Papers by radojka vukcevic
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, Dec 31, 2022
The paper aims to provide an introduction to the study of the reception of Ezra Pound's poetry in... more The paper aims to provide an introduction to the study of the reception of Ezra Pound's poetry in Serbia, and Montenegro. It also aims to examine the possible influences of his poetry on some Serbian and Montenegrin authors. I believe that his poetry is still alive and continues to evolve into new works and shapes-therein lies much of its challenge and fascination. An overview of the changing contexts for publishing Ezra Pound's poetry and reactions to it highlights a strong response from Serbian scholars but the modest reception of his poetry in Montenegro. This provides a vital contextual setting for discussing the reception not only of his poetry, but also of American literature in Serbia and Montenegro.
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2014
The paper aims to present a significant contribution of John Cox, an American scholar and a liter... more The paper aims to present a significant contribution of John Cox, an American scholar and a literary historian of SouthEastern Europe, who has focused much of his research on the intellectual and poetic life of Danilo Kiš. He has devoted himself to translating Kiš's novels, stories, poetry, and dramas (The Lute and Scars: Stories, Night and Fog: The Collected Dramas and Screenplays, Psalm 44: A Novel, An American Story: Uncollected Fiction, Biography and Other Poems, The Attic: A Novel, "The Paris Trip"). In addition to these translations John Cox added his prefaces, afterwords and introductions of great importance for deeper understanding of the translated works. They will be further analysed in this paper. John Cox also keeps documenting "why Kiš still matters" in many of his essays. That is why special attention to the paper will be put on Cox's critical approaches to Kiš's poetics. Two of his essays: "From 'Europe Central' to the Mid-Atlantic: Danilo Kiš and the United States" and "Danilo Kiš and the Hungarian Holocaust: The Early Novel Psalm 44." are chosen to be thoroughly discussed. The reason for the choice of the first one is that it is much unknown about the impact Kiš had on some American writers and vice versa. The second one is according to John Cox "an important milestone in the development of Kiš's thematic and stylistic inventory."
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2017
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2012
The paper will discuss the history of American literary critical approaches from 1800 until the b... more The paper will discuss the history of American literary critical approaches from 1800 until the beginning of the twentieth century. The focus will be on critical idealism, critical realism, aestheticism, the New Criticism, feminism, deconstruction, archetypal criticism, humanism, Afro-American criticism, the black aesthetic, deconstructionism, ecological criticism, and cultural criticism. The academicization of criticism since 1940, its causes, consequences, and controversies will also be in the focus of research. It will provide a historical bridge between the previous and modern debates on modern literary, language, and cultural theory. This means that influential ideas, critical paradigms, and disciplinary debates will be the road taken in this research.
Anali Filološkog fakulteta, 2015
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2019
One of the key questions to be discussed in the context of the 1968 protests is that of the Ameri... more One of the key questions to be discussed in the context of the 1968 protests is that of the American Dream. It has been woven into the fabric of everyday life, playing a vital role in who Americans are, what they do, and why they do it. It has always had the strongest influence on American individual and collective life. The focus of this paper will be to what extent it really exists and to what extent it is a product of the American imagination. How far has its imaginative territory reached? How much has the changing face of the Dream informed politics, everyday life and even the nation's identity itself? How have Americans created themselves through an idea that no one can completely define but everyone wants a piece of?
Gender Studies, 2006
Page 1. Is a Woman still "A Stranger at Supper" in Montenegro? «Is a Woman still "... more Page 1. Is a Woman still "A Stranger at Supper" in Montenegro? «Is a Woman still "A Stranger at Supper" in Montenegro?» by Radojka Vukćević Source: Gender Studies (Gender Studies), issue: 05 / 2006, pages: 158166, on Page 2. 158 RADOJKA VUKČEVIĆ ...
Linda Hutcheon is certainly right when she claims that Ondaatje takes one step further in challen... more Linda Hutcheon is certainly right when she claims that Ondaatje takes one step further in challenging to postmodern boundaries “its fragmented collection of boundaries, research, poems, and photographic works to reconstruct a more immediate and personal history – the writer’s own familial past in what was then called Ceylon” (Hutcheon, 82). Writing his own history, Ondaatje gives form to disparate facts, puts pieces of memory and places together, fictionalizes them in Anil’s Ghost (2000), a novel set in out in our time. The place is Sri Lanka (former Ceylon), a country forced into the late twentieth century by the ravages of civil war and the consequences of a country divided against itself. Anil Tissera, born in Sri Lanka, educated in the West, a forensic anthropologist sent by an international human-rights group to work with local officials, appears as a ghost to discover the source of the organized campaigns of murder engulfing the island. Bodies and skeletons are discovered, and...
Zbornik Matice srpske za knjievnost i jezik, 2006
Page 1. UDC 821.111(73).09-055.2 821.163.41-95 ЖЕНСКИ ГЛАСОВИ У АМЕРИЧКОJ КWИЖЕВНОСТИ Radojka Vuk... more Page 1. UDC 821.111(73).09-055.2 821.163.41-95 ЖЕНСКИ ГЛАСОВИ У АМЕРИЧКОJ КWИЖЕВНОСТИ Radojka Vukåeviã САЖЕТАК: У раду се проблематизује питане проучавана женских гласова као посебних у односу на сада веã прихваãено мушко писмо. ...
Linda Hutcheon is certainly right when she claims that Ondaatje takes one step further in challen... more Linda Hutcheon is certainly right when she claims that Ondaatje takes one step further in challenging to postmodern boundaries its fragmented collection of boundaries, research, poems, and photographic works to reconstruct a more immediate and personal history the writer's own familial ...
Papers by radojka vukcevic