Papers by rivka bihar waldman
Meldar, 2023
Kula 930 is a play written, produced, directed, and performed exclusively by members of the Istan... more Kula 930 is a play written, produced, directed, and performed exclusively by members of the Istanbul Jewish community. It was first staged in 1978 and is considered to be the first play in Türkiye since 1947 that was predominantly performed in Ladino (Judeo-Spanish). This study examines the reasons behind the success of the play, from its first rendition in 1978 to its fourth rendition in 2017. The paper analyses the circumstances and the meaning of the play's language and its characteristics while highlighting the evolution of the play within the socio-historical context of Jews in Türkiye.
Mediterraneo Mediterraneo, 2011
Abstract The past decade the private schools in Istanbul both acknowledged and recognized the imp... more Abstract The past decade the private schools in Istanbul both acknowledged and recognized the importance of a second foreign language for the Turkish youth who is eager to find his/her place in the globalized world. Thus, this study explores the problematique of second foreign language teaching in private primary and high schools in Istanbul. To have a better understanding about the subject researched; the paper focuses on its history as well as the reasons behind this recently initiated programme. As a result of following up the previous foreign language teaching programmes and due to the lack of infrastructure of the second foreign language teaching, there have been some mistakes and deficiencies passed onto the second foreign language teaching from the first one's methods. For this reason, this paper attempts to search the roots of these deficiencies and tries to propose recommendations for improving the newly initiated second foreign language teaching methods and programmes before the deficiencies take roots in them. Keywords: Second foreign language teaching, foreign language teaching, Istanbul, private schools, problematique
Mediterráneo/Mediterraneo, 2011
This study aims to show the thematic similarities and parallels that lie between the narratives o... more This study aims to show the thematic similarities and parallels that lie between the narratives of two famous authors of different places, cultures and eras; Miguel Delibes in Five Hours with Mario and Fyodor Dostoyevsky in A Gentle Creature. The study will mainly focus on Five Hours with Mario -for being published more recently- trying to demonstrate the characteristics and features of the theme of the novel as to trace it back and later on to link it to its possible antecedent and source of influence; Dostoyevsky. In the conclusion, the similarities of the two narratives will be analyzed thoroughly according to their thematic aspects as well as the fictional ones as to give the reader a clear comparison of both narratives that are in question. Keywords: Miguel Delibes – Five Hours with Mario – Dostoyevsky - A Gentle Creature – Comparative Study
Castilla Estudios De Literatura, Jun 30, 2010
Desde sus orígenes, los seres humanos han creado cuentos y leyendas no sólo para distraerse sino ... more Desde sus orígenes, los seres humanos han creado cuentos y leyendas no sólo para distraerse sino también para recordar su historia al tiempo que desarrollaban tanto su creatividad como su imaginación. A lo largo de la historia de la literatura universal los poetas y narradores se han inspirado en las leyendas, los poemas y los relatos de diferentes períodos y lugares y, añadiendo elementos de su propia cultura, los han desarrollado según la realidad de su época y su país. La mitología romana se inspiró en la griega, y los cuentos de Dede Korkut 1 y la Odisea comparten como rasgo común la historia del Cíclope. Sería posible dar más ejemplos parecidos. En este artículo pretendemos analizar las semejanzas temáticas, estructurales y entre los personajes de Cinco horas con Mario y de Una criatura gentil, así como el hecho de que Miguel Delibes podría haberse inspirado en la obra de Dostoievsky, escritas con casi cien años de diferencia y en geografías totalmente diferentes.
Mediterraneo Mediterraneo, 2009
... oluşturduğu Mini-Kids ve 07 11 yaş arası grubunun oluşturduğu Çocuk Tiyatrosu gibi faaliyet... more ... oluşturduğu Mini-Kids ve 07 11 yaş arası grubunun oluşturduğu Çocuk Tiyatrosu gibi faaliyetlerle tiyatroyu her yaş grubuna sevdirmeyi ... Yıldırım Spor Kulübü (YSK), kuruluşundan hemen bir sene sonra sahneye koyduğu Yusuf'un Rüyaları adlı oyunla tiyatro temellerini atmıştır. ...
With the turn of the 20th century a new secular county was founded: the Turkish Republic. New pol... more With the turn of the 20th century a new secular county was founded: the Turkish Republic. New policies and rules were issued in order to unite the nations’ multi-ethnic structure. Thus, this study aims to investigate and explore the reasons behind the decadence of Ladino in the Turkish Jewish Community’s written expression thus starting a new language of expression- Turkish. It also tries to show the precautions taken by Rabbi Nisim Behar for a community not to give in to secularism and not to forget their Jewish identities. In the light of these events, 20th century liturgical ladino literature and his sole author left deep marks in a community that was at the verge of transition finally yielding to it. This study traces the roots of the transition mentioned as well as the goals of Rabbi Nisim Behar analyzing the impact created by him and its contributions to the Turkish Jewish Community of today.
The past decade the private schools in Istanbul both acknowledged and recognized the importance o... more The past decade the private schools in Istanbul both acknowledged and recognized the importance of a second foreign language for the Turkish youth who is eager to find his/her place in the globalized world. Thus, this study explores the problematique of second foreign language teaching in private primary and high schools in Istanbul. To have a better understanding about the subject researched; the paper focuses on its history as well as the reasons behind this recently initiated programme. As a result of following up the previous foreign language teaching programmes and due to the lack of infrastructure of the second foreign language teaching, there have been some mistakes and deficiencies passed onto the second foreign language teaching from the first one’s methods. For this reason, this paper attempts to search the roots of these deficiencies and tries to propose recommendations for improving the newly initiated second foreign language teaching methods and programmes before the deficiencies take roots in them.
This study aims to show the thematic similarities and parallels that lie between the narratives o... more This study aims to show the thematic similarities and parallels that lie between the narratives of two famous authors of different places, cultures and eras; Miguel Delibes in Five Hours with Mario and Fyodor Dostoyevsky in A Gentle Creature. The study will mainly focus on Five Hours with Mario -for being published more recently- trying to demonstrate the characteristics and features of the theme of the novel as to trace it back and later on to link it to its possible antecedent and source of influence; Dostoyevsky. In the conclusion, the similarities of the two narratives will be analyzed thoroughly according to their thematic aspects as well as the fictional ones as to give the reader a clear comparison of both narratives that are in question.
This study aims to explore the modern Sephardic theater in Istanbul which was gradually developed... more This study aims to explore the modern Sephardic theater in Istanbul which was gradually developed in the mid 18th century containing elements of traditional Ottoman theatre and later on with the decadence of the Ottoman Empire, which gave birth to the Turkish Republic, was subjected to a great change from the 19th century until the 20th under the influence of modernity -as we regard it today- of Europe. The study also attempts to search the roots of the Sephardic people back to the exiled country, as to understand the reflection of their settlement and exile in/from Spain due to Inquisition on their lives, the formation of ladino (or judeoespañol) and the creation of forms of literature focusing on theatre in Istanbul. The study will also try to reflect the 21st century Jewish Community of Istanbul’s theatre in accordance with its history both thematically and its function thus restoring another piece of puzzle to its place.
Talks by rivka bihar waldman
¿Sabías que puedes divertirte enseñando, usando las habilidades de los estudiantes, invitando a l... more ¿Sabías que puedes divertirte enseñando, usando las habilidades de los estudiantes, invitando a los miembros de
sus familias participar en las presentaciones y proyectos abriendo el paso a compartir sus propias
vidas explicando sus experiencias con los demás?
La propuesta de esta presentación es investigar los cambios en la enseñanza de lengua extranjera ... more La propuesta de esta presentación es investigar los cambios en la enseñanza de lengua extranjera en el colegio privado de los judíos en Estambul en su 100º aniversario. Desde su inauguración en 1914 hasta 2014 la comunidad judía – turca ha tenido que adaptarse a los cambios políticos, económicos y sociales de Turquía. En este estudio se intentará mostrar brevemente la cuestión de la lengua materna de esta comunidad vinculándola con la historia de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en dicho colegio. Se tendrá en consideración las regulaciones del Ministerio de Educación, las propias decisiones de la comunidad y las tendencias cambiantes según las necesidades de cada época analizándolo todo a través de datos obtenidos por investigación oral basada en encuestas y entrevistas con los graduados y los padres de graduados y estudiantes vigentes.
In the 19th century between the ongoing colonial wars of Spain and England, a nation was struggli... more In the 19th century between the ongoing colonial wars of Spain and England, a nation was struggling to develop its own national identity. In La Banda Oriental’s struggle to become Uruguay, Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga, a Catholic priest, played a pivotal role. His importance will be analyzed in this paper who became an important figure as one of the founding fathers of Uruguay.
When Larrañaga was sent to meet with Comandante Artigas by the Assembly in 1815 he kept a diary of this difficult journey under the name Diario del Viaje de Montevideo a Paysandú. This diary portrays the economic, social, political, ethnic and spiritual crisis the developing nation was undergoing in this time of challenges and turmoil. Larrañaga not only kept a meticulously detailed journal of his observations on the road but also, as a scientist, kept a detailed record of the flora and fauna throughout the territories he was traveling through. In this research, on one hand we will be analyzing this work under the framework of “Literature and the Journey.” We will also delve into Larrãnaga’s personality as a priest, politician and educator in Uruguay during the Artigas Revolution period after the Age of Illustration and the French Revolution. We shall investigate the effects of these two important events on Latin America in the framework of the separation of Argentina and Uruguay as well as Larrañaga’s perspectives on the matter.
This study aims to analyze the decadence of the ladino literature in Istanbul that took place in ... more This study aims to analyze the decadence of the ladino literature in Istanbul that took place in the 20th century and its final author: Rabi Nisim Behar. In order to understand the decadence and eventual death of this literature in Istanbul, the study will try to analyze the birth of the ladino literature in Istanbul from the 15th century and on, displaying its special characteristics in theme, style and genre. Then, the study will focus on the last literary productions of this literature by Rabi Nisim Behar, the last author in ladino, trying to respond its communities needs facing the changes in social values and traditions of Istanbul Jewry under the new Turkish rule apart from 1920s. In the conclusion part, the study aims to show the values added to the ladino literature by Rabi Nisim Behar as well as the changes that have taken place that led to the transition and eventually to the death of this literature.
Books by rivka bihar waldman
Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler bir zamanlar Anadolu’nun ve Trakya’nın neredeyse her ilinde yaşamış... more Bu kitapta yer alan makaleler bir zamanlar Anadolu’nun ve Trakya’nın neredeyse her ilinde yaşamış olan Türk Yahudi toplumlarından bazılarının hikâyeleridir.
Artık Türkiye’de Yahudi toplumlarına sadece İstanbul’da, İzmir’de, Antakya’da rastlanmakta. Ankara, Edirne, Adana gibi şehirlerde ise sadece birkaç kişi veya birkaç aile mevcut. Bu derlemede yer alan makaleler İzmir, Mardin, Adana, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Antakya, Mersin, Van, Tokat ve İstanbul, Kuzguncuk’taki Yahudi toplumlarının yaşamlarını, anıların eşliğinde anlatmakta. Böylece bu kitap artık çoktan tarihe karışmış olan hayat tarzları, âdetler ve geleneklerden hafızalarda kalmış olan demleri bir araya getirmekte.
Conference Presentations by rivka bihar waldman
Este estudio ofrece un análisis en profundidad y la contextualización de las obras presentadas en... more Este estudio ofrece un análisis en profundidad y la contextualización de las obras presentadas en El libro del convaleciente de Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1939). La producción literaria de Jardiel Poncela tuvo lugar principalmente durante los años veinte, un período que se describe mejor como un mecanismo de respuesta y manejo por parte de las sociedades occidentales a muchos de los problemas asociados con el primer cuarto del siglo XX, como la industrialización masiva y la devastación provocada por la Primera Guerra Mundial. El libro del convaleciente, escrito durante la década de 1920 pero compilado y publicado como un volumen en 1939, puede describirse como una compilación vanguardista, experimental, divertida y entretenida, cuyo público objetivo era veteranos de guerra que se recuperaban en hospitales y sanatorios después de la Primera Guerra Mundial y luego de la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1339). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las técnicas humorísticas de Jardiel Poncela y el humor absurdo que se presenta en las obras recopiladas de El libro del convaleciente del período de entreguerras.
Papers by rivka bihar waldman
Talks by rivka bihar waldman
sus familias participar en las presentaciones y proyectos abriendo el paso a compartir sus propias
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When Larrañaga was sent to meet with Comandante Artigas by the Assembly in 1815 he kept a diary of this difficult journey under the name Diario del Viaje de Montevideo a Paysandú. This diary portrays the economic, social, political, ethnic and spiritual crisis the developing nation was undergoing in this time of challenges and turmoil. Larrañaga not only kept a meticulously detailed journal of his observations on the road but also, as a scientist, kept a detailed record of the flora and fauna throughout the territories he was traveling through. In this research, on one hand we will be analyzing this work under the framework of “Literature and the Journey.” We will also delve into Larrãnaga’s personality as a priest, politician and educator in Uruguay during the Artigas Revolution period after the Age of Illustration and the French Revolution. We shall investigate the effects of these two important events on Latin America in the framework of the separation of Argentina and Uruguay as well as Larrañaga’s perspectives on the matter.
Books by rivka bihar waldman
Artık Türkiye’de Yahudi toplumlarına sadece İstanbul’da, İzmir’de, Antakya’da rastlanmakta. Ankara, Edirne, Adana gibi şehirlerde ise sadece birkaç kişi veya birkaç aile mevcut. Bu derlemede yer alan makaleler İzmir, Mardin, Adana, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Antakya, Mersin, Van, Tokat ve İstanbul, Kuzguncuk’taki Yahudi toplumlarının yaşamlarını, anıların eşliğinde anlatmakta. Böylece bu kitap artık çoktan tarihe karışmış olan hayat tarzları, âdetler ve geleneklerden hafızalarda kalmış olan demleri bir araya getirmekte.
Conference Presentations by rivka bihar waldman
sus familias participar en las presentaciones y proyectos abriendo el paso a compartir sus propias
vidas explicando sus experiencias con los demás?
When Larrañaga was sent to meet with Comandante Artigas by the Assembly in 1815 he kept a diary of this difficult journey under the name Diario del Viaje de Montevideo a Paysandú. This diary portrays the economic, social, political, ethnic and spiritual crisis the developing nation was undergoing in this time of challenges and turmoil. Larrañaga not only kept a meticulously detailed journal of his observations on the road but also, as a scientist, kept a detailed record of the flora and fauna throughout the territories he was traveling through. In this research, on one hand we will be analyzing this work under the framework of “Literature and the Journey.” We will also delve into Larrãnaga’s personality as a priest, politician and educator in Uruguay during the Artigas Revolution period after the Age of Illustration and the French Revolution. We shall investigate the effects of these two important events on Latin America in the framework of the separation of Argentina and Uruguay as well as Larrañaga’s perspectives on the matter.
Artık Türkiye’de Yahudi toplumlarına sadece İstanbul’da, İzmir’de, Antakya’da rastlanmakta. Ankara, Edirne, Adana gibi şehirlerde ise sadece birkaç kişi veya birkaç aile mevcut. Bu derlemede yer alan makaleler İzmir, Mardin, Adana, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Antakya, Mersin, Van, Tokat ve İstanbul, Kuzguncuk’taki Yahudi toplumlarının yaşamlarını, anıların eşliğinde anlatmakta. Böylece bu kitap artık çoktan tarihe karışmış olan hayat tarzları, âdetler ve geleneklerden hafızalarda kalmış olan demleri bir araya getirmekte.