Papers by osuagwu kelechi

Annals of Ecology and Environmental Science
The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the world has negatively affected the African multisect... more The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the world has negatively affected the African multisectorial pillars of the economy as well as agriculture which is regarded as a backbone of Africa. The crisis from a multisectorial perspective includes revenue losses, poor harvest, famine, travel restrictions and lack of interest agricultural activities. The spread of COVID-19 globally, has paralysed every facet of the economy. It has proved beyond doubt that COVID-19 affected the whole world and the developing countries will heavily feel the shocks. The aim of this paper is to understand multisectorial effects of COVID-19 through the detailed assessment of the pandemic from the Nigerian perspective. The paper adopted an extensive literature review in order to address the academic gap. This paper further established that COVID-19 will have short to long term negative impacts on Nigerian and African economies respective.

Journal of hypertension, 2015
Background: Severe preeclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality ... more Background: Severe preeclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality worldwide. Management of cases remote from term poses a great challenge to the caregiver and the patient. This is more pronounced in developing countries with limited resources and high premium on children. This article highlighted the challenges in the management and we presented a successfully expectant management of a case in a rural setting. Case presentation: We presented Mrs JV, a 33 year old booked G7P1 with no living child who presented at the gestational age of 24 weeks plus 3 days with severe hypertension and proteinuria. Expectant management was instituted and pregnancy was ended via an emergency caesarean section at 29 weeks of gestation with delivery of extreme low birth baby. Both mother and baby are in good health. Conclusion: Management of severe preeclampsia remote from term should be individualized and can be feasible in a rural setting in developing countries. Availability of tertiary health institutions in rural settings will help in the management of these patients.

Research Journal of Nanoscience and Engineering
Fuelwood is essential resource for the survival of most households in Nigeria because it provides... more Fuelwood is essential resource for the survival of most households in Nigeria because it provides energy to light, heat, and cook. The most prevalent wood fuel species located at the marketing points include Parkiabiglobosa, Azadirachta indica and Anogeissusleiocarpus. The most preferred wood fuel species are Balanitesaegyptiaca, Parkiabiglobosa, Azadirachta indica and Piliostigmareticulatum (Aju, 2014). About 2.8 billion people in developing counties like Nigeria depend on biomass fuels (e.g. Fuelwood, charcoal and animal dungs to meet their energy needs for cooking food (IEA, 2010). Fuelwood plays an important role in ensuring the food security of millions of people and its consumption must be understood in order to address resource shortage and forest decline (Macdonald et al. 2001). Natural resources including fuelwood must therefore be carefully managed and monitored to meet current demands and ensure sustainability (Warner, 2000). The functions performed by forests in human societies and its evolvement is enormousthan any other resource. Wood which is a major forest product that can be used as timber,pulp and paper or fuel wood provides about 3.4 billion cubic meters of timber equivalent ABSTRACT Fuelwood and charcoal produced from sawmill wastes and sold at community distribution centres can undercut the present energy cost of fuelwood by 19 to 60 percent and the energy cost of kerosene by over 50 percent. Fuelwood is the dominant energy source for most fuel-consuming jobs done by the rural population, including cooking, keeping warm, heating water for washing, smoking food, and brewing beer. The only non-wood fuels used in significant amounts in rural areas are paraffin for lighting and diesel for commercial maize milling. Secondary fuels such as crop residues, charcoal, and dung are used very little.The marketing of fuel wood in Owerri and its environs, Imo state, Nigeria wasinvestigated to assess the contribution of fuelwood marketing tosustainable development in Imo state. Data for the study were obtained from a total of 50randomly selected respondents through structured questionnairesand personal observation. Descriptive statistical tools such as frequency,percentages and tables were used to analyze variables such as age, gender,marital status, education, tribe, experience and type of institution. The results revealed that majority (86%) ofthe marketers were females, 44% had only primary education while 36% had 11 to 20 yearsof the business experience. Transportation, season and government policy are the major marketing constraints of fuelwood. It is therefore recommended that government should provide good transportationincentives such as good road networks that will reduce the transaction costs and maketransportation easy for fuel wood marketers.
Clinical obstetrics and gynecology, 1999
Traditionally, preeclamptic women who meet accepted criteria for severe disease are delivered exp... more Traditionally, preeclamptic women who meet accepted criteria for severe disease are delivered expeditiously, regardless of gestational age. Although delivery is always appropriate therapy for the mother, it may not be optimal for the fetus remote from term. Several recent randomized clinical trials support expectant management of severe preeclampsia remote from term in well-selected patients. We have described our rationale and guidelines for management, which we believe should be performed only at tertiary perinatal centers.
Papers by osuagwu kelechi