Papers by manuel villegas
Revista de Psicoterapia, 2006
En este artículo se contempla el fenómeno de la dependencia emocional en el contexto de la relaci... more En este artículo se contempla el fenómeno de la dependencia emocional en el contexto de la relación de pareja. Las vicisitudes en la negociación de los parámetros sobre los que se constituye la relación de pareja, simetría y complementariedad, se consideran suficientes para explicar el fenómeno la dependencia emocional, independientemente de otros factores personales, sociales o culturales predisponentes.

In 1933, Salvador Dali analysed the inner mechanisms of paranoid phenomena, and thought about the... more In 1933, Salvador Dali analysed the inner mechanisms of paranoid phenomena, and thought about the possibility of a method based on the sudden power of systematic associations particular to paranoia. This method would become the delusional-critical synthesis called «paranoidcritical activity». Dali based his thoughts on Jacques Lacan, who in 1932 had published his tesis De la psychose paranoiaque dans ses raports avec la personalite. According to classic theory, the paranoid delusion is the result of a misjudgement in front of reality and, therefore, of a false interpretation. On the contrary, Lacan thought that the origin of paranoia is a hallucination. The interpretation and delusion are not two consecutive moments but coincidental. The points of agreement between Lacan’s thesis and Dali’s approach are: the hallucinatory origin, coincidence between interpretation and delusion, the creative power of paranoia, development in repetitive structural forms, and so on. Dali highlighted th...

Revista Médicas UIS, 2017
Introducción: la enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional representa un espectro de enfermedades con ... more Introducción: la enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional representa un espectro de enfermedades con un denominador común que sirve de marcador diagnóstico, control y pronóstico, la Subunidad Beta Gonadotrofina Coriónica Humana. Se pretende revisar el patrón clínico de la enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional en un centro oncológico de tercer nivel. Materiales y Métodos: se constituyó una cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes remitidas a la institución en la sede del departamento de Caldas entre enero de 2001 a diciembre de 2014, con diagnóstico de enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional, en la cual se analizaron variables de tratamiento y evolución de la enfermedad. Resultados: se obtuvieron 25 pacientes con edad media de 30 años; 68% tenían síntomas previos al diagnóstico de menos de tres meses; 84% se diagnosticaron por ecografía y 80% por legrado; 52% con mola persistente y 24% con coriocarcinoma; 80% en etapa clínica I, 8% en etapa III y 8% en etapa IV con metástasis en 36% al pulmón, 18% a sistema nervioso central y 9% a hígado; 76% clasificadas como bajo riesgo. la media de seguimiento entre diagnóstico y remisión fue 6,3 meses, entre cirugía y remisión 6,4 meses y entre la primera quimioterapia y la remisión 2,9 meses. Sobrevida global de 92%. Conclusión: los factores de mayor importancia en la ocurrencia y evolución de la enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional son el nivel de Gonadotrofina Coriónica Humana, la histología, la presencia o no de enfermedad metastásica, el uso de multiagentes en quimioterapia y finalmente el índice pronóstico internacional.

Applied Sciences, 2020
According to the International Diabetes Federation, in 2019, approximately 416.7 million people w... more According to the International Diabetes Federation, in 2019, approximately 416.7 million people worldwide suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). T2DM is a chronic degenerative disease of long term and slow progression. This condition requires a strict follow-up by physicians and nutritionists, combined with rigorous adherence to treatment by the patient to avoid possible complications. In this context, this paper describes the analysis, design, development, and preliminary usability assessment of a telemonitoring system focused on the monitoring, control, and remote nutritional therapy of people with T2DM. The proposed system comprises two mobile web applications, one focused on the patient and another oriented to physicians and nutritionists. The central services that our system provides to the patient and health personnel are: generate risk alerts; consult food menu options; receive recommendations; consult results of the food intake frequency questionnaire; patient histor...
Revista de Psicoterapia, 2017
Este artículo representa la trasposición a formato texto de los conceptos expuestos en el taller ... more Este artículo representa la trasposición a formato texto de los conceptos expuestos en el taller sobre “culpa y perdón”, desarrollado en el Congreso nacional de la Asociación Española de Psicoterapias Cognitivas (ASEPCO) de 2016. Más allá de la carga religiosa o filosófica que pueda atribuirse a estos vocablos, se consideran los aspectos psicológicos implicados en estos conceptos, considerados desde el punto de vista del desarrollo y la regulación moral, en relación especialmente a su dimensión prosocial.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 2017
A key factor limiting the effectiveness of radiation therapy is normal tissue toxicity, and recen... more A key factor limiting the effectiveness of radiation therapy is normal tissue toxicity, and recent preclinical data have shown that ultra-high dose rate irradiation (>50 Gy/s, "FLASH") potentially mitigates this effect. However, research in this field has been strongly limited by the availability of FLASH irradiators suitable for small animal experiments. We present an Purpose: A key factor limiting the effectiveness of radiation therapy is normal tissue toxicity, and recent preclinical data have shown that ultra-high dose rate irradiation (>50 Gy/s, "FLASH") potentially mitigates this effect. However, research in this field has been strongly limited by the availability of FLASH irradiators suitable for small animal experiments. We present a simple methodologic approach for FLASH electron small animal irradiation with a clinically available linear accelerator (LINAC). Methods and Materials: We investigated the FLASH irradiation potential of a Varian Clinac 21EX in both clinical mode and after tuning of the LINAC. We performed detailed FLUKA Monte Carlo and experimental dosimetric characterization at multiple experimental locations within the LINAC head. Results: Average dose rates of 74 Gy/s were achieved in clinical mode, and the dose rate after tuning exceeded 900 Gy/s. We obtained 220 Gy/s at 1-cm depth for a >4-cm field size with 90% homogeneity throughout a 2-cm-thick volume. Conclusions: We present an approach for using a clinical LINAC for FLASH irradiation. We obtained dose rates exceeding 200 Gy/s after simple tuning of the LINAC,
Revista De La Sociedad Boliviana De Pediatria, 2009
Prune Belly Syndrome in females is rare, being a 3 to 5% of cases were male, we present a case bo... more Prune Belly Syndrome in females is rare, being a 3 to 5% of cases were male, we present a case born in The Women's Hospital, Service of Neonatology, La Paz-Bolivia, with obvious physical characteristics of the disease, with no serious disorders of the urinary tract or infections away from it. We believe it is the first case reported in the literature that develops an ongoing mild and favorable clinical prognosis in its severity.
Breve artículo que describe las bases conceptuales del master en Terapia Cognitivo Social.. www.u... more Breve artículo que describe las bases conceptuales del master en Terapia Cognitivo Social..
Acción Psicológica, 2012
En este artículo se presenta una concepción de las relaciones de pareja en la que se tienen en cu... more En este artículo se presenta una concepción de las relaciones de pareja en la que se tienen en cuenta no sólo los aspectos interactivos o relacionales, sino también los personales o individuales. Los primeros afectan más bien a la dimensión estructural de simetría o asimetría respecto a la posición de poder que ocupa cada uno de los miembros de la pareja. Los segundos tienen que ver con la dimensión estructural de complementariedad, en referencia a los recursos que cada uno de ellos aporta a la relación. De este modo se consideran aquellos aspectos que inciden globalmente sobre la problemática de la pareja.
Bioresource Technology, 2014
h i g h l i g h t s Kinetics of volatile solids (VS) biodegradation in batch biodrying was studie... more h i g h l i g h t s Kinetics of volatile solids (VS) biodegradation in batch biodrying was studied. The effect of air flow-rate (AFR) and initial moisture content (Mc) was evaluated. Seven kinetic models were analyzed with two statistical indicators. Kinetic models proposed simulate VS biodegradation under studied conditions.
Man’s Self-Interpretation-in-Existence, 1990
... Titre du document / Document title. Phenomenological Analysis of Autobiographical Texts : A D... more ... Titre du document / Document title. Phenomenological Analysis of Autobiographical Texts : A Design Based on Personal Construct Psychology in Man's Self-Interpretation-in-Existence : Phenomenology and Philosophy of Life. Introducing the Spanish Perspective. ...

Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition), 2005
diac events during 6-month follow-up were recorded. Results. Of the 911 discharged patients, 45 (... more diac events during 6-month follow-up were recorded. Results. Of the 911 discharged patients, 45 (5.3%) were admitted during follow-up: 9 (1.1%) underwent revascularization, 5 (0.6%) had a myocardial infarction (MI), and 2 (0.2%) died from cardiovascular disease. Patients with a high TRS had a significantly higher risk of reaching the composite endpoint of death, MI, or revascularization (relative risk per unit of TRS increase, 3.63; 95% CI, 2.20-6.00; P<.001). Of the patients who were initially admitted, 22 (6.4%) underwent revascularization, 4 (1.2%) had an MI, and 14 died (4.1%) from cardiovascular disease during follow-up. The relative risk of the composite endpoint per unit of TRS increase was 1.72 (95% CI, 1.32-2.24; P<.001). Conclusions. The TIMI risk score is useful for stratifying cardiovascular event risk in non-selected patients with chest pain. The score can identify high-risk patients
Revista Española de Cardiología, 2013

Medicina Clínica, 2014
Previous studies have shown that the metabolism of P2Y12 receptor blockers is influenced not only... more Previous studies have shown that the metabolism of P2Y12 receptor blockers is influenced not only by CYP2C19 2 but also by PON1-Q192R alelles. We aimed to evaluate the impact of CYP2C19 2 and PON1-Q192R polymorphisms carriage in platelet reactivity and clinical outcome in patients with ischemic heart disease undergoing cardiac catheterization. We recruited prospectively patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing cardiac catheterization (n=247). We evaluated the genotype (CYP2C19 2, CYP2C19 17, PON1-Q192R) with TaqMan(®) assay and platelet aggregometry in all patients. We assessed both in and out-of-hospital events (unstable angina, periprocedural and spontaneous myocardial infarction, myocardial infarction, all-cause death, stent thrombosis and stroke) during follow-up. Carriers of CYP2C19 2 alleles showed a significant higher residual platelet reactivity (PRU, mean [SD], 252 [76] vs. 287 [74], P=.002). Carriers of PON1-Q192R CT(RQ) and TT(QQ) alleles and CYP2C19 17 did not present a different response to clopidogrel. In a multivariable setting for the prediction of platelet reactivity, the contribution of CYP2C19 2 was modest (Wald=7.5; odds ratio [OR] for ≥ 1 alelle 2=2,786, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1,337-5,808). Independent predictors were baseline hemoglobin levels (g/dL, OR .666, 95% CI .555-.801) and the use of statins (OR .376, 95% CI .162-.873). Body mass index was a risk factor (OR 1,074, CI 95% 1,005-1,148). Studied polymorphisms did not predict an adverse outcome. CYP2C19 2 polymorphism influenced moderately platelet reactivity but did not show an impact on clinical outcome in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Neither CYP2C19 17 nor PON1-Q192R polymorphisms showed an impact upon platelet reactivity or outcome.
American Heart Journal, 1971
American Heart Journal, 1991
RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. Bookm... more RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. Bookmark and Share. Découvrir / Discover. Refdoc. EXPORT. Mendeley to Mendeley. EndNote to EndNote. INIST Diffusion. 2, Allée du ...
Papers by manuel villegas