Papers by pier giuseppe rossi
Education Sciences and Society, 2018
Este artículo surge con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a dos interrogantes: a) ¿Cómo ha... more Este artículo surge con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a dos interrogantes: a) ¿Cómo han cambiado las tecnologías en los últimos veinte años y qué recorrido se ha efectuado desde la Tecnología Educativa?, b) ¿Qué desafíos les esperan en el futuro próximo a los profesores de Tecnología Educativa? Para adentrarnos en su desarrollo, partimos de la siguiente premisa: hoy, más que ayer, los profesores de Tecnología Educativa antes de ser expertos en la introducción de las TIC en la didáctica, están llamados a repensar la didáctica, incluso con las TIC.
Research on Education and Media
The contribution describes a study on the organizational devices and the professional development... more The contribution describes a study on the organizational devices and the professional development programs carried out at the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) of the University of Siena and at the Teaching and Learning Lab (TLL) of the University of Macerata. The focus is on systemic actions capable to elicit innovation at an organizational level, starting from the work of the institutional centers for research, professional training, and digital enhanced learning embedded in the university. In the final paragraph, future developmental trajectories for constituting an inter-universities network of TLCs are discussed.
The presence of digital artefacts in the surrounding world holds both a structured and a structur... more The presence of digital artefacts in the surrounding world holds both a structured and a structuring role that has an impact on the rationales with which we act and organise our behaviour and knowledge. The process that leads towards a major subject’s agentivity and towards a primary role of the design, useful to act in a complex context, is supported by digital technologies. Media Education takes us to new operative and cognitive modalities and promotes a critical attitude. Also at school, the design process plays a central role since the complexity of contexts, their fragmentation and the lack of “meta narratives/grand narratives” (Lyotard, 1987) requires that the teacher build situated rationales. Digital technologies can support the design process. Thanks to digitalisation, the design artefact becomes a fluid object that comes from the design, which can then be used in the classroom as a mediator and make students visualise the path. It supports the teacher and the students in t...
Este artículo surge con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a dos interrogantes: a) ¿Cómo ha... more Este artículo surge con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a dos interrogantes: a) ¿Cómo han cambiado las tecnologías en los últimos veinte años y qué recorrido se ha efectuado desde la Tecnología Educativa?, b) ¿Qué desafíos les esperan en el futuro próximo a los profesores de Tecnología Educativa? Para adentrarnos en su desarrollo, partimos de la siguiente premisa: hoy, más que ayer, los profesores de Tecnología Educativa antes de ser expertos en la introducción de las TIC en la didáctica, están llamados a repensar la didáctica, incluso con las TIC.This article born with the fundamental aim to answer two questions: a) How technologies (TE) have changed in the last twenty years and which way has the educational technology been followed? and b) What are the challenges for educational technology teachers in the next future, what borders do they have to face? To go into detail about its development, we start from the premise that today more than yesterday, teachers who teach Edu...
Education Sciences and Society, Jun 29, 2013
Four lines of research, which are present in Italian context, have been compared in the present p... more Four lines of research, which are present in Italian context, have been compared in the present paper, they share a common origin within the bio-educational studies. h is paper analyses the elements of proximity amongst the four perspectives. h e rel ection captures the possibility of a new paradigm that provides new potential educational research and teaching leads. h e topics covered include: the centrality of action, the relationship between body and knowledge, the notions of simplexity and enactivism. Riassunto: Nel contributo si sono confrontate quattro linee di ricerca presenti nel contesto italiano della ricerca che, aprendosi al dialogo, hanno ritrovato la loro comune matrice negli studi sulla bio-educazione. Il contributo analizza gli elementi di tangenza tra le quattro prospettive e coglie la possibilità di un nuovo paradigma che of ra nuove potenzialità alla ricerca pedagogica e didattica. Gli argomenti trattati riguardano:la centralità dell'azione, la relazione tra corpo e conoscenza, gli input delle ricerche nel settore delle neuroscienze cognitive per l' educativo e i concetti di semplessità ed enattivismo.
L'articolo presenta un approccio innovativo per implementare, su piattaforme LMS esistenti, f... more L'articolo presenta un approccio innovativo per implementare, su piattaforme LMS esistenti, funzionalità per l'e-learning basate sull'intelligenza artifi ciale (AI). Si descrive le caratteristiche dei Learning Management System (LMS) in cui è possibile collocare tale intervento, il contributo del KM e il ruolo dell'AI. Inoltre verranno individuati quei dispositivi che intervengono nella progettazione (strumenti di authoring), nella costruzione di conoscenza e nel monitoraggio per supportare il lavoro del team di progetto e l'attività delle Learning Entities 2 (LE). L'aspetto innovativo consiste nel fatto che l'architettura e le funzionalità dell'AI sono fi nalizzate non a sostituirsi, ma a supportare il docente/tutor nella progettazione, nel monitoraggio e nella riprogettazione di percorsi mirati ad un apprendimento consapevole. Inoltre il modello presentato non è subject oriented e può essere utilizzato in differenti campi disciplinari. 1 Il termine ...
Journal on Educational Technology, 2003
Descrizione dell’esperienza svolta nel contesto del “Laboratorio di cooperazione e apprendimento ... more Descrizione dell’esperienza svolta nel contesto del “Laboratorio di cooperazione e apprendimento in rete”, Corso di Laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria dell'Universita' di Macerata.
Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2010
The paper focuses on the main advantages in the defnition and utilization of an open and modular ... more The paper focuses on the main advantages in the defnition and utilization of an open and modular e-learning software platform to support highly cognitive tasks performed by the main actors of the learning process. We present in detail the integration inside the platform of two intelligent agents devoted to talking with the student and to retrieving new information sources on the Web. The process is triggered as a reply to the system’s perception that the student feels discontented with the presented contents. The architecture is detailed, and some conclusions about the growth of the platform’s overall performance are expressed.
Issues concerning students involved with online learning paths, that need to be faced by e-Tutors... more Issues concerning students involved with online learning paths, that need to be faced by e-Tutors on their day-to-day activity, most often than not fall into known pedagogical patterns – that are problems and difficulties already occurred in the past and dealt with. These pedagogical patterns belong to e-Tutors’ know-how and experience and their resolution are frequently a matter of activating routine processes or giving pre-factored answers; nevertheless statistical data indicates that these issues consume a considerable slice of tutors’ time. While a portion of the scientific community is still devoting much effort in developing artificial tutoring systems – by deploying AI/MAS-enabled technologies – the solution being investigated by our team focuses on enhancing alreadyavailable, open source LMS by implementing a generalpurpose tracking and monitoring toolkit able to support eTutors in recognizing and dealing with pedagogical patterns stored into a decentralised Knowledge Base. ...
Il contributo presenta il processo di sviluppo di un’applicazione in grado di produrre artefatti ... more Il contributo presenta il processo di sviluppo di un’applicazione in grado di produrre artefatti visuali per la progettazione didattica, pensata in base ai principi del Learning Design e del Visual Design. L’app DEPIT (Designing for Personalisation and Inclusion with Technologies) nasce da un’indagine per far emergere i bisogni dei docenti a livello di progettazione e si sviluppa in forma di generatore di Graphic Organizer condivisi tra docenti e studenti, in grado di reificare e sostenere il processo didattico in termini di organizzazione, orientamento, allineamento, coerenza tra macro e microprogettazione. La sperimentazione condotta mette in evidenza la trasformatività dell'app prima, durante e dopo l'azione didattica e coinvolge tanto la disposizione all'apprendimento dei discenti, in termini di orientamento e di consapevolezza nei percorsi didattico-disciplinari, quanto la postura del docente, sia a livello di organizzazione e gestione del processo di insegnamento-a...
The curriculum of the Italian language needs, nowadays, to face the complexity of the current soc... more The curriculum of the Italian language needs, nowadays, to face the complexity of the current socio-cultural situation which is deeply characterized by multimodality and multiculturalism, by the technological development and by the effects of globalization. In the contribution the first reflections collected during a qualitative investigation, run by the research group of the department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism of the University of Macerata (Italy), are discussed. The investigation highlights interesting practices, often innovative, but that also show the need to give a new meaning to the concept of curriculum.Teachers show consciousness of the effects on the teaching/learning process of the Italian language caused by the current class context’s complexity. Their reference to class activities and strategies they usually promote to actively involve students are numerous and include the students’ enciclopedia (language-subject) and their multimodal experiences in th...
I percorsi di formazione che curano l’inserimento dei docenti nell’attività professionale necessi... more I percorsi di formazione che curano l’inserimento dei docenti nell’attività professionale necessitano di integrare, in una circolarità virtuosa, in momenti teorici, pratici e riflessivi. Il presente contributo riporta alcuni risultati preliminari dall’esperienza Neoassunti 2015 e suggerisce come tale esperienza possa guidare le azioni future relative all’accompagnamento del neoassunto in un percorso di crescita continua e consapevole.
Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2015
The complexity of the current educational context, that is, the fragmentation of knowledge and th... more The complexity of the current educational context, that is, the fragmentation of knowledge and the diversity which characterizes the students in our schools requires new competences. One of the answer is certainly to think about personalized path. The personalization of paths is a hard task for the teacher and, thus, the efficacy and also the sustainability of this choice need to be examined. For what concerns sustainability a solution has been provided by the interaction between the educational world and the world of knowledge engineering. The focus on the user, on intelligent systems for personalization, the adaptive and responsive design are proposals that were born with a different objective, but that have opened new perspectives also in the educational context. Besides, such processes have linked different research fields, the one of education and the one of knowledge engineering, such connection needs a common languages and meanings to be able to produce solutions. The paper i...
Il contributo descrive il laboratorio di Didattica generale del primo anno del corso di laurea in... more Il contributo descrive il laboratorio di Didattica generale del primo anno del corso di laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria attivato con la finalita di avviare nei futuri insegnanti una visione professionale. Tale cambiamento e favorito dalla partecipazione ad attivita laboratoriali in cui lo studente riflettesulla propria visione di insegnamento e apprendimento costruendo un collagemetafora che reifica la propria immagine di insegnamento e analizzando video. Tali attivita, intervallandosi con le lezioni frontali del corso di didattica generale, creano situazioni di accoppiamento strutturale, ovvero consentono allo studente, grazie all’interazione con il dispositivo in cui opera, di articolare un proprio punto di vista che dialoga con il “sapere sapiente”.
La collana "Traiettorie Inclusive" vuole dare voce alle diverse proposte di ricerca che si artico... more La collana "Traiettorie Inclusive" vuole dare voce alle diverse proposte di ricerca che si articolano intorno ai paradigmi dell'inclusione e della personalizzazione, per approfondire i temi relativi alle disabilità, ai Bisogni Educativi Speciali, alle forme di disagio e di devianza. Si ritiene, infatti, che inclusione e personalizzazione reifichino una prospettiva efficace per affrontare la complessa situazione socioculturale attuale, garantendo un dialogo tra le diversità. I contesti in cui tale tematica è declinata sono quelli della scuola, dell'università e del mondo del lavoro. Contemporaneamente sono esplorati i vari domini della qualità della vita prendendo in esame anche le problematiche connesse con la vita familiare, con le dinamiche affettive e con il tempo libero. Una particolare attenzione inoltre sarà rivolta alle comunità educative e alle esperienze che stanno tracciando nuove piste nell'ottica dell'inclusione sociale e della qualità della vita. La collana presenta due tipologie di testi. Gli "Approfondimenti" permetteranno di mettere a fuoco i nodi concettuali oggi al centro del dibattito della comunità scientifica sia nazionale, sia internazionale. I "Quaderni Operativi", invece, documenteranno esperienze, progetti e buone prassi e forniranno strumenti di lavoro per professionisti e operatori del settore. La collana si rivolge a tutti i professionisti che, a diversi livelli, si occupano di processi inclusivi e formativi.
What is trust and how the concept of trust evolved over time is a question that poses an ontologi... more What is trust and how the concept of trust evolved over time is a question that poses an ontological problem. This paper focuses in trying to understand how our concept of trust changes in the recursive relationship we have with digital technologies, i.e. in the recursion between creating technologies and being determined by technology. After a definition of digital technologies, the paper highlight two of the potentialities offered by digital technologies: the possibility of manipulating every artefact during the whole of its life and the possibility of connecting people and facilitating participation, as we believe these have an impact on the concept of trust.
The complexity of socio cultural contexts and, consequently, of the school requires an explicit p... more The complexity of socio cultural contexts and, consequently, of the school requires an explicit planning that can offer the didactical action a rhizomatic and generative vision.In such direction the models of curriculum of the last century, often characterized by a linear logic, lost much of their efficacy and cannot have an impact any longer with the complexity of reality and of the group class.Reflecting on the curriculum means catching the characterizing elements of the current contexts at the pedagogical and didactical level and reflecting on the elements of continuity and discontinuity from the past that could facilitate the change from linear models to recursive models. The present article is organized into two parts: in the first there is a comparison between the present and the past, while in the second there is a review of the main contributions that from the Seventies of the last century have provided the basis to define the role and the structure of the curriculum.The ar...
The didactical design is organized in different documents that are peculiar in the different coun... more The didactical design is organized in different documents that are peculiar in the different countries. In Italy there id the school curriculum starting from the national guidelines for the pre-school, primary and middle school, and from the regulations for the high school. Then many teachers create yearly design documents for each discipline collaborating, at times, with colleague of parallel classes. In this article, such yearly documents will be called "macro design", while the design of the single work sessions (from 1 to 8 hours in class) will be called "micro design". The complexity, finally, requires that macro and micro design are transponed and it is needed that a design artefact can be shared in class with students starting processes of co-design.The article analyses the role and the structure of the school curriculum in the current context, the relationships between the macro and micro design and, finally, the need of a transposition of the design art...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
The university didactics now requires a re-examination both in terms of objectives, and in terms ... more The university didactics now requires a re-examination both in terms of objectives, and in terms of didactical formats. If the objective is to enable students to develop a professional habitus, the hypothesis is that the use of a situated approach and the presence of contexts of negotiation supported by new technologies can be effective. This paper analyses the relations that occurred within the "General Didactic" course at the Faculty of Education (University of Macerata) with more than 200 students and identifies the role of interactions in both an online environment and in the face-to-face class context in order to understand the evolution of the system according to an enactive approach.
Papers by pier giuseppe rossi