Papers by pertiwi perwiraningtyas

Nursing news : jurnal ilmiah keperawatan, Mar 31, 2018
World Health Organizationdata's 2008 show around the world about its 972 million people or 26,4 %... more World Health Organizationdata's 2008 show around the world about its 972 million people or 26,4 % suffering from hypertension with the men and women 1 to 1 .Hypertension is strongly influenced by a lot of factors. One of the factors that affect to events hypertension that is physical activity .The purpose of this research is to find the relation of physical activity with blood pressure in people with hypertension in the region of tlogosuryo tlogomas kecamatan lowokwaru poor city urban village .A method of correlation was used in the study design and approach cross sectional. Population in this research is the whole community sufferers tlogosuryo hypertension that is in the area , poor city urban village tlogomas subdistrict lowokwaru 104 people and the research uses purposive sample the sampling method of many as 51 people. Data collection technique that is used is the questionnaire and observation (the measurement of blood pressure using an aneroid). The research results show that physical activity the majority of respondents categorized sometimes with 31 people (60.78%), and blood pressure almost entirely respondents categorized stadium 1 with 41 people (81.39%), furthermore, the data analyzed use test speraman rank and obtained value sig. = 0.005 (α ≤ 0.05). It means there was a correlation physical activity with blood pressure to the community patients hypertension in the tlogosuryo, urban village tlogomas subdistrict lowokwaru Malang of city. It is expected that communities do akivitas physical or exercising routinely we made or stabilize blood pressure.

Nursing news : jurnal ilmiah keperawatan, Mar 31, 2018
Menstruasi merupakan suatu tanda mulai matangnya organ reproduksi pada remaja. Ovulasi dan menstr... more Menstruasi merupakan suatu tanda mulai matangnya organ reproduksi pada remaja. Ovulasi dan menstruasi regular mulai terjadi pada usia antara 6-14 bulan setelah menarche. Menstruasi biasanya identik dengan dismenore, sebagian wanita mengalami nyeri saat menstruasi dan mengalami gangguan fisik dan emosi menjelang masa ini, nyeri ini dikenal dengan istilah dismenore. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pemberian kompres air hangat terhadap dismenore pada remaja putri di SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Singosari Malang. Desain penelitian ini adalah pra eksperimental dengan menggunakanone group pretest-postest. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 50 responden dan sampel diambil secara purposive sampling dengan jumlah 16 responden. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuisioner dan lembar observasi Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) dengan menggunakan analisa datawilcoxon signed rank test. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa setelah diberikan kompres air hangat terdapat penurunan tingkat nyeri sedang dari 75% menjadi 18,8% responden dan terdapat 12,5% responden yang nyeri nya hilang. Uji analisis dengan wilcoxon signed rank test menunjukkan nilai Sig.(2-tailed) sebesar 0,001 dan nilai Z=-3,317. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa (p-value < 0,05) artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dan efektif terhadap penurunan tingkat nyeri dismenore pada remaja putri di SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Singosari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian terapi kompres air hangat dapat menurunkan nyeri dismenore sehingga memberikan efek nyaman pada responden. Perlu dilakukan pemberian terapi kompres air hangat 15-20 menit pada klien yang mengalami dismenore. Kata Kunci : Kompres air hangat, nyeri dismenore, remaja putri.

The prevalence of breast cancer in women of childbearing age is increasing. This is reinforced by... more The prevalence of breast cancer in women of childbearing age is increasing. This is reinforced by women's ignorance of Breast Self-Examination. The purpose of this activity is to increase women's knowledge about breast cancer and breast self-examination in order to reduce the prevalence of breast cancer. This activity was carried out for one day at Panti Waluya Sawahan Hospital, Malang with 20 respondents, with the method of providing health education which was previously given a pre-test to measure the knowledge of the respondents. After being given education by means of leaflets, demonstrations and discussions, then the respondents were re-measured their knowledge with a post test. The results obtained from this activity are, before the counseling, it was found that most of the respondents had sufficient knowledge, while after that, it was found that all respondents had good knowledge. This health education activity is included in health promotion efforts to form motivatio...

Journal of community service for health, Nov 25, 2021
The prevalence of hypertension has increased throughout the year. Hypertension spreads widely bec... more The prevalence of hypertension has increased throughout the year. Hypertension spreads widely because of the lack of knowledge and a healthy lifestyle. People's lifestyle which is more practical has an impact on the implementation of inappropriate hypertension diets and triggers various diseases. Based on this phenomenon, it is necessary to increase public knowledge about hypertension diets. The purpose of this activity was to provide counseling about a low-salt diet as an effort to increase knowledge of hypertension patients. The method was done by giving counseling about low salt diet through lectures to 30 hypertension patients who were routinely monitored at the Panti Rahayu Clinic. The pre test showed that almost all of the hypertension patients (80%) were in the poor category of knowledge. The post test showed that after being given counseling the knowledge of hypertension patients increased almost half (46%) were in the good category. Knowledge of hypertension patients increased after getting information through counseling activities about a low salt diet. Suggestions for clinics are expected to hold regular and periodic health education or promotion programs to provide information so as to increase the knowledge of hypertension patients.
Nursing news : jurnal ilmiah keperawatan, Dec 19, 2019

Nursing News : Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan
Meskipun nilai gizi yang terkandung dalam makanan jajanan umumnya rendah dan kualitas keamanan pa... more Meskipun nilai gizi yang terkandung dalam makanan jajanan umumnya rendah dan kualitas keamanan pangannya sering menjadi perhatian, namun anak-anak pada usia sekolah sangat menyukainya. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk memastikan pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan berbasis video terhadap kesadaran siswa tentang makanan jajanan. Pretest - Posttest Control Group adalah desain penelitian Quasy eksperimental yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 65 responden selama bulan Desember di SDN Pisangcandi 1 Malang, sebanyak 56 responden dipilih secara acak untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian. Kuesioner tentang pengetahuan makanan jajanan digunakan sebagai metode pengumpulan data dengan memberikan video pendidikan kesehatan tentang makanan jajanan, dengan durasi waktu 5 menit, dan 3 kali pemberian dalam 2 minggu. Uji homogenitas marginal (nilai p 0,05) digunakan dalam analisis data. Pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan melalui video nimasi, hampir semua responden pada kelompok perla...

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Physiological adaptation in pregnant women may increase the risk of more severe symptoms of Covid... more Physiological adaptation in pregnant women may increase the risk of more severe symptoms of Covid-19 than women who are not pregnant but there was not much supporting data. Aim of this study was to compare the severity category between women who are pregnant and not pregnant with positive Covid-19. The study was conducted using a retrospective approach which obtained secondary data from patient medical records after being tested positive for COVID-19 from November 2020 to December 2021. Sample size for the study consisted of 67 women COVID-19 patients who were pregnant and 67 women who were not pregnant. Samples were taken by accidental sampling. Categorization of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 was divided into 5 categories (no symptoms, mild, moderate, severe/severe pneumonia, critical). Data were analysis with the Mann Whitney test. Results showed that there were significant differences in the categories of clinical symptoms between groups of pregnant women and groups of non-pregna...

Happy hypoxia is an asymptomatic condition where oxygen saturation decreases<90% in Covid-19 p... more Happy hypoxia is an asymptomatic condition where oxygen saturation decreases<90% in Covid-19 patients. However, many people do not know the signs andsymptoms of happy hypoxia. Preventive measures are needed to prevent theworst possible occurrence of happy hypoxia, one of which is health education.The purpose of this community service activity is to make the community awareof the occurrence of happy hypoxia. The activity was carried out for one day for18 families of patients in the emergency room at Panti Waluya Sawahan Hospital,Malang. The patient's family is given a pre-test to measure the understanding ofhappy hypoxia, then given health education, then given a post-test sheet. Theresults obtained in the form of increasing knowledge from the less to goodcategory. This health education activity is included in preventive efforts so thatthe public can recognize the occurrence of happy hypoxia to minimize themortality rate of Covid-19 patients.

Journal of Nursing Care
Prevalensi berat bayi lahir rendah di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh... more Prevalensi berat bayi lahir rendah di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya usia ibu saat hamil, jumlah paritas dan ante natal care. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor resiko tingkat berat bayi lahir rendah di RS Harapan Insan Sendawar Kabupaten Kutai Barat. Desain penelitian menggunakan cross sectional. Sebanyak 125 responden yang telah dipilih dari populasi ibu hamil dengan usia 15- 40 tahun yang melahirkan bayi dengan berat <2500 gram di RS Harapan Insan Sendawar selama bulan Januari-Desember 2018 menggunakan simple random sampling melalui kertas undian. Data berupa usia ibu saat hamil, frekuensi ante natal care, jumlah paritas, dan berat badan bayi saat lahir diperoleh dari catatan rekam medis RS Harapan Insan Sendawar. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi Square, hasil uji analisis didapatkan nilai signifikansi masing-masing sebesar 0.712; 1,000 dan 1,000 yaitu >α(0.05). Tidak ada hubungan usia ibu s...

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery)
Antenatal care is very important in ensuring that both the mother and the fetus will survive duri... more Antenatal care is very important in ensuring that both the mother and the fetus will survive during pregnancy and during delivery. ANC service is a planned program in the form of observation, education, and medical treatment for pregnant women. The purpose of the research was to determine the factors that influence the mother's behavior on the compliance of Antenatal Care Visits at the Anggrek and Mawar Posyandu, Tlogomas Village, Malang City. The research design used analytic observation. The population of this research was all pregnant women in Posyandu Anggrek and Mawar, Tlogomas Village, Malang City as many as 17 people. The sample was 17 respondents taken by total sampling technique. The data collection technique used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis method used the Chi Square test (p value <0.05). The results showed that most of the respondents (64.7%) had sufficient knowledge, most of the respondents (70.6%) had the attitude of the suffic...
Jurnal Profesi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Oct 31, 2021
Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI) adalah cara yang efektif untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan terja... more Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI) adalah cara yang efektif untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan terjadinya kanker payudara. Namun, masih banyak wanita yang belum memahami mengenai pemeriksaan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Video
Nursing News : Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Dec 19, 2019
Nursing News : Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Dec 3, 2019
Nursing News : Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Dec 19, 2019
Nursing News : Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Dec 4, 2019
Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Jul 29, 2021

Care : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kesehatan
The cultural practice of female circumcision in Kalimantan, is not only based on local traditions... more The cultural practice of female circumcision in Kalimantan, is not only based on local traditions and culture, but is also a must for the Muslim community. The circumcision is believed to be a worship that must be carried out, although religious guidance regarding female circumcision is still a matter of debate. The purpose of the study was to find out how the cultural practice of female circumcision. This study used a descriptive qualitative design. The research was carried out in Kalimantan. The participants are parents, traditional healers, and health workers. The sampling technique was purposive with the inclusion criteria of living in the research area for at least 10 years and having seen firsthand the practice of circumcision against women. The collected data is then analyzed using the concepts proposed by Miles and Huberman. Most of the participants really respect the existence of female circumcision on the basis of religion or because of the words of parents who say that t...

Nursing News : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Keperawatan, Oct 31, 2018
Lansia merupakan suatu proses tumbuh kembang ditandai dengan adanya kemunduran fisik, mental, dan... more Lansia merupakan suatu proses tumbuh kembang ditandai dengan adanya kemunduran fisik, mental, dan sosial yang dialami secara bersamaan. Senam ergonomik adalah teknik senam untuk memperbaiki posisi dan melenturkan sistem saraf dan aliran darah. Senam yoga adalah aktivitas pemusatan seluruh pikiran untuk mengontrol seluruh panca indra dan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara senam ergonomik dan yoga terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi di Panti Jompo Griya Kasih Siloam Malang. Penelitian ini mengguanakan desain pre-eksperimental design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh lansia yang menderita hipertensi sebanyak 30 responden di Panti Jompo Griya Kasih Siloam Malang. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sample dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu lansia yang tinggal di Panti Griya Kasih Siloam Malang, usia >50 tahun, menderita hipertensi grade 1, dapat melakukan senam dan bersedia menjadi responden sebanyak 20 orang. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney didapat rata-rata sistolik 128/129 normal tingi maupun diastolic 85-84 normal tinggi antara senam ergonomik dan yoga dengan nilai p-value>0,05 maka dapat diartikan bahwa H1 ditolak yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan senam ergonomik dan yoga terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi di Panti Jompo Griya Kasih Siloam Malang. ABSTRACT Elderly is a process of growth and development characterized by physical, mental, and social setbacks experienced simultaneously. Ergonomic exercises are gymnastic techniques to improve position and flex the nervous system and blood flow. Yoga gymnastics is the activity of concentrating the whole mind to control all five senses and body. This study aims to determine the difference between ergonomic exercise and yoga to changes in blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension at Griya Kasih Siloam Malang Nursing Home. This study uses a pre-experimental design design. The population of this study were all elderly who suffered from hypertension as many as 30 respondents at the Griya Kasih Siloam Malang Nursing Home. Samples were taken by purposive sample technique with inclusion criteria: Elderly people who lived in Griya Kasih Siloam Malang Institution, Age> 50 years, Grade 1 hypertension, Can do gymnastics and Willing to become 20 respondents. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney test obtained an average of 128/129 high normal systolic and high diastolic 85-84 normal between ergonomic gymnastics and yoga with p-value> 0.05, it means that H1 is rejected which means there is no difference in ergonomic gymnastics and yoga on changes in blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension at Griya Kasih Siloam Malang Nursing Home. Keywords: Ergonomic gymnastics; yoga gymnastics; blood pressure.
Nursing News : Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan, Dec 4, 2019
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 2017
Environmental issues are rooted in human behavior is often found in everyday life, one contributi... more Environmental issues are rooted in human behavior is often found in everyday life, one contributing factor was not maximal the environment learning outcomes in the education. The purpose of this study is to develop environment based textbook in Biology course suited to the needs and character of college students. The development model used in this research and development are modified Thiagarajan et al model consists of three stages: define, design, and develop. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires validation for experts, and small-scale trials. The result of the development of textbooks showing the average results of the validation and testing is in the category with a good fit for use in accordance with the table eligibility criteria and product revision level.
Papers by pertiwi perwiraningtyas