Papers by ornella discacciati
Andrej Platonov Vozvraschenie and the concept of patriotism in Soviet Union of 1940's
ENTHYMEMA, Dec 28, 2013
Below is the video of the interview recorded in Moscow in August 2013. Conversation with Aage Han... more Below is the video of the interview recorded in Moscow in August 2013. Conversation with Aage Hansen-Love
ENTHYMEMA, Dec 28, 2013
Below is the video of the interview recorded in Moscow in August 2013. Conversation with Peter St... more Below is the video of the interview recorded in Moscow in August 2013. Conversation with Peter Steiner
Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism
Mikhail Zoshchenko was a Soviet writer of short stories and tales (sometimes autobiographical), a... more Mikhail Zoshchenko was a Soviet writer of short stories and tales (sometimes autobiographical), as well as a feuilletonist, memoirist, and dramatist. He was a member of the Serapion Brothers writers’ collective. Zoshchenko was best known for his hilarious lampooning of Soviet bureaucracy and the rampant scam artists of the 1920s. In the 1930s, his works were increasingly subjected to censorship and criticism. Evacuated from Leningrad during World War Two, he spent part of the war in Alma Ata (Kazakhstan). In 1946 his career was dramatically curtailed by Communist Party statesman Andrei Zhdanov, who led a public campaign of criticism against Zoshchenko and the poet Anna Akhmatova. Deprived of his membership in the Soviet Writers’ Union, and hence his right to earn a living as an author, Zoshchenko died in 1958.
The article analyzes the role of the journal Na Postu in the complicated and in many ways conflic... more The article analyzes the role of the journal Na Postu in the complicated and in many ways conflictual transition from a peasant literature, in the 1930s declared as kulak literature, to the literature of kolchoz. The journal Na postu provided a forum for discussion and debate, at time heated, developing along lines which, in light of current knowledge and the concept of governmentality elaborated by M. Foucault, allow us to rework certain viewpoints that have proven inadequate to interpreting Soviet literature from the 1920s.
The article analyzes the role played by the journal "Na postu" in the marginalization o... more The article analyzes the role played by the journal "Na postu" in the marginalization of village literature. In the 1920s, the role played by this journal was more important than generally expected, because the editors were able to accelerate and in a certain way guide the government's choices in the cultural sphere. As a result, an entire strand of Russian cultural tradition was obliterated. The village literature writers were slandered and then physically o socially liquidated or replaced with authors ideologically conforming to the new collective farm literature.
Acme Annali Della Facolta Di Lettere E Filosofia Dell Universita Degli Studi Di Milano, 1997
Introduction to the monographic section “Changing Landscapes: the Provincial Text in Russian-Sovi... more Introduction to the monographic section “Changing Landscapes: the Provincial Text in Russian-Soviet Culture.”
Enthymema, Dec 24, 2013
Recensione al convegno sul Formalismo russo tenutosi a Mosca dal 25 al 29 agosto 2013 Parole chia... more Recensione al convegno sul Formalismo russo tenutosi a Mosca dal 25 al 29 agosto 2013 Parole chiave Formalismo russo, cultura russa
Cenni biografici introduttivi alla figura di Vjačeslav Vsevolodovič Ivanov. Parole chiave Vjačesl... more Cenni biografici introduttivi alla figura di Vjačeslav Vsevolodovič Ivanov. Parole chiave Vjačeslav Vsevolodovič Ivanov, Formalismo russo, scuola di Mosca-Tartu Contatti [email protected] Lo precede una fama da rock-star, accettata con ironica grazia. Non si sottrae ai micro-foni degli incalzanti giovanotti nerovestiti delle troupe televisive e risponde con pazienza a ogni sorta di domande. Durante le pause tra una sessione dei lavori e l'altra, davanti alla sua poltrona si snoda una lunga e ordinata fila di persone in paziente attesa di potergli parlare, perché Vjačeslav Vsevolodovič Ivanov-uno degli ultimi monumenti viventi a un'epoca irripetibile per la cultura occidentale-non può stancarsi troppo e non si trattiene mai per l'intera giorna-ta nella sede del convegno. Si muove con fatica da un'aula all'altra, appoggiandosi al bastone, si ferma spesso per una breve sosta, approfittandone per osservare incuriosito il pubblico: una folla di stu-denti, profess...
Papers by ornella discacciati