Papers by ruth soetendorp
Intellectual Property …, 2000
Manna, 2005
IN A 1923 ENGLISH COPYRIGHT case1 Lord Atkinson commented that an infringer of copyright 'di... more IN A 1923 ENGLISH COPYRIGHT case1 Lord Atkinson commented that an infringer of copyright 'disobeyed the injunction Thou shalt not steal'. In the 1988 House of Lords decision in CBS Songs v Amstrad2, a case in which the record industry attempted to prevent Amstrad ...
Manna, 2005
AFEW YEARS AGO, THE strictly Orthodox Rabbis in Jerusalem castigated members of their community f... more AFEW YEARS AGO, THE strictly Orthodox Rabbis in Jerusalem castigated members of their community for infringing copyright by copying software. In an unprecendented halachic ruling, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Rabbi Shalom Elyashiv declared that copying software ...
Intellectual Property …, 2000

This paper discusses Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ownership issues in conjunction with acade... more This paper discusses Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ownership issues in conjunction with academic spinouts and start-ups. The changes in the funding structure of graduate and postgraduate studies has led to a culture shift in the budget management of British universities. Third-income streams are more highly rated in the UK than ever, and ‘with the growth of the student enterprise agenda the issue of management of student IP will become increasingly significant’ [1]. Commonly academic institutions claim ownership over IPRs, which evolve from postgraduate academic studies. The majority of revenues tend to go to the academic institution. This is usually justified through the supervisory involvement and the provision of technical resources. This paper discusses the implications, which the retention of IPR has for the success prospects of academic spinouts. Academic Institutions differ in their approach to regulating IPR ownership. Mandy Haberman and Professor Ruth Soetendorp present...
The Law Teacher, 2019
Despite the growth of creative industries scholarship in the last 20 years, there are few detaile... more Despite the growth of creative industries scholarship in the last 20 years, there are few detailed studies of how it is that cultural texts become products. Creating Economy: Enterprise, Intellectual

World Patent Information, 2001
The problem of heightening awareness of patent and other intellectual property amongst graduates ... more The problem of heightening awareness of patent and other intellectual property amongst graduates leaving university has long taxed the ingenuity of the author and others. This paper describes a newly developed approach to the problem. The object is to instil a good basic understanding of the subject across a broad spectrum of graduates, while fully respecting the constraints of the existing extensive curriculum demands made of both student and tutor. This is achieved by providing a package of discreet, but coordinated short work sections (micromodules) on key issues in IP that will be relevant to many practical situations that innovative graduates will meet during their working lives, including particularly their interaction with IP professionals. The package consists of a workbook and CD-ROM, with many interactive examples, which can be delivered in one-or two-hour slots by students' regular tutors, rather than by specialist IP experts. The author concludes with an outline of ways in which it is hoped to further enhance the scope, distribution and format of the materials.
There is a widespread movement within tertiary education to buil d the capacity of engineering st... more There is a widespread movement within tertiary education to buil d the capacity of engineering students to engage with enterprise. This is reflected within the accreditation requirements of professional bodies, stated industry needs, initiatives by government agencies and the emergence of related curricula content in so me engineering courses. Entrepreneurship education for engineers relies on developing student capabilities in the
Effective Learning & Teaching in LAW, 1988
Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 2009
... IPKat, a respected UK intellectual property blog indicated they were [G]lad that common sens... more ... IPKat, a respected UK intellectual property blog indicated they were [G]lad that common sense has prevailed here. ... IPKat. (2007). Right of integrity over bridge fails. 〈http://ipkitten.blogspot. com/2007/12/right-of-integrity-over-bridge-fails.html〉. LewisP. (2007). ...

Industry and Higher Education, 2004
Intellectual property competence can assist individuals and organizations to capitalize on opport... more Intellectual property competence can assist individuals and organizations to capitalize on opportunities presented by accelerating developments in the knowledge economy. Engineers translate ideas into concrete solutions, which are frequently useful and commercially valuable, if the intrinsic intellectual property has been identified and protected. Professional bodies are beginning to acknowledge the importance of intellectual property competence as an enterprise skill for new graduates. Universities must rethink undergraduate curricula to enhance students' entrepreneurial skills and widen participation, while research strategies must take account of the growing fuzziness of disciplinary boundaries. Where faculties are expected to deliver to new agendas, despite shrinking resources and an overcrowded syllabus, self-managed learning activities work with assessment strategies to achieve new independent learning outcomes.
Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2007
Journal of Information Law and …, 2003
Bournemouth University Research Online [BURO] is designed to allow users to access the research o... more Bournemouth University Research Online [BURO] is designed to allow users to access the research output of the institution. Copyright (c) and Moral Rights for the papers on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. ... Any correspondance ...
Journal of Information Law and …, 2003
Bournemouth University Research Online [BURO] is designed to allow users to access the research o... more Bournemouth University Research Online [BURO] is designed to allow users to access the research output of the institution. Copyright (c) and Moral Rights for the papers on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. ... Any correspondance ...
To cite this version: Soetendorp, R. and Alalade, CB, 2004. Protecting innovation in the financia... more To cite this version: Soetendorp, R. and Alalade, CB, 2004. Protecting innovation in the financial services sector: a study of patent activity in UK financial services industries. Project Report. Poole, UK: Centre for Intellectual Property Policy Manage-ment (CIPPM).
Papers by ruth soetendorp