Papers by mostafa ibrahim

The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
The aim of the study was to detect if serum procalcitonin could be used as an early diagnostic ma... more The aim of the study was to detect if serum procalcitonin could be used as an early diagnostic marker for COVID in asymptomatic patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and if procalcitonin is related to the extent of myocardial injury after the infarction. Patients and Methods: The study was carried out on 150 patients (age 53.39 ± 13.16) presenting to Ain Shams University Hospitals with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and received the standard of care management, which is primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The patients were assessed regarding the demographic data, presence of any symptoms and signs of infection, risk factors, echocardiography and laboratory measures. COVID PCR and procalcitonin were assessed for all patients. Results: Out of all the asymptomatic patients presenting with STEMI whose COVID PCR turned out to be positive, the procalcitonin was positive 24 and 48 hours post presentation with P value <0.001. There was high statistically significant relation between positive procalcitonin and total leucocytic count (TLC) where there was a drop from a median of 11/mm 3 with range (4.5-19) /mm 3 in negative procalcitonin to a median of 3.7 /mm 3 with range (1.4-12) /mm 3 in procalcitonin positive patients. There was high statistically significant relation between positive procalcitonin and rise of C-reactive protein (CRP) value where there was a rise from CRP median value from 12 mg/dL range (2-40) mg/dL in negative procalcitonin patients to 47 mg/dL range (14-163) mg/dL in positive procalcitonin patients. Conclusion: There was a strong relationship between procalcitonin and COVID infection in asymptomatic patients thus procalcitonin can be used as an early diagnostic biomarker for COVID infection in patients presenting with myocardial infarction.
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 2021
Background By various molecular and cellular research efforts it was displayed that folliculogene... more Background By various molecular and cellular research efforts it was displayed that folliculogenesis, ovulation, and corpus luteum formation is considered as an inflammatory processes that hav raised the research interest to investigate that serum amyloid A as an inflammatory mediator to reveal its possible role in infertility. Objective This study aims to assess the association between SAA and unexplained infertility in women. Methods The current research study have been conducted at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital during the period from September 2018 to April 2019. Women approached were recruited from outpatient clinic of Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. The recruited 90 research study subjects have been divided into two research groups Results Serum amyloid A was statistically significantly higher among the unexplained research group versus control group (SAA had excellent discriminative value with an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.992 (95% CI = 0.945 to 1.0...

Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, 2020
Introduction: The reduced rate of bone formation despite the availability of vitamin D has been r... more Introduction: The reduced rate of bone formation despite the availability of vitamin D has been reported in β-thalassemia. This suggests genetic factors together with environmental one can be implicated in this condition. Since vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) maintains bioavailability of vitamin D which binds to vitamin D receptor (VDR)-retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRA) heterodimer to exert its molecular actions, we speculated that vitamin D metabolic-axis expression signature and variants could be potential molecular candidates for bone turnover/disease in thalassemia. To this end, this study aims to analyze VDR/RXRA expression signature, and two VDBP variants in a pilot sample of Egyptian β-thalassemia children in correlation with bone mineral density (BMD). Patients and methods: Forty-four β-thalassemia children and 40 unrelated controls were enrolled. The serum bone chemistry profile was measured. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMN) VDR/RXRA expression levels were quantif...

IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018
Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) schemes face number of essential challenges for achieving data p... more Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) schemes face number of essential challenges for achieving data privacy in Cloud Storage Services (CSS). One crucial challenge is the existence of a single authority for attributes management. The second challenge is the lack of an efficient attribute revocation mechanism that prohibits an unauthorized access instantaneously after an attribute revocation is requested. The third challenge is the avoidance of using attribute revocation scenario as a mechanism for user revocation. In this paper, a robust generic multi-authority attributes management system is presented to overcome these challenges for CSS. The proposed system can be implemented using either Ciphertext Policy ABE (CP-ABE) or Key Policy ABE (KP-ABE) technique that possesses a specific set of characteristics. In addition, the proposed system presents a novel structure for user digital identity that prohibits the collusion between system users. Moreover, the proposed system does not oblige cooperation between the participated attributes authorities to accomplish any of the proposed system tasks. Furthermore, the attributes authorities can join or leave the proposed system without mandating the proposed system reinitialization. Finally, the presented performance measures prove the proposed system validity to accomplish all the specified goals with acceptable performance.
American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2014

MILCOM 2016 - 2016 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2016
Waveforms proposed for future communication systems aim at fulfilling the demanding requirements ... more Waveforms proposed for future communication systems aim at fulfilling the demanding requirements of the next generation of 5G applications. In this paper, an enhancement over Zero Tail Discrete Fourier Transform Spread Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (ZT DFT-S-OFDM) is proposed. The presented Zero Tail Filter Bank Spread OFDM (ZT FB-S-OFDM) replaces the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) block with a filter bank (FB) block. The performance of the conventional system is degraded due to the non-perfect zero-tails. The proposed system suppresses the power over the zero-tails by using raised cosine (RC) shaped pulses near the zero-tails. An implementation scheme for the transmitter and the receiver is proposed. It is shown that suppressing the power over the zero-tail enhances the system bit error rate (BER) performance. Furthermore, results show extra improvements in the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and out-of-band emission (OOBE) performances.
Case Reports in Pediatrics, 2016
Neonatal pneumonia is reported to be the primary cause of neonatal respiratory failure and one of... more Neonatal pneumonia is reported to be the primary cause of neonatal respiratory failure and one of the common causes of neonatal hospitalization and death in developing countries. Chest X-ray was considered the gold standard for diagnosis of neonatal pneumonia. Lung ultrasonography has been described as a valuable noninvasive tool for the diagnosis of many neonatal pulmonary diseases. We report a case of ventilation associated neonatal pneumonia with very early diagnosis using lung ultrasound before any significant radiographic changes in chest X-ray or laboratory findings suggestive of infection.

The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 2016
The purpose of this study was to assess the role of dynamic contrast enhanced and diffusion MR im... more The purpose of this study was to assess the role of dynamic contrast enhanced and diffusion MR imaging in the detection of tumor viability after radiofrequency and microwave ablation therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Subjects and methods: The study was done on 50 patients with HCC underwent radiofrequency or microwave ablation. Patients were classified into resolved group if there's no MRI evidence of tumor viability at the ablated lesion and unresolved group if there's evidence of tumor viability. Results: In the early 1 month post-ablation period, heterogenous signal of the ablation zone in the precontrast T1 and T2 images was noted that gradually become more homogenous in the 3-12 months follow-up. Ill defined persistent perilesional enhancement is considered as a benign finding that was present in 100% of patients imaged within the 1st month and persists only in 5% after 9-12 months. The mean ADC value of the malignant lesions was 0.91 ± 0.09 Â 10 À3 mm 2 /s, while the mean ADC value of the benign post-ablation parenchymal changes was 1.29 ± 0.12 Â 10 À3 mm 2 /s with a cutoff value of 1.05 Â 10 À3 mm 2 /s. Conclusion: MRI provides a powerful tool in the assessment of treatment response after RFA and MWA of hepatocellular carcinoma.
5th International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems & Applications, 2015
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Diabetes, 2015
Successful weight loss is variable for reasons not fully elucidated. Whether effective weight los... more Successful weight loss is variable for reasons not fully elucidated. Whether effective weight loss results from smaller reductions in energy expenditure during caloric restriction is not known. We analyzed whether obese individuals with a “thrifty” phenotype, that is, greater reductions in 24-h energy expenditure during fasting and smaller increases with overfeeding, lose less weight during caloric restriction than those with a “spendthrift” phenotype. During a weight-maintaining period, 24-h energy expenditure responses to fasting and 200% overfeeding were measured in a whole-room indirect calorimeter. Volunteers then underwent 6 weeks of 50% caloric restriction. We calculated the daily energy deficit (kilocalories per day) during caloric restriction, incorporating energy intake and waste, energy expenditure, and daily activity. We found that a smaller reduction in 24-h energy expenditure during fasting and a larger response to overfeeding predicted more weight loss over 6 weeks, e...
Applications of Digital Image Processing XXI, 1998
Advances in Optical Information Processing VIII, 1998

Endoscopic Ultrasound, 2014
Tissue acquisition plays a key role before treatment decision in most of oncological pathologies ... more Tissue acquisition plays a key role before treatment decision in most of oncological pathologies but also in several benign diseases. By offering tissue sampling, endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) has become an essential tool in the diagnostic processes. One of the reasons for the success of the technique is related to its excellent diagnostic performance. The diagnostic accuracy of EUS-FNA is above 80% for most of the usual indications. These performances are however dependent on some factors related to both the disease and patient's medical history but also related to medical staff expertise. Endoscopist needs to know how to reach a lesion but also how to efficiently acquire good tissue samples. This review aims to report general recommendations available in the literature for high quality EUS-FNA. Sample processing and sample interpretation also influence diagnostic accuracy of FNA. This paper includes a discussion on sample processing and benefits of the on-site pathology examination. It also provides the results reported in the literature of sample adequacy and diagnostic performance of EUS-FNA for most common indications: Pancreatic diseases, sub-mucosal lesion, mucosal thickenings, lymph nodes, cystic lesion and free fluids.

AIM: To investigate the potential benefit of Fujinon in� telligent chromo endoscopy �FIC���assist... more AIM: To investigate the potential benefit of Fujinon in� telligent chromo endoscopy �FIC���assisted small bo�el �FIC���assisted small bo�el FIC���assisted small bo�el ��assisted small bo�el �assisted small bo�el small bo�el mall bo�el capsule endoscopy ���C�� for detection and character� apsule endoscopy ���C�� for detection and character� ���C�� for detection and character� ��C�� for detection and character� � for detection and character� for detection and character� ization of small bo�el lesions in patients �ith obscure obscure bscure gastroenterology bleeding ��GI���� astroenterology bleeding ��GI���� bleeding ��GI���� leeding ��GI���� METHODS: The ��C� examinations ��illcam ��2, Giv� en Imaging Ltd� �ere retrospectively analyzed by t�o GI fello�s �observers� �ith and �ithout FIC� enhance� ment�� Randomization �as such that a fello� did not assess the same examination �ith and �ithout FIC� enhancement. The senior consultant described findings as �0, �1 and �2 lesions �non�pathological, intermedi� ate bleed potential, high bleed potential�, �hich �ere considered as reference findings. Main outcome mea� surements: Inter�observer correlation �as calculated using kappa statistics. Sensitivity and specificity for P2 lesions �as calculated for FIC� and �hite light ��C��� RESULTS: In 60 patients, the intra�class kappa cor� relations between the observers and reference findings �ere 0��88 and 0��92 ��2�, 0��61 and 0��79 ��1�, for ��C� using FIC� and �hite light, respectively�� �verall 157 le� sions �ere diagnosed using FIC� as compared to 114 �ith �hite light ��C� �� �� 0��15��� For �2 lesions, the �� 0��15��� For �2 lesions, the sensitivity was 94% vs 97% and specificity was 95% vs 96% for FIC� and �hite light, respectively�� Five ��2 le� sions� out of 55 arterio�venous malformations could be better characterized by FIC� as compared to �hite light ��C��� �ignificantly more �0 lesions �ere diagnosed �hen FIC� �as used as compared to �hite light �39 vs 8, � < 0��001��� CONCLUSION: FIC� �as not better than �hite light for diagnosing and characterizing significant lesions on SBCE for OGIB. FICE detected significantly more nonpathological lesions�� Nevertheless, some vascular le� sions could be more accurately characterized �ith FIC� as compared to �hite light ��C���

Video capsule endoscopy that was launched 10 years ago has become a first-line procedure for exam... more Video capsule endoscopy that was launched 10 years ago has become a first-line procedure for examining the small bowel. The most common indications for capsule endoscopy are obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, Crohn's disease, polyposis syndromes, and evaluation of patients with complicated celiac disease. The ideal capsule should improve the quality of the image and have a faster frame rate than the currently available one. There should be a therapeutic capsule capable of performing a biopsy, aspirating fluid, delivering drugs, and measuring the motility of the small bowel wall. Another major leap forward would be the capability of remote control of capsule's movement in order to navigate it to reach designated anatomical areas for carrying out a variety of therapeutic options. Technology for improving the capability of the future generation capsules almost within grasp and it would not be surprising to witness the realization of these giant steps within the coming decade. In this review we will focus on the current clinical applications of capsule endoscopy for imaging of the small bowel and colon and will additionally give an outlook on future concepts and developments of capsule endoscopy.
Papers by mostafa ibrahim