Papers by riska septifani
Kualitas merupakan salah satu jaminan yang diberikan dan harus dipenuhi oleh perusahaan kepada pe... more Kualitas merupakan salah satu jaminan yang diberikan dan harus dipenuhi oleh perusahaan kepada pelanggan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Six Sigma melalui tahap Define, Measure, Analyze dan Improve. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis produk cacat dan rusak pada kemasan kurma salak serta mengetahui sebab dan akibat cacat itu terjadi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 4 CTQ yaitu kemasan sobek, lipatan dobel, kemasan renggang dan kemasan kotor. Dari hasil analisis, nilai DPMO menunjukan angka 119.000 dengan tingkat level sigma 2,68 dan final yield 53,55%. Faktor penyebab tejadi defect kemasan kurma salak antara lain: 1) Manusia, kurang fokus dan teliti, karyawan terburu-buru. 2) Metode, posisi peletakan kurang tepat, prosedur tidak beraturan dan kurang instruksi keja. 3) Lingkungan, pencahayaan Kurang dan lingkungan kurang nyaman. 4) Bahan Baku, pemakaian plastik kurang efisien dan plastik kurang diseleksi. Usulan saran yang diberikan mengantisipasi empat faktor peny...
J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri
This research investigated conditions of mental workload among workers in Indonesian small foodpr... more This research investigated conditions of mental workload among workers in Indonesian small foodproducing business, and how work and workers characteristics might influence the workers’ mental workload. A corn chips business located in an industrial central of corn chips in Malang municipality, Indonesia was the research object, in which its seven workers were involved as participants. NASA-TLX measurement involving six mental workload subscales was deployed to observe the current state of workers mental workload, along with determination of mean WWL value as representation of mental workload level. Measured NASA-TLX subscales varied among tasks and subscales, with indications of exposures of mental workload to the workers. This was indicated by high ratings of Mental Demand, Temporal Demand, Effort, and Frustration subscales which reached 70, 80, 90, and 70, respectively. Mean WWL values were in the range of 46.00 to 70.67, with the highest value observed was on Task 2 with 70.67 an...
Pemasaran ramah lingkungan mulai dikembangkan di berbagai negara seiring dengan semakin meningkat... more Pemasaran ramah lingkungan mulai dikembangkan di berbagai negara seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat mengenai kesehatan lingkungan. Namun di sisi lain, pasar minuman ringan dalam kemasan juga sangat menjanjikan, khususnya di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, produk yang dijadikan objek penelitian yaitu minuman teh dalam kemasan botol kaca ( returnable glass bottling ), dimana produk ini merupakan produk ramah lingkungan karena terbuat dari bahan yang menyehatkan dan mudah terurai (teh). Selain itu, produk ini juga dikemas dengan format yang ramah lingkungan yaitu setelah produk dikonsumsi, botol kaca pengemasnya dapat digunakan kembali untuk mengemas produk baru lagi setelah proses sterilisasi. Dengan konsep ini maka minuman teh dalam kemasan botol kaca tidak mencemari lingkungan. Namun saat ini banyak muncul minuman teh yang dikemas dengan botol PET, dimana botol PET ini cenderung sulit untuk diurai lingkungan. Produsen minuman teh dalam kemasan botol kaca harus...
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
The objective of this study is to describe level of acceptance and customer satisfaction towards ... more The objective of this study is to describe level of acceptance and customer satisfaction towards corn milk produced by ABEC (Agroindustrial Business and Entrepreneurship Center). It utilized the Kano model. The findings showed based on CSC (Customer Satisfaction Coefficient) score that indicated the customer preference, the attributes of the corn milk with the highest CSC was its nutritional value. Its IBT was 0.48 and IWT was-0.58. The nutritional value contained information related to storage instruction, nutritional content, expiration date, producer contact number, halal label, and production permit (P-IRT). The corn milk packaging should convey those information otherwise customer satisfaction level was getting lower.
XYZ termasuk ke dalam perusahaan rintisan (Startup) elektronik atau e-commerce di bagian penyedia... more XYZ termasuk ke dalam perusahaan rintisan (Startup) elektronik atau e-commerce di bagian penyediaan komoditas buah, sayur, dan bahan rumah tangga. Sebelum barang dapat disuplai, maka diperlukan proses penyimpanan (Inventory). Penyimpanan termasuk kedalam biaya dan pemborosan sehingga bersamaan dengan tujuan penelitian ini ialah dilakukan pengkajian manajemen kontrol stok yang baik. Bentuk realisasi yang telah dilakukan diantaranya pembuatan National Fullfillment Center (NFC), proses validasi, cycle count, stock moving, stock opname, repacking, validation, replenishment, reporting aging, breakage, perhitungan buffer stock dan empty check. Strategi ini juga sangat penting diterapkan karena sebagian produk yang disimpan dan dijual merupakan produk rentan mengalami kerusakan (perishable) dan memiliki umur simpan yang realtif singkat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ABC Analysis dan First in First Out (FIFO) sedangkan prosedur penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi secara lan...
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri adalah jurnal yang terfokus, namun tidak t... more Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri adalah jurnal yang terfokus, namun tidak terbatas, pada bidang teknologi dan manajemen industri pertanian, teknologi pertanian, keteknikan pertanian, dan teknologi pangan, diterbitkan oleh
Abstrak Alih fungsi lahan dari lahan pertanian menjadi lahan permukiman menyebabkan perubuhan jum... more Abstrak Alih fungsi lahan dari lahan pertanian menjadi lahan permukiman menyebabkan perubuhan jumlah saluran drainase, demensi saluran drainase, berkurangnya lahan resapan, perubahan tata guna lahan dan meningkatnya aliran air permukaan. Demikian pula yang terjadi di daerah permukiman Sawojajar Malang yang mempunya luas 283 ha. Permukiman Sawojajar mempunyai 23 saluran drainase setelah alih fungsi lahan. Menggunakan perangkat lunak EP SWMM 51 untuk membuat pemodelan kinerja kapasitas drainase dan persamaan matematika. Hasil pemodelan didapatkan bahwa dari 23 saluran drainase yang ada maka 10 diantaranya tidak dapat menampung air hujan dengan kata lain mengalami banjir pada musim penghujan. Sepuluh saluran yang tidak dapat menampung tersebut adalah C1, C3, C4, C9, C11, C12, C13, C16, C17 dan C18 sehingga perlu dilakukan perencanaan ulang demensi supaya tidak terjadi banjir. Perencanaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan kala ulang 10 tahun. Hasil perhitungan di dapatkan Q sebesar 30,14 m 3...
Jurnal Teknik Industri, 2020
Employee performance assessment is an essential aspect of a company. This study aims to assess em... more Employee performance assessment is an essential aspect of a company. This study aims to assess employee performance based on Analytical Network Process (ANP) and rating scale. ANP was employed to determine the importance of the criteria. Meanwhile, the rating scale was used to analyze the results of the employee performance assessment. The results of the study showed the weights of the criteria. The highest to lowest weights in sequence included the skills to carry out tasks, job performance, ability to cooperate, employment relationship, and personality. Based on the assessment of fifty-three employees of HRD and Corporate Secretary and General Counsel Department, one employee showed outstanding performance, four employees exemplified high performance, forty-five employees met the standard performance, and three employees had low performance.
Reverse logistics is process of controlling the flow of raw materials, finished products and rela... more Reverse logistics is process of controlling the flow of raw materials, finished products and related information of the consumption activities to capture the value of product returns. PT Sinar Sosro Mojokerto Factory Office applies reverse logistics by producing tea-based beverages in returnable glass bottling (RGB). The research objectives was to determine the weight of each variable to assess performance of the Production Department in implementing reverse logistics with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), to assess performance or efficiency of production processes for each product types with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and made projections for the improvement of inefficiency production by using the input-oriented CCR projection. The method used was incorporation of AHP and DEA in production of six types of RGB products ( Teh Botol Sosro, Joy Tea, Tebs, S-tee, Fruit Tea Apple and Fruit Tea Black Currant ) for 20 months (January 2010-August 2011). Variables for assessment are i...
Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 2021
Halal food demand rises in line with the increasing Muslim population. Sanan Industrial Center in... more Halal food demand rises in line with the increasing Muslim population. Sanan Industrial Center in Malang City produces tempe chips, both halal- certified and not halal-certified. Generally, the purchase of a product is influenced by the halal logo and its quality. The research objective was to determine halal logo existence and tempe chips' quality on purchasing decisions and provide alternative improvements. The research used the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results showed that the existence of the halal logo and product quality affected the purchase decision of both halal-certified and not halal-certified tempe chips. The most influencing variables on halal-certified tempe chips' purchase decision were conformance, aesthetics, halal logo, and performance. The order of the most influencing variables on purchasing decisions for tempe chips products that were not certified halal was conformance, performance, and the existence of a halal logo. Tempe chips business ne...
PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan besar yang bergerak dibidang produksi Mon... more PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan besar yang bergerak dibidang produksi Monosodium Glutamat (MSG). MSG digunakan sebagai penyedap masakan sehingga mempunyai cita rasa dan aroma yang kuat.Pada proses produksi kemungkinan adanya risiko bahaya yang tidak dapat diterima. Bahaya disini adalah segala macam aspek mata rantai produksi pangan yang tidak dapat diterima karena merupakan penyebab masalah keamanan pangan. (Sudarmaji, 2005). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi penerapan (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)HACCP pada proses produksi Monosodium Glutamat (MSG).langkah-langkah penerapan HACCP secara sistematis dalam 12 langkah, yang terdiri dari lima langkah awal persiapan dan diikuti dengan tujuh langkah berikutnya yang merupakan tujuh prinsip HACCP. Analisis data terdapat bahaya pada proses produksi serta tingkat keparahan. Setelah dilakukan identifikasi menggunakan pohon keputusan terdapat 2 Critical Control Point pada proses produksi MSGyaitu ster...
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 2021
A green supply chain is a concept that integrates environmental aspects in the supply chain syste... more A green supply chain is a concept that integrates environmental aspects in the supply chain system. This study aims to identify the value chain stages affecting the environment and to determine the level of economic impact on the jackfruit chips value chain at CV XYZ. This research used Value Chain Operations Reference (VCOR) method to analyze value chain activities. Carbon emissions and total costs were calculated at the build, acquire, and fulfill stages from suppliers and enterprises. The analysis results showed that the highest environmental impact was at the build stage which produces carbon emissions of 133,314.8 kg CO2. The frying process contributed the highest carbon emission, which was 117,600 kg CO2. CV XYZ was in the intolerable region condition in the Global Impact matrix. The resulting carbon footprint is 16.84 kg CO2/kg with a unit cost of 0.32 €/kg. The recommendation strategy was substituting firewood with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to lower carbon emissions by u...
The annual research report, 2017
Susu kedelai merupakan salah satu produk olahan dari kacang kedelai yang memiliki multi fungsi un... more Susu kedelai merupakan salah satu produk olahan dari kacang kedelai yang memiliki multi fungsi untuk kesehatan tubuh sehingga aman dikonsumsi untuk minuman sehari-hari. Di Kota Wisata terdapat 4 unit usaha produksi susu sari kedelai, dan 2 diantaranya di Desa Pesanggrahan, kecamatan Batu. UKM “Mandiri” dan “Bu Patmi” merupakan produsen susu sari kedelai dengan kapasitas 200-300 bungkus per hari dengan sistem produksi secara manual mulai dari proses penggilingan sampai pengemasan. Saat ini permasalahan yang dihadapi UMKM adalah keterbatasan kapasitas produksi akibat rendahnya adopsi teknologi dan efisiensi produksi dengan fasilitas produksi yang masih manual sehingga kualitas dan kuantitas produk tidak bisa maksimal. Diharapkan dengan adanya alih teknologi proses produksi akan bisa meningkatkan kinerja dan kualitas produksi susu sari kedelai. Fasilitasi alih teknologi untuk proses minuman susu sari kedelai ini berupa Mesin Produksi Susu Kedelai (Penggiling sekaligus Pemeras), Pengema...
Agrointek : Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2021
Malang is one of the halal tourism destinations in Indonesia. Halal certification of superior foo... more Malang is one of the halal tourism destinations in Indonesia. Halal certification of superior food souvenirs such as tempeh chips is important to support halal tourism. In fact, the small business of halal certified chips is still limited. This study aimed to identify variables that affect the tempeh crispy small business submission for halal certification. The study used the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. Data was obtained from a questionnaire of 40 respondents consisting of 20 tempeh chips not halal certified and 20 businesses that were halal certified. Research variables include producer awareness, halal certification procedures, halal certification costs, halal certification regulations, and consumer demand. The results showed that the variable halal certification regulations and consumer demand significantly influence the submission of halal certification. Awareness and knowledge of producers of the procedures, costs, and benefits of halal certification can be increased in ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Tofu has been consumed and favored by most Asians. Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics states... more Tofu has been consumed and favored by most Asians. Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics states that the average consumption of tofu in 2017 was about 0,15 kg/person/week. On the other hand, the higher level of tofu production, the level of waste contamination, is also higher. Therefore, cleaner production is one of the practical approaches to reduce tofu industry waste. This research aims to analyze the stages of tofu production in small scale enterprises which have the greatest volume of liquid waste, assess parameters that exceed the quality standard and determine the alternative of cleaner production strategies for tofu production. This research analyzed mass balance, Activity Relationship Chart, Activity Relationship Diagram, wastewater characteristics test, and alternative selection of cleaner production strategy with the pairwise comparison. This research found out that the stages that produced the most liquid waste were the treatment and waste disposal process. The highest...
Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization, 2019
Chocolate is a base product made from cacao-bean and cacaofat. Chocolate industry in Indonesia ha... more Chocolate is a base product made from cacao-bean and cacaofat. Chocolate industry in Indonesia has much improved. Indonesia has many cacao producer that produce many kinds of chocolate-based products, whether in industrial or homeindustry scale. One of the chocolate-based product is Kampung Coklat Blitar. There are several chocolate-based products produced by Kampung Coklat Blitar. The aim of this research is about to find out all of the attributes that should be improved towards chocolate-based products in Kampung Coklat Blitar, using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method. The data was collected from 120 respondents, who were customers of Kampung Coklat Blitar. 16 attributes were analyzed in this research. Calculation result using IPA method showed that attributes categorized into quadrant I (concentrate here) or main priority for improvement are size and volume, and also price. Attributes that are categorized into quadrant II (keep up the good work) or attributes that need to be maintained are taste, condition of raw material, expiration date information, and product durability. Attributes that are categorized into quadrant III (low priority) or second priority for improvement are nutrition facts, form, convenience to complaint, advertisement and promotion, product packaging, brand popularity, and product information. Lastly, attributes that are categorized into quadrant IV are variation, benefit, and content of preservative. Calculation result using CSI method showed that the CSI value or consumer satisfaction level is 75%. This value is in the range of 0,66-0,80, which means that consumers are satisfied with chocolatebased products produced by Kampung Coklat Blitar.
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 2018
Seluruh proses produksi pada UKM Sofia melibatkan kinerja manual manusia sehingga memiliki risiko... more Seluruh proses produksi pada UKM Sofia melibatkan kinerja manual manusia sehingga memiliki risiko cidera kerja tinggi. Tingkat beban kerja fisik yang dialami pekerja belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan tingkat beban kerja fisik pekerja pada UKM Sofia. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengukuran faktor fisiologis pekerja berupa denyut jantung (%HRR) dan konsumsi oksigen. Selain itu pengamatan terhadap suhu tubuh pekerja juga dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh kegiatan bekerja pekerja terhadap suhu tubuh. Denyut jantung pekerja diukur menggunakan finger pulse oxymeter dan suhu tubuh diukur menggunakan termometer telinga, dilakukan sebelum, selama, dan sesudah pekerja bekerja. Tujuh pekerja pada UKM Sofia dijadikan objek penelitian untuk mengukur beban kerja tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat beban kerja fisik berdasarkan nilai %HRR dan konsumsi oksigen (liter/menit) adalah perebusan 23% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,9 (berat), pencucian 1 31% (perlu perbaikan) 1,1 (berat), pencucian 2 31% (perlu perbaikan) 1,1 (berat), pengukusan 21% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 1,1 (berat), pendinginan 10% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 1,1 (berat), pemipihan dan penjemuran 15% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,9 (sedang), pengayakan 9% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,8 (sedang), dan penggorengan 16% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,9 (sedang). Perbaikan sebaiknya dilakukan pada proses pencucian 1 dan 2 dikarenakan memiliki tingkat beban kerja fisik tertinggi. Kata kunci: beban kerja fisik, kelelahan kerja, konsumsi oksigen, perbaikan kerja, %HRR
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
UD. Gudang Tahu Takwa (GTT) is one of tofu Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In Kediri, there ... more UD. Gudang Tahu Takwa (GTT) is one of tofu Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In Kediri, there are many tofu SMEs, each of them competes to survive in the market by improving and increasing productivity. The purposes of this study were to determine the most influenced factors towards productivity level and to determine the best wastewater treatment alternatives to be applied. An approach to improve productivity while lowering environmental impacts is known as Green Productivity (GP). The GP approach can be applied by using several tools such as mass balance, causal diagram, Environmental Performance Indicator (EPI), and Net Present Value (NPV). The results show the lowest productivity was washing process with the value of 17%. The EPI index total was-3.94 indicating that the environmental performance was still under the quality standard. The findings further suggested two alternatives to be implemented to improve productivity level, include replacement of suppliers and procurement of filtration equipment. The most influenced factor on productivity level was the volume of wastewater generated. Therefore, the second alternative was selected, due to its implementation could increase the productivity level of washing process by 79%, increase the EPI index to-3,00 and reduce the NPV value to IDR 1,582,204. The suggestion from this research is that UD GTT should buy the filtering equipment, and then applied it to treating the wastewater.
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 2019
The problems of SMEs' tofu stick are difficulty to fulfil raw materials requirement if demand was... more The problems of SMEs' tofu stick are difficulty to fulfil raw materials requirement if demand was increasing rapidly, and performance has not been maximal yet, followed by high competitiveness. Models in supply chain had not been structured in relation to performance and competitiveness, so systematic model development was necessary to be implemented. This study aimed to improve a model for analysis linkage performance, institution of supply chain and competitiveness of SMEs. The method of analysis used was partial least squared with institutional supply chain, the SMEs performance and competitiveness. The model indicated that the institutional supply chain had a positive and significant impact on the performance and the competitiveness of SMEs, as supported by trust and skilled manpower. However, the SMEs' performance did not significantly affect the competitiveness. Managerial implication in this research is SMEs' need to enforce synergism of institutional supply chain and performance to maximise the goals of business.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Every supply chain activity is always related to risk. Indonesia is an agricultural country as we... more Every supply chain activity is always related to risk. Indonesia is an agricultural country as well as a rice seed producer. In rice seed supply chain activities, there are still some problems, namely the unstable amount of consumer demand, product competition, and delays in receiving raw materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the priority level of risk in the rice seed supply chain, and also determine alternative of risk mitigation strategies. The method used was Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This study used an expert survey with 4 respondents consisting of 2 people from the manufacture level (manager and assistant production manager) and 2 people from farmer level (as supplier). There were 14 risks identified from the manufacture level and from the farmer level. Based on the results of calculations with the fuzzy FMEA method, the manufacture level obtained the highest risk result, namely the risk of competition in rice seed products with a Fuzzy Risk Priority Number (FRPN) with value of 7.019. For farmer level, the highest risk was the high competition with other farmers with FRPN 7.812. 80% of critical risks from manufacturing and farmer level were analyzed using fuzzy AHP to determine priority of risk mitigation strategies. Alternative strategies for manufacture level were production planning and inventory control and machine maintenance. Alternative strategies for farmer level were improving information access, maintain quality, and production planning and inventory control.
Papers by riska septifani