Papers by nooraddin sharify

Faṣlnāmah-i Pizhūhish/hā-yi Iqtiṣādī-i Īrān, 2017
Developing countries are faced with the scarcity of resources such as labor force, investment, en... more Developing countries are faced with the scarcity of resources such as labor force, investment, energy, water, etc. Such scarcities have forced these countries into adopting the unbalanced growth theory and prioritizing their resources in the manufacturing sectors. In this study, the importance of the banking sector in Iranian economy, as well as its effects on other economic sectors are taken into account. Total forward Linkages (Net and Gross) are used in order to specify the influence of the banking sector on other sectors, and also to compare it with them. The stimulation of the development of banking sector activities on the various economic sectors is also specified through total backward linkages (Net and Gross). The statistical data of this study have been provided from the input-output table (2012); the latest official updated input-output table of Iran, released by Iran's Parliament Research Center. The position of this sector, both in terms of stimulatibility and stimu...

This article seeks to compare the accuracy of the Flegg’s Location Quotients (FLQ) and Augmented ... more This article seeks to compare the accuracy of the Flegg’s Location Quotients (FLQ) and Augmented Flegg’s Location Quotient (AFLQ) methods in the regionalization of the national input-output table. The study of the evolution of location quotient approaches shows that although all the empirical evidence confirms the superiority of Flegg’s location quotient and its augmented methods in comparison to location quotient approaches, there is no single theory about the success of these two methods compared to each other. Therefore, the input-output table is provided for 31 provinces of the country, using the value added and output statistics of the provinces, updated national input-output table provided by Statistical Center of Iran in 2011, and the FLQ and AFLQ methods. To compare the performance of the FLQ method with the AFLQ method, five statistical indicators of estimating deviation are used. The results of the research show that in the regionalization of the national input-output tabl...
Investigación Económica
The paper modifies the current input-output price models to analyze exchange rate variation effec... more The paper modifies the current input-output price models to analyze exchange rate variation effects on products price indices. In so doing, a Table Adjustment Price (tap) model was expanded to deal with different cases of the real-world economy. Among the contributions the new model makes to the literature are its ability to distinguish between the effects of imported intermediate input and imported final goods on price indices and the capability to consider imperfect exchange rate pass-through to prices of imported goods. The results of the implementation of the model for Iran's economy indicate that only in the case of an imperfect pass-through or a non-adjustment of one or more primary factors holders' endowments, the increment in the exchange rate will lead to smaller increments in the price indices of the products and other relevant indices.

iranian economic review, 2016
This paper proposes an approach to find an optimum structure for educational levels of human forc... more This paper proposes an approach to find an optimum structure for educational levels of human forces. To this end, a Linear Programming (LP) Model integrated with a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) was employed. The integrated model was employed using the SAM of Golestan Province of Iran. It was demonstrated that when unemployment is the result of inconsistency between supply and demand for human force, an optimum structure leads to an increase in human force employment and the value of the object. First contribution of this paper concerns with finding an optimum educational structure for human force with respect to the objective function and conditions of a region or country. The second contribution of this approach concerns finding obstacles in the process of obtaining the objective. Proposing a tool for policy making through sensitivity analysis of educational groups of human forces is yet another contribution of the paper.

This paper investigates on the situation of Iran and it changes among the Developing 8 (D-8) coun... more This paper investigates on the situation of Iran and it changes among the Developing 8 (D-8) countries. To this end, the condition of indices such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), economic growth, per capita income, income distribution and trade balance with their changes are investigated in Iran and compared with those of other members of this group. In addition, using the Numerical Taxonomy method, position of the country is specified among the D-8 group members. The data of the research is mainly prepared from international institutes like World Bank. The results of the research reveal that the economic growth of the country has decreased, the income distribution unchanged and finally the trade balance, the share of capital formation and exports in GDP have increased during 1990-2006 period. As a result of these changes, position of Iran falls from the third in 1990 to the fourth in 2006. JEL Classification: E010 O470 P450

iranian economic review, 2015
E nergy consumption has increased significantly in Iran during the recent decades. In this study,... more E nergy consumption has increased significantly in Iran during the recent decades. In this study, an inter-industrial model has been improved to investigate the sources of the changes in the energy consumption of the country. The input-output tables of Iran for the years 1988 and 2001 have been employed as the database of the model. The innovation of this research allows the researchers to study the sources of changes in energy consumption more specifically. It concerns decomposing the effect of changes in economic structure into input substitution, and backward linkage effects. The results show that the level of final demand, input substitution, and backward linkage effects lead to an increase in energy consumption in the country. In contrast, the energy intensity of products, the structural composition of the final demand, and the categorical composition of the final demand have reducing effects on energy consumption.
Any increment in the prices of goods or services generally leads to an increase in different prod... more Any increment in the prices of goods or services generally leads to an increase in different products prices indices and inflation. This paper examines the cost-push impact of a motor spirit price increment in Iran on different products prices indices and inflation. An Input-Output (I-O) table adjustment approach is applied. Iran input- output table for the year 2001-2002 is used as database. The empirical results of the model show how the cost-push impact of a 25% increment in the motor spirit price leads to an increment in different products prices indices, but the maximum effect of this increment, which is on transportation services prices, does not exceed 0.7492%. In addition, the cost-push effect of this increase on the Production Prices Index (PPI) is estimated at 0.2540%.

Soft Comput., 2021
Countries generally aim to attain several different or sometimes contrary goals. To this end, a G... more Countries generally aim to attain several different or sometimes contrary goals. To this end, a Goal Programming (GP) model integrated with an Input–Output (I-O) one was implemented in a number of previous studies. This paper attempts to integrate a GP with a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) framework to allocate economic resources of an economy among alternative sectors in order to achieve a number of goals. To do so, although the goals and limitations of regions are determined with respect to their situations, the supply and demand for products of economic sectors, as well as Gross Regional Products (GRP); employment for different educational groups of human forces; and income distribution inequality in addition to the personal income mean are formulated as the first to third goals of the research, respectively. The model has been examined by using the SAM Table for the Golestan Province of Iran. The result of implementing the model demonstrates that integrating SAM instead of I-O w...

The regulated price policy may be implemented for some products. It is generally implemented for ... more The regulated price policy may be implemented for some products. It is generally implemented for some products such as electricity, natural gas, water and so on that are supplied as monopolist. The regulated price shock on these products may lead to an adjustment in the endowments of primary factors. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of a regulated price shock on price indices when all primary production factors adjust their endowment with respect to a price shock. To this end, in addition to a mathematical approach, the matter is demonstrated practically for Iran’s economy through an extended Standard Leontief Price (SLP) model. The Input-Output table of Iran for the year 2001 is employed as the database of the research. The result of the research indicates that in a similar case, the regulated price shock is neutral and has no benefit for the monopolists who brought it up.

In this study, the Input- Output Structural Decomposition Analysis (I-O SDA) is used to investiga... more In this study, the Input- Output Structural Decomposition Analysis (I-O SDA) is used to investigate the effects of technological structure changes on changes of total output in Sistan and Baluchestan Province during 2006-2011. The technological structure change is decomposed into two factors: intermediate input structure changes (input substitution) and change in direct backward linkage. The results show that the effect of changes in direct backward linkage is negative in all sectors, but the effect of input substitution in twelve sectors is positive and in other nine sectors is negative. Input substitutions in "Agriculture" and "Transport" sectors have the main positive effect on total output of the region and in ''Food industries'' and ''Restaurants & Hotels'' have the main negative effect on total output. This factor caused 20.89 billion Rials decrease in total output of region. Changes in direct backward linkage caused 8270.89 ...

E xchange rate is an important factor influencing price indices of exported goods of a country in... more E xchange rate is an important factor influencing price indices of exported goods of a country in different ways. Imported intermediate commodity is one of the important ways by which the change in exchange rate affects price indices of the exported goods. Using the input-output table of Iran for the year 2001, this paper investigates the impact of exchange rate devaluation on price indices of exported goods in Iran. The results of the research indicate that, when all agents do not adjust their earnings exactly with respect to price indices of products, the exchange rate pass-through is partial; therefore the increment in the level of exported prices is less than that of exchange rate variation. In contrast, when all agents adjust their earnings with respect to price indices, the price indices of all products will increase as much as exchange rate variation, hence, the pass-through is complete, and as a result, the current devaluation policy is neutral.
Because of high growth in gasoline consumption in Iran, it is supplied by quota. Although, it see... more Because of high growth in gasoline consumption in Iran, it is supplied by quota. Although, it seems this decision leads to a considerable reduction in its consumption, it is possible it has some destruction effects on the economy. On the other hand, since the saved subsidies of the government are spent for investment in the country, it is expected it has some positive effects on the economy. This paper will assess the effects of the government decision in gasoline quota on trade balance and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Iran. An Applied General Equilibrium (AGE) model using a modified Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the year 2001-2 of Iran is employed as database. The result of the simulation demonstrated the quota on gasoline consumption leads to improve the trade balance but decline the GDP.
iranian economic review, 2007
Several procedures have been employed to examine the impacts of subsidies on different indices in... more Several procedures have been employed to examine the impacts of subsidies on different indices in an economy. This paper proposes a new approach enabling one to compare direct and indirect payments on households. To this end, the impact of government payments is examined on Gross Regional Products, Employment, Income Distribution and Inflation of Golestan Province in Iran through a Social Accounting Matrix for the year 1993-94. The advantage of this approach is its ability to compare the impact of direct payments and indirect one on the above indices in more detail. The results indicate that direct payments lead to inflation with more influence on comparison with indirect payments.
Implementation of a new technology generally affects the economy indices such as production costs... more Implementation of a new technology generally affects the economy indices such as production costs and employment. Although the implementation of nanotechnology may influence the economy through several ways, this paper focuses on its impact through production process. To do so, it is attempted to measure the effects of implementation of the nanotechnology in the manufacturing process of different products on the production costs and labour force employment. A simulation based on the input-output (I-O) analysis is employed. To this end, the latest survey base I-O table of Iran for the year 2001 as well as the related data from official centers is used as database. It is expected the results of the paper make a forecast on implementation of this technology in the economy.
Iranian Economic Review, 2007
Implementation of a new technology generally affects the economy indices such as production costs... more Implementation of a new technology generally affects the economy indices such as production costs and employment. Although the implementation of nanotechnology may influence the economy through several ways, this paper focuses on its impact through production process. To do so, it is attempted to measure the effects of implementation of the nanotechnology in the manufacturing process of different products on
This paper investigates the impact of direct and indirect payments by the government to household... more This paper investigates the impact of direct and indirect payments by the government to households on the macroeconomic indices of Golastan Province in Iran. To this end, the effects of these payments on Gross Regional Products, Employment, Income Distribution and Inflation in this province are estimated through a Social Accounting Matrix for the year 1993-4. The results of the study indicate that direct rather than indirect payments by the government lead to increase in Producer Price Index, Consumer Price Index and more even income distribution and in certain cases, raise in the GRP in constant prices and job creation for labour force.

Despite the crucial significance of appropriate investment in economic development of regions, a ... more Despite the crucial significance of appropriate investment in economic development of regions, a great many of them suffer from serious investment shortages. To this end, this paper proposes a procedure for an effective investment allocation: a Linear Programming Model linked to Social Accounting Model. Since it seems that the priorities of production activities in a country or a region is an essential step, its equation is taken into account as the objective function. Several constraints such as job creation for different levels of human force, income distribution inequality, supply and demand constraints for products are considered in the model. The economic sectors of the region for a certain proportion of products are ranked with respect to the above objective function and constraints to specify the level at which each sector is to be expanded in any level of investment. The model is examined with the SAM of the Golestan province in Iran for the year 1993/1994. The results are f...
Papers by nooraddin sharify