Papers by muh.kamaruddin jamal
Dalam edisi perdana ini, majalah Pogau Makesa memuat hal-hal yang bertalian dengan pengetahuan, k... more Dalam edisi perdana ini, majalah Pogau Makesa memuat hal-hal yang bertalian dengan pengetahuan, kuliner, sastra, dan budaya. Tentunya tidak ketinggalan pula beberapa liputan aktivitas IKA Duta Bahasa Sulawesi Tenggara yang mengemban fungsinya dalam upaya pembinaan dan pelindungan bahasa di bumi anoa ini. Secara tidak langsung majalah ini hadir sebagai bukti nyata dokumentasi kehadiran Duta Bahasa di Sulawesi Tenggara sebagai salah satu motor penggerak literasi di Sulawesi Tenggara
Jurnal Manajemen, Bisnis dan Organisasi (JUMBO)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Personal Factors, Perceived Social Sup... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Personal Factors, Perceived Social Support, and Perceived Organizational Support on Willingness to be Relocated. This research was conducted at BPK RI Representatives of Southeast Sulawesi Province with a total sample of 90 respondents. The sampling technique in this study was carried out by means of the census technique so that the entire population was used as the research sample. The research data were collected using interviews and questionnaires. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS software.. The results showed that: 1) Personal Factor has a significant effect on willingness to be relocated. 2) Perceived Social Support has a significant effect on willingness to be relocated. 3) Perceived Organizational Support has no effect on willingness to be relocated. Simultaneously these variables have a significant effect on willingness to be relocated
Journal of Teaching English, 2019
This study attempts to know the students’ perception on a Facebook group in improving writing ski... more This study attempts to know the students’ perception on a Facebook group in improving writing skill on the tenth grade of SMA 5 Kendari that focus on enhancing students writing performance level and the brainstorm ideas at the pre-writing stage. Also, to find out how Facebook influence the students’ affective domain. The researcher employed mix method design with questionnaire as instrument to collect data from 36 students. The data was analyzed by calculating the frequency distribution of Likert scale. The result reveals there was positive perception among students about applying Facebook Group in improving writing. Particularly, Respondent (89.7%) spell – check feature helps students to avoid the error spelling and (91.6) student feel motivated when they got “like” from their friends. It is suggested that future research to investigate the teacher and students’ problem in applying Facebook. In addition, the future study researcher may investigate the use ...
Papers by muh.kamaruddin jamal