Autizam kao vodeći sindrom u okviru pervazivnih razvojnih poremećaja, je često, naročito u samom ... more Autizam kao vodeći sindrom u okviru pervazivnih razvojnih poremećaja, je često, naročito u samom početku procesa dijagnostikovanja, teško razgraničiti od drugih razvojnih poremećaja u detinjstvu. Manifestcije i vreme javljanja autizma mogu se poklopiti sa prvim prominentnim teškoćama kod dece sa poremećajem razvoja govora i jezika, hiperkinetskim sindromom, mentalnom retardacijom sa psihotičnim simptomima, nagluvošću sa pridodatim poremećajima u ponašanju. Radne dijagnoze koje postavlja dečji psihijatar imaju dinamički karakter, a od strane laika i nekih stručnjaka mogu biti protumačene kao pogrešne. U radu analiziramo evoluciju psihopatoloških ispoljavanja kod dece sa početnom dijagnozom iz autističnog spektra i evoluciju postavljenih dijagnoza kroz vreme (tokom desetogodišnjeg perioda).
Podizanje deteta sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) predstavlja izazov koji zahteva značajnu... more Podizanje deteta sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) predstavlja izazov koji zahteva značajnu uključenost svih članova porodice, informisanost porodice o karakteristikama poremećaja kao i o dostupnim vidovima zdravstvene zaštite i podrške roditeljima i deci. Cilj: Utvrđivanje koji su prvi simptomi, uzrast deteta kada je postavljena dijagnoza, utrvrđivanje dostupnosti dodatne pomoći iz domena obrazovanja i socijalne zaštite, kao i dodatne pomoći za roditelje dece sa PSA. Materijal i metode: Korišćen je metod prikupljanja kvantitativnih podataka u vidu ankete, a ispitanici su iz registra pacijenata s dijagnozom poremećaja iz spektra autizma. Uzorak se sastojao od 223 dece muškog pola i 58 ženskog pola (ukupo 281). U istraživanju smo koristili upitnik koji je razvijen od strane Ejmi Deniels (Amy Daniels) i nacionalnih koordinatora Mreže jugoistočne Evrope za autizam (Southeast European Autism Network-SEAN). Rezultati: Ukupno je intervjuisan 281 roditelj. Prosečni uzrast kada je postavljena dijagnoza PSA bio je 45.8 meseci (SD 22.4). Najčešći prvi simptomi kod dece bili su: 1) problem uspostavljanja kontakta očima tokom razgovora ili igre; 2) dete nije razumelo šta mu roditelji ili drugi odrasli govore; 3) teškoće u socijalnim interakcijama; i 4) neuobičajeni pokreti (hodanje na prstima, lepršanje rukama, okretanje oko sebe). Tri najčešća vida terapije koji su korišćeni bili su: tretman govora ili jezika 150 ispitanika (53,3%), farmakoterapijа 83 ispitanika (29.5%) i senzorna integrativna terapija 80 ispitanika (28,5 %). Zaključak: Život dece u poremaćajima iz spektra autizma ne bi trebalo da predstavlja problem samo pojedinca i njegove porodice, već i celog društva. Podrška pоdrazumeva razvoj svih službi koje imaju mogućnost da olakšaju život deci i njihovim roditeljima.
Parenting stress is inevitable part of parenting. Hightened levels of parenting stress develop in... more Parenting stress is inevitable part of parenting. Hightened levels of parenting stress develop in circumstances that make neccessary adaptation in parenting role more complex and hard to achive. Parenting stress is hightened in parents of children with chronic medical conditions and developmental disorders. Increasing number of children with pervasive developmental disorders (autistic spectrum disorders), the intention of recognizing and diagnosing the disorder in early ages and important role of parents and families in treatment and care for child, makes the wellbeing of parents one of the important topics in helping process. In this paper we present results of assessment of parenting stress in parents of preschool children with pervasive developmental disorders in period of diagnostic assessment and corelations beetwen parenting stress and severity of disorder. Parenting stress was assessed with PSI-SF (Abidin) and severity of autistic disorder with CARS (Schopler & Reichler). Almost half of the parents had clinical levels of parenting stress. There was no significant corelation between parenting stress and severity of autistic disorder in our sample. Results points toward importance of adequate support to parents in period of diagnostic assessment of children suspected for presence of pervasive developmental disorders and possibility of using quick standardised instrument for screening that might lead to additional interventions for parents with clinicaly significant levels of parenting stress.
BACKGROUND Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) significantly impact lives of affected individuals and... more BACKGROUND Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) significantly impact lives of affected individuals and their families. They confront daunting challenges and multiple demands in their daily life, when compared to parents of children with other disabilities or parents of typically developing children. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Participants completed The Caregiver Needs Survey, the survey intended for parents or primary caregivers of children with a diagnosis of ASD. During the study, 231 parents were interviewed; 167 mothers and 64 fathers. Parents were recruited from the patient database comprised of families from the two largest cities in Serbia. All of them were contacted before the study, either via phone or at the child's regular check-in visit. RESULTS Over 90 percent of the parents reported that additional support at schools, home, and improved relationships with service providers are necessary and important. The most important challenges related to care were child's communicatio...
Early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has proven to be of high significance, however ... more Early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has proven to be of high significance, however there is a limited availability of ASD screening tools in Serbian language. In this study we aim to translate, assess reliability and, in part, test the applicability of Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised, with Follow-Up (M-CHAT R/F) in Serbian Healthcare environment. We screened 128 children in three primary healthcare centres and 20 children in a tertiary psychiatric center, using M-CHAT R/F translated into Serbian language, between December 2014 and October 2015. At the end of the screening process 80% of participants in the risk group screened positive for ASD, while in the control group 4 (3.1%) participants screened positive, with a mean total scores of 8.25 and 0.66 respectively. The Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.91 and Guttman’s λ6 was 0.93. Test – retest reliability was deemed as acceptable, and no significant correlation was found between M-CHAT-R/F scores and ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
This chapter explores the effects of the European Early Promotion project training on primary hea... more This chapter explores the effects of the European Early Promotion project training on primary health care professionals, with regard to their knowledge, self-efficacy and ability to identify need in families, and to their satisfaction with the training received. A quasi-experimental group ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
This chapter concerns the outcomes for the families involved in the European Early Promotion Proj... more This chapter concerns the outcomes for the families involved in the European Early Promotion Project and presents data collected when the children were between six and eight weeks old and when they were 24 months old. A total of 824 families were recruited from the five ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
Abstract: This chapter describes an innovative cross-cultural method of working with families to ... more Abstract: This chapter describes an innovative cross-cultural method of working with families to promote the psychosocial well-being of children and to prevent the development of psychological and social problems. It also presents a study designed to evaluate the ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
Abstract: Unsatisfying mother-infant interaction has long-term consequences for the child, affect... more Abstract: Unsatisfying mother-infant interaction has long-term consequences for the child, affecting both child health and development. It would therefore seem reasonable to try to detect possible problems in the parent-infant interaction in early infancy, in order to ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
Abstract: This chapter describes in detail the training course for primary health care practition... more Abstract: This chapter describes in detail the training course for primary health care practitioners (PHCPs) designed for the needs of the EEP project, aiming to promote parent-infant interaction and to ensure that resources are targeted to those families in need of ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
... Dragonas1, Christine Dimitrakaki2, Lila Zacharaki3, Rosemarie Roberts4, Veronika Ispanovic-Ra... more ... Dragonas1, Christine Dimitrakaki2, Lila Zacharaki3, Rosemarie Roberts4, Veronika Ispanovic-Radojkovic5, Nenad Rudic5, Ana Radojkovic5, Anne Ozsivadjian4, Vizacou ... network which covers many family needs and contributes actively to everyday life (Maratou-Alipranti, 1999 ...
Abstract The number of children in Europe with significant psychologic and social problems is lar... more Abstract The number of children in Europe with significant psychologic and social problems is large and increasing. This article describes an innovative crosscultural method of working with families to promote the psychosocial well being of children and prevent the ...
Autizam kao vodeći sindrom u okviru pervazivnih razvojnih poremećaja, je često, naročito u samom ... more Autizam kao vodeći sindrom u okviru pervazivnih razvojnih poremećaja, je često, naročito u samom početku procesa dijagnostikovanja, teško razgraničiti od drugih razvojnih poremećaja u detinjstvu. Manifestcije i vreme javljanja autizma mogu se poklopiti sa prvim prominentnim teškoćama kod dece sa poremećajem razvoja govora i jezika, hiperkinetskim sindromom, mentalnom retardacijom sa psihotičnim simptomima, nagluvošću sa pridodatim poremećajima u ponašanju. Radne dijagnoze koje postavlja dečji psihijatar imaju dinamički karakter, a od strane laika i nekih stručnjaka mogu biti protumačene kao pogrešne. U radu analiziramo evoluciju psihopatoloških ispoljavanja kod dece sa početnom dijagnozom iz autističnog spektra i evoluciju postavljenih dijagnoza kroz vreme (tokom desetogodišnjeg perioda).
Podizanje deteta sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) predstavlja izazov koji zahteva značajnu... more Podizanje deteta sa poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA) predstavlja izazov koji zahteva značajnu uključenost svih članova porodice, informisanost porodice o karakteristikama poremećaja kao i o dostupnim vidovima zdravstvene zaštite i podrške roditeljima i deci. Cilj: Utvrđivanje koji su prvi simptomi, uzrast deteta kada je postavljena dijagnoza, utrvrđivanje dostupnosti dodatne pomoći iz domena obrazovanja i socijalne zaštite, kao i dodatne pomoći za roditelje dece sa PSA. Materijal i metode: Korišćen je metod prikupljanja kvantitativnih podataka u vidu ankete, a ispitanici su iz registra pacijenata s dijagnozom poremećaja iz spektra autizma. Uzorak se sastojao od 223 dece muškog pola i 58 ženskog pola (ukupo 281). U istraživanju smo koristili upitnik koji je razvijen od strane Ejmi Deniels (Amy Daniels) i nacionalnih koordinatora Mreže jugoistočne Evrope za autizam (Southeast European Autism Network-SEAN). Rezultati: Ukupno je intervjuisan 281 roditelj. Prosečni uzrast kada je postavljena dijagnoza PSA bio je 45.8 meseci (SD 22.4). Najčešći prvi simptomi kod dece bili su: 1) problem uspostavljanja kontakta očima tokom razgovora ili igre; 2) dete nije razumelo šta mu roditelji ili drugi odrasli govore; 3) teškoće u socijalnim interakcijama; i 4) neuobičajeni pokreti (hodanje na prstima, lepršanje rukama, okretanje oko sebe). Tri najčešća vida terapije koji su korišćeni bili su: tretman govora ili jezika 150 ispitanika (53,3%), farmakoterapijа 83 ispitanika (29.5%) i senzorna integrativna terapija 80 ispitanika (28,5 %). Zaključak: Život dece u poremaćajima iz spektra autizma ne bi trebalo da predstavlja problem samo pojedinca i njegove porodice, već i celog društva. Podrška pоdrazumeva razvoj svih službi koje imaju mogućnost da olakšaju život deci i njihovim roditeljima.
Parenting stress is inevitable part of parenting. Hightened levels of parenting stress develop in... more Parenting stress is inevitable part of parenting. Hightened levels of parenting stress develop in circumstances that make neccessary adaptation in parenting role more complex and hard to achive. Parenting stress is hightened in parents of children with chronic medical conditions and developmental disorders. Increasing number of children with pervasive developmental disorders (autistic spectrum disorders), the intention of recognizing and diagnosing the disorder in early ages and important role of parents and families in treatment and care for child, makes the wellbeing of parents one of the important topics in helping process. In this paper we present results of assessment of parenting stress in parents of preschool children with pervasive developmental disorders in period of diagnostic assessment and corelations beetwen parenting stress and severity of disorder. Parenting stress was assessed with PSI-SF (Abidin) and severity of autistic disorder with CARS (Schopler & Reichler). Almost half of the parents had clinical levels of parenting stress. There was no significant corelation between parenting stress and severity of autistic disorder in our sample. Results points toward importance of adequate support to parents in period of diagnostic assessment of children suspected for presence of pervasive developmental disorders and possibility of using quick standardised instrument for screening that might lead to additional interventions for parents with clinicaly significant levels of parenting stress.
BACKGROUND Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) significantly impact lives of affected individuals and... more BACKGROUND Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) significantly impact lives of affected individuals and their families. They confront daunting challenges and multiple demands in their daily life, when compared to parents of children with other disabilities or parents of typically developing children. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Participants completed The Caregiver Needs Survey, the survey intended for parents or primary caregivers of children with a diagnosis of ASD. During the study, 231 parents were interviewed; 167 mothers and 64 fathers. Parents were recruited from the patient database comprised of families from the two largest cities in Serbia. All of them were contacted before the study, either via phone or at the child's regular check-in visit. RESULTS Over 90 percent of the parents reported that additional support at schools, home, and improved relationships with service providers are necessary and important. The most important challenges related to care were child's communicatio...
Early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has proven to be of high significance, however ... more Early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has proven to be of high significance, however there is a limited availability of ASD screening tools in Serbian language. In this study we aim to translate, assess reliability and, in part, test the applicability of Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised, with Follow-Up (M-CHAT R/F) in Serbian Healthcare environment. We screened 128 children in three primary healthcare centres and 20 children in a tertiary psychiatric center, using M-CHAT R/F translated into Serbian language, between December 2014 and October 2015. At the end of the screening process 80% of participants in the risk group screened positive for ASD, while in the control group 4 (3.1%) participants screened positive, with a mean total scores of 8.25 and 0.66 respectively. The Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.91 and Guttman’s λ6 was 0.93. Test – retest reliability was deemed as acceptable, and no significant correlation was found between M-CHAT-R/F scores and ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
This chapter explores the effects of the European Early Promotion project training on primary hea... more This chapter explores the effects of the European Early Promotion project training on primary health care professionals, with regard to their knowledge, self-efficacy and ability to identify need in families, and to their satisfaction with the training received. A quasi-experimental group ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
This chapter concerns the outcomes for the families involved in the European Early Promotion Proj... more This chapter concerns the outcomes for the families involved in the European Early Promotion Project and presents data collected when the children were between six and eight weeks old and when they were 24 months old. A total of 824 families were recruited from the five ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
Abstract: This chapter describes an innovative cross-cultural method of working with families to ... more Abstract: This chapter describes an innovative cross-cultural method of working with families to promote the psychosocial well-being of children and to prevent the development of psychological and social problems. It also presents a study designed to evaluate the ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
Abstract: Unsatisfying mother-infant interaction has long-term consequences for the child, affect... more Abstract: Unsatisfying mother-infant interaction has long-term consequences for the child, affecting both child health and development. It would therefore seem reasonable to try to detect possible problems in the parent-infant interaction in early infancy, in order to ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
Abstract: This chapter describes in detail the training course for primary health care practition... more Abstract: This chapter describes in detail the training course for primary health care practitioners (PHCPs) designed for the needs of the EEP project, aiming to promote parent-infant interaction and to ensure that resources are targeted to those families in need of ...
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2005
... Dragonas1, Christine Dimitrakaki2, Lila Zacharaki3, Rosemarie Roberts4, Veronika Ispanovic-Ra... more ... Dragonas1, Christine Dimitrakaki2, Lila Zacharaki3, Rosemarie Roberts4, Veronika Ispanovic-Radojkovic5, Nenad Rudic5, Ana Radojkovic5, Anne Ozsivadjian4, Vizacou ... network which covers many family needs and contributes actively to everyday life (Maratou-Alipranti, 1999 ...
Abstract The number of children in Europe with significant psychologic and social problems is lar... more Abstract The number of children in Europe with significant psychologic and social problems is large and increasing. This article describes an innovative crosscultural method of working with families to promote the psychosocial well being of children and prevent the ...
Papers by nenad rudic