Papers by putu nugrahaeni widiasavitri
Autism is defined as a special behavior that affects a person in communicating or interacting wit... more Autism is defined as a special behavior that affects a person in communicating or interacting with other people or certain objects. There are varying degrees of autism, but some of the common behaviors associated with this disability include poor motor skills, speech delays, difficulties with skills such as reasoning, and very narrow interests. The Growth and Development Group for Children with Special Needs is an educational service for children with special needs in Denpasar City. Currently, almost all facilities are available in PLA, but outdoor facilities in the form of sensory gardens are not yet available. Therefore, partners want to provide a sensory garden to meet the educational needs of children with special needs and until now it is still difficult to find expertise to design this special garden. There are several problems that are summarized related to the procurement of this sensory park, namely the limitations of available land, the ideal sensory garden design and calc...
Jurnal Psikologi Udayana
Assertiveness is the ability to express thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires with confidence th... more Assertiveness is the ability to express thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires with confidence that does not harm yourself or violate the rights of others. In college life, students do not just focus on academic activities but also non-academics, such as student organizations. When participating in organizations, students are faced with some situations that require assertiveness skills. Assertiveness can be influenced by two factors, including emotional intelligence and gender. This quantitative research aims to determine the role of emotional intelligence and gender on the assertiveness of Udayana University Medical Faculty students participating in student organizations. The subjects of this research were 120 students of Udayana University Medical Faculty students participating in student organizations. There are two measuring instruments used in this research, that are assertiveness scale and emotional intelligence scale. This research used analysis of covariance or ANOVA as data...
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Orangtua dan guru memiliki tantangan dalam mengasuh anak tuna rungu. Tantangan tersebut antara la... more Orangtua dan guru memiliki tantangan dalam mengasuh anak tuna rungu. Tantangan tersebut antara lain seringnya merasakan ketegangan/stres dalam pengasuhan karena sulitnya berkomunikasi dengan anak, butuh waktu cukup lama bagi orangtua untuk bisa menerima kondisi anak serta kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki orangtua tentang perkembangan psikologis anak. Kondisi tersebut bila dibiarkan berlarut-larut dapat membawa dampak negatif bagi perkembangan psikologis tidak hanya orangtua, tapi juga keluarga. Kesejahteraan psikologis orangtua maupun guru dalam mengasuh anak tuna rungu merupakan hal yang penting untuk ditingkatkan. Salah satu penanganan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan praktik mindfulness. Mindfulness dapat meningkatkan kesadaran para orangtua maupun para guru serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis. Pelatihan mindfulness diberikan dalam bentuk aktivitas kelompok terfokus. Hasilnya pelatihan mindfulness memiliki efek yang kuat untuk memberikan pengetah...
Narapidana yang memiliki kontrol diri yang lemah kemungkinan besar akan melakukan tindak kriminal... more Narapidana yang memiliki kontrol diri yang lemah kemungkinan besar akan melakukan tindak kriminalitas seperti yang dilakukan sebelumnya, terutama narapidana narkoba. Oleh karenanya, penting bagi mantan pengguna narkoba untuk memiliki kontrol diri yang baik agar tidak relapse kembali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas pelatihan kontrol diri untuk mencegah relapse pada narapidana kelompok rehabilitasi mantan pecandu narkoba di Lapas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan tipe penelitian eksperiman yang dilakukan sebanyak 6 sesi. Subjek penelitian adalah narapidana kelompok rehab pengguna narkoba sebanyak 6 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala kontrol diri dari (Aini, 2006) yang berjumlah 23 aitem dengan reliabilitas 0,864 dan skala assessment of warning-signs of relapse dari Gorski (Gorski & Miller, 1982) yang berjumlah 28 aitem dengan reliabilitas 0,80. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon dan menunjukkan adanya perb...
Jurnal Psikologi Udayana, 2013
Asthma is an inflammatory disease caused by narrowing of the respiratory tract. This disease can ... more Asthma is an inflammatory disease caused by narrowing of the respiratory tract. This disease can not be cured but its relapse can be controled. It will provide physiological and psychological impact to individual with asthma. That individual hardly tends to accept his or her self when diagnosed with chronic disease. Family social support will be needed to cope with the hard situation faced by individual with asthma. According to that, researcher formulates the problem, is there relationship between family social support and self acceptance of individuals with asthma.  This research uses quantitative approach with correlation method. Samples in this research are 105 people suffer from asthma in Sanjiwani Hospital, Gianyar, who were chosen by systematic random sampling. The data are collected by questionnaire. Validity test of items of the family social support questionnaire shows there are 5 invalid items and 27 valid items from 32 items, and its reliability coefficient is 0,896. V...
Jurnal Psikologi Udayana, 2016
Long-distance relationship has now become a social trend among the community because of the incre... more Long-distance relationship has now become a social trend among the community because of the increase in educational attainment of men and women. Trust is a prerequisite of success in a long-distance relationship, and it is important to minimize conflict. This study aims to determine the correlation between trust and interpersonal conflict among early adulthood initial long-distance relationship.Subjects in this study were 100 student of Udayana University. Measuring instruments used are the trust scale (34 items; rxx` = 0.913) and interpersonal conflict scale (33 items; rxx` = 0.878). Data were processed using Pearson Product Moment analysis and simple linear regression. Statistical analysis show, there is significant correlation between trust and interpersonal conflict, with a negative direction (r = -0.325 ; p = 0.001). The coefficient of determination obtained for 0.106 which means that 10.6% of trust variable can explaine variance that occurs in conflict interpersonal variable.K...
Self-care dapat menghindarkan individu dari burnout dan distress , meminimalisir terjadinya count... more Self-care dapat menghindarkan individu dari burnout dan distress , meminimalisir terjadinya countertransference , serta meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan self-compassion . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran self-care mahasiswa S1 psikologi dengan ketertarikan psikologi klinis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Responden berjumlah 4 orang yang berusia 20-21 tahun, merupakan mahasiswa S1 psikologi  dengan ketertarikan psikologi klinis yang berstatus aktif. Pencarian responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan wawancara secara individu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-care adalah suatu aktivitas yang dilakukan individu secara sadar dan sengaja menyisihkan waktu untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan menjaga dan merawat diri sendiri, dengan tujuan menyembuhkan dan menyejahterakan diri sendiri. Jenis kegiatan self-care bervariasi yang didorong oleh faktor internal dan inte...
Pandemi COVID-19 yang sedang melanda dunia dan juga Indonesia memperkenalkan kita pada berbagai k... more Pandemi COVID-19 yang sedang melanda dunia dan juga Indonesia memperkenalkan kita pada berbagai kenyataan baru kehidupan. Salah satu perubahan besar yang kita hadapi bersama adalah bagaimana hidup dalam isolasi mandiri jika kita kurang beruntung dan terinfeksi COVID-19. Dalam melaksanakan isolasi mandiri, tidak jarang kita kesulitan menyesuaikan diri ke dalam situasi hidup yang baru. Berbagai hal memerlukan penyesuaian selama menjalani isolasi mandiri, mulai dari pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, bagaimana mendapatkan perawatan medis, hingga menjaga kesehatan mental selama menjalani isolasi mandiri. Pada saat yang sama, seseorang yang menjalani isolasi mandiri harus tetap taat pada berbagai protokol kesehatan. Menjawab kebutuhan ini, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana bekerja sama dengan Ikatan Dokter Indonesia Cabang Denpasar dalam melaksanakan TELEKODINA, suatu platform telekonseling yang bertujuan membantu peserta isolasi mandiri untuk menjalani isolasi mandirinya denga...
Early adolescence is a period for self-concept formation. The self concept is a set of beliefs an... more Early adolescence is a period for self-concept formation. The self concept is a set of beliefs and feelings of the individual about their own, including physical characteristics, social, emotional, aspiration and achievement (Hurlock, 1999). Concerned with the need of achievement, adolescents need to develop their self-concept specially their academic self-concept as a particular provision in order to face a competition in the work world later. The self concept is not an innate factor, but it is learned and shaped by individual experience in dealing with others. That is equal with the academic self-concept. When a person living in a different situation with the general one, such as live in an orphanage, it can affect early adolescents in shaping their self-concept, at last it can affect their desire to achieve their achievement. According to these conditions, the researchers wanted to see whether there are relationships between academic self-concept and achievement motivation in ear...
Salah satu tujuan penting dari menikah adalah untuk mendapatkan keturunan. Hasil penelitian Black... more Salah satu tujuan penting dari menikah adalah untuk mendapatkan keturunan. Hasil penelitian Blackmore, Lawton, dan Vartanian (2005) menunjukkan wanita memiliki keinginan yang besar untuk segera memenuhi tuntutan tradisionalnya untuk menjadi seorang istri dan seorang ibu. Tidak semua wanita dapat memenuhi keinginan untuk dapat memiliki anak setelah menikah. Ada yang ingin memiliki anak namun mengalami kerusakan fisik yang menyebabkan peluang untuk hamil menjadi berkurang seperti infertilitas, hal ini disebut dengan involuntary childlessness. Mengalami involuntary childlessness membuat wanita merasakan berbagai penderitaan psikologis sehingga akan memengaruhi kesejahteraan subjektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, dan melibatkan tiga orang responden yang mengalami involuntary childlessness. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi yang dianalisis melalui proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan menggunakan theoretical coding (open coding, axial coding, dan selective coding). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesejahteraan subjektif pada wanita yang mengalami involuntary childlessness pada awalnya mengalami banyak afek negatif, namun melalui proses penyempitan atensi dengan afek negatif yang proporsinal dan dengan melakukan emotion-focused coping responden mampu membangun afek positif seperti merasa bersyukur dan rasa senang. Mengalami involuntary childlessness tidak lantas membuat wanita menjadi tidak puas dengan hidupnya, kepuasan diperoleh dari pekerjaan yang dimiliki dan kualitas hubungan pernikahan yang baik. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kesejahteraan subjektif pada wanita yang mengalami involuntary childlessness adalah kepribadian, kualitas hubungan pernikahan, dukungan sosial, dan lingkungan sosial-budaya. Kata kunci: involuntary childlessness, kesejahteraan subjektif
Narapidana yang menjelang bebas cenderung mengalami masalah psikologis. Masalah ini disebabkan ke... more Narapidana yang menjelang bebas cenderung mengalami masalah psikologis. Masalah ini disebabkan kekhawatiran dalam menghadapi masa depan yang tidak jelas dan sulitnya mendapatkan pekerjaan setelah bebas. Memiliki tujuan seperti mendapatkan pekerjaan yang diinginkan, ingin membahagiakan keluarga, ingin meraih cita-cita setelah bebas dapat meningkatkan optimisme dan perasaan positif menjelang bebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas terapi singkat berfokus solusi untuk meningkatkan penetapan tujuan narapidana menjelang bebas di Lapas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian ekspresimen one group pretest-posttest design . Subjek penelitian adalah narapidana menjelang bebas sebanyak 13 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala personal goal setting  dari Brunstein (1993) yang berfungsi untuk mengukur penetapan tujuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan skor pretest dan posttest dengan sig. 0,022 (< 0,...
Deaf is a term that used to explained condition of individual who losing or disability to catch a... more Deaf is a term that used to explained condition of individual who losing or disability to catch audio sensory through their hearing sense (Musyarrafah & Djalal, 2011). This condition contributes to some development aspect of human being, which is, social aspect and emotional aspect. Some of them successfully reconciled with themselves and accept their condition with a lot of great achievement. One of the others factor that drive deaf situation who shows an achievement is family assistance, however, uniquely there is a case in deaf who were not get physical assistance by their family and also can get great achievement. Aritama (2010) told that acceptance in any condition in self is the most basic thing if individual want to success and reconciled with state. Havighurst (in Sarwono, 2013) also adding that accept physical condition is one of the task in adolescence development. According that fact, this study would like to know self-acceptance in deaf adolescent who had achievement wit...
Kepribadian skizotipal dipandang sebagai sebuah kontinum dari kondisi sehat menuju patologis, den... more Kepribadian skizotipal dipandang sebagai sebuah kontinum dari kondisi sehat menuju patologis, dengan ciri kepribadian skizotipal di titik akhir sehat dan gangguan kepribadian skizotipal pada titik akhir patologis. Prevalensi menunjukkan pada populasi klinis yang mengalami gangguan kepribadian skizotipal adalah 0-2% sedangkan pada populasi umum adalah 4%. Gangguan kepribadian skizotipal adalah defisit pada sosial dan interpersonal yang ditandai dengan rasa ketidaknyamanan, berkurangnya kemampuan untuk menjalani hubungan yang dekat dan adanya distorsi kognitif, serta perilaku yang eksentrik. Ketika gangguan kepribadian skizotipal tidak mendapatkan penanganan yang tepat, maka penderita akan memiliki dampak yang serius pada perilaku dan motivasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dinamika kepribadian pada perempuan yang memiliki gangguan kepribadian skizotipal dan penyebab gangguan tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitiatif dengan pendek...
Early adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood. In this period, early adolescence ... more Early adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood. In this period, early adolescence experienced many changes both physically and psychologically. Same with the case of early adolescents who lived in the orphanage, besides the fulfillment of physiological, early adolescents in the orphanage also need a healthy psychological development, one of them is the process of personal adjustment. Personal sdjustment aiming to get harmony between the demands of the self and the environment in which the individual resides. Personal adjustment is a form of behavior that is intended to respond to the needs that exist within the individual. In order to get a good adjustment in early adolescents orphanage, it needs social support. Social support refers to the provision of comfort, care and respect. This study aimed to determine the relationship between social support and personal adjustment to early adolescents orphanage in Denpasar.This research is a quantitative method with simple re...
Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP)
Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Psikologi sebagai calon psikolog atau konselor diharapkan mampu m... more Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Psikologi sebagai calon psikolog atau konselor diharapkan mampu merawat kesehatan mentalnya. E-Group Self-Care Art Box adalah terapi yang dimodifikasi dengan teknik online group art therapy untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi partisipan melakukan self-care. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji efektivitas E-Group Self-Care Art Box Therapy dalam menurunkan depresi, kecemasan, dan stres mahasiswa. Sebanyak sepuluh orang partisipan dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Teknik analisis menggunakan uji beda Wilcoxon dan theoretical coding. Hasil kuantitatif berupa adanya perbedaan yang signifikan terkait penurunan skor depresi; kecemasan; dan stres pada partisipan yang mendapatkan perlakuan dibandingkan dengan partisipan yang tidak mendapatkan perlakuan. Hasil kualitatif berupa temuan-temuan yang mengindikasikan personal growth dari para partisipan; dan para partisipan menyadari dukungan sosial yang dimiliki. Hasil penelitian ini diharapka...
This study aims to find out the coping strategy of wives who living the two phenomena of married ... more This study aims to find out the coping strategy of wives who living the two phenomena of married life that are famous with the conflict, which is, long distance marriage and living with parent in-laws. This research used a qualitative approach, a phenomenological method. Respondents in this study were 3 wives undergoing long-distance marriages with no more than 5 years of marriage and lived with parent in-laws. Data collection used individual interviews and observations. The results shows that the wife did a coping strategy in living her married life. Social support, seeking busyness, making children as an excuse to maintain the marriage, self-fulfilling prophecy, delaying problem-solving, succumb to in-laws, and trusting with husband. Coping strategies are influenced by several factors such as a picture of future hopes, feelings of longing, love, and marriage commitments. As for the inhibiting factors, including intervention from in-laws and limited meetings with husbands.
Jurnal Psikologi Udayana
Deaf is a term that used to explained condition of individual who losing or disability to catch a... more Deaf is a term that used to explained condition of individual who losing or disability to catch audio sensory through their hearing sense (Musyarrafah & Djalal, 2011). This condition contributes to some development aspect of human being, which is, social aspect and emotional aspect. Some of them successfully reconciled with themselves and accept their condition with a lot of great achievement. One of the others factor that drive deaf situation who shows an achievement is family assistance, however, uniquely there is a case in deaf who were not get physical assistance by their family and also can get great achievement. Aritama (2010) told that acceptance in any condition in self is the most basic thing if individual want to success and reconciled with state. Havighurst (in Sarwono, 2013) also adding that accept physical condition is one of the task in adolescence development. According that fact, this study would like to know self-acceptance in deaf adolescent who had achievement wit...
Jurnal Psikologi Udayana
Problems in dating relationship may lead to violence such as emotional abuse that usually can lea... more Problems in dating relationship may lead to violence such as emotional abuse that usually can lead to physical abuse and sexual abuse. The need for the role of parents in control and give examples of behaviour to adolescents directly or indirectly. Children will bring exemplified parents into the social environment as communication patterns. Family communication patterns is divided into four, namely Pluralistic, Consensual, Laissez-Faire, and Protective. Communication patterns are different in every family will indirectly establish a different personality for each adolescents. Based on the exposure, this study has the objective to determine differences in emotional abuse in adolescents who are dating is based on communication patterns within the family. Subjects in this study were 75 people late adolescents who are dating and live with parents at Udayana University. Instruments in this research is the Emotional Abuse scale and Revised Family Communication Pattern (RFCP) scale. One W...
Jurnal Psikologi Udayana
Quadriplegic is a term that is used as the identification of individual who have difficulty in op... more Quadriplegic is a term that is used as the identification of individual who have difficulty in optimizing the function of the body. Various obstacles faced by raising various negative reactions from the quadriplegic. Types of schools chosen by the individual quadriplegic as a means to get an education can bring out difference in environmental conditions encountered, which will certainly affect the learning performance of the individual. Outside of the phenomenon, uniquely, researcher found that there were cases of quadriplegic who attended public school and extraordinary school, which are able to accept the condition of themselves to be able to achieve the achievement in adolescence. Self-acceptance is an individual consciousness to accept the conditions of self as it is, which self-acceptance is one of the individual development task that are in the age range in adolescence. Based on this thing, the researcher is interested to find out about the process of self-acceptance on merito...
Papers by putu nugrahaeni widiasavitri