Conference Presentations by mukhtasar syamsuddin
Pemilu Indonesia, 2019
Merupakan catatan singkat tentang persta demokrasi Indonesia 2019
Papers by mukhtasar syamsuddin
This study, entitled The Concept of Happiness According to Tengger People�s View in Aristotle&#... more This study, entitled The Concept of Happiness According to Tengger People�s View in Aristotle's Ethics Review, was based on hypothesis that moral wisdoms, which rooted in the lives of Tengger people, could be an alternative perspective among the current multidimensional crisis situation. This study aims to build a theoretical construction of the concept of happiness in the view of the Tengger people and how the path to seize it, which analyzed using Aristotle's ethical theory (eudaimonisme). This library research uses Aristotelian ethics theory as formal object, while material objects are the Tengger people�s views of happiness. This study is using induction, interpretation and comparison method. The methods are used to analyze the meaning of happiness in the view of the Tengger people which, then, reviewed from the perspective of Aristotelian ethics. The result of this study was, first, the happiness in the view of Tengger people means reaching equilibrium conditions in the reality totally, so happiness can be noticed as the ultimate purpose of the whole reality in universe, include human being. Second, Aristotle views that happiness is a "completeness", that the value can not be constrained (without qualification). The outcome has done by realize the characteristic potention of the human being (rationality) in accompanied by virtues (arete). Third, the Tengger people�s concept of happiness have a structural similarity with the concept of happiness in Aristotle's ethics. Tengger people, as Aristotle, considers that happiness is not the instrumental purpose, but the highest purpose of the whole of human action. In other hand, beside this structural similarity, there are differences in terms of looking at the relationship between human being and universe. While Aristotle differentiated the human beings with the other creatures in the universe based on their unique characteristic (about rationality), Tengger people looked that the human being and other creatures in the universe are equal, and they (Tengger people) looked that harmony is the basic principle of the unity of universe. Tengger people looked the "three-in-one" relationships in life, which happened in the social, natural and spiritual context. Based on this pattern of relationships, so the virtuous life noticed as the life in keeping harmony. Tengger people�s view of harmony resulting some ethical virtues (respect, harmonious and temperance). These virtues is the source of all goodness in life
Coopetition : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Feb 22, 2022
Korporasi sebagai salah satu mesin penting dari kapitalisme modern telah mampu menciptakan keseja... more Korporasi sebagai salah satu mesin penting dari kapitalisme modern telah mampu menciptakan kesejahteraan dalam perekonomian. Namun, bersamaan dengan keberhasilannya itu, kehidupan sosial dan lingkungan alam berada dalam kondisi genting. Mesin kesejahteraan ini ternyata mengancam keadilan dan kelestarian dua nilai yang tidak kalah pentingnya bagi kehidupan bersama manusia. Karena itu, para penulis kemudian mengajukan koperasi sebagai alternatif institusional. Dengan melakukan peninjauan sejarah dan penggunaan data empiris, terlihat bahwa walaupun di perekonomian maju lainnya koperasi dapat berperan signifikan, di Indonesia, koperasi kita masih kecil peranannya. Karenanya, para penulis mengajukan konsep koperasi generik sebagai upaya menampilkan kembali spirit berkoperasi yang asali dan asasi.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2017
The main purpose of this article is to describe in general and briefly the paradigm alteration oc... more The main purpose of this article is to describe in general and briefly the paradigm alteration occurred in the philosophical debate of mind-body problem. This article is aimed at finding a clarification of certain causes based on the argumentations and solutions offered by philosophers in facing mind-body problem. In this article, the purposed paradigm alteration is not only related to the ontological but also the epistemological and analytical bases of mind-body problem. Such mind-body problem is not only comprehended as a problem that requires a distinct status but also an explicit of both its character and its relation.
Electronic Theses & Dissertations Universitas Gajah Mada. Lokasi Perpustakaan Pus... more Electronic Theses & Dissertations Universitas Gajah Mada. Lokasi Perpustakaan Pusat UGM Ditampilkan per 10 baris Jenis Cari SEMUA JENIS ...
Jurnal Filsafat
Contrasting religion with human rights is a critical response that is unproductive because basica... more Contrasting religion with human rights is a critical response that is unproductive because basically the relationship between religion and human rights is ambivalent. Meanwhile, freedom of religion is understood as part of human rights, but in reality, religious practices emerge which result in violations of human rights. This research wants to answer the question of how to bridge the relationship between religion and human rights by taking the case of Iqbal's concept of humanism, "How does Iqbal's humanism reconcile religion and human rights?" This study uses the hermeneutic-philosophical method by applying the following methodical steps: interpretation, analysis-synthesis, internal coherence, description, and heuristics. The results of the research show that Iqbal's humanism as a framing that reconciles religion and human rights based on a reciprocal relationship between religion and humanity. Tauhid as a working idea and the main spiritual basis for building...
audara mahasiswa, selamat berjumpa dalam perkuliahan Retorika. Sebelum memulai perkuliahan ini, p... more audara mahasiswa, selamat berjumpa dalam perkuliahan Retorika. Sebelum memulai perkuliahan ini, perlu diketahui bahwa sistem modul yang tidak menggunakan cara tatap-muka langsung dengan dosen ini merupakan sistem pembelajaran yang memerlukan konsentrasi dan kemandirian. Mulailah membiasakan diri dengan memusatkan perhatian saudara untuk menangkap arti atau maksud setiap kalimat yang dibaca dengan berusaha merumuskan pengertian secara mandiri dari materi bacaan yang dihadapi. Dalam Modul 1 ini, saudara akan mempelajari ruang lingkup retorika yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok materi kegiatan belajar. Pada Kegiatan Belajar 1, materi yang disajikan meliputi pengertian dan kegunaan retorika, sedangkan pada Kegiatan Belajar 2 akan diuraikan sejarah retorika. Ruang lingkup retorika yang diuraikan pada masing-masing kegiatan belajar tersebut dimaksudkan untuk membatasi materi perkuliahan retorika. Selain itu, ingin ditunjukkan bahwa materi perkuliahan yang disajikan pada modul-modul berikutnya merupakan penjabaran lebih lanjut dari ruang lingkup retorika. Dari pembatasan materi berupa pengertian dan kegunaan retorika yang dipelajari pada Kegiatan Belajar 1 akan diperoleh pemahaman bahwa retorika terkait erat dengan banyak hal, terutama unsur-unsur komunikasi, termasuk cara berkomunikasi yang semuanya merupakan materi pembelajaran retorika pada Modul 2 dan 3. Sedangkan pembatasan materi berupa sejarah retorika yang dibahas pada Kegiatan Belajar 2 akan memberikan gambaran bagaimana pertumbuhan dan perkembangan retorika serta bagaimana para tokoh menggunakan retorika dalam menyampaikan pidato yang semua itu juga akan berhubungan dengan materi pembelajaran retorika pada Modul 4, 5, dan 6.
[Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2012
The Research titled Dimension of Local Wisdom Oral Literature of Ternate in the Perspective of ph... more The Research titled Dimension of Local Wisdom Oral Literature of Ternate in the Perspective of philosophy of culture actually based on the permissive culture of Indonesia in an era of globalization. Besides the low appreciation of local cultural values that exist. The purpose of this research to reveal the value of local wisdom contained in the oral literature of Ternate as part of the cultural artifacts that actually contains the philosophical values. The value of local wisdom represented in the oral literature of Ternate is expected to be a solution to the development and challenges of these era that are increasingly dynamic and complex. This research is a library research that uses hermeneutics and heuristic methods. The object of the material in this research are oral traditions and oral literature of Ternate, whereas formal objects that are used as analytical tools is a philosophy of culture. methodical study of elements used are description, historical, abstraction and heuristics. The results obtained in this study were: first: the oral literature of Ternate, as part of a cultural artifact of philosophy. Second: correlation of oral literature of Ternate with a researched approach to formal object has the value local wisdom through traditions, customs prevailing in the local community. Third: Appreciation of human values and nature (environment). including an appreciation of the Creator through local knowledge of local communities, which in fact implies a world view or philosophy of life for the People of Ternate called philosophy "Jou Ngofangare". Fourth: the Philosophical Approach of culture as an object of formal research has a "red thread" alignment between the value of local wisdom with the values contained in the oral literature of Ternate. The relevance of this research can provide a sense of local knowledge for the public to the concept of cultural values according to the perspective of philosophy. Besides, local wisdom contained in the oral literature of Ternate were part of the philosophy of human culture that is more humanize. the harmony of Nature and the Creator is a unity that can not be separated. As reflected in the cultural wisdom of the nation's outlook on Indonesian way of life with the concept of Pancasila is "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" as part of the value of local knowledge of Indonesia which has been deeply rooted in Indonesian culture. through a long process as a tradition and culture, which until now has been a philosophy and world view of Indonesia
International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT), Dec 26, 2020
This was a descriptive research aimed at developing a teaching material of competency-based-ilmu ... more This was a descriptive research aimed at developing a teaching material of competency-based-ilmu ma'ani as one of alternative ways in improving education quality, particularly, in terms of the teaching of ilmu ma'ani in the study program of Arabic language education, FBS UNM. The research type was research and development (R & D) following the 4-D developmental model of Thiagarajan. The research population was all students of the study program of Arabic language education, FBS UNM, consisting of 7 classes. Meanwhile, the research sample was one class of the students in the sixth semester that were taking the Balaghah 2 or Ilmu Ma'ani course. The instruments utilized in this research were a validation sheet of the teaching material, learning achievement test, questionnaire for students' responses, and researchers' field note. This research results in a product such a teaching material of Ilmu Ma'ani based on competency approach. Building on the validation result to the teaching material and the test result, it is acquired from the content expert that the teaching material is in the validity level as 91.66% and from the pedagogical expert that it is in the validity level as 92%. Whereas, the try out results show that the teaching material is practical with the score of 80.15% and it is highly effective with the average of the students' score as 84. It means that the developed teaching material is effective, valid, and practical to use.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2015
The main purpose of this article is to describe in general and briefly the paradigm alteration oc... more The main purpose of this article is to describe in general and briefly the paradigm alteration occurred in the philosophical debate of mind-body problem. This article is aimed at finding a clarification of certain causes based on the argumentations and solutions offered by philosophers in facing mind-body problem. In this article, the purposed paradigm alteration is not only related to the ontological but also the epistemological and analytical bases of mind-body problem. Such mind-body problem is not only comprehended as a problem that requires a distinct status but also an explicit of both its character and its relati
Jurnal Filsafat, 2016
Corruption is the reality of crime that can not be separated from the structure and human agency.... more Corruption is the reality of crime that can not be separated from the structure and human agency. The perspective of structuration theory emphasizes the duality relation between agents and structures. The structure includes the rules and resources and the social systems are mobilized in space-time by the social agents. Corruption as a structural crime involving micro structures and macro structures. First, corruption is a crime that occurs due to banality (omission/habituation) whose motive is greed, dishonesty, arrogance, pettiness, shallowness of thought and the subjective satisfaction. Motifs are encased in a system of production and reproduction of social activity that is dialectic. Secondly, corruption is sustained by the conditions of a globalized modernity as a result of events like the separation of time and spice, the development of disembedding mechanism of localized context, and the reflexive appropriation of knowledge. Agents are those that have a value of intervention (...
Electronic Theses & Dissertations Universitas Gajah Mada. Lokasi Perpustakaan Pusat UGM Ditampilk... more Electronic Theses & Dissertations Universitas Gajah Mada. Lokasi Perpustakaan Pusat UGM Ditampilkan per 10 baris Jenis Cari SEMUA JENIS ...
Ketika catatan singkat ini dipersiapkan, tepatnya pada Minggu, 28 April 2019, pukul 00:00, hasil ... more Ketika catatan singkat ini dipersiapkan, tepatnya pada Minggu, 28 April 2019, pukul 00:00, hasil Real Count Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) menunjukkan perolehan suara sementara Jokowi-Amin (56,38%) mengungguli Prabowo-Sandi (43,62%).† Terlepas dari pro dan kontra atas hasil Real Count versi KPU tersebut, rakyat Indonesia dari kedua kontestan Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) sampai kini tengah menunggu hasil rekapitulasi perhitungan suara yang dijadwalkan akan berakhir pada 22 Mei 2019. Bagaimanapun, hasil dan bahkan keputusan final berupa penetapan pemenang Pilpres 2019 oleh KPU sebagai lembaga resmi negara sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan masa depan bangsa Indonesia. Perhelatan elektoral yang mewujud dalam bentuk pesta demokrasi 2019 memang telah usia. Namun keserentakan Pilpres dan Pemilihan Legislatif (Pileg) 2019 yang merupakan pengalaman pertama bangsa Indonesia ini menyisakan banyak persoalan (teknis), sebut saja misalnya yang umum diketahui; 1) masalah ketersediaan logistik atau ...
Conference Presentations by mukhtasar syamsuddin
Papers by mukhtasar syamsuddin