Many of the organizations that are part of the public and private domain in Romania have reached ... more Many of the organizations that are part of the public and private domain in Romania have reached the stage in which the existing information systems can no longer comply with the requests of users. Therefore, we are compelled by necessity to use integrated information systems which should be able to control all kinds of data and to allow access to
In specialized literature, the concept of expenses is less study than that of costs. They are giv... more In specialized literature, the concept of expenses is less study than that of costs. They are given wider or broader meanings. Production costs are treated much widely in specialized literature. This is proved by the numerous definitions given to this concept. What can be deduced from these definitions are the following facts: production costs are studied from two different viewpoints: the theorist's and the practitioner's (the accountant's). For the theorist, the production cost is regarded as a generality, as a currency term used to express the consumption of resources necessary for obtaining goods and services for the market, without considering the fact that for its estimation, the application of a certain methodology is required. For the practitioner's, on contrary, production cost does not have to be analyzed as a generality, as a consumption, in currency terms, of production factors, but as a way of grouping or regrouping. From this point of view, cost is the result of a laborious and very strict work. Very often, in economic theory and practise, the terms "expenses" and "costs" have been used as synonyms. From this point of view, in specialized literature, in the opinion of some specialists, a distinction between the two terms is necessary.
USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 2020
Currently, the issue of waste is a priority both at the level of the European Union and at the le... more Currently, the issue of waste is a priority both at the level of the European Union and at the level of many countries of the world. It is even more important as a special emphasis is placed on changing the current economic model with a sustainable one, that of the circular economy. In this context, in this paper we addressed the issue of waste in Romania in close connection with the European Union. The paper includes an overview of the waste situation in Romania, while seeking to determine a synthetic waste indicator, named the aggregate waste indicator (AWI). Based on this, a ranking of the member states of the European Union was made, thus identifying the place occupied by Romania in the field of waste. The calculation of the AWI was done by going through four stages: selecting the necessary indicators and establishing the time period, normalizing the statistical data, aggregating the indicators and calculating the AWI. The ranking for the 4 selected years did not include all the...
Circular economy is becoming an increasing concern for specialists due to the benefits it can hav... more Circular economy is becoming an increasing concern for specialists due to the benefits it can have upon the environment and people. Although there are no well-defined indicators according to which the progress of a circular economy can be quantified, there is more and more concern in the specialised literature. This paper attempts to measure such progress within the EU member states via an aggregate indicator based on the indicators ones issued by the Eurostat in the EC monitoring framework. The indicator has been determined in two variants: one where the states missing some statistical data have been removed and another where the zero value has been attributed to all circumstances of unavailable data. The different determination methods have revealed different values of the circular economy aggregate indicator as well as different approaches of the states.
One of the greatest religious celebrations of the Christian world is Christmas whose significance... more One of the greatest religious celebrations of the Christian world is Christmas whose significance is so well-known. In recent years, Christmas preparations have begun to take place long before the great holiday, even in October. In order to maximize their turnovers and profits, manufacturers and retailers aim to attract more and more customers during winter holidays. In order to convince them, retailers use a new type of marketing - sensory marketing - based on senses. Sensory marketing stimulates consumerism which is felt more intensely during winter holidays. Yet, it negatively influences the perception of Christmas. Because of the stress and the pressure generated by certain habits, many Christians no longer feel that specific joy they used to sometime in the past. The explanation is the removal of Christians from the essence of the celebration, and the strong link with Santa Claus, a character found in all advertisements, malls and shops. What we have pursued in this paper is to...
The wine sector in Romania occupies a very good position in Europe and worldwide. The favourable ... more The wine sector in Romania occupies a very good position in Europe and worldwide. The favourable natural and climatic conditions as well as the historic tradition in growing grapevines and producing wine have been and are favourable factors for the development of this industry. This paper focuses on highlighting some important aspects of the Romanian wine market in the light of supply and demand. The volume of production is fluctuant, just as the average wine consumption, while the exports and imports are mainly intra-Community. The main external partners are Germany, France and Italy. The 100% absorption rate of Community funds allowed Romania to attract additional amounts in the period 2014-2018.
The Olympic Games (OG) are the world’s greatest sporting event, gathering athletes from more than... more The Olympic Games (OG) are the world’s greatest sporting event, gathering athletes from more than 200 states. They bring into the spotlight not only the sports competitions featured on the Olympic program, but also the image of the host community and country, and each people’s culture and heritage. Lately, great emphasis has been placed on the economic component of the Olympic Games. This paper aims to outline OG economics through the funding programmes for the Olympic Movement. The timeline of this paper covers the period from 1993 until 2016. With every new edition, the Olympics raise more and more revenue, even if still falling short, by far, of the organisation costs incurred. The revenue generated by broadcasting the sporting events accounts for the largest share in the total income, as opposed to the licensing revenue, which is on the lowest end. Also, there is usually a significant difference between the summer OG and the winter OG, the former generating higher revenue.
The efficient operation of the labour market is a matter of high stake for every state, consideri... more The efficient operation of the labour market is a matter of high stake for every state, considering that it reflects the balance between supply and demand. The extent to which such balance is achieved is highlighted by the Beveridge curve. This paper examines the efficient operation of the Romanian labour market, as measured by the relevant indicators of labour demand and supply. In order to capture the evolution of these indicators across the three target sub-periods (the crisis, the rebound and the resumption of an upward trend), the timeline subject to survey was 2008Q2-2016Q3. The survey conducted for this purpose revealed fluctuations in the number and rate of job vacancies, respectively in the unemployment rate. However, in the last part of the surveyed period, the trend of such indicators was downward for the unemployment rate and upward for the number and rate of job vacancies. Even so, these indicators failed to match the levels recorded before the outbreak of the economic ...
Tourism represents an industry of high importance in the economy of any state, especially if that... more Tourism represents an industry of high importance in the economy of any state, especially if that country boasts a number of natural and anthropogenic resources that could interest potential tourists. Romania, a well-endowed country in this regard, has failed to this day to turn to good account its tourism potential, even if the financial efforts in this direction were not insignificant. Although our country recorded improvements as concerns accommodation, it failed nevertheless to determine significant increases in the number of tourists and overnight stays. The main cause is the lack of an adequate transport infrastructure, as well for several other reasons. The net use index of accommodation was generally below 30%. The average length of stay decreased. The average tourist expenditure in 2010 was below the European average and the preferences of Romanian tourists have changed.
International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 2015
The decrease of regional disparities represents one of the fundamental objectives of the regional... more The decrease of regional disparities represents one of the fundamental objectives of the regional development policy promoted by the EU; furthermore, the waves of enlargement of the EU deepened these differences even more. As a member state of the EU, Romania is actively involved in reducing the economic gaps by applying some regional development strategies and policies. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the labor market analysis from the perspective of the regional gaps, carried out based on some of its specific indicators. The sinuous evolution of the standard deviation for the analyzed indicators (except for the net average salary the standard deviation of which was permanently growing) revealed increase or decrease of the regional disparities for the entire period. However, in comparison to 1998, the regional gaps increased in 2013. The regional poles on the labor market have been as following: Bucharest-Ilfov region for the best values of the studied indicators...
This paper tries to present Romania's macroeconomic development since the end of 2008 up to prese... more This paper tries to present Romania's macroeconomic development since the end of 2008 up to present times, especially the monetary policy adopted by the monetary authority in the current international context. In the first part of the paper we will present in turn aspects referring to the following: the main causes that triggered the current financial but also economic crisis, its spreading pattern in EU countries, the level of economic contraction of certain European countries, including Romania. The second part refers to the time of onset of the crisis in the country, to the direct and indirect effects of the crisis on the Romanian economy, to speculative attacks on the Romanian currency and to the immediate reaction of the banks but also of the population. Part three presents the monetary policy measures taken by Romania in order to maintain price stability and continuing downward trend in inflation, the monetary policy instruments used by the Central Bank of Romania. We also discussed the monetary policy measures taken by the NBR in the current year, the situation of the economic contraction, the changes of monthly interest rate in monetary policy, the factors behind this development, the main money market operations, issues relating to financial stability and the main measures to improve the perception of foreign investors.
Marketers need to assess the interpretation of an advertisement by the public prior to, during an... more Marketers need to assess the interpretation of an advertisement by the public prior to, during and subsequent to its release. This is a difficult task, because it aims at obtaining, in an artificial survey environment, spontaneous interpretations similar to what respondents are likely to make when encountering the advertisements in the street. In order to ensure the validity of results, the present study follows the communication interpretation model suggested by Relevance Theory. Based on this model, a three-section questionnaire was devised to assess the interpretation of five print advertisements, with the help of an expert system built in the Corvid platform developed by Exsys. The bulk of work was allotted to encoding the system, namely to defining three types of variables, and building the logic and command blocks. In the end, the system confirmed that, indeed, it was able to provide four types of answers: the respondent's initial assumption, her assumption after viewing the advertisement, the cognitive effect (if any) responsible for the change of assumption, as well as the interpretation that the respondent makes of the advertisement.
The challenges encountered by women in accessing and penetrating the labour market are undeniable... more The challenges encountered by women in accessing and penetrating the labour market are undeniable realities of the present. One of the shortcomings of the labour market relates to gender differences. A significant part of these differences are caused by: the existence of a patriarchal social system; the segregation of the labour market; gender discrimination. This paper attempts to examine women's employment and unemployment patterns on the Romanian labour market based on a series of statistical data that has been collected and reviewed, while highlighting the main factors that shape the current situation of the Romanian labour market. As regards the employment rate, the gender difference in Romania falls within the limits of that recorded for most EU countries (the employment rate is higher for the male than female population). On the contrary, the unemployment rate is reversed (higher unemployment rate in male than female population).
The pharmaceutical sector is one of the state's largest suppliers of goods and services, one ... more The pharmaceutical sector is one of the state's largest suppliers of goods and services, one of the biggest taxpayers contributing to the state budget revenue, as well as the state's largest creditor. Until 2007, inclusively, the development of the pharmaceutical sector was spectacular. Following that year a relative stagnation was registered. This paper focuses on the presentation of the pharmaceutical market's situation in terms of its three components: production, wholesale and retail trade. The productive segment is characterised by a high degree of concentration; the wholesale trade through a reduced number of actors, while the retail trade through the existence of large pharmaceutical chains.
Opportunity cost is an economic concept which takes on multiple forms of expression. One of these... more Opportunity cost is an economic concept which takes on multiple forms of expression. One of these is the foregone profit as a result of the manufacturer's option to produce goods by quality classes or of its choice of goods with certain values of gross margin and production lead times. This paper is focused on presenting some situations of avoiding opportunity costs within the meaning of foregone profit. To this end we contemplated two situations: i) one where manufacturers may opt, or not, to produce branded goods; ii) another where a restrictive factor (technical/physical and financial) may influence the manufacturer's decision-making in what type of goods should be manufactured.
The residential market is one of the market sectors seriously affected by the current economic an... more The residential market is one of the market sectors seriously affected by the current economic and financial crisis. This is mirrored both in the fall of real estate trading prices and in the decreased number of transactions and cutback of newly built constructions. This trend is applicable to the entire spectrum of the residential market (luxury properties and homes destined to average-income customers). Romania is no exception from this European and worldwide state of affairs. This paper aims to briefly outline the trends on the Romanian residential market in the aftermath of the current crisis.
Currently, human societies are experiencing a new type of economy: the knowledge economy which is... more Currently, human societies are experiencing a new type of economy: the knowledge economy which is founded on a knowledge society. The main driver of social and economic growth is knowledge itself. The new economy requires a rethinking of the production theory in that traditional factors change into secondary factors, while knowledge becomes the main, essential, production factor. An information society is a prerequisite stage towards a knowledge society; hence it needs to be implemented first. Our paper aims to present the main aspects of a knowledge society, as well as the current situation of our country regarding the implementation of the information society in the background of economic recession. The statistical data shows that the information society in Romania generally experienced a positive evolution.
Many of the organizations that are part of the public and private domain in Romania have reached ... more Many of the organizations that are part of the public and private domain in Romania have reached the stage in which the existing information systems can no longer comply with the requests of users. Therefore, we are compelled by necessity to use integrated information systems which should be able to control all kinds of data and to allow access to
In specialized literature, the concept of expenses is less study than that of costs. They are giv... more In specialized literature, the concept of expenses is less study than that of costs. They are given wider or broader meanings. Production costs are treated much widely in specialized literature. This is proved by the numerous definitions given to this concept. What can be deduced from these definitions are the following facts: production costs are studied from two different viewpoints: the theorist's and the practitioner's (the accountant's). For the theorist, the production cost is regarded as a generality, as a currency term used to express the consumption of resources necessary for obtaining goods and services for the market, without considering the fact that for its estimation, the application of a certain methodology is required. For the practitioner's, on contrary, production cost does not have to be analyzed as a generality, as a consumption, in currency terms, of production factors, but as a way of grouping or regrouping. From this point of view, cost is the result of a laborious and very strict work. Very often, in economic theory and practise, the terms "expenses" and "costs" have been used as synonyms. From this point of view, in specialized literature, in the opinion of some specialists, a distinction between the two terms is necessary.
USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 2020
Currently, the issue of waste is a priority both at the level of the European Union and at the le... more Currently, the issue of waste is a priority both at the level of the European Union and at the level of many countries of the world. It is even more important as a special emphasis is placed on changing the current economic model with a sustainable one, that of the circular economy. In this context, in this paper we addressed the issue of waste in Romania in close connection with the European Union. The paper includes an overview of the waste situation in Romania, while seeking to determine a synthetic waste indicator, named the aggregate waste indicator (AWI). Based on this, a ranking of the member states of the European Union was made, thus identifying the place occupied by Romania in the field of waste. The calculation of the AWI was done by going through four stages: selecting the necessary indicators and establishing the time period, normalizing the statistical data, aggregating the indicators and calculating the AWI. The ranking for the 4 selected years did not include all the...
Circular economy is becoming an increasing concern for specialists due to the benefits it can hav... more Circular economy is becoming an increasing concern for specialists due to the benefits it can have upon the environment and people. Although there are no well-defined indicators according to which the progress of a circular economy can be quantified, there is more and more concern in the specialised literature. This paper attempts to measure such progress within the EU member states via an aggregate indicator based on the indicators ones issued by the Eurostat in the EC monitoring framework. The indicator has been determined in two variants: one where the states missing some statistical data have been removed and another where the zero value has been attributed to all circumstances of unavailable data. The different determination methods have revealed different values of the circular economy aggregate indicator as well as different approaches of the states.
One of the greatest religious celebrations of the Christian world is Christmas whose significance... more One of the greatest religious celebrations of the Christian world is Christmas whose significance is so well-known. In recent years, Christmas preparations have begun to take place long before the great holiday, even in October. In order to maximize their turnovers and profits, manufacturers and retailers aim to attract more and more customers during winter holidays. In order to convince them, retailers use a new type of marketing - sensory marketing - based on senses. Sensory marketing stimulates consumerism which is felt more intensely during winter holidays. Yet, it negatively influences the perception of Christmas. Because of the stress and the pressure generated by certain habits, many Christians no longer feel that specific joy they used to sometime in the past. The explanation is the removal of Christians from the essence of the celebration, and the strong link with Santa Claus, a character found in all advertisements, malls and shops. What we have pursued in this paper is to...
The wine sector in Romania occupies a very good position in Europe and worldwide. The favourable ... more The wine sector in Romania occupies a very good position in Europe and worldwide. The favourable natural and climatic conditions as well as the historic tradition in growing grapevines and producing wine have been and are favourable factors for the development of this industry. This paper focuses on highlighting some important aspects of the Romanian wine market in the light of supply and demand. The volume of production is fluctuant, just as the average wine consumption, while the exports and imports are mainly intra-Community. The main external partners are Germany, France and Italy. The 100% absorption rate of Community funds allowed Romania to attract additional amounts in the period 2014-2018.
The Olympic Games (OG) are the world’s greatest sporting event, gathering athletes from more than... more The Olympic Games (OG) are the world’s greatest sporting event, gathering athletes from more than 200 states. They bring into the spotlight not only the sports competitions featured on the Olympic program, but also the image of the host community and country, and each people’s culture and heritage. Lately, great emphasis has been placed on the economic component of the Olympic Games. This paper aims to outline OG economics through the funding programmes for the Olympic Movement. The timeline of this paper covers the period from 1993 until 2016. With every new edition, the Olympics raise more and more revenue, even if still falling short, by far, of the organisation costs incurred. The revenue generated by broadcasting the sporting events accounts for the largest share in the total income, as opposed to the licensing revenue, which is on the lowest end. Also, there is usually a significant difference between the summer OG and the winter OG, the former generating higher revenue.
The efficient operation of the labour market is a matter of high stake for every state, consideri... more The efficient operation of the labour market is a matter of high stake for every state, considering that it reflects the balance between supply and demand. The extent to which such balance is achieved is highlighted by the Beveridge curve. This paper examines the efficient operation of the Romanian labour market, as measured by the relevant indicators of labour demand and supply. In order to capture the evolution of these indicators across the three target sub-periods (the crisis, the rebound and the resumption of an upward trend), the timeline subject to survey was 2008Q2-2016Q3. The survey conducted for this purpose revealed fluctuations in the number and rate of job vacancies, respectively in the unemployment rate. However, in the last part of the surveyed period, the trend of such indicators was downward for the unemployment rate and upward for the number and rate of job vacancies. Even so, these indicators failed to match the levels recorded before the outbreak of the economic ...
Tourism represents an industry of high importance in the economy of any state, especially if that... more Tourism represents an industry of high importance in the economy of any state, especially if that country boasts a number of natural and anthropogenic resources that could interest potential tourists. Romania, a well-endowed country in this regard, has failed to this day to turn to good account its tourism potential, even if the financial efforts in this direction were not insignificant. Although our country recorded improvements as concerns accommodation, it failed nevertheless to determine significant increases in the number of tourists and overnight stays. The main cause is the lack of an adequate transport infrastructure, as well for several other reasons. The net use index of accommodation was generally below 30%. The average length of stay decreased. The average tourist expenditure in 2010 was below the European average and the preferences of Romanian tourists have changed.
International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 2015
The decrease of regional disparities represents one of the fundamental objectives of the regional... more The decrease of regional disparities represents one of the fundamental objectives of the regional development policy promoted by the EU; furthermore, the waves of enlargement of the EU deepened these differences even more. As a member state of the EU, Romania is actively involved in reducing the economic gaps by applying some regional development strategies and policies. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the labor market analysis from the perspective of the regional gaps, carried out based on some of its specific indicators. The sinuous evolution of the standard deviation for the analyzed indicators (except for the net average salary the standard deviation of which was permanently growing) revealed increase or decrease of the regional disparities for the entire period. However, in comparison to 1998, the regional gaps increased in 2013. The regional poles on the labor market have been as following: Bucharest-Ilfov region for the best values of the studied indicators...
This paper tries to present Romania's macroeconomic development since the end of 2008 up to prese... more This paper tries to present Romania's macroeconomic development since the end of 2008 up to present times, especially the monetary policy adopted by the monetary authority in the current international context. In the first part of the paper we will present in turn aspects referring to the following: the main causes that triggered the current financial but also economic crisis, its spreading pattern in EU countries, the level of economic contraction of certain European countries, including Romania. The second part refers to the time of onset of the crisis in the country, to the direct and indirect effects of the crisis on the Romanian economy, to speculative attacks on the Romanian currency and to the immediate reaction of the banks but also of the population. Part three presents the monetary policy measures taken by Romania in order to maintain price stability and continuing downward trend in inflation, the monetary policy instruments used by the Central Bank of Romania. We also discussed the monetary policy measures taken by the NBR in the current year, the situation of the economic contraction, the changes of monthly interest rate in monetary policy, the factors behind this development, the main money market operations, issues relating to financial stability and the main measures to improve the perception of foreign investors.
Marketers need to assess the interpretation of an advertisement by the public prior to, during an... more Marketers need to assess the interpretation of an advertisement by the public prior to, during and subsequent to its release. This is a difficult task, because it aims at obtaining, in an artificial survey environment, spontaneous interpretations similar to what respondents are likely to make when encountering the advertisements in the street. In order to ensure the validity of results, the present study follows the communication interpretation model suggested by Relevance Theory. Based on this model, a three-section questionnaire was devised to assess the interpretation of five print advertisements, with the help of an expert system built in the Corvid platform developed by Exsys. The bulk of work was allotted to encoding the system, namely to defining three types of variables, and building the logic and command blocks. In the end, the system confirmed that, indeed, it was able to provide four types of answers: the respondent's initial assumption, her assumption after viewing the advertisement, the cognitive effect (if any) responsible for the change of assumption, as well as the interpretation that the respondent makes of the advertisement.
The challenges encountered by women in accessing and penetrating the labour market are undeniable... more The challenges encountered by women in accessing and penetrating the labour market are undeniable realities of the present. One of the shortcomings of the labour market relates to gender differences. A significant part of these differences are caused by: the existence of a patriarchal social system; the segregation of the labour market; gender discrimination. This paper attempts to examine women's employment and unemployment patterns on the Romanian labour market based on a series of statistical data that has been collected and reviewed, while highlighting the main factors that shape the current situation of the Romanian labour market. As regards the employment rate, the gender difference in Romania falls within the limits of that recorded for most EU countries (the employment rate is higher for the male than female population). On the contrary, the unemployment rate is reversed (higher unemployment rate in male than female population).
The pharmaceutical sector is one of the state's largest suppliers of goods and services, one ... more The pharmaceutical sector is one of the state's largest suppliers of goods and services, one of the biggest taxpayers contributing to the state budget revenue, as well as the state's largest creditor. Until 2007, inclusively, the development of the pharmaceutical sector was spectacular. Following that year a relative stagnation was registered. This paper focuses on the presentation of the pharmaceutical market's situation in terms of its three components: production, wholesale and retail trade. The productive segment is characterised by a high degree of concentration; the wholesale trade through a reduced number of actors, while the retail trade through the existence of large pharmaceutical chains.
Opportunity cost is an economic concept which takes on multiple forms of expression. One of these... more Opportunity cost is an economic concept which takes on multiple forms of expression. One of these is the foregone profit as a result of the manufacturer's option to produce goods by quality classes or of its choice of goods with certain values of gross margin and production lead times. This paper is focused on presenting some situations of avoiding opportunity costs within the meaning of foregone profit. To this end we contemplated two situations: i) one where manufacturers may opt, or not, to produce branded goods; ii) another where a restrictive factor (technical/physical and financial) may influence the manufacturer's decision-making in what type of goods should be manufactured.
The residential market is one of the market sectors seriously affected by the current economic an... more The residential market is one of the market sectors seriously affected by the current economic and financial crisis. This is mirrored both in the fall of real estate trading prices and in the decreased number of transactions and cutback of newly built constructions. This trend is applicable to the entire spectrum of the residential market (luxury properties and homes destined to average-income customers). Romania is no exception from this European and worldwide state of affairs. This paper aims to briefly outline the trends on the Romanian residential market in the aftermath of the current crisis.
Currently, human societies are experiencing a new type of economy: the knowledge economy which is... more Currently, human societies are experiencing a new type of economy: the knowledge economy which is founded on a knowledge society. The main driver of social and economic growth is knowledge itself. The new economy requires a rethinking of the production theory in that traditional factors change into secondary factors, while knowledge becomes the main, essential, production factor. An information society is a prerequisite stage towards a knowledge society; hence it needs to be implemented first. Our paper aims to present the main aspects of a knowledge society, as well as the current situation of our country regarding the implementation of the information society in the background of economic recession. The statistical data shows that the information society in Romania generally experienced a positive evolution.
Papers by nela steliac