Papers by reny wiyatasari
Journal of Japanese language education and linguistics, Dec 2, 2022
Bahasa Jepang adalah salah satu bahasa yang memiliki tingkatan kehalusan. Ragam bahasa keigo menj... more Bahasa Jepang adalah salah satu bahasa yang memiliki tingkatan kehalusan. Ragam bahasa keigo menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa orang Jepang sangat memerhatikan kehalusan dan kesantunan dalam berbahasa. Namun, kesantunan tentunya tidak hanya dilihat dari pemakaian honorifik atau semacamnya, melainkan dari terpenuhi atau tidaknya prinsip kesantunan dalam suatu tuturan. Contoh pematuhan kesantunan tersebut dapat dilihat di berbagai macam jenis tindak tutur, salah satunya adalah tindak tutur direktif. Jenis tuturan tersebut kerap melanggar kaidah kesantunan jika tidak diperhatikan dengan baik. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini akan mengkaji bagaimana karakteristik tuturan direktif yang memenuhi kesantunan dalam budaya masyarakat Jepang. Sumber data penelitian ini berasal dari siaran radio ENHYPEN All Night Nippon Kurosu (ANNX), yang dikumpulkan melalui metode simak dengan teknik rekam dan catat untuk kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode padan ekstralingual. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik tuturan direktif yang memenuhi kesantunan adalah tidak terkesan angkuh, memaksa, atau sombong; terdapat pilihan dalam tuturan; serta membuat mitra tutur merasa tenang.
The aim of this research is to describe the elements of coherence in the discourse of Japanese vi... more The aim of this research is to describe the elements of coherence in the discourse of Japanese video blog. The data of this research is taken from a video blog entitled ‘[Chōkai | Nihongo Kaiwa] Daigaku No Tomodachi to Hanasu Toki ’ uploaded to YouTube on January 22, 2020. The data retrieval method used the referral method, using the tapping technique as its advanced technique. Furthermore, in the data analysis phase, using the ‘Agih’ method with the direct element sharing techniques. Then in presenting the data, using informal presentation methods.The results showed that there were 5 coherence data that showed interconnected discourse, seen from the use of cohesion markers. That way, the five datas can represent discourse coherence.
Harmoni: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jan 22, 2019
This study aims to determine the factors that underlie speakers using the Nagoya dialect, which i... more This study aims to determine the factors that underlie speakers using the Nagoya dialect, which is a dialect used in the city of Nagoya, the capital of Aichi prefecture. The research data is collected from the Japanese comics (manga) entitled YATOGAME CHAN NO KANSATSU NIKKI. The data collection method used is the referential method. The data were analyzed using the equivalent and descriptive qualitative method. Based on the results of the analysis known that the factors underlying the use of the Nagoya dialect are group membership factors, age, and situation.
Harmoni: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jan 22, 2019
This service’s activity to society aims to find out the interest and literacy abilities of elemen... more This service’s activity to society aims to find out the interest and literacy abilities of elementary, junior high and junior high school youth in Wonokerto subdistrict, methods that can be applied to improve the culture of young generation literacy in Wonokerto Subdistrict, and obstacles that cause low literacy culture in Wonokerto Subdistrict. Service’s activity to society activities aimed to improving literacy culture were carried out in four villages in Wonokerto District for seven weeks. In the first week of observation, situation analysis and action determination; in the second week preparing a proposal and submitting a permit; in the third week until the sixth week, socializing, training and evaluating; and in the seventh week compiling reports and devotion articles. The results of dedication activities based on evaluation are known that the object / target literacy ability, especially at the informational and epistemic levels, significantly increases Keywords : literacy skills, visual media, short story, poem
Abstrak Abstract ~Nda form that appears at the end of the Japanese sentence serves as the modalit... more Abstrak Abstract ~Nda form that appears at the end of the Japanese sentence serves as the modalities of explanation and conjecture. This modalities often used in conversations. Therefore it may be expressed this modality has a significant role in building a Japanese sentence structure. This study focused on the use of the modality ~ noda through speech tangible examples of data taken from the drama series Kareni yoroshiku Sono toki (2007).From the data source will get a variety of shapes ~ nodesu, as well known in the utterances with what illocutionary ~ nodesu used, and how the role of ~ nodesu in the utterance. In order to get the results of the analysis in accordance with the problem, then the data were analyzed using mean semantics or pragmatics with contextual analysis method and the padan analysis method. Based on the analysis, it is known modality ~ noda possible to be able to appear and be used in utterances that contains illocutionary meaning: to say to the form ~ nda, apol...
Bananas are one of the fruits in tropical countries that have quite high social and economic valu... more Bananas are one of the fruits in tropical countries that have quite high social and economic value. In addition to its good taste and high vitamin A content and calories, bananas are widely used in a variety of foods by most Indonesian people. The purpose of this activity is to offer a variety of banana-based snacks or healthy menus through training on making banana nuggets. This service’s activity to society was carried out with a simulation method, namely the practice of making banana nuggets involving housewives and young women with a limited amount. Keywords : Bananas, healthy menus, banana nuggets
Japan is known to have a culture that dates back hundreds of years, namely the culture of bathing... more Japan is known to have a culture that dates back hundreds of years, namely the culture of bathing in an onsen. Japanese people get excited when they soak in the onsen. They are even willing to go far to satisfy their desire to soak in an onsen. Japanese people go to onsen for a variety of purposes, including healing, relaxing the body and mind, and also as a means of gathering for relationships familiarity and communication. Therefore, it is not surprising that businesses that take advantage of onsen are still able to exist today. Onsen-ryokou or traveling to enjoy hot springs is one of the most potential tourism in Japan. Data were collected through literature study and inteviews. This study focused on factors that led to the ongoing onsen business today. The result showed that the onsen business can survive due to four factors, including : 1) Japanese geographical conditions, 2) Japanese season charateristics, 3)Benefit of onsen for the body, and 4) Onsen is part of Japanese culture
The problem in this research is the contextual meaning of ~tekureru and ~teyaru ( ~teageru) usage... more The problem in this research is the contextual meaning of ~tekureru and ~teyaru ( ~teageru) usage . This research is a descriptive case study on Japanese novel of Botchan which applied purposive sampling. The data were collected by employing observation method through note-taking techniques. The data were analysed by using componential analysis of Spradley.The result of research shows that : ~tekureru and ~teyaru ( ~teageru) have beneficial meaning and disadvantageous meaning. The supporting verb of ~tekureru have beneficial meaning and disadvantageous meaning beside thanking meaning.. The usage of supporting verb ~teyaru ( ~teageru) not only has beneficial meaning, but also have disadvantageous meaning when it’s usage give a bad influence on listener or on p.
Shabrina, Qurrota Ayuni. 2020. “Metafora Medan Makna Alam yang Terdapat dalam Novel Kokoro Karya ... more Shabrina, Qurrota Ayuni. 2020. “Metafora Medan Makna Alam yang Terdapat dalam Novel Kokoro Karya Natsume Soseki dan Strategi Penerjemahan pada Novel Rahasia Hati oleh Penerjemah Hartojo Andangdjaja”. Thesis, Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University. The Advisor: Reny Wiyatasari, S.S., M.Hum. This research aims to describe the types of metaphors and the conceptual mapping of nature semantic domain metaphors in the Kokoro novel, and also its translation strategies used by the translator. The source of this research are Kokoro, a novel by a famous Japanese writer Natsume Soseki, and also Rahasia Hati, the translation version of his work in Indonesian language by Hartojo Andangdjaja. The research methodology relies on “Simak” method and “Catat” technique for providing the data. This research also used the “Agih” method and “Hubung Banding” technique for analyzing the data. As for the theoretical framework, it relies on Lakoff and Johnson’...
Japanese literature, 2016
My research problems are : 1. How are the structure and meaning of auxiliary verb „–teiru‟ and „–... more My research problems are : 1. How are the structure and meaning of auxiliary verb „–teiru‟ and „–tearu‟? 2. How are the similarities and differences between auxiliary verb „–teiru‟ and „–tearu‟?. The purpose of this research are : 1. To describe the structure and meaning of auxiliary verb “–teiru” and “– tearu ”. 2. To describe the the similarities and differences between auxiliary verb “– te iru” and “– tearu ”. The research method used is Agih method. In analyzing the data, this research used descriptive analysis technique. The result of this research show that the auxiliary verb “ - teiru‟ and “ - tearu” are to express the meaning of condition and both are express resultatif aspect. The difference are : 1. auxiliary verb – teiru express the result of certain action. The speaker merely wants to describe the appearance of situation and auxiliary verb – teiru can used intransitive verb and transitive verb . 2. auxiliary verb – tearu describes an action that is done with a certain ob...
Abstrak Kokedama adalah teknik menanam dengan media tanam lumut. Cara ini merupakan seni tradisio... more Abstrak Kokedama adalah teknik menanam dengan media tanam lumut. Cara ini merupakan seni tradisional asal Negeri Matahari Terbit, Jepang. Kokedama biasa disebut juga dengan bola lumut Jepang. Tanah yang ditanami benih lumut lalu dibentuk bulat. Jika kebanyakan dari kita menggunakan pot sebagai media tanam, maka kokedama adalah seni menanam tanpa pot. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk memaparkan teknik kokedama sebagai salah satu alternatif budidaya tanaman. Kegiatan pendampingan ini dilakukan di desa Tempelsari, Tretep, Temanggung. Metode yang dipakai adalah dengan melibatkan ibu-ibu PKK dalam pelatihan penanaman sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Hasil dari pendampingan ini adalah kokedama dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif budidaya tanaman yang cocok diterapkan untuk membuat vegetasi rumah meskipun dengan lahan yang terbatas. Kata kunci : kokedama ; alternatif budidaya tanaman; vegetasi Abstract (Title : Planting Assembly With Kokedama Techniques For P KK ...
Yogyakarta merupakan kota pariwisata dengan kekayaan budayanya. Pariwisata dikembangkan secara me... more Yogyakarta merupakan kota pariwisata dengan kekayaan budayanya. Pariwisata dikembangkan secara meneyeluruh dengan berbasis pada budaya. Artinya pengembangan pariwisata yang tetap didasarkan pada nilai-nilai budaya Yogyakarta. Becak sebagai alat transportasi tradisional merupakan salah satu icon pariwisata di Yogyakarta. Desain becak dengan pengemudinya turut serta menentukan perkembangan pariwisata di Yogyakarta. Salah satu hal terpenting adalah etika berkomunikasi dengan para wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara. Etika komunikasi harus dikedepankan karena menentukan makna pariwisata secara keseluruhan. Komunikasi yang mengedepankan etika akan menciptakan suasana yang aman, nyaman, dan damai sehingga para wisatawan merasa ingin berlama-lama berwisata di Yogyakarta. Harapan ke depannya adalah wisatawan yang datang ke Yogyakarta akan meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Kata kunci : etika, komukasi, pengemudi becak, icon pariwisata, budaya, pariwisata Yogyakarta is a tourism city with...
Japanese literature, 2016
In writing this thesis, the writer discussed „ Toritatejoshi dake , bakari , and nomi in Japanese... more In writing this thesis, the writer discussed „ Toritatejoshi dake , bakari , and nomi in Japanese sentences‟. The writer chose the title due to the lack of explanation of those words in Japanese books, therefore there were still many mistakes in using dake , bakari , and nomi. The first step in writing this thesis was collecting the data by the writer, analyzed the data, and presented the data descriptively. Dake , bakari , and nomi in bahasa Indonesia mean hanya and it indicates limitation. Although in Indonesian those three words can be interpreted with a same word, there are actually differences in meaning and usage of those words. Dake is a toritatejoshi which is limiting the element in a sentence that is the only element that exist and omitting another similar element. Dake can be used in many situations, such as formal and non-formal situation or in written language and verbal language. Bakari is a toritatejoshi that indicates a limitation, but with two distinctive limitating ...
Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberi bekal kepada siswa calon pemagang ( k... more Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan memberi bekal kepada siswa calon pemagang ( kenshuusei ) berbagai ekspresi dalam bahasa Jepang yang sering digunakan untuk bekerja sekaligus memberi tambahan pengetahuan untuk calon pemagang tentang dunia kerja di perusahaan Jepang. Untuk tujuan tersebut, kegiatan dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dan praktik kepada para calon pemagang yang akan berangkat ke Jepang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah, tanya jawab dan metode praktik. Dari kegiatan diketahui bahwa tingkat pemahaman siswa calon pemagang tentang bahasa Jepang untuk kerja masih minim, karenanya perlu ditambahkan materi dan pelatihan yang lebih intens sebagai persiapan saat nanti bekerja di Jepang. Kata kunci : ekspresi bahasa Jepang, siswa calon pemagang, kenshuusei Abstract The purpose of this service’s activity to society is to provide provisions for internship students ( kenshuusei ) various expressions in Japanese that are often used for work as well as provid...
This service’s activity to society aims to find out the interest and literacy abilities of elemen... more This service’s activity to society aims to find out the interest and literacy abilities of elementary, junior high and junior high school youth in Wonokerto subdistrict, methods that can be applied to improve the culture of young generation literacy in Wonokerto Subdistrict, and obstacles that cause low literacy culture in Wonokerto Subdistrict. Service’s activity to society activities aimed to improving literacy culture were carried out in four villages in Wonokerto District for seven weeks. In the first week of observation, situation analysis and action determination; in the second week preparing a proposal and submitting a permit; in the third week until the sixth week, socializing, training and evaluating; and in the seventh week compiling reports and devotion articles. The results of dedication activities based on evaluation are known that the object / target literacy ability, especially at the informational and epistemic levels, significantly increases Keywords : literacy skil...
Modernization of transport in the global era world allows people to travel to different countries... more Modernization of transport in the global era world allows people to travel to different countries of different cultures and languages . Cross-cultural and language going on t here . The important thing is the role of foreign language in the world is determined by the role of tourism in the cross-cultural and language . Related to that , foreign languages are taught in vocational high schools and tourism majors in college . Japanese is one of the foreign language that is taught to students and student tourism. This is certainly due to considerations of the number of tourists from Japan after the fifth most tourists from Australia , Singapore , Malaysia , and China . In Management Studies Program Resort & Leisure ( Prodi MRL ) , one of the courses of tourism under the auspices of the Faculty of Social Sciences Education , UPI , the Japanese language is taught as an optional course in the semester 2, 3 , and 4 as 2 credits per semester . With a total of 6 credits , the Japanese l...
Kandri is a tourist village located in the sub-district of Gunung Pati, Semarang. This village ha... more Kandri is a tourist village located in the sub-district of Gunung Pati, Semarang. This village has a lot of natural potential and cultural wealth that can be developed for tourism. Community Service activities are carried out through training followed by tour guides and tourism business service actors in Kandri Village, Semarang. Due to the pandemic, activities were carried out with a limited number of participants and strict health protocols were followed. Basic Japanese training is focused on the practical purposes of making travel promotions. The training continues until the trainees can independently create tourism promotional content and upload it on social media. This activity is running smoothly, and the participants are very enthusiastic about participating in the training. Community service partners are satisfied with the implementation of activities and hope that there will be a continuation of community service activities. Keywords: tourism, tour guide, optimization, soci...
Abstrak Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah merangsang daya kreatifitas siswa-siswi sekolah dasar melalu... more Abstrak Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah merangsang daya kreatifitas siswa-siswi sekolah dasar melalui pelatihan orgami untuk guru-guru sekolah dasar. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah para guru dengan harapan agar mereka bisa juga mengajarkan kepada murid-muridnya cara membuat orgami dan kusudama . Diharapkan hasil pelatihan ini ke depan bisa menjadi alternatif bagi para guru dalam menyusun bahan ajar dan metode pengajaran yang menarik dan tidak membuat para murid bosan. Di samping itu, hasil pelatihan juga berguna untuk meningkatkan kreativitas serta kemampuan mengemukakan ide dan gagasan para murid sekolah dasar. Kegiatan pelatihan ini menggunakan metode praktik, dengan peserta yang berjumlah 7 orang. Kegiatan diawali dengan pengenalan sejarah, jenis dan bentuk orgami , serta memperlihatkan video tutorial pembuatan orgami dan kusudama . Dilanjutkan dengan praktik pembuatan orgami dan kusudama yang dibimbing oleh mentor. K ata kunci: orgami, kusudama , kreativitas Abstract Introduction and ...
Papers by reny wiyatasari