Papers by richard achiambo
International Journal of Business Management and Finance, May 30, 2019
Despite having staff training policies and human resource policy and procedure manual to guide an... more Despite having staff training policies and human resource policy and procedure manual to guide and govern talent attraction, talent development and talent retention, County governments in Kenya are still having challenges related to employee performance, which negatively affects the achievement of its goals and objectives. This study therefore sought to examine the effect of talent management strategies on performance of the county government of Busia. The study specifically sought to examine the effect of talent attraction, talent development and talent retention on the performance of the county government of Busia. Explanatory research design was adopted in this study and the target population comprised of 38 chief officers and directors in Busia County. The study used a census approach and hence included all the staff working in 38 chief officers and directors in Busia County The study used primary data, which was collected by use of a structured questionnaire. Quantitative data was analyzed by use both descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 25). Descriptive statistics include frequency distribution, percentages, measures of central tendencies (mean) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation). This was then followed by inferential statistics such as correlation analysis and regression analysis. The study found that talent attraction has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the County government of Busia. In addition, the study established that talent development has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the County government of Busia. Further, the study found that talent retention has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the County government of Busia. The study recommends that the county government should focus on identification of talent, competency mapping and recruitment process so as to improve the performance of the County government. In addition, the County government of Busia should start offering partially funded or fully funded scholarship programs coming with monthly allowances for staff who are doing well. More emphasis should also be placed on mentoring and coaching programs so as to improve the competence and skills of the employees. Also, the study recommends that County government should focus on competitive remuneration, job promotion and employee recognition so as to improve the performance of the County government. Moreover, the County governments should improve on job recognition and start providing certificates of merit to staff who are performing well.
The promulgation of the new constitution (2010) in Kenya came with numerous challenges, some of w... more The promulgation of the new constitution (2010) in Kenya came with numerous challenges, some of which include change in the healthcare sector governance, change in structures, change in funding and financing of service delivery, adoption of information systems among others. Throughout the country the implementations of these changes have been facing various challenges some of which include striking of nurses and doctors. This study therefore sought to investigate the factors affecting change management in public hospitals in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to analyze the effects of organization culture, organization structure, strategic leadership and resource allocation on change management in in Busia County Referral Hospital. This study made use of a descriptive research design. The target population of this study was all the 156 staff working in Busia County Referral Hospital Slovin's Formula was used in the determination of the sample size. The study used stratified random sampling to select the sample size from the target population. The sample size was therefore 112 staff working in Busia County Referral Hospital. This study made use of primary data, which was collected by use of semi-structured questionnaires. Data collected was both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data was analysed using content analysis through coding the responses to be grouped into various categories. Quantitative data was analysed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics through the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22. Descriptive statistics was given using percentages, mean and standard deviation while inferential statistics was carried out using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Research findings were presented using tables, chart and figures. The study found that organizational culture had an inverse and significant effect on change management in Busia County Referral Hospital (β 1 =-0.310, p-value=0.006). The study also found that organizational structure had a positive and significant effect on change management in Busia County Referral Hospital (β 2 =0.296, p-value=0.004). In addition, the study found that strategic leadership had a positive and significant effect on change management in Busia County Referral Hospital (β 1 =0.271, p-value=0.012). Further, the study found that resource allocation had a positive and significant effect on change management in Busia County Referral Hospital (β 1 =0.374, p-value=0.000). The study concludes that resource allocation has the most significant effect on change management, followed by organizational culture, organizational structure and strategic leadership. The study recommends that the management of the health facility should adopt change management strategies such as employee involvement, effective communication and training to reduce resistance to change. In addition, the management of the hospital should make changes in the span of control and chain of command so as to reduce bureaucracies.
Strategy implementation has been considered as one of the most problematic and complicated areas ... more Strategy implementation has been considered as one of the most problematic and complicated areas in strategic management. While the formulation of a strategy may be considered hard, its implementation is even harder. In Kenya, public institutions, and more specifically, County governments, have formulated strategic plans, including the County Integrated Development Plan. In addition, the county governments have adopted strategic leadership in terms of leading and managing change, strategic direction and competencies development. However, despite the adoption of strategic leadership by County governments, the implementation of County Integrated Development Plan is still low and facing some challenges. This study therefore sought to examine the role of strategic leadership in the implementation of County Integrated Development Plan in Busia County. The study also sought to examine the influence of strategic direction, leading and managing change and competencies development on implementation of County Integrated Development Plan. Explanatory research design was adopted in this study and the target population comprised of 38 chief officers and directors in Busia County. The study used a census approach and hence included all the staff working in 38 chief officers and directors in Busia County. The study used primary data, which was collected by use of a structured questionnaire. Quantitative data was analyzed by use both descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 25). Descriptive statistics include frequency distribution, percentages, measures of central tendencies (mean) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation). This was then followed by inferential statistics such as correlation analysis and regression analysis. The study discovered that strategic direction has a positive and statistically significant effect on the implementation of CIDP. In addition, leading and managing change has a positive significant effect on the implementation of CIDP. The study also established that core competencies development has a positive and significant effect on the implementation of CIDP. The study concludes that strategic direction, leading and managing change and core competencies development have a significant effect on implementation of CIDP in Busia County. The study recommends that County governments in Kenya should ensure the development of a vision and mission to guide decision making, which in turn improves the implementation of their strategies including the CIDP. In addition, leaders at the County government of Busia should be at the forefront in the implementation of CIDP and ensure that there are no bureaucracies and there is easy coordination and supervision of CIDP implementation. Further, the administration of the County government of Busia should ensure frequent review and adherence to staff development policies. Also, leaders in the County government should ensure frequent training of employees as well as operational coaching and mentorship programmes so as to improve the skills of the staff necessary in the implementation of CIDP.
In the year 2010, Kenya promulgated a new constitution that adopted decentralized system of gover... more In the year 2010, Kenya promulgated a new constitution that adopted decentralized system of government from national level to counties. It involved the transfer of power and funding from national to local governments so as to ensure that decisions are made closer to the local people, communities and businesses they affect. Some of the Counties, like Nairobi City County, have had about five changes in their leadership and hence it is important to understand how government transitions affect service delivery in Nairobi City County Government. This research study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population was 162 staff working in 10 departments in Nairobi City County Government offices. The study used 50 percent of the population as the sample and hence the sample size was 81 respondents. The study adopted a stratified random sampling method in the selection of the sample size. The study made use of primary data, which was collected by use of structured questionnaires. Quantitative data was generated from the research instrument. Analysis of quantitative data was done by use both inferential statistics and descriptive statistics with the help of a statistical software known as statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 24). Descriptive statistics encompass frequency distributions, percentages, standard deviation and means. Inferential statistics included multivariate regression analysis and correlation analysis. The results of data analysis were presented by use of figures and tables. The study found that change of leadership has a positive and significant effect on service delivery in Nairobi City County Government. In addition, the study established that transparency of the transition process has a positive and significant effect on service delivery in Nairobi City County Government. Further, the study found that strategic operational resilience has a positive and significant effect on service delivery in Nairobi City County Government. The study recommends that the county governments' leaders should recruit knowledgeable and skilled Chief Executive Committee Members (CECMs) and Chief Officers (COs). They should also conduct an audit to assess the training needs of various employees in order to provide them with relevant training that will help enhance service delivery by the County government. In addition, the assumption of the Office of Governor Committee should ensure a smooth transition process by providing the governor-elect with a comprehensive transition report outlining list of public of assets, list of liabilities as well as a list of bank accounts that the County government has in different banks. Also, the County governments should conduct an audit of all pending bills and incomplete projects to ensure that the public fund is not used to pay bills that no longer exist and projects that have not been completed. Moreover, the new leadership of County governments should come up with a proper strategy to manage county staff contracts to ensure there are no ghost workers and ensure that their remuneration is up to date.
Papers by richard achiambo