Background: Toddlers aged 24-59 months are experiencing a very rapid growth process; however, the... more Background: Toddlers aged 24-59 months are experiencing a very rapid growth process; however, they are also prone to have nutritional problems, including stunting. Stunting occurs mainly within the first 2 to 5 years of life. The main cause is a lack of knowledge on toddler’s nutritional intake among women of childbearing age. This study aimed to explore the effect of health education using video media on the knowledge about stunting among women of childbearing age.Methods: This was a quantitative, experimental study with one group pretest-posttest design conducted in July-November 2019 on women of childbearing age in the working area of Public Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat, Puskesmas) Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia. Respondents were recruited using the Multistage Random Sampling according to the inclusion criteria. A pre-test was administered before the health education session on stunting and a post-test was administered afterwards. Data collected were then analyzed ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Health Sciences (ICHS 2018), 2019
Adolescents are the future generation of any country who their nutritional needs are seriously is... more Adolescents are the future generation of any country who their nutritional needs are seriously issue of the society. Several factors affect the nutritional status of adolescents, including anemia which the highest risk of suffering are adolescent girls. In this case, anemia can be caused by various causes such as deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and iron. This study aims to determine the prevalence of anemia and its correlation between anemia and nutritional status among adolescent girls in Rural Jatinangor, SumedangIndonesia. The study was conducted on 92 adolescent girls (10-19 years old) in Rural Jatinangor. The nutritional status were classified by Body Mass Index (BMI) categories as obese, overweight, normal weight, thinnest, and severe thinnest according to the WHO standard (BMI for Age). Blood sample for the determination of hemoglobin concentration was collected in EDTA bottle which determined by cyanmethemoglobin method. Results: A cross-sectional study was...
IDENTIFICATION OF STUNTING FACTORS Background: The problem of short children (stunting) is one o... more IDENTIFICATION OF STUNTING FACTORS Background: The problem of short children (stunting) is one of the problems that exist in the world today. Stunting is a condition of failure to achieve physical development measured by height according to age. Stunting in children is caused by several factors consisting of both direct and indirect factors. In 2017 globally 22.2% of children under five experienced stunting. In 2018, in Indonesia 30.8%, West Java Province 29.2% and Sumedang Regency 41%. Purpose Identifying factors for stunting in Cijeruk Village Pamulihan District Sumedang Regency.Methods: This research is a descriptive study (univariate analysis) with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study included all mothers who had stunting children aged 24-59 months in Cijeruk Village Pamulihan District Sumedang Regency. The method of sampling is total sampling with a total sample of 56 respondents. Variables in this study include history of birth weight, history of exclusiv...
DESCRIPTION OF MOTHER'S KNOWLEDGE SUPPLYING ASI AND MP-ASI FOR STUNTING CHILDREN AGE 24-59 MO... more DESCRIPTION OF MOTHER'S KNOWLEDGE SUPPLYING ASI AND MP-ASI FOR STUNTING CHILDREN AGE 24-59 MONTHS. Background: Stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. Stunting cause barriers to growth and development in children. One of the factors associated with stunting is food intake. National prevalence data shows that of 34 provinces in Indonesia there are 20 provinces with 100 districts with stunting prevalence above the average national prevalence. Sumedang has a stunting prevalence of 41.08% and is included in the 100 districts that have the highest stunting rate in Indonesia which is the focus of the government of 10 villages in Sumedang, including Cijeruk Village.Purpose: This research aim to determine the description of maternal knowledge about the history of breastfeeding and breastfeeding in stunting toddlers aged 24-59 months, in the village of Cijeruk, Pamovery Dis...
Latar Belakang: Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan baik secar... more Latar Belakang: Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan baik secara fisik, psikologis, maupun intelektual. Oleh karena itu, nutrisi yang dibutuhkan lebih tinggi. Remaja mempunyai kebiasaan makan diantara waktu makan baik berupa jajanan disekolah maupun diluar sekolah yang dikenal dengan makanan sela. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, kandungan gizi, kualitas gizi, banyaknya makanan sela serta pertimbangan memilih makanan sela yang dikonsumsi siswi SMP dan SMA di Kecamatan Jatinangor.Metode: Metode penelitian menggunakan survei deskriptif dengan data primer hasil wawancara 332 responden. Pengolahan data menggunakan nutri survey.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis makanan yang paling sering dikonsumsi adalah baso goreng dengan 65 responden (19,57%), tidak ada makanan yang memenuhi seluruh angka kecukupan gizi, 295 responden (88,9%) mengonsumsi makanan sela yang tidak berkualitas, 187 responden (56,3%) memakan 3-5 jenis makanan, 222 r...
SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery, 2019
Permasalahan masalah kesehatan reproduksi, diantaranya usia perkawinan pertama di bawah usia 20 t... more Permasalahan masalah kesehatan reproduksi, diantaranya usia perkawinan pertama di bawah usia 20 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pengetahuan remaja mengenai Pendewasaan Usia Perkawinan (PUP) melalui metode fasil dan simulation game di salah satu SMP di wilayah Jatinangor. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi eksperimental dalam bentuk pretest-posttest design yang dilakukan pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2016. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dan siswi kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Jatinangor yang berusia 13-15 tahun. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 20 responden dengan metode fasil (kelompok kontrol) dan 20 responden dengan metode simulation game (kelompok eksperimen). Metode pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode fasil dan simulation game dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja mengenai. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan remaja sebelum dan se...
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement), 2019
Anemia iron deficiency in adolescent girls have an impact to decrease of productivity work and ac... more Anemia iron deficiency in adolescent girls have an impact to decrease of productivity work and academic ability in school and in long term can lead to complications in pregnancy and childbirth, therefore it is necessary prevention and control of anemia with the provision of iron. The purpose of this research was to determine the intake of iron supplementation and the effectiveness of giving iron oral supplementation to increase levels of adolescent girls hemoglobin. This is an intervensional research with one group pretest posttest design. The Sample in this research is adolescent girls, with total sample 31 respondents. The responden received iron supplementation every Friday, for one month through “Gerakan Jumat Pintar”. The intake nutritional data was obtained from food record 3 days. Statisticaly analysis in used is wilcoxon. The result indicated that anemia iron deficiency in adolescent girls is decrease from 20,0% to 10,8%. Adolescent girls suffer from moderate anemia are decr...
Salah satu masalah gizi pada ibu hamil di Indonesia yaitu kekurangan energi kronik (KEK). Ibu ham... more Salah satu masalah gizi pada ibu hamil di Indonesia yaitu kekurangan energi kronik (KEK). Ibu hamil dengan KEK dapat berpengaruh terhadap ibu dan janin. Cara untuk mengetahui kondisi ibu dan bayi pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEKdengan melihat luaran maternal dan neonatal. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui luaran maternal dan neonatal pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK di wilayah Kecamatan Jatinangor.Metode penelitian adalah survey dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Populasi dan sampel adalah seluruh ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK. Teknik sampel adalah total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 84 orang menggunakan data kohort periode dari 01 Januari 2015 sampai 31 Desember 2015.Pengambilan data dilakukan tanggal 02 Agustus 2016 sampai 20 Agustus 2016 di wilayah kecamatan Jatinangor. Analisis data secara univariat.Hasil penelitian luaran maternal pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK dengan anemia 1,20%, dan persalinan premature 4,76%. Luaran neonatal pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK ...
Penanggulangan gangguan gizi balita membutuhkan tindak lanjut yang terencana hingga level layanan... more Penanggulangan gangguan gizi balita membutuhkan tindak lanjut yang terencana hingga level layanan primer. Data dasar dibutuhkan untuk menilai besarnya beban masalah tersebut. Penelitian deskriptif potong lintang dilakukan bulan Maret 2015 di Desa Mekargalih Kecamatan Jatinangor, yang termasuk wilayah asuhan Program Studi Diploma 4 Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Unpad. Telah dikumpulkan data primer antropometri, usia dan jenis kelamin balita usia 3-5 tahun. Analisis indikator merujuk pada kurva World Health Organization-National Center for Health Statistics (WHO-NCHS) sesuai SK Menkes RI no 1995/Menkes/SK/XII/2010.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komposisi balita 3-5 tahun di Desa Mekargalih terdiri atas 65 (38,9%) anak laki laki dan 102 (61,1%) anak perempuan. Besar masalah gizi buruk-kurang mencapai 10,8%, wasting 7,8% dan stunting sebesar 16,2%. Perbandingan proporsi balita yang mengalami gangguan gizi antara balita perempuan terhadap laki-laki adalah : 12,8% vs 7,7% (gi...
Background: The First Thousand Days of Life (Golden Period) is a very critical period from the mo... more Background: The First Thousand Days of Life (Golden Period) is a very critical period from the moment of conception to infant aged 2-year-olds which, if not properly utilized, will have permanent damage such as impaired physical growth, intelligence, and non-communicable diseases. The soon-to-be married couple is one of the target groups to improve health quality in the First 1000 Days of Life (1000 FDL). Improvement of the quality of health can be achieved by providing health education using Kartu Cinta Anak (KCA). Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of health education using KCA about 1000 FDL in improving the knowledge of soon-to-be married couple in KUA Jatinangor Sub District.Methods: This research used a quantitative method with pre-experimental design in the form of pretest-posttest, conducted in July 2017. The sample of the research are soon-to-be married couples registered in KUA Jatinangor sub district who have never been married and have...
Background: Toddlers aged 24-59 months are experiencing a very rapid growth process; however, the... more Background: Toddlers aged 24-59 months are experiencing a very rapid growth process; however, they are also prone to have nutritional problems, including stunting. Stunting occurs mainly within the first 2 to 5 years of life. The main cause is a lack of knowledge on toddler’s nutritional intake among women of childbearing age. This study aimed to explore the effect of health education using video media on the knowledge about stunting among women of childbearing age.Methods: This was a quantitative, experimental study with one group pretest-posttest design conducted in July-November 2019 on women of childbearing age in the working area of Public Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat, Puskesmas) Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia. Respondents were recruited using the Multistage Random Sampling according to the inclusion criteria. A pre-test was administered before the health education session on stunting and a post-test was administered afterwards. Data collected were then analyzed ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Health Sciences (ICHS 2018), 2019
Adolescents are the future generation of any country who their nutritional needs are seriously is... more Adolescents are the future generation of any country who their nutritional needs are seriously issue of the society. Several factors affect the nutritional status of adolescents, including anemia which the highest risk of suffering are adolescent girls. In this case, anemia can be caused by various causes such as deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and iron. This study aims to determine the prevalence of anemia and its correlation between anemia and nutritional status among adolescent girls in Rural Jatinangor, SumedangIndonesia. The study was conducted on 92 adolescent girls (10-19 years old) in Rural Jatinangor. The nutritional status were classified by Body Mass Index (BMI) categories as obese, overweight, normal weight, thinnest, and severe thinnest according to the WHO standard (BMI for Age). Blood sample for the determination of hemoglobin concentration was collected in EDTA bottle which determined by cyanmethemoglobin method. Results: A cross-sectional study was...
IDENTIFICATION OF STUNTING FACTORS Background: The problem of short children (stunting) is one o... more IDENTIFICATION OF STUNTING FACTORS Background: The problem of short children (stunting) is one of the problems that exist in the world today. Stunting is a condition of failure to achieve physical development measured by height according to age. Stunting in children is caused by several factors consisting of both direct and indirect factors. In 2017 globally 22.2% of children under five experienced stunting. In 2018, in Indonesia 30.8%, West Java Province 29.2% and Sumedang Regency 41%. Purpose Identifying factors for stunting in Cijeruk Village Pamulihan District Sumedang Regency.Methods: This research is a descriptive study (univariate analysis) with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study included all mothers who had stunting children aged 24-59 months in Cijeruk Village Pamulihan District Sumedang Regency. The method of sampling is total sampling with a total sample of 56 respondents. Variables in this study include history of birth weight, history of exclusiv...
DESCRIPTION OF MOTHER'S KNOWLEDGE SUPPLYING ASI AND MP-ASI FOR STUNTING CHILDREN AGE 24-59 MO... more DESCRIPTION OF MOTHER'S KNOWLEDGE SUPPLYING ASI AND MP-ASI FOR STUNTING CHILDREN AGE 24-59 MONTHS. Background: Stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. Stunting cause barriers to growth and development in children. One of the factors associated with stunting is food intake. National prevalence data shows that of 34 provinces in Indonesia there are 20 provinces with 100 districts with stunting prevalence above the average national prevalence. Sumedang has a stunting prevalence of 41.08% and is included in the 100 districts that have the highest stunting rate in Indonesia which is the focus of the government of 10 villages in Sumedang, including Cijeruk Village.Purpose: This research aim to determine the description of maternal knowledge about the history of breastfeeding and breastfeeding in stunting toddlers aged 24-59 months, in the village of Cijeruk, Pamovery Dis...
Latar Belakang: Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan baik secar... more Latar Belakang: Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan baik secara fisik, psikologis, maupun intelektual. Oleh karena itu, nutrisi yang dibutuhkan lebih tinggi. Remaja mempunyai kebiasaan makan diantara waktu makan baik berupa jajanan disekolah maupun diluar sekolah yang dikenal dengan makanan sela. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, kandungan gizi, kualitas gizi, banyaknya makanan sela serta pertimbangan memilih makanan sela yang dikonsumsi siswi SMP dan SMA di Kecamatan Jatinangor.Metode: Metode penelitian menggunakan survei deskriptif dengan data primer hasil wawancara 332 responden. Pengolahan data menggunakan nutri survey.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis makanan yang paling sering dikonsumsi adalah baso goreng dengan 65 responden (19,57%), tidak ada makanan yang memenuhi seluruh angka kecukupan gizi, 295 responden (88,9%) mengonsumsi makanan sela yang tidak berkualitas, 187 responden (56,3%) memakan 3-5 jenis makanan, 222 r...
SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery, 2019
Permasalahan masalah kesehatan reproduksi, diantaranya usia perkawinan pertama di bawah usia 20 t... more Permasalahan masalah kesehatan reproduksi, diantaranya usia perkawinan pertama di bawah usia 20 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pengetahuan remaja mengenai Pendewasaan Usia Perkawinan (PUP) melalui metode fasil dan simulation game di salah satu SMP di wilayah Jatinangor. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi eksperimental dalam bentuk pretest-posttest design yang dilakukan pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2016. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dan siswi kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Jatinangor yang berusia 13-15 tahun. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 20 responden dengan metode fasil (kelompok kontrol) dan 20 responden dengan metode simulation game (kelompok eksperimen). Metode pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode fasil dan simulation game dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja mengenai. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan remaja sebelum dan se...
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement), 2019
Anemia iron deficiency in adolescent girls have an impact to decrease of productivity work and ac... more Anemia iron deficiency in adolescent girls have an impact to decrease of productivity work and academic ability in school and in long term can lead to complications in pregnancy and childbirth, therefore it is necessary prevention and control of anemia with the provision of iron. The purpose of this research was to determine the intake of iron supplementation and the effectiveness of giving iron oral supplementation to increase levels of adolescent girls hemoglobin. This is an intervensional research with one group pretest posttest design. The Sample in this research is adolescent girls, with total sample 31 respondents. The responden received iron supplementation every Friday, for one month through “Gerakan Jumat Pintar”. The intake nutritional data was obtained from food record 3 days. Statisticaly analysis in used is wilcoxon. The result indicated that anemia iron deficiency in adolescent girls is decrease from 20,0% to 10,8%. Adolescent girls suffer from moderate anemia are decr...
Salah satu masalah gizi pada ibu hamil di Indonesia yaitu kekurangan energi kronik (KEK). Ibu ham... more Salah satu masalah gizi pada ibu hamil di Indonesia yaitu kekurangan energi kronik (KEK). Ibu hamil dengan KEK dapat berpengaruh terhadap ibu dan janin. Cara untuk mengetahui kondisi ibu dan bayi pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEKdengan melihat luaran maternal dan neonatal. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui luaran maternal dan neonatal pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK di wilayah Kecamatan Jatinangor.Metode penelitian adalah survey dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Populasi dan sampel adalah seluruh ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK. Teknik sampel adalah total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 84 orang menggunakan data kohort periode dari 01 Januari 2015 sampai 31 Desember 2015.Pengambilan data dilakukan tanggal 02 Agustus 2016 sampai 20 Agustus 2016 di wilayah kecamatan Jatinangor. Analisis data secara univariat.Hasil penelitian luaran maternal pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK dengan anemia 1,20%, dan persalinan premature 4,76%. Luaran neonatal pada ibu bersalin dengan riwayat KEK ...
Penanggulangan gangguan gizi balita membutuhkan tindak lanjut yang terencana hingga level layanan... more Penanggulangan gangguan gizi balita membutuhkan tindak lanjut yang terencana hingga level layanan primer. Data dasar dibutuhkan untuk menilai besarnya beban masalah tersebut. Penelitian deskriptif potong lintang dilakukan bulan Maret 2015 di Desa Mekargalih Kecamatan Jatinangor, yang termasuk wilayah asuhan Program Studi Diploma 4 Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Unpad. Telah dikumpulkan data primer antropometri, usia dan jenis kelamin balita usia 3-5 tahun. Analisis indikator merujuk pada kurva World Health Organization-National Center for Health Statistics (WHO-NCHS) sesuai SK Menkes RI no 1995/Menkes/SK/XII/2010.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komposisi balita 3-5 tahun di Desa Mekargalih terdiri atas 65 (38,9%) anak laki laki dan 102 (61,1%) anak perempuan. Besar masalah gizi buruk-kurang mencapai 10,8%, wasting 7,8% dan stunting sebesar 16,2%. Perbandingan proporsi balita yang mengalami gangguan gizi antara balita perempuan terhadap laki-laki adalah : 12,8% vs 7,7% (gi...
Background: The First Thousand Days of Life (Golden Period) is a very critical period from the mo... more Background: The First Thousand Days of Life (Golden Period) is a very critical period from the moment of conception to infant aged 2-year-olds which, if not properly utilized, will have permanent damage such as impaired physical growth, intelligence, and non-communicable diseases. The soon-to-be married couple is one of the target groups to improve health quality in the First 1000 Days of Life (1000 FDL). Improvement of the quality of health can be achieved by providing health education using Kartu Cinta Anak (KCA). Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of health education using KCA about 1000 FDL in improving the knowledge of soon-to-be married couple in KUA Jatinangor Sub District.Methods: This research used a quantitative method with pre-experimental design in the form of pretest-posttest, conducted in July 2017. The sample of the research are soon-to-be married couples registered in KUA Jatinangor sub district who have never been married and have...
Papers by puspa sari