Papers by rishi srivastava

Environment and Ecology Research
The life cycle installation process for wastewater treatment is the advanced treatment assessment... more The life cycle installation process for wastewater treatment is the advanced treatment assessment measure for the wastewater treatment and reuse of water resources. Utilizing the methods and concepts of "Life Cycle Assessment" for wastewater treatment and reuse of water is carried out using LCA software like Umberto, SimaPro, Gabi, etc based on the infirmity of calculations of "Life Cycle Inventory Data". LCA method helps in analyzing the various emissions and impacts of the "wastewater treatment plant" (or WWTP). A secondary data analysis study is designed on the basis of various data and information collected from 15 research papers with applicable and defined sources on wastewater treatment plants in India and LCA method. The data analysis configured the positive impact of the researched categories. LCA data analysis provided the idea that positive effects tend to override the negative impacts of recycling wastewater treatment process. The assessed categories for LCA data analysis are "global warming potential", "eco-toxicity potential", "fossil depletion potential" "particulate matter formation" and so on, which are highlighted in this project. The negative impacts can be associated with the effects of untreated sewage and compost produced by the "wastewater treatment process". The project analyses and evaluates the various aspects of the "life cycle assessment" application in the "wastewater treatment plants" in the Indian subcontinent. This is done particularly in the Madurai city, of the Indian subcontinent. The LCA assessment highlights the environmental impact of the water purification processes adopted in the mentioned waterplant. The ecological impact is measured on various scales like "ecological toxicity", "marine toxicity", "freshwater Eutrophication" etc. Similarly, the assessment highlights the impacts on the resources like fossil fuels, and most importantly on the human health. In addition, the project also highlights the various mitigation measures and techniques to increase the ecological efficiency of the wastewater processes.
Colon Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy Vol. 3, 2022
Chapter 4-Radiation response of HNSCC using early markers of apoptosis and proliferation, utilisi... more Chapter 4-Radiation response of HNSCC using early markers of apoptosis and proliferation, utilising a microfluidic approach 4.

Objectives: To report changes in adult hospital admission rates for acute ENT infections followin... more Objectives: To report changes in adult hospital admission rates for acute ENT infections following the introduction of Covid-19-related physical interventions such as hand washing, use of face mask and social distancing of 2-metres in the United Kingdom. Design: Retrospective cohort study comparing a one-year period after the introduction of Covid-related physical interventions (2020-21) with a one-year period before this (2019-20). Settings: 3 UK secondary care ENT departments Participants: Adult patients admitted with acute tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, epiglottitis, glandular fever, peri-orbital cellulitis, acute otitis media, acute mastoiditis, retropharyngeal abscess and parapharyngeal abscess. Main outcome measures: Number of adult hospital admissions Results: In total there were significantly fewer admissions for ENT infections (n=1073, 57.56%, p<0.001; RR 2.36, 95% CI [2.17, 2.56]) in the 2020-2021 period than in the 2019-2020 period. There were significant reductio...

Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 2020
Objectives: Otosclerosis is a disease process that usually starts around the oval window, causing... more Objectives: Otosclerosis is a disease process that usually starts around the oval window, causing fixation of the stapes, resulting in conductive hearing loss. Treatment of the conductive hearing loss caused by otosclerosis consists of either rehabilitation with hearing aids or performing surgery. Given the risks of hearing impairment and vertigo associated with the surgery, there has been a desire to advance the practice to minimize the complications. The so-called “non-contact” or “no touch” techniques with the use of various lasers are in current practice. This review article will cover the surgical aspects, the theory behind laser and the various types used in stapes surgery. It will also review the evidence of laser versus conventional stapes surgery and the comparison of different laser types. Methods: A literature search up to December 2019 was performed using Pubmed and a nonsystematic review of appropriate articles was undertaken. Keywords used were stapes, surgery, laser, ...

International Journal of Anatomy and Research, 2020
The middle turbinate may be pneumatized and ballooned up. This is called a concha bullosa. The co... more The middle turbinate may be pneumatized and ballooned up. This is called a concha bullosa. The concha bullosa may show isolated involvement with the disease process. It may compromise ventilation and drainage of secretions to produce chronic infections of the paranasal sinuses. This study aimed at determining the prevalence of concha bullosa in the adult Eastern Indian Population. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study being conducted on 150 patients who presented to the Department of Radiodiagnosis, Bangur Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata. Their CT scans were analysed for the presence of Concha Bullosa. The results were analysed as percentage and 'p' value was calculated using Fischer's Exact Test. Results: Presence of Concha Bullosa was observed in 48 cases i.e. 32% in the present study, out of which 21 (14%) were present in males and 27 (18%) in females. 'p' value in this case was 0.162 on applying Fisher's Exact test. Conclusion: Anatomical variations of the paranasal sinus region like concha bullosa are quite common and they must be searched for by the surgeons before planning any endoscopic sinus surgery. This study attempted to provide the prevalence of the Concha Bullosa which will definitely help the FESS surgery and its outcomes.
BMJ, 2012
The Glasgow Royal Infirmary otology and audiology course is an annual four day programme run by P... more The Glasgow Royal Infirmary otology and audiology course is an annual four day programme run by Professor George Browning at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Yorkhill. The aim of the course is to improve the management of patients with otological symptoms. When this course first started, it was aimed at ear, nose, and throat (ENT) clinicians at consultant level. This course is now in its 27th year and participants are mainly ENT registrars or middle grade doctors and audiologists at various stages in their careers who want to improve and refresh their knowledge and clinical skills. There are 20 places available on the course, with tuition divided into four groups of five participants. The course is usually …

Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2019
Key message A combinatorial genomic strategy delineated functionally relevant natural allele of a... more Key message A combinatorial genomic strategy delineated functionally relevant natural allele of a CLAVATA gene and its marker (haplotype)-assisted introgression led to development of the early-flowering chickpea cultivars with high flower number and enhanced yield/productivity. Abstract Unraveling the genetic components involved in CLAVATA (CLV) signaling is crucial for modulating important shoot apical meristem (SAM) characteristics and ultimately regulating diverse SAM-regulated agromorphological traits in crop plants. A genome-wide scan identified 142 CLV1-, 28 CLV2-and 6 CLV3-like genes, and their comprehensive genomic constitution and phylogenetic relationships were deciphered in chickpea. The QTL/fine mapping and map-based cloning integrated with high-resolution association analysis identified SNP loci from CaCLV3_01 gene within a major CaqDTF1.1/ CaqFN1.1 QTL associated with DTF (days to 50% flowering) and FN (flower number) traits in chickpea, which was further ascertained by quantitative expression profiling. Molecular haplotyping of CaCLV3_01 gene, expressed specifically in SAM, constituted two major haplotypes that differentiated the early-DTF and high-FN chickpea accessions from late-DTF and low-FN. Enhanced accumulation of transcripts of superior CaCLV3_01 gene haplotype and known flowering promoting genes was observed in the corresponding haplotype-introgressed early-DTF and high-FN near-isogenic lines (NILs) with narrow SAM width. The superior haplotype-introgressed NILs exhibited early-flowering, high-FN and enhanced seed yield/ productivity without compromising agronomic performance. These delineated molecular signatures can regulate DTF and FN traits through SAM proliferation and differentiation and thereby will be useful for translational genomic study to develop early-flowering cultivars with enhanced yield/productivity. Communicated by Heiko C. Becker.

Scientific Reports, 2018
We discovered 2150 desi and 2199 kabuli accessions-derived SNPs by cultivar-wise individual assem... more We discovered 2150 desi and 2199 kabuli accessions-derived SNPs by cultivar-wise individual assembling of sequence-reads generated through genotyping-by-sequencing of 92 chickpea accessions. Subsequent large-scale validation and genotyping of these SNPs discovered 619 desi accessions-derived (DAD) SNPs, 531 kabuli accessions-derived (KAD) SNPs, 884 multiple accessions-derived (MAD) SNPs and 1083 two accessions (desi ICC 4958 and kabuli CDC Frontier)-derived (TAD) SNPs that were mapped on eight chromosomes. These informative SNPs were annotated in coding/non-coding regulatory sequence components of genes. The MAD-SNPs were efficient to detect high intra-specific polymorphic potential and wide natural allelic diversity level including high-resolution admixed-population genetic structure and precise phylogenetic relationship among 291 desi and kabuli accessions. This signifies their effectiveness in introgression breeding and varietal improvement studies targeting useful agronomic trai...

Plant Physiology, 2019
The identification of functionally relevant molecular tags is vital for genomics-assisted crop im... more The identification of functionally relevant molecular tags is vital for genomics-assisted crop improvement and enhancement of seed yield, quality, and productivity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). The simultaneous improvement of yield/productivity as well as quality traits often requires pyramiding of multiple genes, which remains a major hurdle given various associated epistatic and pleotropic effects. Unfortunately, no single gene that can improve yield/productivity along with quality and other desirable agromorphological traits is known, hampering the genetic enhancement of chickpea. Using a combinatorial genomics-assisted breeding and functional genomics strategy, this study identified natural alleles and haplotypes of an ABCC3-type transporter gene that regulates seed weight, an important domestication trait, by transcriptional regulation and modulation of the transport of glutathione conjugates in seeds of desi and kabuli chickpea. The superior allele/haplotype of this gene introgressed in desi and kabuli near-isogenic lines enhances the seed weight, yield, productivity, and multiple desirable plant architecture and seedquality traits without compromising agronomic performance. These salient findings can expedite crop improvement endeavors and the development of nutritionally enriched high-yielding cultivars in chickpea.

Functional & integrative genomics, Jan 9, 2017
A combinatorial genomics-assisted breeding strategy encompassing association analysis, genetic ma... more A combinatorial genomics-assisted breeding strategy encompassing association analysis, genetic mapping and expression profiling is found most promising for quantitative dissection of complex traits in crop plants. The present study employed GWAS (genome-wide association study) using 24,405 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) obtained with genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) of 92 sequenced desi and kabuli accessions of chickpea. This identified eight significant genomic loci associated with erect (E)/semi-erect (SE) vs. spreading (S)/semi-spreading (SS)/prostrate (P) plant growth habit (PGH) trait differentiation regardless of diverse desi and kabuli genetic backgrounds of chickpea. These associated SNPs in combination explained 23.8% phenotypic variation for PGH in chickpea. Five PGH-associated genes were validated successfully in E/SE and SS/S/P PGH-bearing parental accessions and homozygous individuals of three intra- and interspecific RIL (recombinant inbred line) mapping populati...

Frontiers in plant science, 2017
Identification of functionally relevant potential genomic loci using an economical, simpler and u... more Identification of functionally relevant potential genomic loci using an economical, simpler and user-friendly genomics-assisted breeding strategy is vital for rapid genetic dissection of complex flowering time quantitative trait in chickpea. A high-throughput multiple QTL-seq strategy was employed in two inter (Cicer arietinum desi accession ICC 4958 × C reticulatum wild accession ICC 17160)- and intra (ICC 4958 × C. arietinum kabuli accession ICC 8261)-specific RIL mapping populations to identify the major QTL genomic regions governing flowering time in chickpea. The whole genome resequencing discovered 1635117 and 592486 SNPs exhibiting differentiation between early- and late-flowering mapping parents and bulks, constituted by pooling the homozygous individuals of extreme flowering time phenotypic trait from each of two aforesaid RIL populations. The multiple QTL-seq analysis using these mined SNPs in two RIL mapping populations narrowed-down two longer (907.1 kb and 1.99 Mb) majo...

Frontiers in plant science, 2017
Molecular mapping studies which aim to identify genetic basis of diverse agronomic traits are vit... more Molecular mapping studies which aim to identify genetic basis of diverse agronomic traits are vital for marker-assisted crop improvement. Numerous Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) mapped in rice span long genomic intervals with hundreds to thousands of genes, which limits their utilization for marker-assisted genetic enhancement of rice. Although potent, fine mapping of QTLs is challenging task as it requires screening of large number of segregants to identify suitable recombination events. Association mapping offers much higher resolution as compared to QTL mapping, but detects considerable number of spurious QTLs. Therefore, combined use of QTL and association mapping strategies can provide advantages associated with both these methods. In the current study, we utilized meta-analysis approach to identify metaQTLs associated with grain size/weight in diverse Indian indica and aromatic rice accessions. Subsequently, attempt has been made to narrow-down identified grain size/weight met...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2016

Scientific Reports, 2016
The RNA-sequencing followed by de-novo transcriptome assembly identified 11621 genes differential... more The RNA-sequencing followed by de-novo transcriptome assembly identified 11621 genes differentially xpressed in roots vs. shoots of a wild perennial Cicer microphyllum. Comparative analysis of transcriptomes between microphyllum and cultivated desi cv. ICC4958 detected 12772 including 3242 root- and 1639 shoot-specific microphyllum genes with 85% expression validation success rate. Transcriptional reprogramming of microphyllum root-specific genes implicates their possible role in regulating differential natural adaptive characteristics between wild and cultivated chickpea. The transcript-derived 5698 including 282 in-silico polymorphic SSR and 127038 SNP markers annotated at a genome-wide scale exhibited high amplification and polymorphic potential among cultivated (desi and kabuli) and wild accessions suggesting their utility in chickpea genomics-assisted breeding applications. The functional significance of markers was assessed based on their localization in non-synonymous coding ...

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016
Development and use of genome-wide informative simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and novel int... more Development and use of genome-wide informative simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and novel integrated genomic strategies are vital to drive genomics-assisted breeding applications and for efficient dissection of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying complex traits in rice. The present study developed 6244 genome-wide informative SSR markers exhibiting in silico fragment length polymorphism based on repeat-unit variations among genomic sequences of 11 indica, japonica, aus, and wild rice accessions. These markers were mapped on diverse coding and noncoding sequence components of known cloned/candidate genes annotated from 12 chromosomes and revealed a much higher amplification (97%) and polymorphic potential (88%) along with wider genetic/functional diversity level (16-74% with a mean 53%) especially among accessions belonging to indica cultivar group, suggesting their utility in large-scale genomics-assisted breeding applications in rice. A high-density 3791 SSR markers-anchored genetic linkage map (IR 64 × Sonasal) spanning 2060 cM total map-length with an average inter-marker distance of 0.54 cM was generated. This reference genetic map identified six major genomic regions harboring robust QTLs (31% combined phenotypic variation explained with a 5.7-8.7 LOD) governing grain weight on six rice chromosomes. One strong grain weight major QTL region (OsqGW5.1) was narrowed-down by integrating traditional QTL mapping with highresolution QTL region-specific integrated SSR and single nucleotide polymorphism markers-based QTL-seq analysis and differential expression profiling. This led us to delineate two natural allelic variants in two known cis-regulatory elements (RAV1AAT and CARGCW8GAT) of glycosyl hydrolase and serine carboxypeptidase genes exhibiting pronounced seed-specific differential regulation in low (Sonasal) and high (IR 64) grain weight mapping parental accessions. Our genome-wide SSR marker resource (polymorphic within/between diverse cultivar groups) and integrated genomic strategy can efficiently scan functionally relevant potential molecular tags (markers, candidate genes and alleles) regulating complex agronomic traits (grain weight) and expedite marker-assisted genetic enhancement in rice.
Plant Science, 2016
The author has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in... more The author has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate. The author has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate.

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016
The large-scale mining and high-throughput genotyping of novel gene-based allelic variants in nat... more The large-scale mining and high-throughput genotyping of novel gene-based allelic variants in natural mapping population are essential for association mapping to identify functionally relevant molecular tags governing useful agronomic traits in chickpea. The present study employs an alternative time-saving, non-laborious and economical pool-based EcoTILLING approach coupled with agarose gel detection assay to discover 1133 novel SNP allelic variants from diverse coding and regulatory sequence components of 1133 transcription factor (TF) genes by genotyping in 192 diverse desi and kabuli chickpea accessions constituting a seed weight association panel. Integrating these SNP genotyping data with seed weight field phenotypic information of 192 structured association panel identified eight SNP alleles in the eight TF genes regulating seed weight of chickpea. The associated individual and combination of all SNPs explained 10-15 and 31% phenotypic variation for seed weight, respectively. The EcoTILLING-based large-scale allele mining and genotyping strategy implemented for association mapping is found much effective for a diploid genome crop species like chickpea with narrow genetic base and low genetic polymorphism. This optimized approach thus can be deployed for various genomics-assisted breeding applications with optimal expense of resources in domesticated chickpea. The seed weight-associated natural allelic variants and candidate TF genes delineated have potential to accelerate marker-assisted genetic improvement of chickpea.

DNA Research, 2015
The present study used a whole-genome, NGS resequencing-based mQTL-seq (multiple QTL-seq) strateg... more The present study used a whole-genome, NGS resequencing-based mQTL-seq (multiple QTL-seq) strategy in two inter-specific mapping populations (Pusa 1103 × ILWC 46 and Pusa 256 × ILWC 46) to scan the major genomic region(s) underlying QTL(s) governing pod number trait in chickpea. Essentially, the whole-genome resequencing of low and high pod number-containing parental accessions and homozygous individuals (constituting bulks) from each of these two mapping populations discovered >8 million high-quality homozygous SNPs with respect to the reference kabuli chickpea. The functional significance of the physically mapped SNPs was apparent from the identified 2,264 non-synonymous and 23,550 regulatory SNPs, with 8-10% of these SNPs-carrying genes corresponding to transcription factors and disease resistance-related proteins. The utilization of these mined SNPs in Δ (SNP index)-led QTL-seq analysis and their correlation between two mapping populations based on mQTL-seq, narrowed down two (Caq a PN4.1: 867.8 kb and Caq a PN4.2: 1.8 Mb) major genomic regions harbouring robust pod number QTLs into the high-resolution short QTL intervals (Caq b PN4.1: 637.5 kb and Caq b PN4.2: 1.28 Mb) on chickpea chromosome 4. The integration of mQTL-seq-derived one novel robust QTL with QTL region-specific association analysis delineated the regulatory (C/T) and coding (C/A) SNPs-containing one pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) gene at a major QTL region regulating pod number in chickpea. This target gene exhibited anther, mature pollen and pod-specific expression, including pronounced higher up-regulated (∼3.5-folds) transcript expression in high pod number-containing parental accessions and homozygous individuals of two mapping populations especially during pollen and pod development. The proposed mQTLseq-driven combinatorial strategy has profound efficacy in rapid genome-wide scanning of potential candidate gene(s) underlying trait-associated high-resolution robust QTL(s), thereby expediting genomics-assisted breeding and genetic enhancement of crop plants, including chickpea.
Papers by rishi srivastava