Papers by panos konandreas

A general cattle herd simulation model is presented in which a herd is simultaneously represented... more A general cattle herd simulation model is presented in which a herd is simultaneously represented as both a biological and an economic unit. The model is time dynamic, stochastic, non-optimizing and integer, that is, it treats animals in the simulated herd as individual entities. The model provides the user with an array of policy options-for weaning, breeding, milking, buying and selling stock, and supplementation to increase production or for strategic reasons during periods of drought-so that herd performance can be evaluated under alternative produc tion regimes. Five general components in the model account for changes in the biological status of animals during each month of simulation : forage intake, energy require ments, production and growth, mortality and reproduction. The quantity and quality of forage on offer are specified stochastically. The parameters of math ematical relationships of the various biological processes are drawn from the literature and specified for particular systems under study based on observations from these systems. Thus, the model is data based where possible. The FORTRAN computer code is adequately modularized so alterations and refine ments can be made easily.
WTO rules for agriculture compatible with development, 2007
... 327 A compromise on food aid is possible 5. Towards a compromise While eliminating in-kind ..... more ... 327 A compromise on food aid is possible 5. Towards a compromise While eliminating in-kind ... 329 A compromise on food aid is possible The third prerequisite, cumulative to those above, is ... a practice which has often been responsible for giving food aid a bad name and has ...
Bulletin. International Dairy Federation, 1999
In the period leading up to the July 2008 WTO ministerial meeting, the crisis of soaring food pri... more In the period leading up to the July 2008 WTO ministerial meeting, the crisis of soaring food prices was used both to argue for a speedy resolution of the negotiations, and to argue against any further reductions in protection that might result from a new agreement. Are the arguments relating to food prices valid? Does the collapse of the round have significant implications in the context of soaring food prices? To answer these questions, this brief examines the extent to which existing - and proposed - changes to WTO rules and provisions affect response measures to soaring food prices.
Market access has been a controversial issue from the very beginning of the reform process in agr... more Market access has been a controversial issue from the very beginning of the reform process in agriculture and continues to be the one holding back the negotiations not only in agriculture but in other sectors as well. More than any other area in the negotiations on agriculture, differences on what is to be achieved on market access are deep among WTO members. On one side of the spectrum are those countries that aim at an ambitious outcome resulting in effective market access which, inter alia, would require substantial tariff cuts, especially of tariff peaks. On the other side of the spectrum are those countries that aim for a more modest outcome such that it would afford them a degree of flexibility to shield certain sensitive products (essentially those with high tariffs) from substantial cuts.

Food and nutrition, 1979
An adequate standard of nutrition at national and individual level is a basic -- and not wholly a... more An adequate standard of nutrition at national and individual level is a basic -- and not wholly altruistic -- objective for mankind. Its ingredients are food production and distribution. Of these the latter is currently considered the more limiting, but fluctuations in the former -- over various geographical and time scales -- can be the overriding factor when national supplies are critical. Under these conditions the automatic operations of a legal mandatory food support system -- free from political strings or connotations of welfare -- would be advantageous. A system for providing a measure of food security, using insurance principles and based on a compromise between international stockpiling and direct financial subventions, is outlined in a recent publication of the International Food Policy Research Institute. Essentially it is a means by which the international community could contribute to the food security of food deficit, developing countries without having to create larg...

This paper attempts to analyze quantitatively the link between food aid and surplus production in... more This paper attempts to analyze quantitatively the link between food aid and surplus production in the maJOr food aid donor countnes. Simple regression models were estimated for wheat, coarse grams, and nee using data for 1962-82, depending on the commodity and donor. Carryover stocks and world prices proved to be significant variables in explaining the vanability of food aid flows for all three commodities. Relative to the volume of food aid in each commodity, the effects of canyover stocks were substantial for rice, moderate for wheat, and relatively small for coarse grams. The pnce effects were considerable for wheat, moderate for coarse grams, and relatively small for nee. In terms of individual food aid donors, the two variables proved to be significant m explaining food aid shipments in the case of Canada, Japan, and the USA, which have generally provided food aid much in excess of their rninimun: commitment under the Food Aid Convention (PAC). For the other two ma1or donors (A...
Export demand functions for U.S. wheat were estimated for five world regions. Estimates of the ef... more Export demand functions for U.S. wheat were estimated for five world regions. Estimates of the effects of income, price, and nonprice variables on U.S. wheat exports were obtained using various econometric procedures. The major finding of the paper indicates that exchange rate changes have had a substantial impact on U.S. wheat exports. This result, conditioned on the aggregative nature of the study, supports the belief expressed by some researchers in recent years.
Food aid and human …, 2000
The Uruguay Round, the Marrakesh Decision and the Role of Food Aid PANOS KONANDREAS, RAMESH SHARM... more The Uruguay Round, the Marrakesh Decision and the Role of Food Aid PANOS KONANDREAS, RAMESH SHARMA AND JIM GREENFIELD 1. INTRODUCTION Six years have passed since the conclusion of the Uruguay Round (UR) and the World Trade ...
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation
Papers by panos konandreas