Papers by nurmala katrina
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, 2016
In case of oil and natural gas production, a restricted zone within 500-meter-wide around offshor... more In case of oil and natural gas production, a restricted zone within 500-meter-wide around offshore platform was established. The restricted zone was established to protect all activities in the sea, including fishing. Socialization on law, safety, and security, and the existence of oil and gas operational facility platform has been held. Yet, it hasn’t stopped the fishers’ effort to do fishing in the restricted zone. Therefore, this study tries to analyze communication model in the socialization and components that affect communication as well as correlation among the factors that influence the effectiveness of communication and fishers' obedience toward prohibition of entering the restricted zone. The study was conducted in one of the coastal villages in Karawang Regency, West Java. Data were collected by using questionnaire, which was supported by conducting qualitative method. The data, which were analyzed by rank Spearman Correlation Test. Results showed that communication m...
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 2020
Coal mining policies and activities in addition to having a positive impact on state income, job ... more Coal mining policies and activities in addition to having a positive impact on state income, job creation and business, also have a negative impact on ecosystems and communities in the mining area. The study was conducted in two mining communities in South Kalimantan using an emic and etic approach to explore community resilience and food insecurity due to ecological changes and the impact of mining policies and activities. Coal mining policies and activities in South Kalimantan causes catastrophic floods, land damage, and crop failure on lowland rice fields that have an impact on potential food insecurity at the household and community level. The pattern of community resilience in the two communities is in the form of social movements as a form of social adaptation, and agricultural land recovery and changing agricultural commodities as a form of ecological adaptation. The process of community resilience in the two communities is at the level of recovery towards a stable community ...
International Journal of Research and Review
The challenge faced by college graduates is how to get a job that suits their interests and talen... more The challenge faced by college graduates is how to get a job that suits their interests and talents while meeting industry needs. With the increasing number of job seekers, university graduates must have adequate soft skills. The MBKM policy with a three-semester study rights program outside the study program is to improve graduate competence so that it is relevant to industry needs. The descriptive research aims to identify the private universities (PTS) work network for the business world industry and provide an overview of PTS attitudes and perceptions towards the MBKM Policy. Data was obtained from non-health PTS under the auspices of LLDikti Region I North Sumatra, through a questionnaire. Data processing techniques were analyzed quantitatively using a questionnaire on a Likert scale, which was then processed using SPSS 20.0, which was further described qualitatively and descriptively. The results showed that 91.5% of respondents had a working network with the world of business...
Jurnal Agrimanex: Agribusiness, Rural Management, and Development Extension
Komunitas petani sawah tadah hujan merasakan dampak perubahan iklim karena mengandalkan curah huj... more Komunitas petani sawah tadah hujan merasakan dampak perubahan iklim karena mengandalkan curah hujan sebagai sumber utama kegiatan pertanian. Tidak menentunya waktu musim tanam karena perubahan curah hujan menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya krisis yaitu gagal panen sehingga petani sulit mencukupi kebutuhan pangan dan menimbulkan ancaman kerawanan pangan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan komunitas dalam menghadapi ancaman krisis adalah dengan melestarikan kelembagaan lumbung pangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peran kelembagaan pangan komunitas petani sawah tadah hujan di Kecamatan Jati Agung dalam menghadapi dampak perubahan iklim. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey, menggunakan data kuantititatif dan kualitatif. Responden dan informan dipilih secara simple random sampling sebanyak 100 warga komunitas. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara purposive di Desa Marga Kaya Lampung Selatan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kelembagaan lumbung berperan dalam aspek sosia...
Jurnal Agrimanex: Agribusiness, Rural Management, and Development Extension
Alih fungsi lahan dari hutan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit menjadi fenomena yang cukup banyak t... more Alih fungsi lahan dari hutan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit menjadi fenomena yang cukup banyak terjadi di Provinsi Jambi. Perkebunan kelapa sawit dianggap dapat memberikan dampak ekonomi yang tinggi dibandingkan komoditas lainnya. Namun, terdapat dampak social dan lingkungan yang terjadi seperti bencana kekeringan, kebanjiran, dan perubahan rasionalitas petani. Dalam menghadapi dampak negative seperti bencana kekeringan dan kebanjiran, rumah tangga petani memanfaatkan modal nafkah agar tetap bisa bertahan dan mencapai kondisi resiliensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pemanfaatan modal nafkah rumah tangga petani untuk mencapai resiliensi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu campuran antara desain kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dampak negatif ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit yaitu kekeringan sehingga menyebabkan kerentanan rumah tangga petani. Dalam kondisi rentan tersebut, rumah tangga petani memanfaatkan lima modal nafkah untuk menc...
Jurnal KMP (Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan), 2010
Agricultural information is one of the most important factors of production and there is no doubt... more Agricultural information is one of the most important factors of production and there is no doubt that this can lead to development. The effective integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the agricultural sector through cyber extension will lead to sustainable agriculture by providing timely and relevant agricultural information, which will enable farmers make informed decisions on farming to increase productivity. The objective of the research is to analyze the system of cyber extension mechanism supporting the vegetable farmer empowerment. ICT application in cyber extension implementation can greatly improve farmers' accessibility to market information, commodity inputs, and consumer trends which positively impact on the quality and the quantity of their produce. Information on marketing, new plant and animal management practice, pest and diseases, transport availability, new marketing opportunities and market prices of farm input and output is very important to an efficient and productive economy. The analysis of cyber extension mechanism was conducted based on the characteristic of system are boundary, environment, input, output, process, storage, and interface. The synergy between the subsystems to each other is critical in the performance of the agricultural innovation process into outputs that benefit the other subsystems. In accordance with the characteristics of the cyber extension working system in the area was influent by the environment that produce output that is stored either permanently or temporarily. Interface is an element of the system to ensure the synergy among the subsystems within the system cyber extension working smoothly. Cyber extension is a communication method of agricultural innovation by using new communication media that integrates information technology tools to communicate information to the user faster. Therefore, analysis of the cyber extension system with the black box theory illustrates the system with attention to the desired output and the output is not desired. Mechanisms of maintenance and provision of relevant and timely input offset with socialization and assistance in the utilization of information technology for vegetable farmers in accessing information as needed is an effort to optimize the cyber extension utilization so that it can support the empowerment process of vegetable farmers.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Water is the main element for the survival of human life and other living things. The availabilit... more Water is the main element for the survival of human life and other living things. The availability of water is not only the responsibility of the government but also involves the community in its preservation through water-friendly behavior in the community. In fact, many residents have not yet realized the importance of saving water and maintaining water sources around it. One way to improve water-friendly behavior is through a process of communication between citizens in the community. This study aimed to analyze the structure of communication networks among citizens in an effort to build water-friendly behavior in densely populated communities that experience limited water. Primary data was obtained through surveys on 50 respondents who were equipped with qualitative data through interviews. The data were analyzed by the sociometric method and showed that the structure of the communication network in establishing water-friendly behavior was in the form of radial personal networks...
Partisipasi perempuan dalam pengelolaan limbah domestik diperlukan untuk menciptakan kualitas lin... more Partisipasi perempuan dalam pengelolaan limbah domestik diperlukan untuk menciptakan kualitas lingkungan yang baik. Namun, untuk membuat partisipasi efektif diperlukan informasi terkait persepsi mereka tentang lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persepsi perempuan tentang lingkungan, mengidentifikasi partisipasi perempuan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan limbah domestik, dan mengidentifikasi hubungan antara persepsi perempuan tentang lingkungan dan partisipasi mereka dalam pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga. Ada 30 orang di kampung yang menjadi responden penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi perempuan tentang lingkungan dalam tingkat baik. Persepsi mereka tentang lingkungan memiliki empat variabel yaitu definisi lingkungan, hubungan antara manusia dan lingkungan, posisi manusia dalam lingkungan, dan masalah lingkungan yang terjadi di sekitar responden. Tingkat partisipasi perempuan dalam pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga adalah rendah. Selain itu, has...
Les pratiques de controle des maladies des plantes chez les paysans riziculteurs constituent aujo... more Les pratiques de controle des maladies des plantes chez les paysans riziculteurs constituent aujourd'hui l'une des preoccupations majeures du gouvernement indonesien. Des considerations economiques, ecologiques, mais aussi de sante publique en ont fait un enjeu national. L'introduction de l'innovation pht est parvenue a diminuer la frequence d'utilisation des pesticides et a augmenter le profit des paysans. Ces resultats doivent cependant etre nuances. Un certain nombre des paysans restent encore dependants des pesticides, surtout dans les zones principales de la production du riz. Ils les utilisent en effet regulierement et n'hesitent pas a employer des marques prohibees. L'objectif de cette recherche consiste a apprehender les pratiques de controle des maladies des plantes d'un point de vue psychosocial. Existe-t-il une relation entre les pratiques de controle des maladies des plantes et les representations professionnelles des paysans ? comment les...
One of the endeavors to introduce, make them interesting and transferable to the industry; is by ... more One of the endeavors to introduce, make them interesting and transferable to the industry; is by attractively promoting inventions produced by the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development continuously. Promotion is a means of invention information dissemination of the Indonesia’s Agency for Agricultural Research and Development that is protected by the Intellectual Property Rights towards the potential target by expanding the network, favoring the inventions, and building a technological image to the end users. The formula to the problematic research with regards to communication process in the inventions’ transfer of technology promotion produced by the agricultural research and development and their success level is to perform commercial collaboration of agricultural research and development results. The objective of this research is to analyze the process and the success of communication in promoting the transfer of technology of agricultural research and development resu...
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2016
Communicating process of the company’s commitment on social and environmental aspect to the stake... more Communicating process of the company’s commitment on social and environmental aspect to the stakeholders is called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication. CSR communication could be considered as a way the company delivers special messages to its staheholders specially through communication channel to achieve CSR goal i.e. empowerment the beneficiaries. CSR practices that had performed by companies in Indonesia have not shown results significantly in term of community empowerment. This study was intended to analyze the effectivity of the CSR communication factors conducted by Dairy Processing Industry on dairy farmer’s empowerment on Pangalengan, West Java. Survey and simple regression analysis were used as research method. This research had sampled 220 dairy farmers as respondents that received CSR program. The result indicated that: a) factors that significantly influenced the knowledge and attitude of the farmers were:farmer’s characteristic, external factor,CSR comm...
Introduksi pertanian modern berbasis sains pada wilayah lahan rawa pasang surut menciptakan konte... more Introduksi pertanian modern berbasis sains pada wilayah lahan rawa pasang surut menciptakan kontestasi antara sains dengan pengetahuan lokal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perkembangan pertanian modern serta proses kontenstasi antara sains dengan pengetahuan lokal petani di lahan rawa pasang surut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam bentuk studi kasus di lahan rawa pasang surut tipe A, B, C dan D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan pertanian modern di lahan rawa pasang surut tidak terlepas dari proses hegemoni melalui institusi pemerintah. Proses kontestasi di lahan rawa pasang surut menghasilkan bentuk koeksistensi, dominasi, serta hibridisasi antara sains dengan pengetahuan lokal petani. Dominasi sains atas pengetahuan lokal diwujudkan dalam bentuk program-program peningkatan produksi dan produktivitas padi sebagai bagian dari program nasional peningkatan peroduksi pangan. Koeksistensi antara kedua entitas pengetahuan ini lebih dis...
The symptom of monetization has changed the rural organizations and social institutions, includin... more The symptom of monetization has changed the rural organizations and social institutions, including the tradition ofnyumbang (gift giving). Gift giving tradition has an important meaning for the rural community to negotiate socialinteractions. This study aimed to examine how the reciprocity portrait in gift giving tradition was in a Java rural atrural monetization. This research use of qualitative methods and took the location of Sub- Banyumas Javanese culture(represented by the rurals in the district of Banyumas and Purbalingga district). The result showed that gift givingtradition still had its strength as institutions of reciprocity. It was characterized by the persistence of megari whichcontroled and ruled the fl ow of giving (foodstuffs). By giving this foodstuffs, rural women built the solidarity of sharing.Therefore, although the monetization of giving had long lasted in many areas, the rural women of Banyumas were stilldiffi cult to adapt to the money giving. However, the gif...
Partisipasi perempuan dalam pengelolaan limbah domestik diperlukan untuk menciptakan kualitas lin... more Partisipasi perempuan dalam pengelolaan limbah domestik diperlukan untuk menciptakan kualitas lingkungan yang baik. Namun, untuk membuat partisipasi efektif diperlukan informasi terkait persepsi mereka tentang lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persepsi perempuan tentang lingkungan, mengidentifikasi partisipasi perempuan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan limbah domestik, dan mengidentifikasi hubungan antara persepsi perempuan tentang lingkungan dan partisipasi mereka dalam pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga. Ada 30 orang di kampung yang menjadi responden penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi perempuan tentang lingkungan dalam tingkat baik. Persepsi mereka tentang lingkungan memiliki empat variabel yaitu definisi lingkungan, hubungan antara manusia dan lingkungan, posisi manusia dalam lingkungan, dan masalah lingkungan yang terjadi di sekitar responden. Tingkat partisipasi perempuan dalam pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga adalah rendah. Selain itu, has...
Women’s participation in the domestic waste management is required to create the good quality of ... more Women’s participation in the domestic waste management is required to create the good quality of environment. But, to make the participation effectively is needed to see their perception of environment. The aim of this research are to identify women’s perception of the environment, to identify women’s participation in the domestic waste management activities, and to identify corellation between women’s perception of the environment and their participation in the domestic waste management. There are 30 individuals at that subvillage become the respondents of this research. The Result showed that women’s perception of environment is good. Their perception of environment have four variabels, there are definition of environment, relation between human and environment, human position in environment, and environmental problems that happened in respondents neighborhood. Women’s level of participation in the domestic waste management is low. The result showed, there is no corellation betwee...
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2016
This research aims to explain the existence, institutional environment and the sustainability of ... more This research aims to explain the existence, institutional environment and the sustainability of pesantren institutions in the village that experienced urbanization because of industrialization and the culture of modernity. The study used a constructivism paradigm for qualitative method. Data mining is done through in-depth interview techniques and field observations with the support of document studies. The results showed that, in responding to the instrumentation (the interests) of the state and the pragmatic market demands Pesantren Manbail Futuh pursuing a strategy of hybridization and the commodification of education. It is to adopt a policy of state education as well as to accommodate the community's preference based on the general education schools that is based in Pesantren. Hybridization of education is a diversification of education units (religious and general) in Pesantren. While commodification is intended as fundraising efforts to support the operational needs of t...
Papers by nurmala katrina