accessible in public databases and further validated the in-silico findings in UC patients' blood samples. Our study reveals that UC pathogenesis per...

Basic and clinical neuroscience
The present study aimed to explore protective mechanisms of hypothermia against mild cold and hea... more The present study aimed to explore protective mechanisms of hypothermia against mild cold and heat stress on highly proliferative homogeneous human Neural Precursor Cells (NPCs) derived from Subventricular Zone (SVZ) of human fetal brain. CD133+ve enriched undifferentiated and differentiated human NPCs were exposed to heat stress at 42°C. Then, Western-blot quantification was performed using Hsp-70 (70 kilodalton heat shock proteins) recombinant protein. Finally, changes in pluripotency and Hsp-70 expression were measured using immunofluorescence staining and RT-qPCR (Quantitative reverse transcription PCR) analysis, respectively. Heat stress resulted in abnormal neurospheres development. The apoptosis rate was enhanced during long-term in vitro culture of neurospheres. Neurogenic differentiation reduced and showed aberrent phenotypes during heat stress. After hypothermia treatment significant improvement in neurospheres and neuronal cell morphology was observed. Mild-hypothermia tr...

Tissue & cell, 2018
Ethanol exposure to developing brain may alter the growth and differentiation of neurological cel... more Ethanol exposure to developing brain may alter the growth and differentiation of neurological cells resulting in unfavorable pathologies. Earlier studies have provided very limited mechanistic insights of cellular and molecular mechanisms which do not mimic with human situation due to varying cell types and poses potential challenges for investigation. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the role of ABC transporters and heat shock proteins mediated response in human neural precursor cells (NPCs) and its lineages during proliferation and lineage differentiation against ethanol exposure. Effect of ethanol exposure was examined for neuronal cell survival and variation in cellular phenotype during neurospheres development and lineage differentiation. Generation of reactive oxygen species, and variation in cell cycle was identified along with transcriptional profiling for pluripotent markers (Nestin, NCAM, Sox-2, and Notch-2), drug transporters (ABCB1 and ABCG2) and s...

Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation, Jan 4, 2018
Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are key diagnostic and therapeutic agents in biomedical sciences. Sever... more Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are key diagnostic and therapeutic agents in biomedical sciences. Several studies have been carried out in different therapeutic areas such as in cancer treatment, antibacterial topical agents, imaging agents etc. There is a necessity to evaluate the gold nanoparticles cytotoxicity at all fronts. Since blood is the first point of contact in any therapy, it is required to have a thorough in vitro investigation of gold nanoparticles to avoid any adverse effects. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the effect of gold nanoparticles capped with lipase on blood clotting factors, platelets, coagulation time and blood clotting strength. Whole blood samples were drawn from healthy volunteers. Plasma and plasma with platelets were isolated from the blood and all the samples were treated with lipase capped gold nanoparticles, except control. Plasma fibrinogen formed in the blood coagulation process after contacting with nanoparticles was quantitatively e...

World journal of hepatology, Jan 27, 2018
To develop appropriate humanized three-dimensional ex-vivo model system for drug testing. Bioengi... more To develop appropriate humanized three-dimensional ex-vivo model system for drug testing. Bioengineered humanized livers were developed in this study using human hepatic stem cells repopulation within the acellularized liver scaffolds which mimics with the natural organ anatomy and physiology. Six cytochrome P-450 probes were used to enable efficient identification of drug metabolism in bioengineered humanized livers. The drug metabolism study in bioengineered livers was evaluated to identify the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity responses. The bioengineered humanized livers showed cellular and molecular characteristics of human livers. The bioengineered liver showed three-dimensional natural architecture with intact vasculature and extra-cellular matrix. Human hepatic cells were engrafted similar to the human liver. Drug metabolism studies provided a suitable platform alternative to available ex-vivo and in vivo models for identifying cellular and molecul...

Tissue and Cell, 2017
Introduction: Progress in understanding pathophysiological mechanisms and the development of targ... more Introduction: Progress in understanding pathophysiological mechanisms and the development of targeted regenerative strategies have been hampered by the lack of predictive disease models, specifically for the conditions to which affected cell types are inaccessible. The present study has aimed to unearth the role of valproic acid (VPA) and mild hypothermia (MH) as promising strategy to enhance the neuroprotective mechanisms in undifferentiated and differentiated human neural precursor cells (hNPCs) against ethanol-induced damage. Methods: 5 mM VPA alone or in combination with MH (33°C) was used to prevent the damage in proliferating and differentiating hNPCs. CD133 + ve enriched hNPCs were cultured in vitro and exposed to 1 M chronic ethanol concentration for 72 h and followed by VPA and MH treatment for 24 h. Morphometric analysis was performed to identify changes in neurospheres development and neuronal cell phenotypes. Flow cytometry and RT-qPCR analysis was performed to investigate alterations in key molecular pathways involved in cell survival and signaling. Results: Combination of VPA with MH displayed higher proportion of neuronal cell viability as compared to single treatment. Combination treatment was most effective in reducing apoptosis and reactive oxygen species levels in both the undifferentiated and differentiated hNPCs. VPA with MH significantly improved neuronal cell phenotype, active chromatin modeling, chaperon and multi-drug resistant pumps activity and expression of neuronal signaling molecules. Conclusion: The study provided an efficient and disease specific in vitro model and demonstrated that combined treatment with VPA and MH activates several neuroprotective mechanisms and provides enhanced protection against ethanol-induced damage in cultured undifferentiated and differentiated hNPCs.

Scientific reports, Jan 17, 2017
The present study identifies the potential of highly biocompatible SF-GNP nano-conjugate to enhan... more The present study identifies the potential of highly biocompatible SF-GNP nano-conjugate to enhance the chemotherapeutic response to combat drug resistance in cancer cells. We developed a stable colloidal suspension of sorafenib-gold nanoconjugate (SF-GNP) of <10 nm size in aqueous medium for reverting the cancer drug resistance in SF-resistant HepG2 cells in a 3D ex-vivo model system. In-vivo biocompatibility assay of SF-GNPs showed absence of systemic toxicological effects including hematological, biochemical and histological parameters. More importantly, the histopathological analysis of vital organs such as liver, brain, lung, kidney and heart showed very least or no sign of inflammation, cell infiltration, necrosis, tissue disorganization or fibrotic reactions after intra-peritoneal administration of SF-GNP nanoconjugates in animals. However, SF-GNP nanoconjugates significantly reduced (>80%) the percentage cell survival and the size and number of SF resistant solid tumor...

Contemporary clinical dentistry
Growing evidence shows that dental pulp (DP) tissues could be a potential source of adult stem ce... more Growing evidence shows that dental pulp (DP) tissues could be a potential source of adult stem cells for the treatment of devastating neurological diseases and several other conditions. Exploration of the expression profile of several key molecular markers to evaluate the molecular dynamics in undifferentiated and differentiated DP-derived stem cells (DPSCs) in vitro. The characteristics and multilineage differentiation ability of DPSCs were determined by cellular and molecular kinetics. DPSCs were further induced to form adherent (ADH) and non-ADH (NADH) neurospheres under serum-free condition which was further induced into neurogenic lineage cells and characterized for their molecular and cellular diversity at each stage. Statistical analysis used one-way analysis of variance, Student's t-test, Livak method for relative quantification, and R programming. Immunophenotypic analysis of DPSCs revealed >80% cells positive for mesenchymal markers CD90 and CD105, >70% positive ...

Frontiers in immunology, 2017
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a symmetric polyarticular arthritis, has long been feared as one of th... more Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a symmetric polyarticular arthritis, has long been feared as one of the most disabling forms of arthritis. Identification of gene signatures associated with RA onset and progression would lead toward development of novel diagnostics and therapeutic interventions. This study was undertaken to identify unique gene signatures of RA patients through large-scale meta-profiling of a diverse collection of gene expression data sets. We carried out a meta-analysis of 8 publicly available RA patients' (107 RA patients and 76 healthy controls) gene expression data sets and further validated a few meta-signatures in RA patients through quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). We identified a robust meta-profile comprising 33 differentially expressed genes, which were consistently and significantly expressed across all the data sets. Our meta-analysis unearthed upregulation of a few novel gene signatures including PLCG2, HLA-DOB, HLA-F, EIF4E2, and CYFIP2, which were ...

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2015
LCN2 (Lipocalin 2) is a 25 KD secreted acute phase protein, reported to be a novel regulator of a... more LCN2 (Lipocalin 2) is a 25 KD secreted acute phase protein, reported to be a novel regulator of angiogenesis in breast cancer. Up regulation of LCN2 had been observed in multiple cancers including breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer. However, the role of LCN2 promoter methylation in the formation of microvessels is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of LCN 2 promoter methylation with microvessel formation and tumor cell proliferation in breast cancer patients. The LCN2 promoter methylation status was studied in 64 breast cancer tumors by methylation specific PCR (MSP). Evaluation of microvessel density (MVD) and Ki67 cell proliferation index was achieved by immunohistochemical staining using CD34 and MIB-1 antibodies, respectively. LCN2 promoter unmethylation status was observed in 43 (67.2%) of breast cancer patients whereas LCN2 methylation status was seen in 21 (32.8%). Further, LCN2 promoter unmethylation status was associated with aggressive tumor phenotype and elevated mean MVD in breast cancer patients.
Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering, 2015
Papers by sandeep vishwakarma