Papers by mohamed ali berrady
Tuberculosis TB is common in countries constituting endemic areas like Morocco, spinal sites repr... more Tuberculosis TB is common in countries constituting endemic areas like Morocco, spinal sites represents half of osteo-articular locations, while peripheral locations in the limbs are rare. The authors relate in this observation the case of a particular location of tuberculosis arthritis. It is osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the 2nd ray of the foot. Clinical signs were characterized by a moderately painful swelling of the dorsum of the foot with slow evolution. The definitive diagnosis was histologically obtained. Clinical cure was achieved after 09 months of medical treatment.
Pan African Medical Journal, 2018
This Corrigendum corrects "Schwannome bénin du nerf grand sciatique, à propos de 2 cas" The
Pan African Medical Journal, 2014
Tuberculosis TB is common in countries constituting endemic areas like Morocco, spinal sites repr... more Tuberculosis TB is common in countries constituting endemic areas like Morocco, spinal sites represents half of osteo-articular locations, while peripheral locations in the limbs are rare. The authors relate in this observation the case of a particular location of tuberculosis arthritis. It is osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the 2 nd ray of the foot. Clinical signs were characterized by a moderately painful swelling of the dorsum of the foot with slow evolution. The definitive diagnosis was histologically obtained. Clinical cure was achieved after 09 months of medical treatment.
Pan African Medical Journal, 2014
Les tumeurs primitives des nerfs périphériques représentent 1 à 2% des tumeurs des tissus mous. L... more Les tumeurs primitives des nerfs périphériques représentent 1 à 2% des tumeurs des tissus mous. Les schwannomes sont en règle des tumeurs isolées de taille modérée et de croissance lente. Il convient de distinguer le schwannomes bénin et le neurofibrome des tumeurs malignes survenant généralement au cours d'une maladie de Recklinghausen. L'IRM permet d'orienter le diagnostic en mettant en évidence une tumeur de même signal que le tissu musculaire. Le traitement idéal de ces tumeurs consiste en une énucléation chirurgicale avec dissection soigneuse des faisceaux nerveux avoisinants. Nous rapportons deux cas d'un schwannome bénin développé aux dépens du nerf grand sciatique.
Papers by mohamed ali berrady